[外絮] Taipei Gets A Full Dose of Linsanity

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (YOYO)時間11年前 (2013/10/14 19:20), 編輯推噓55(55010)
留言65則, 56人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文出處: http://hangtime.blogs.nba.com/2013/10/13/taipei-gets-a-full-dose-of-linsanity/ Taipei Gets A Full Dose of Linsanity 台北,享受了原汁原味的林書豪旋瘋 TAIPEI, Taiwan – It was an afternoon that began with a greeting from Paul George. 這個下午,開始於跟波就舉的小寒暄 Yet the 12,905 squealing, appreciative fans who came early and stayed on their feet often left the impression that John and Ringo were also inside Taipei Arena. 然而,看到那一萬兩千多名熱情、充滿愛意、提早進場而且散場後仍流連忘返的粉絲, 不知情的人應該會以為約翰藍儂跟林哥史達同時現身台北小巨蛋了吧。 It might not have quite reached the level of The Beatles at Shea Stadium, but Jeremy Lin’s return to his ancestral roots hit all the notes of cultural phenomenon, NBA star and real life dream come true. 或許沒有到披頭四席捲Shea Stadium的程度那麼誇張,但林書豪回到他父母的老家, 在當地造成一股轟動,那是"NBA球星"以及"現實生活中美夢成真"的效應。 They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah. 是的!!!球迷們愛你!!!!!!!!! It was the return of Linsanity, all of the attendant pregame hype and palpable buzz in the air meeting up with a performance that delivered by the main attraction. 就像是熟悉的林來瘋回來了,所有賽前的公開活動和鋪天蓋地的宣傳, 搭配了比賽當天精彩的表現--也是本次活動最吸引人的地方。 From the moment he scored the Rockets’ first basket of the game on a 3-pointer from the top of the key to his exit midway through the fourth quarter of Houston ’s 107-98 win over the Pacers, Lin was the focus of virtually all attention and idolatry. 這場比賽,火箭以107:98取勝溜馬。從林投進火箭隊第一個三分球開始,直到第四節中段 完成任務下場休息,他幾乎囊括了全場的關注和崇拜。 When Lin left the game with 5:52 left to play with 17 points on 6-for-8 shooting, four assists, two rebounds and one monster block, teammate Francisco Garcia encouraged the throng to come to its feet and then he clamped Lin like a little brother in a headlock and patted his approval. 當林在第四節剩下5分52秒,帶著8投6中,17分、4助攻、2籃板以及一記驚天一鍋的好成績 退場時,他的隊友兼老大哥-賈西亞,請全場起立給他歡呼,然後把林像小老弟一樣摟著, 輕拍他,給他肯定。 Lin stood in a back hallway smiling and shaking his head at the experience. "It wasn’t like anything I’m normally accustomed to, going out there before the game for warmups and having everyone yelling,” he said. "Yeah, I was nervous. I haven’t felt that way before a game since probably the first time back to MSG last season." 在往休息室的路上,談到這場比賽的體驗,林微笑且晃著頭說 "這可不是我平常所習慣的樣子,從賽前熱身就開始不斷有球迷大聲吶喊" "這還真是令人緊張,自從去年第一次回到MSG作戰之後,我就沒有經歷過這種感覺了" "Really, it was everything I could have hoped for. (Asssistant coach) Chris Finch said, ‘It was like all your birthdays rolled into one. You got the 3s, the dunk, the block.’ I think he was right. I didn’t know how this was gonna go, but I definitely didn’t think it would go this good." "真的,這就是我希望看到的結果,助理教練芬奇對我說 [這就像是所有的生日願望都在今晚一次滿足了,三分球、灌籃、火鍋應有盡有], 他說的沒錯,開賽前我也不知道比賽情況會是怎樣,但絕對沒想到竟然會如此精彩" Rockets coach Kevin McHale said Lin’s play was simply a continuation of the progress he’s made since the opening of training camp. “He played very well,” McHale said. “The last week to 10 days he’s been very, very good in our games and our practices. I think he’s really comfortable with who he is. He’s in a good state of mind … Jeremy’s in really a good place. This is the way he’s been playing in practice.” 火箭教頭麥克海爾表示,林延續了他從訓練營開始以來的好表現 "他打得很出色,過去的十天裡,他一直都在比賽和練習裡表現得非常好, 我想他已經很習慣自己的角色了,他有堅強的心理素質,他現在狀況絕佳, 而這就是他在練習中已經展現過的樣子" Nearly half the crowd wore some kind of NBA jersey or T-shirt and the lion’s share of those bore Lin’s name and number from various career incarnations. There were red Lin Rockets jerseys and white Lin Rockets jerseys. There were even a few with Lin’s name on the back of the throwback navy blue pajama-striped jerseys that Lin never wore. There were Lin jerseys from Harvard and his time with Golden State. And, of course, there were Lin’s jerseys from that magical five-week stretch of 2012 when Linsanity was born in York. 幾乎有一半的觀眾穿著NBA的球衣或T恤進場,大部分當然是林書豪的球衣, 而且來自於他籃球生涯的每個階段。 有火箭的主客場球衣,甚至還有林書豪從未穿過的復古款; 有他在哈佛時期的球衣(<-神衣快拜!!!)、勇士時期的球衣, 當然,還有在2012年嶄露頭角的神奇之旅,也是林來瘋的發源地-紐約尼克的球衣。 They screamed with delight when Lin came out of the tunnel and ran onto the court for pregame warmups nearly an hour before the opening tip and they roared in appreciation when he stepped into the spotlight and shined in front of an audience that included his parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and thousands of other Taiwanese who claim him as their own. 從林書豪出現在賽前一小時的熱身開始,觀眾就不斷用尖叫給予支持。 然後每一次當聚光燈射向他或他的家人及親朋好友,都會響起熱烈的歡呼聲。 數以千計的台灣球迷,都把林書豪當成自己人看待。 "I have been an NBA fan for about 10 years,” said Taiwan native Tony Kuo, 25, who studied business at Michigan State. “The truth is the Pistons were always my favorite back, back from the days of their (2004) championship. 一個就讀於密西根州立大學,25歲的台灣球迷TONY表示 "我已經看了大概十年的NBA了,事實上,從底特律活塞在2004年奪冠開始, 他們一直都是我很喜歡的球隊” "But when Jeremy first came into the league with the Warriors and then he went to New York and did what he did, well, now he is my favorite and the Rockets are my team. "但自從林書豪出現在NBA,從勇士到尼克,他完成了許多不可思議的表現。 現在,我是他的球迷,因為他,我也改為支持火箭” "I followed Jeremy when he was in Harvard and hoped that he would get a chance. But I wasn’t really sure if an Asian player could ever have the experience he did in New York.” "我從他在哈佛的時候就開始關注他了,也希望他能夠得到進入NBA的機會。 但一個亞洲球員能不能在NBA裡有好表現,其實當時我也沒有很確定” "When Yao Ming played, he was famous here. But nothing like Lin. There is no question that Jeremy Lin is the No. 1 sports celebrity in Taiwan today. I can't even think of anyone close enough to him to be No. 2.” "當姚明在聯盟奮鬥時,他也非常的有名,不過林不太一樣,現在,他無庸置疑的是台灣最 有名的運動員,我甚至想不到有誰可以排到第二” (=_= 這樣講有點誇張了….) Kuo’s girlfriend, Ashley Wu, 29, said she never really took to the NBA when she was at Michigan State. "I guess now I like the Rockets, but I went out and bought this Knicks shirt because the blue is a better color,” she said. “This is a really exciting and fun event and it’s fun to be here to support Lin and him,” she said, pointing at Kuo. 那位球迷的女友Ashley也說,讀書時期他其實根本沒有關注過NBA "但我想,我現在是火箭隊的球迷了,不過我還是買了尼克的T恤, 因為藍色還是比較好看(XDDDDD),這是一場非常刺激且有趣的比賽, 能夠置身其中,支持林書豪還有這傢伙,真的很有趣" 指著她的男友說 For the most part, it was fast-paced and seemed to be more intensely played for a preseason game with plenty of banging and with regulars getting a lot of minutes. James Harden led the Rockets with 21 points. George had 19 to top the Pacers and George Hill had 17. 這場比賽比一般的熱身賽步調更快、更刺激,有很多的肢體碰撞, 而且先發球員大多時間都待在場上。鬍子得了火箭全隊最高的21分, 而波就舉的19分則是溜馬的得分王,George Hill拿下17分次之。 Nevertheless, according to how a script might have been written, Lin practically took the game into his hands in the first quarter and shaped it to fit the hype and his image. By the time the opening period was done, Lin had drilled a pair of 3-pointers, closed out a fast break with a crowd-pleasing dunk and then got a real rise from everyone when he chased down Indiana’s Danny Granger on a breakaway and used a sweeping swat of his arm to send the ball into the first row of seats. 不管劇本是怎麼寫的,這場比賽的確是看林一個人表演,他從第一節開始就掌控全局, 而且用表現回應了球迷對他的期待。第一節結束的時候,他已經投進了兩個三分球; 此外,比賽中還秀了一手快攻灌籃。然而,讓全場為之轟動的一球,則是他的奪命追魂鍋, 一掌把妙麗的快攻從行天宮巴到外太空。 "When I got that shot, just about all I could do was smile,” Lin said. “Not at him, but just the fact that it happened, because I’ve never done anything like that before in a real NBA game. Maybe in practice. So when I got that shot, I all could think was everything was going my way.” "當打完那個火鍋,我當下能做的只有忍不住的笑” 林說 "這可不是針對妙麗,而是那個PLAY我可從來沒有在NBA賽場上完成過, 或許練習的時候有過吧。所以當下我覺得,這場比賽已盡在我掌握之中” Half a world away from where it was born, Linsanity was back. And, fittingly, at home. 從他出生的地方,繞過半個地球,林來瘋回來了,或許更貼切的說法是,林來瘋回家了!!! 心得: 台灣球迷永遠都把他當自己人!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/14 19:31, , 1F
10/14 19:31, 1F

10/14 19:31, , 2F
10/14 19:31, 2F

10/14 19:31, , 3F
從行天宮巴到外太空 好可愛的翻譯
10/14 19:31, 3F

10/14 19:32, , 4F
其實我覺得Lin在台灣還真的就這麼有名 畢竟很多從不看球
10/14 19:32, 4F

10/14 19:32, , 5F
的婆婆媽媽們 就只知道Lin而已
10/14 19:32, 5F

10/14 19:34, , 6F
10/14 19:34, 6F

10/14 19:35, , 7F
10/14 19:35, 7F

10/14 19:52, , 8F
10/14 19:52, 8F

10/14 19:55, , 9F
從行天宮巴到外太空XDDDDDDDDDD 好有趣的翻譯XD
10/14 19:55, 9F

10/14 19:55, , 10F
10/14 19:55, 10F

10/14 19:58, , 11F
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10/14 20:08, , 12F
10/14 20:08, 12F

10/14 20:09, , 13F
10/14 20:09, 13F

10/14 20:15, , 14F
感謝翻譯! 推從行天宮巴到外太空 XD
10/14 20:15, 14F

10/14 20:36, , 15F
剛剛又去看一次沈玉琳的MV~ 真的超好笑XDDDD
10/14 20:36, 15F

10/14 20:37, , 16F
推行天宮巴到外太宮XDDD 也推最後一句,看到林來瘋回家,
10/14 20:37, 16F

10/14 20:37, , 17F
10/14 20:37, 17F

10/14 20:38, , 18F
10/14 20:38, 18F

10/14 20:41, , 19F
推從行天宮巴到外太空 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 媽呀太好笑~
10/14 20:41, 19F

10/14 20:42, , 20F
10/14 20:42, 20F

10/14 20:46, , 21F
感謝翻譯!! 妙麗:哭哭XD 昨天上半場的Lin沒有極限呀XDD
10/14 20:46, 21F

10/14 20:47, , 22F
芬奇和Lin講的話順序放反惹 生日那個是芬奇講的~
10/14 20:47, 22F

10/14 20:55, , 23F
10/14 20:55, 23F

10/14 21:05, , 24F
10/14 21:05, 24F

10/14 21:11, , 25F
10/14 21:11, 25F

10/14 21:15, , 26F
推推推 感覺記者好像也很熱血!lol
10/14 21:15, 26F

10/14 21:21, , 27F
10/14 21:21, 27F

10/14 21:36, , 28F
謝謝翻譯 :)
10/14 21:36, 28F

10/14 21:38, , 29F
10/14 21:38, 29F

10/14 21:39, , 30F
感謝翻譯~ "忍不住的笑" 恩.....有看到 超可愛的!
10/14 21:39, 30F

10/14 21:43, , 31F
10/14 21:43, 31F

10/14 21:45, , 32F
10/14 21:45, 32F

10/14 21:53, , 33F
感謝彼得大 , 從行天宮巴到外太空這句真的好笑 XDD
10/14 21:53, 33F

10/14 22:04, , 34F
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10/14 22:04, , 35F
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10/14 22:09, , 36F
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10/14 22:19, , 37F
10/14 22:19, 37F
※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (10/14 22:35)

10/14 22:47, , 38F
10/14 22:47, 38F

10/14 22:47, , 39F
10/14 22:47, 39F

10/14 22:49, , 40F
大推從行天宮巴到外太空XDDD 翻譯這麼神不推克以嗎!!!
10/14 22:49, 40F

10/14 23:39, , 41F
10/14 23:39, 41F

10/15 00:02, , 42F
謝謝peter大翻譯!!!Lin真的對球迷超好 感謝他帶給我們一
10/15 00:02, 42F

10/15 00:02, , 43F
場好球 一場一生難忘的回憶~Lin,加油!!!
10/15 00:02, 43F

10/15 00:29, , 44F
10/15 00:29, 44F

10/15 00:29, , 45F
10/15 00:29, 45F

10/15 01:33, , 46F
10/15 01:33, 46F

10/15 02:14, , 47F
感謝翻譯!!! 推從行天宮巴到外太空
10/15 02:14, 47F

10/15 02:20, , 48F
從行天宮巴到外太空 是什麼梗? 天外飛來一梗?
10/15 02:20, 48F

10/15 05:10, , 49F
這梗來自 http://ppt.cc/mShm 曠世鉅作威廉沈MV裡的歌詞啦
10/15 05:10, 49F

10/15 05:54, , 50F
感謝彼得大翻譯!! 感謝去現場的球迷!!
10/15 05:54, 50F

10/15 05:54, , 51F
10/15 05:54, 51F

10/15 06:27, , 52F
感謝翻譯!!!! 這場一定是我此生看過難忘的球賽之一!
10/15 06:27, 52F

10/15 08:43, , 53F
10/15 08:43, 53F

10/15 09:28, , 54F
10/15 09:28, 54F

10/15 09:37, , 55F
10/15 09:37, 55F

10/15 10:04, , 56F
從行天宮巴到外太空XDDDDDDDDDD 感謝彼得大的翻譯!
10/15 10:04, 56F

10/15 11:10, , 57F
感謝翻譯! 巴到外太空~這一巴可以嗨很久!!!
10/15 11:10, 57F

10/15 11:26, , 58F
10/15 11:26, 58F

10/15 15:03, , 59F
10/15 15:03, 59F

10/15 15:08, , 60F
吃特辣麵看到那記火鍋, 我差點被辣死!嘴巴還一直喃
10/15 15:08, 60F

10/15 15:08, , 61F
喃自語: Was it Lin!? It's unreal!!
10/15 15:08, 61F

10/15 17:18, , 62F
推 從行天宮巴到外太空XDDD
10/15 17:18, 62F

10/16 11:21, , 63F
10/16 11:21, 63F

10/16 20:30, , 64F
10/16 20:30, 64F

10/22 11:31, , 65F
10/22 11:31, 65F
文章代碼(AID): #1IMzEIWG (Jeremy_Lin)