[外絮] 新的一年林需要一些好運

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原文網址 http://ppt.cc/jir2 Los Angeles Lakers – Jeremy Lin Needs Some Luck in the New Year ---------- 新的一年林需要一些好運 Was it a good year for Jeremy Lin? Debatable. He got out of Houston, but landed with the Los Angeles Lakers, playing next to Kobe Bryant and under a terrible head coach in Byron Scott. In 2015, his contract will run out. He’s in a tough spot career-wise and beyond his talent which doesn’t always show through bad roles and limited playing time, and a little bit of luck can take him a long way. ---------- 去年對林來說是好的一年嗎?很難說。他離開休士頓,卻降落到洛杉磯湖人隊,在Kobe Bryant身邊以及在糟糕的總教練Byron Scott執教下打球。2015年,他的合約將要結束。 論事業,他在一個困難點上,他的天賦總是無法在不好的角色以及受限的上場時間下展現 出來,也許一點點好運能帶著他走得長久。 ---------- What is this luck? It’s never been defined, and never will be. It’s things that are going to happen that might not be possible to explain. But in his current situation, unless Lin stops having bad shooting nights and all of a sudden convinces (what should be perfectly clear to everyone) Byron Scott that he’s a better and more useful player than Ronnie Price, simply working hard might not put him in the spot he should be at by now. ---------- 什麼樣的好運?它從未被定義過,以後也不會。那是一些即將要發生卻不太可能解釋的事 情。但以林目前的狀況來看,除非林不再有那些投籃糟糕的夜晚,以及突然使Byron Scott相信(對任何人來說應該再清楚不過)林是一個比老普還要好、還要有用的球員,否 則單只是努力是無法將他帶到一個他現在應該在的位置上的。 ---------- Lin has one very good game followed by a bad one. It’s been the story all season long. He wasn’t supposed to be the starter, but then Steve Nash went down, so Lin got the role in the lineup. But that meant playing next to Kobe Bryant. For someone who needs the ball in his hands to be effective, that isn ’t a good pairing. And so Lin fell to the bench, playing behind a borderline D-League player in Ronnie Price, who once in blue moon catches fire from beyond the arc, earning him another year in the league. ---------- 林可以有一場非常棒的比賽,隨後是糟糕的下一場。這是持續一整季的情節。他原先不應 該是先發球員,但隨著Nash傷退,林在先發陣容有了一席之地。但那意味著在Kobe Bryant身邊打球。對一個需要一球在手才能打得有效率的人來說,這並不是個好的組合。 因此林被降為替補,在一個實力在發展聯盟邊緣的老普身後打球,過去幾乎未曾有過,但 他現在在三分線外變得火熱,為他贏得在聯盟的另一年。 ---------- p.s. 雖然原文這樣寫,不過我覺得老普是個好球員,他也是個願意犧牲奉獻的團隊球員 ,希望這段翻譯不要被解讀為林迷黑隊友。 ---------- Lin is fighting misconceptions and wrong perceptions. About being soft, about being a bad defender, and against all those who have been targeting him, hoping for his fall ever since he came out of nowhere in 2012 and took New York by storm for a short while. Maybe he isn’t the superstar he was for a short while, but he’s a much better player than being a backup on a bad team and playing 15-20 minutes a night. ---------- 林正在與對他的誤解以及錯誤看法奮戰著。關於他軟弱、關於他是個糟糕的防守者,以及 所有那些,自從林2012年發跡並且以短暫的旋風征服紐約之後,就一直針對他、希望他跌 落的人。也許他並不是他曾經短暫成為的超級巨星,但他是個比在糟糕球隊裡一個晚上只 能打上15到20分鐘的替補還要好的球員。 ---------- It’s not all about what others have done to Lin. His performances have been inconsistent because of him as well, not just because of the situation and the treatment from Byron Scott. But being the only one (or one of a rare few) being held accountable for mistakes is a terrible position to be in. One which no one deserves, especially not someone who is always about the team and other teammates above everything else, unlike others on this team. ---------- 這並不全是關於其他人對林做了什麼。不只是因為他的處境還有Byron Scott如何對待他,他一直以來不穩定的表現也跟他自己有關。但作為唯一一個(或是少數中的少數)被用 來為錯誤負責任的球員是可怕的。這種處境沒有人應得,更不用說是一個總是關心球隊以 及其他隊友勝過所有其他事物的人,與這支球隊裡的其他人不同。 ---------- Despite what most of our parents told us, working hard and being good at what you do doesn’t always push you forward in life. Luck and connections help you just as much and maybe even more. And in 2015, Jeremy Lin, besides needing to improve, be more consistent and simply make the most of the opportunities given to him, needs some things to go his way. ---------- 儘管我們的父母總是告訴我們,努力付出並且在你所做的事情上表現良好,並不總是能帶 來回報。好運與關係給你帶來的幫助可能遠比你所想像的要多得多。2015年,林除了需要 繼續進步、變得更穩定,以及儘可能把握住多數賦予給他的機會以外,的確還需要一些什 麼,才能如他所願。 帶著一點點祈禱的心態在翻譯這篇文章 希望我們在幾千公里外的電腦螢幕前所做的這點小事 能夠為林帶來一點點文章裡所謂的好運 無論打好打壞都支持林 因為真正令人激賞的是林的心態 保持健康穩定出賽 林加油! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1420184235.A.8BB.html ※ 編輯: taweiyang (, 01/02/2015 15:40:04

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※ 編輯: taweiyang (, 01/02/2015 15:58:19

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01/02 16:02, , 9F
幾乎是種族印象了 連黃種人一堆也愛酸姚明只是賣高
01/02 16:02, 9F

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01/02 16:09, , 16F
反倒是為了比較 這陣子我一直在研究其他PG....
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01/02 16:39, , 20F
左岸說 "大黑若蜜" 不是沒道理 :P
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加油 多祈禱
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01/02 18:16, , 34F
努力工作老闆加薪 說你只是好運 有點魯阿.....
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01/02 18:37, , 36F
秀下線 XD 有些印象 怎麼也不可能改了 哈哈
01/02 18:37, 36F

01/02 18:39, , 37F
完全否決了別人背後的付出 當天下掉下來的禮物
01/02 18:39, 37F

01/02 18:41, , 38F
別人在努力打dota時你在幹甚麼 咦?
01/02 18:41, 38F

01/02 19:43, , 39F
剛剛超幹 玩DOTA2有人狂送死 我懷疑沒控製一直自殺
01/02 19:43, 39F

01/02 19:44, , 40F
而且一句話都沒講.. 大家都2X級 他只有13級 囧
01/02 19:44, 40F

01/02 19:44, , 41F
好顯 其他人分兵推贏了 Q_Q
01/02 19:44, 41F

01/03 00:33, , 42F
加油 林!
01/03 00:33, 42F

01/03 07:56, , 43F
林的需求不是錢吧 他家的家境很好的 拿錢來衡量好
01/03 07:56, 43F

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文章代碼(AID): #1KfaghYx (Jeremy_Lin)