[情報] 蔡依林國際歌友會公告 - VIP贈品相關

看板Jolin作者 (萬華孫悟空)時間5年前 (2019/05/01 15:16), 編輯推噓5(5013)
留言18則, 17人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
原文出處: https://www.facebook.com/jfcinfo/photos/a.2620082618016823/ 2877738872251195/?type=3&theater ↑請自行合在一起 XDDD ================================================ 發文時間:2019/4/26 親愛的蔡依林國際歌友會 VIP會員們好: 感謝耐心久候,本會原定5月底將寄出本年度會員招收相關會員贈品, 惟由追求高品質的初衷不變及會員人數超越預期, 我們更應嚴格把關任何一項贈品生產及製作。 依現階段進度,寄送時程必須要延後,還望歌迷朋友能夠諒解! 確切寄送時間我們也將依實際情況、後續公告告知, 若有任何問題歡迎隨時提出、私訊,我們都將盡快回覆! 再次感謝大家的支持及久候! Dear JFC VIP members, First of all, we would like to thank you for your patience. JFC sincerely apologize to you for the delay in delivery of the membership gifts which originally scheduled to be dispatched end of May. Due to go for the top quality in the manufacturing, and we are also flooded with a large number of unexpected joined members and all these have led to the delay. We are in touch with the manufacturer to guarantee the quality and doing our utmost to ensure as little as a delay as possible. Please expect us any time after this announcement. Should you have any questions regarding the membership, please do not hesitate to drop us a note for further assistance. Once again thank you for your patience. - VIP會員名單:https://bit.ly/2Zy4xxL ================================================= 本文僅為轉發,避免粉絲團文章洗到看不到 XDDD 如有任何不清或需協助之處 請版友自行與歌友會聯繫 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jolin/M.1556695017.A.B90.html

10/12 12:17, 4年前 , 1F
求票/0104/三張/3200,3600 拜託了
10/12 12:17, 1F

10/12 12:26, 4年前 , 2F
10/12 12:26, 2F

10/12 12:26, 4年前 , 3F
10/12 12:26, 3F

10/12 12:28, 4年前 , 4F
求票 1/4的3張 1.2樓的都可以 站內信詳談 拜託了謝謝!!
10/12 12:28, 4F

10/12 14:05, 4年前 , 5F
求票/1月4日/3/任意/拜託 謝謝
10/12 14:05, 5F

10/12 14:05, 4年前 , 6F
10/12 14:05, 6F

10/12 14:06, 4年前 , 7F
10/12 14:06, 7F

10/12 14:15, 4年前 , 8F
10/12 14:15, 8F

10/12 14:16, 4年前 , 9F
10/12 14:16, 9F

10/12 14:16, 4年前 , 10F
10/12 14:16, 10F

10/12 14:21, 4年前 , 11F
10/12 14:21, 11F

10/12 14:23, 4年前 , 12F
10/12 14:23, 12F

10/12 14:31, 4年前 , 13F
10/12 14:31, 13F

10/12 14:37, 4年前 , 14F
10/12 14:37, 14F

10/12 14:37, 4年前 , 15F
求票/任一天/2連號/票價不限 拜託拜託!!!
10/12 14:37, 15F

10/12 14:38, 4年前 , 16F
10/12 14:38, 16F

10/14 00:05, 4年前 , 17F
10/14 00:05, 17F

10/14 10:39, 4年前 , 18F
10/14 10:39, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1SoKVfkG (Jolin)