[義乙] Juventus - Mantova 賽前訪談與大名單

看板Juventus作者 (不器用。)時間17年前 (2007/05/26 01:41), 編輯推噓14(1404)
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http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/may25h.html Deschamps dices with doubt Friday 25 May, 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Didier Deschamps has refused to commit himself to Juventus. “I don't know what will happen,” he said. “There are no certainties in sport…” Deschamps 拒絕表態留隊:「我不知道會發生什麼事,體育界沒有必然的事。」 “I met with general director Jean-Claude Blanc where we spoke and we will meet again over the next days,” said Deschamps on Friday. 「我跟總經理 Jean-Claude Blanc 會面過了,過幾天還會再談。」 The tactician was reportedly offered a new deal until 2009 by Blanc, but DD is refusing to confirm or deny that whisper. 據報導,Blanc 給他一紙延長到2009年的新合同,DD不置可否。 “Will I extend my contract? I don't want to discuss the details, “ he said. “But I am not worried, we spoke as people do in any other club. 「我會否續約?我不想討論這種細節, 但是我並不擔心,我們的會談就像任何球會進行的那樣。」 “I don't know what will happen, but I am sure that things will be easier in July compared to last year, when everyone wanted to leave. 「我不知道會發生什麼事,不過我確信比起去年,當時大家都想走, 今年到了六月事情會容易許多。」 “Now I think we need the champions to stay and we need some new signings as well, although I will obviously accept the club's decisions. 「現在我認為我們需要留住冠軍球員,也需要一些增援, 雖然我顯然將接受球會的決定。」 (引援都給你決定的話怎麼制衡並進,搞三權分立的孟德斯鳩可是你們法國人耶!) “Last summer I decided to come here because I thought I owed something to this outfit. I would like to stay in Serie A as well, but there are no certainties in the world of sport.” 「昨夏我決定前來是因為我認為自己對這隻球隊有所虧欠, 我也想要留在義甲,但是在體育的世界裡沒有必然的事。」 Juventus face Mantova on Saturday and Deschamps will field his strongest side even though promotion has already been secured. 儘管已經確定升級,DD仍會排出最強陣容面對 Mantova。 “We lost against them in our meeting earlier this season, That was one of our worst performances of the campaign. 「上一次交手我們輸了,那是本季我們最糟糕的表現之一。」 “They need points for the play-offs, but we want to win in front of our supporters. 「他們需要積分好打進附加賽,但是我們想在自家球迷面前取勝。」 “I will field my best side out of respect for our opponents and because we don't want anyone to say that we want to favour one team rather than another.” 「我將會排出最強陣容以示尊重, 因為我們不想讓任何人說我們寧願給這隻球隊好處而不是給另一隻。」 Juventus (probable): Buffon; Zebina, Legrottaglie, Chiellini, Balzaretti; Marchionni, Zanetti, Marchisio, Nedved; Trezeguet, Del Piero -- 1 Buffon 2 Birindelli 3 Chiellini 6 Zanetti 9 Bojinov 10 Del Piero 11 Nedved 12 Mirante 14 Balzaretti 15 Marchisio 17 Trezeguet 18 Boumsong 20 Palladino 25 Zalayeta 27 Zebina 29 De Ceglie 30 Legrottaglie 32 Marchionni 43 Giovinco -- 官網訪談只有義文版,主要還是在談這場比賽的備戰, 不過確定升級後這種內容比較難吸引目光,所以 Channel4 版本變這樣也不意外。 最近轉會傳聞也不少,只是我懶得貼,因為感覺上都是拿來佔版面騙稿費的, 值得關注的是 Deschamps 在此刻不願正面表態的說詞, 加上 Lyon 主教練 Houllier 稍早確定走人,回顧3147篇,說不定有什麼文章。 主教練傳聞最妙的是西班牙媒體說 Capello 有可能回鍋, 不過基於該家報紙的立場,隨便聽聽就好,畢竟都靈一堆人都還在肚爛他; 另,Moggi 出來閒話家常時說 Walter Novellino 可能是接任人選, 但是他認為 Deschamps 不會離開,所以 Novellino 最後應該會去帶 Napoli; Novellino 在 Capello 來之前跟走之後都被傳過, 要離開 Sampdoria 的消息最近也越演越烈,不無可能。 -- 我的體質容易招引離題,住在一個地方的話,那裡就會變成離題的巢穴。 《離題師》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Okuthor 來自: (05/26 01:41)

05/26 02:17, , 1F
05/26 02:17, 1F

05/26 09:04, , 2F
05/26 09:04, 2F

05/26 09:24, , 3F
05/26 09:24, 3F

05/26 09:24, , 4F
05/26 09:24, 4F

05/26 11:31, , 5F
哦~! 來試試看........
05/26 11:31, 5F

05/26 11:31, , 6F
不知道為什麼 最近連大陸有夠慢的.....
05/26 11:31, 6F

05/26 11:32, , 7F
我不喜歡Capello - -a
05/26 11:32, 7F

05/26 13:40, , 8F
05/26 13:40, 8F

05/26 16:00, , 9F
05/26 16:00, 9F

05/26 16:44, , 10F
說到莫吉 還蠻好奇他最近在做啥XD
05/26 16:44, 10F

05/26 17:23, , 11F
05/26 17:23, 11F

05/26 18:11, , 12F
05/26 18:11, 12F

05/26 18:41, , 13F
從來沒喜歡過Cappello= =
05/26 18:41, 13F

05/26 21:17, , 14F
05/26 21:17, 14F

05/26 21:20, , 15F
也不喜歡帽子。 XD          (提示:義文)
05/26 21:20, 15F

05/26 21:57, , 16F
05/26 21:57, 16F

05/26 23:40, , 17F
好個孟德斯鳩是法國人 XD
05/26 23:40, 17F

05/27 03:20, , 18F
05/27 03:20, 18F
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