[Boumsong] 拒絕轉會,決意在 JUVE 證明自己。

看板Juventus作者 (不器用。)時間17年前 (2007/07/29 20:20), 編輯推噓13(1306)
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http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/jul29f.html Boumsong's Newcastle comeback Sunday 29 July, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jean-Alain Boumsong is determined to make his mark at Juventus as he prepares to face former club Newcastle United this afternoon. “Since childhood and Michel Platini played for Juve, I was in love with the Bianconeri. They were always a dream for me. I've played in France, Scotland and England, but my objective was Juve.” Boumsong 說:「打從我小時候 Michel Platini 為 JUVE 效力時, 我就愛上了 JUVE,他們始終是我的夢想, 我在法國、蘇格蘭、英格蘭踢過球,不過我的目標曾是 JUVE。」 He had a rough time at St James Park from 2004 to 2006, but insists he is improving in Italy. 2004到2006年期間他在 Newcastle 表現差勁,但是他堅持自己在義大利有所改進。 “One never stops learning. I need to do better physically and perhaps in terms of concentration. I have to find the right tactical unity with my new teammates, but that is true of everyone at the moment.” 「人永遠不會停止學習,我需要在體能上還有或許是專注力方面做得更好, 我必須找到跟新隊友在戰術上合適的一致性,但是此刻我們所有人都是如此。」 (不是『或許』!就是專注力還有或許是專注力跟專注力以及專注力方面要加強!) The Frenchman had a shaky start to his Italian career with some defensive howlers, but is now fighting off bids from Besiktas, Bordeaux and Valencia. 剛來義大利馬上表演出包秀,不過現在推掉了諸多邀約。 “It's very simple, I refused moves because I want to stay with Juve. As far as I am concerned, they are the greatest club in the world and I have no reason to leave,” he said. 「這非常簡單,我拒絕轉會是因為我想留在 JUVE, 就我的看法,他們是世界上最偉大的球會,我沒有理由離開。」 “When I made the choice to come to Turin with the team in Serie B last summer, I surprised everyone. Many friends and teammates asked how I, an international, could accept playing in the Italian second division. It wasn't a tough choice for me, I had no doubts.” 「去年夏天當我選擇在球隊要踢義乙時來到都靈,我讓所有人嚇了一跳, 許多朋友與隊友都問我,我身為一名國腳,怎麼能接受在義大利次級聯賽效力, 對我來說這個選擇並不難,我毫無疑慮。」 (我也嚇了一跳…) Whether or not it is a wise decision remains to be seen, as there has been a massive influx of defenders since Claudio Ranieri took over, with Gabriel Heinze reportedly also on the way. 這是否是明智之舉還有待觀察,因為自 Ranieri 接掌後有許多後衛加盟, Heinze 據報導也在路上了。 “The directors know that there's no point offering me other clubs. My place is here, even if I am aware there will be a lot of competition for places. I want to stay and work hard to give my best and earn a place in the squad,” he told ‘Tuttosport.’ Boumsong 告訴《Tuttosport》:「董事們知道提供其他球會給我沒意義, 我的位置就在這裡,儘管我也瞭解其中將會有許多競爭, 我想留下來努力付出一切,贏得在陣容中的一席之地。」 “I don't know if Ranieri knows me well, but I am convinced one has to earn chances in life, especially when playing for Juve. So every day I'll try to prove my worth on the field and hope to extend my contract past the current 2010 expiry date.” 「我不知道 Ranieri 是否充分瞭解我,不過我相信生命中的機會是掙來的, 尤其是為 JUVE 效力的時候,所以每一天我都嘗試在賽場上證明自己的價值, 也希望現有在2010年到期的合約能夠延長。」 -- http://www.myp2p.eu/Matches/Match3.htm 今天 Boumsong 挑戰老東家的比賽聽說有播,請提前準備好相關軟體, 比賽時間義英時差一小時,所以我也不知道是十點還是十一點。 Boumsong,請在專注力還有或許是專注力跟專注力以及專注力方面加油… -- 先開槍 繼續開槍. 直到所有人都死光了再開始問問題. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/29 20:25, , 1F
07/29 20:25, 1F

07/29 20:25, , 2F
與此同時Georgio Chiellini要來英超了。( ̄□ ̄|||)
07/29 20:25, 2F

07/29 20:32, , 3F
07/29 20:32, 3F

07/29 20:33, , 4F
07/29 20:33, 4F

07/29 20:49, , 5F
加盟手機人部隊 @@?
07/29 20:49, 5F

07/29 21:09, , 6F
( ̄□ ̄|||)
07/29 21:09, 6F

07/29 21:09, , 7F
07/29 21:09, 7F

07/29 22:05, , 8F
笨松變成不唱歌了 XD 待會比賽要來離這篇嗎?
07/29 22:05, 8F

07/29 22:12, , 9F
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07/29 22:12, , 10F
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07/29 22:16, , 11F
07/29 22:16, 11F

07/29 22:26, , 12F
07/29 22:26, 12F
※ 編輯: Okuthor 來自: (07/29 22:42)

07/29 22:46, , 13F
07/29 22:46, 13F

07/30 00:05, , 14F
逼 逼逼吸啊。( ̄﹏ ̄|||) 700萬英鎊喲(好貴)
07/30 00:05, 14F

07/30 00:22, , 15F
07/30 00:22, 15F

07/30 13:39, , 16F
10.5m 買 Chiellini 嗎?能不能賣我們 0rz 感覺太便宜了
07/30 13:39, 16F

07/30 14:32, , 17F
07/30 14:32, 17F

07/30 14:33, , 18F
07/30 14:33, 18F

07/30 14:34, , 19F
07/30 14:34, 19F
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