[外絮] Kobe: 挖若不爽, 大家都別想好過!!

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (淡定~ 穩中求勝)時間9年前 (2014/12/02 14:40), 編輯推噓9(907)
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Kobe: 'If I'm upset, everyone is going to have a bad day' http://www.ocregister.com/articles/bryant-643898-scott-play.html Kobe Bryant hasn’t been happy with the way things have gone lately. In fact, he’s been downright mad about the missed opportunities, mental lapses and defensive breakdowns over the past few games. Kobe對於近來球隊的表現不爽, 事實上, 對於錯失贏球機會 & 鬥志不堅 & 紙糊的防守, 他超級不爽derrrrrrrrr!! (djviva: 喂喂!!) Don’t expect him to change his attitude even with the Lakers’ unlikely overtime victory Sunday against the Eastern Conference-best Toronto Raptors. Bryant has no intention of slapping a smile on his Kobe-Face. 別認為上一場延長賽擊敗東區一哥的暴龍後Kobe臉色就會變好, 依舊滿是屎臉 “That’s the attitude I’m going to have,” he said after the Lakers beat the Raptors, 129-122. “You know the saying, ‘Happy wife, happy life’? Yeah. Same thing goes around here. If I’m upset, everyone is going to have a bad day.” 賽後Kobe說: 這就是我要表達的情緒! 好老婆? 好生活? 當然!! 輸球後日子一樣美好, 但如果我不爽了, 大家也都別想好過!! What do his teammates think about Bryant’s attitude? 接著, 我們來問問隊友們對於Kobe這張屎臉的看法, 有請書豪 (遞mic~) Jeremy Lin was pragmatic, saying, “He’s got to do what works for him. If that works for him, hey I’m with it.” 務實的豪哥謙虛的說到, Kobe會去做他順手的事, 如果他真的打得順手, 我會去配合 Lin is hoping to stay edgy in his play, not demeanor. 林書豪希望能跟Kobe配合上打的出色, 而不是只在一旁看表演 “I personally don’t play well when I’m mad or angry,” he said. “That’s when I get out of control and get charges and bad turnovers and stuff, when I play angry.” 豪哥再說: 我個人看法啦, 但我不爽時會打不好, 生氣時打球, 失誤特多 Lin prefers a more carefree approach to basketball. 豪哥表示他偏愛打球時能更自由一些 “I’m more composed when I play free,” Lin said. “I would say the word is free and in order for me to really get to that point I really got to get to the point where I’m just playing for God and nobody else. That’s it. 豪哥繼續說: 當我能更自由些打球時我往往打的很從容鎮定, 真的, 自由, free, 很重 要, 對我, 當我不替別人而只替上帝打球時, 嗯嗯~ 就這樣 “I’m not worried about pressure. I’m not worried about my own expectations. I’m not worried about what people might write or say or what my family might think, or whatever, my teammates, coaches. When I’m just at peace I play free.” 不給記者走豪哥接著說: 我不擔心壓力, 也不擔心自我期許, 更不擔心人們怎麼寫怎麼說 或者我家人可能會猜想的, 當然, 也不擔心我的隊友、教練們的看法, 當我內心平靜時, 我打的自由自在 ------------------------------------------- 贏球後Kobe還一張屎臉, 該不會是林書豪對著這話題一直說吧.......(驚!!) 平日的豪哥.........不會在公開場合講這樣多的呀???? -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1417502447.A.FF5.html

12/02 14:59, , 1F
感謝翻譯 林這話說的還算蠻得體的吧
12/02 14:59, 1F

12/02 15:05, , 2F
嘿啊, 只不過反常的透露出許多心裡話 = =+
12/02 15:05, 2F

12/02 15:22, , 3F
老大不是希望LIN要勇敢嗆他? 就嗆給他看
12/02 15:22, 3F

12/02 15:44, , 4F
應該是喊話說:Let me free~
12/02 15:44, 4F

12/02 15:45, , 5F
也可能是說:讓我當教練我會打最好 爛教練閃邊去!!!
12/02 15:45, 5F

12/02 17:15, , 6F
12/02 17:15, 6F

12/02 17:26, , 7F
重點在內心平靜打球而非被憤怒驅動吧 至於林哪種模
12/02 17:26, 7F

12/02 17:27, , 8F
式打的好 我判斷不出來@@
12/02 17:27, 8F

12/02 17:28, , 9F
Linsanity mode, 好久沒看到他在場上的笑容了.....
12/02 17:28, 9F

12/02 17:28, , 10F
12/02 17:28, 10F

12/02 17:58, , 11F
12/02 17:58, 11F

12/02 18:30, , 12F
Lin 快出句對死老大阿!!!!
12/02 18:30, 12F

12/03 00:44, , 13F
12/03 00:44, 13F

12/03 02:00, , 14F
Carefree 比較像"無後顧之憂"或是不用瞻前顧後的
12/03 02:00, 14F

12/03 02:00, , 15F
12/03 02:00, 15F

12/03 07:50, , 16F
老大最喜歡向他挑戰的人了 希望Lin可以嗆回去
12/03 07:50, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1KVLxl_r (Jeremy_Lin)