[新聞] JUVE加入Parma中場Marchionni爭奪戰

看板Juventus作者 (男人靠腰足球更靠腰。)時間18年前 (2005/12/31 21:33), 編輯推噓2(200)
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義甲冬季紅人不遜昔日吉拉 "最快邊鋒"引尤文國米爭奪 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年12月31日13:02 新浪體育 新浪體育訊 帕爾馬無愧是“球星工廠”,上賽季他們的當家射手吉拉迪諾引起了歐洲範圍內 的爭奪,最後被做了一個賽季鋪墊的AC米蘭成功招攬麾下,本賽季,帕爾馬仍然 有這樣的“紅人”,他就是曾經被烏利維埃裏稱為“義大利最快的邊鋒”的馬爾 基奧尼。 帕爾馬這個賽季註定為保級而戰,馬爾基奧尼和帕爾馬的合同將在明年夏天到期, 他遲遲不與俱樂部續約,也是在擔心帕爾馬降級,事實上,在馬爾基奧尼的背後, 不愁大俱樂部拋出橄欖枝。 25歲的馬爾基奧尼目前已經收到了來自多家俱樂部的邀請,首先是來自佛羅倫斯, 他的恩師普蘭德利的召喚,佛羅倫斯的單前鋒陣型需要馬爾基奧尼這樣一位出色 的右邊鋒來支持托尼;其次是巴勒莫,接著是國際米蘭--馬爾基奧尼上賽季在 梅阿查對國際米蘭的比賽中曾經打進漂亮一球,最新的消息是,尤文圖斯也向他 發出了邀請,儘管外界風傳尤文圖斯與Mediaset簽下2億1800萬歐元的巨額合同 之後,有可能向華金動手,但畢竟後者身價太高,而馬爾基奧尼在義甲征戰多年, 又是免費,對於一向精打細算的莫吉來說,兩者之間“性價比”的差距無疑是巨 大的。 對於馬爾基奧尼,帕爾馬俱樂部已經沒有了留住他的信心,日前,帕爾馬俱樂部 主席安吉利奧尼談及了兩位“轉會紅人榜”上人物,他首先表示有信心留住辛普 利西奧,「他會留下來,這一點,我可以在這裏保證,」接著,對於馬爾基奧尼, 他承認,「我們已經做盡了工作,是否留下來,將取決於他本人。」 安吉利奧尼接著說:「我們已經向他表明,如果他離去的話,我們會非常非常遺 憾,我們將盡一切可能留住他,但是我不能保證,好在現在距離他合同到期還有 半年的時間。」 儘管如此,1月1日開始之後,馬爾基奧尼就可以接受任何俱樂部的邀請了,其 實對於尤文圖斯和國際米蘭來說,巴勒莫和佛羅倫斯是真正有競爭力的,因為從 過去來看,在這樣的小筆轉會上,中型俱樂部往往比大俱樂部更加雷厲風行,而 相對比較穩定的佛羅倫斯,目前近況糟糕的巴勒莫就更加急迫了。 (沈飛) --- http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/dec29g.html Giants in Marchionni chase Thursday 29 December, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juventus, Inter and Fiorentina are set to go head to head in the transfer market for Parma winger Marco Marchionni and Ternana's Luis Jimenez. The wide midfielder's contract expires at the end of this season and the free agent will be a tempting prospect for any of the big clubs. Although he was out of action for almost seven months with a knee ligament injury, the 25-year-old has been one of the Gialloblu's best players so far this term. However, he has repeatedly hinted that a renewal is not on the cards, so he can begin official negotiations with interested parties in January. Inter and Juventus are the main contenders for Marchionni's signature, though there is an intriguing proposition from Fiorentina. Marchionni would be able to reunite with his former Parma boss Cesare Prandelli at the Stadio Artemio Franchi and it's well know the Viola are looking for a wide midfielder during the transfer window. He is an Italian international with two caps under his belt, having made his debut during the 3-1 defeat in Poland on November 12, 2003. Marchionni first achieved notoriety with Empoli before joining Parma in 2001. Meanwhile, Fiorentina seem to have wrapped up the capture of Ternana's 21-year-old Chilean creative midfielder Luis Antonio Garces Jimenez – a former target for Juve, Inter, Roma and Lazio. “There is a difference of £345,000 between offer and demand,” explained agent Rocco Dozzini on Lady Radio this afternoon. “The two parties have come closer together over the past few days, but there are a few details to work out before we can make the move official. Jimenez would consider Fiorentina to be a very important career step.” ---   Marchionni印象中是主打右路兼打左路,其實我覺得 JUVE不太需要,   不過我肯定他夠格做一個稱職的替補,相較之下 Inter比較需要,   VDM賣了,Figo有年紀,在Stankovic之後,似乎沒有可打邊鋒的人選,   如果不考量薪資,去 Fiorentina找舊主 Prandelli也不錯。   Jimenez我不熟,是之前玩 CM幫 Fiorentina升甲時偶然買過的球員,   我沒印象 JUVE對這智利小孩有過興趣,不過他在 CM裡是個有潛質的 AM RLC,   沒想到現實生活中的 Fiorentina也想買他了~哈哈~   Marchionni如果搶到,Olivera跟 Kapo的前景堪慮,   不過也有可能是轉手能賺最多錢的 Mutu被搞去別隊就是了… -- 脾氣大的女人,皮膚敏感, 每回以手指碰到,就變得像戰場一樣。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/01 15:09, , 1F
性價比?! Cost/Performance ratio?
01/01 15:09, 1F

01/02 00:04, , 2F
01/02 00:04, 2F
※ 編輯: Okuthor 來自: (01/17 21:53)
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