[外絮] Jeremy Lin trade failure still haunts

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (NYSleepless)時間9年前 (2015/03/01 03:25), 編輯推噓25(25034)
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Jeremy Lin trade failure still haunts Rockets: Dumb disrespect fuels Daryl Morey's trade deadline bungling http://0rz.tw/MMmgt By Chris Baldwin 2.20.15 Lin交易失敗仍然中邪般的困擾著火箭隊:點出愚蠢無禮的Morey在交易截止日的失敗 Goran Dragic jets off to Miami to live the South Beach life, grinning all the way. Daryl Morey keeps trading by reflex, knowing his sycophants and fanboys in the Houston media will praise any move. 開懷的Dragic飛往邁阿密海灘享受人生。Morey卻如反射神經般的不斷地交易,他知 道那些阿諛奉承者的休媒無論如何都會稱讚他任何作為。 And the Houston Rockets remain stuck in the muck of their own making, as far from an NBA championship as ever. 火箭隊仍然陷入自己拉的狗屎之中,依舊只能是遙望著NBA的總冠軍。 It did not have to be like this. The Rockets did not need to see Oklahoma City pass by them in title potential with some shrewd moves, just days after Russell Westbrook stole the All-Star Game MVPfrom James Harden and those analytics believers that Charles Barkley so despises. They did not need to stagger from this NBA trade deadline as offensively challenged — and completely and utterly James Harden dependent — as ever. 原本不該是這樣的。火箭隊並不應該在Westbrook從Harden及那些Barkley所藐視的 “數據大師“手上摸走了明星賽MVP的幾天後,看到雷霆隊的一些精明的交易,而成為 更接近冠軍候補的球隊。他們並不需要從這些NBA交易大限之前堆疊戰力,而反在進 攻上搞得完全的更加依賴Harden。 In many ways, these Rockets are still being haunted by the dumb dump trade Morey made over the summer. Jettisoning Jeremy Lin is the move that's helped hold Morey's so-called masterpiece back. 在許多方面,這些夏季的蠢事仍舊困擾著火箭,甩掉Lin是幫助Morey保有操作的空 間。 The fact that Lin's been completely misused this season by the one coach in the NBA who is more clueless than Kevin McHale cannot change one simple truth. This Rockets team would be much better off if it had the type of scoring, playmaking, ability to get to the rim and improved 3-point shooting that Lin provides to go along with Harden's undeniable brilliance. 事實上,Lin這賽季被一個比McHale更無能的教練完全的誤用並不能改變一個簡單的 事實。火箭隊會更好,如果它有一個能得分,組織進攻,有能力切入籃下的類型, 以及較強的3分球命中率的Lin能讓Harden更如虎添翼。 Landing the defensive-gifted K.J. McDaniels, who figures to struggle to find consistent minutes under McHale, and 37-year-old Knicks reject Pablo Prigioni at the deadline changes nothing of significance for the Rockets. It certainly doesn't erase Morey's summer blunders. 在大限前拿到有天份的防守專家,而卻仍舊在McHale下面掙扎的尋找穩定的上場時 間的McDaniels,和被尼克丟掉的37歲的Prigioni,對火箭來說並沒有改變任何意義 。而這些當然不會抹去Morey去年夏季的誤失。 Letting Chandler Parsons go after everything else fell apart remains dumb, but somewhat defensible. But giving away Lin is the "Kick Me" sign that only the foaming craziness of the Lin Haters shields Morey from. 在這一切亂搞之下,讓Parsons離去,某些程度來說還說的過去。但這個把Lin送走 的作為如同在自己背後貼上“來踢我阿”的舉措,也唯有這些林黑才會瘋狂的掩護著 Morey。 At the time, the Lin dump got spun as a move that the Rockets needed to do to clear maximum cap space for Chris Bosh. In reality, Morey backed the Rockets into a corner when he childishly completely disrespected Lin by putting his No. 7 jersey on Carmelo Anthony in that ridiculously inept recruiting campaign. Once the Rockets general manager did that, there was no way he could bring Jeremy Lin back. 當時,火箭隊為了Bosh,需要清出最大的薪金空間而把Lin扔掉的舉動。實際上, Morey就把火箭隊陷入了困境,當他幼稚地完全不尊重Lin,將他的7號球衣套在 Anthony上面這個可笑的招募行動。一旦他這麼做,他完全沒有辦法可以再把Lin找 回來。 And every team in the league knew it. Morey forced himself into making a bad trade — and Houston's still paying for it. Even if Leslie Alexander is not. 而每一支聯盟的球隊都知道。Morey逼著自己弄了一個糟糕的交易 - 而休士頓仍然要 為它付出代價。即使Alexander並沒有付出(Lin的費用)。 The Rockets did not just lose Lin either. The organization's clearly lost credibility with big-time players. 火箭不只是失去Lin。這個組織明顯的失去了對大牌球員公信力。 Dragic shows no interest in a Rockets return after Chris Bosh shows no real interest in the Rockets (outside of using them as pre-blood clot leverage with Miami) after Kyle Lowry shows absolutely no interest in a Rockets reunion. Good players are running from an organization that shown's little respect for anyone not named Harden or Howard on its own roster. Who's surprised by that? 在Bosh顯示對加盟火箭沒有真正感到興趣以及Lowry完全沒有意願與火箭重逢, Dragic對重返火箭更是完全不感興趣。優秀的球員根本都想躲開這個只會尊重禮遇 Harden或是Howard的球隊。誰會覺得驚訝呢? This isn't a Houston city problem. Morey's right when he calls Houston one of the top destination cities in the NBA. No, this is a Morey people problem. 這不是休城的問題。當他稱休城是NBA的首選之地,Morey是對的。不,這是Morey人 的問題。 Let's just say that new University of Houston coach Tom Herman will not be calling on Daryl Morey for tips on how to close in living rooms anytime soon. 可以這麼說吧,新任休大教練Herman將不會打電話給Morey問如何跟員工搏感情的小 秘訣。 This Rockets regime did not just alienate Jeremy Lin. It clearly alienated Dragic and Lowry before him as well. Even players who have no use for Lin cannot help but notice when a franchise disrespects its own guys. 這個火箭政權不只是裱了Lin。它在Lin之前也清楚地裱了Dragic跟Lowry。即使是其 他的球員也都不禁注意到,這個如何不尊重自己人的球團。 Sad Jeremy Lin Fallout 悲傷Lin的墜落 The sad thing is that everyone loses in this situation. Harden is left shouldering an untenable burden, forced to push a bigger and bigger rock up the hill. The Beard deserves everything he's gotten this season — the league MVP talk, the Sports Illustrated cover, the praise from people who used to crucify him. But he's in a no-win playoff situation. 可悲的是,這是一個全輸的局面。這留給Harden背負不了的重擔,逼著他推著越來越 大的石頭上山。在這賽季鬍子得到他該得的 - 季賽MVP的討論,運動畫刊封面人物, 以及一度想把他釘上十字架的人一致好評。不過,他仍舊處在季後賽一勝難得的局面 。 Even Michael Jordan needed a little help before he could enjoy any type of postseason run. 就連Jordan都需要一些幫助,才可以享受任何種季後賽的進展。 Then there's Jeremy Lin . . . stuck on a horrific team that has no interest in winning this season, playing for a coach who seems determined to show management there's no talent on his roster and it's absolutely not even one percent his fault. Once Steve Nash bowed out and the Lakers gave up any thought of competing, Lin never had a chance. 然而這裡有Lin。 。 。陷在一個在本賽季只想坦的恐怖球隊,為了一個只想對管理 階層展示這是一個沒有天賦的球隊教練來打球,這絕對連百分之一都不是他的錯。在 Nash退出與湖人放棄想要競爭的任何想法之後,Lin就再也沒有任何的機會了。 When you treat players like nothing but disposable numbers, they leap to find their numbers elsewhere. 當你這樣的對待球員當做是可拋式的數字(數據),球員則會跳到找到自己的數字(價 碼)的地方。 When it comes to Morey, the picture's not all that much brighter. The Rockets GM is left making minor tweaks when he's not sending tweets that the average college sophomore would roll his eyes at while stuck on an airplane. Morey is on a fast track toward becoming the Billy Beane of basketball, building regular season success stories that turn into consistent playoff bombs. 當涉及到Morey,這情景就不在是那麼明亮了。火箭隊總經理只留下微調的空間,當 他不推特時,他就像是一般大二生被困在飛機上只能搖頭晃腦。Morey正迅速的朝著 成為籃球界的Billy Beane,建構了季賽贏家季後亡者的案例。 For all the mad praise heaped on them this season, the Rockets head out of the All-Star break in fourth place in the West, the same exact spot they finished in last season. How certain are you that Harden and his help would win a four-five series against the likes of the LA Clippers? 本賽季對於所有瘋狂的堆加在他們身上的讚美,在明星賽休賽期中火箭隊在西區, 就跟他們在上個賽季結束時一樣仍排在第四名。你會多肯定,Harden和他的囉嘍們 在四五種子的系列戰會贏得對像快艇這種球隊? That's arguably a worse matchup than Portland last spring — and Houston needed Jeremy Lin to absolutely rescue them in one of their two playoff wins against the Blazers (see his 21 points off the bench in Game 5) and set up the winning three in the other with a near Larry Bird level play. Now, coming out of the deadline, the Rockets are still almost completely dependent on an exposed Patrick Beverley at point guard. 這可以說是一個比在去年春天對上拓荒者更壞的對決組合 - 而休士頓絕對需要Lin 來拯救他們,像是那兩場對拓荒者季後賽勝利(看他替補出場的第5戰的21分),並 啟動其他人如同大鳥博德水準般的勝利三分球的表現。現在,在大限之後,火箭隊 仍然幾乎完全依賴在控衛這個位置上被看破手腳的Beverley。 James Harden deserves some credit for recognizing the Rockets had something in Lin even as Morey and McHale refused to do so. Harden's gone out of his way to praise Lin this season. These two always largely got along, as shown by their recent teaming up on a Chinese New Year ad for the NBA. 在認可Lin在火箭隊的作用上,Harden還是該被稱讚的,即使是Morey與McHale還是 拒絕這樣做。本賽季Harden用他的方式來讚美林。大體上這兩個還算處的來,而且 他倆還在今年NBA農曆新年廣告聯手演出。 This bad summer dump continues to hover over these Rockets like a cloud, no matter how much the professional and amateur Lin Haters alike cry otherwise. That last chance at a feel-good ending sure looks long gone. 這個夏天糟糕的清倉的動作繼續地如烏雲般的籠罩著火箭,無論專業和業餘的林黑 如何靠北。能在結局時開懷的最後的機會早已不復存在。 It's lounging in South Beach, feet up and back turned. 它正在南海灘優閒著,翹著腳躺著。 ========================================================================= 上星期的舊聞,這兩天才有空翻完,照舊還是Chris Baldwin這個好朋友,這篇雖然 主要講的是火箭與林,但也稍微痛樵了湖人...照例,請勿轉載 ========================================================================= 同意派版大的看法跟呼籲,推文請針對文章內容討論 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1425151506.A.74A.html

03/01 03:41, , 1F
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03/01 03:52, , 7F
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03/01 03:53, , 8F
剛沒跟到,後面推文有在討論它版事務跟版友嗎= =?
03/01 03:53, 8F

03/01 03:53, , 9F
03/01 03:53, 9F

03/01 04:21, , 10F
03/01 04:21, 10F

03/01 07:09, , 11F
是純火箭東西 看看也錯啦
03/01 07:09, 11F

03/01 08:18, , 12F
推 感謝翻譯
03/01 08:18, 12F

03/01 09:09, , 13F
之前的後面有點變爆願文 有提及他板事務 板友 請各
03/01 09:09, 13F

03/01 09:10, , 14F
位板友注意一下討論文章內容 以免被拿去做文章
03/01 09:10, 14F

03/01 09:11, , 15F
03/01 09:11, 15F

03/01 09:14, , 16F
因為後來推文有點違反組務的宣導 可能會被檢舉 才刪
03/01 09:14, 16F

03/01 09:16, , 17F
文 請kevin2大重PO 因為沒辦法刪推文 請大家注意瞜
03/01 09:16, 17F

03/01 09:36, , 18F
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03/01 10:28, , 21F
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03/01 10:39, , 22F
火*再怎樣也不會承認的 謝謝翻譯
03/01 10:39, 22F

03/01 11:15, , 23F
03/01 11:15, 23F

03/01 11:16, , 24F
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03/01 11:17, , 27F
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03/01 12:52, , 28F
03/01 12:52, 28F

03/01 12:53, , 29F
穩的評論,結果就這樣被變相刪除了 冏
03/01 12:53, 29F

03/01 12:53, , 30F
03/01 12:53, 30F

03/01 12:54, , 31F
03/01 12:54, 31F

03/01 12:55, , 32F
03/01 12:55, 32F

03/01 12:57, , 33F
他版事務可以不要再提了嗎 刪一次了還要再來?
03/01 12:57, 33F

03/01 12:59, , 34F
是別人提不是我提喔, 我純粹就文章討論而已
03/01 12:59, 34F

03/01 12:59, , 35F
03/01 12:59, 35F

03/01 13:01, , 36F
那就到此停了 或是到總版 這邊被一群墨西哥人檢舉
03/01 13:01, 36F

03/01 13:01, , 37F
03/01 13:01, 37F

03/01 13:02, , 38F
03/01 13:02, 38F

03/01 13:02, , 39F
不能討論那這篇文章根本沒必要PO 沒事找事?
03/01 13:02, 39F

03/01 13:05, , 40F
覺得會檢舉的還是會檢舉 而不是怕被檢舉限制自我
03/01 13:05, 40F

03/01 13:07, , 41F
覺得盡量少PO X隊相關文章較好 過去式沒啥討論價值
03/01 13:07, 41F

03/01 13:07, , 42F
現在湖媒新聞不PO 去PO休媒的 順便PO一下紐媒的算了
03/01 13:07, 42F

03/01 13:08, , 43F
往前看阿~~ 捧油!!
03/01 13:08, 43F

03/01 13:08, , 44F
P版管版決定刪絕對支持 但不要再來一次
03/01 13:08, 44F

03/01 13:11, , 45F
看到g大的四平八穩發言不認同而發言 間接導致刪文
03/01 13:11, 45F

03/01 13:12, , 46F
03/01 13:12, 46F

03/01 13:12, , 47F
03/01 13:12, 47F

03/01 13:12, , 48F
所以拜託不要再來一次 對待合不合理之類的東西
03/01 13:12, 48F

03/01 13:13, , 49F
03/01 13:13, 49F

03/01 13:14, , 50F
所以說囉! 有些討論是沒必要的
03/01 13:14, 50F

03/01 13:17, , 51F
很感謝原po願意翻譯長文 但這篇主軸是在批前隊和gm
03/01 13:17, 51F

03/01 13:17, , 52F
的決策不在林 討論有點沒意義 個人感覺 sorry
03/01 13:17, 52F

03/01 13:21, , 53F
03/01 13:21, 53F

03/01 13:22, , 54F
不要讓墨西哥人不開心 ^.<
03/01 13:22, 54F

03/01 22:01, , 55F
火箭丟掉0是不錯的覺定 已結果論來看
03/01 22:01, 55F

03/01 22:27, , 56F
不能打Lin or 林嗎?
03/01 22:27, 56F

03/02 11:36, , 57F
我覺得火箭的去年的操作並沒有這篇說的這麼差吧 不
03/02 11:36, 57F

03/02 11:36, , 58F
03/02 11:36, 58F

03/02 23:21, , 59F
03/02 23:21, 59F
文章代碼(AID): #1KyXOITA (Jeremy_Lin)