[外絮] Doc Scheppler Interview

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (subaru。Heaven'sDrive。)時間11年前 (2013/10/02 15:35), 編輯推噓23(2307)
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上班隨便翻翻大家加減看XD 文章請勿轉載 有些籃球名詞翻譯也不是很懂,有謬誤的地方也請不吝訂正>///<。 來源: http://www.jeremylin.net/2013/09/doc-scheppler-interview.html#disqus_thread Doc Scheppler Interview Hi Doc, thanks for joining us again here at JeremyLin.Net. With camp just starting, we're excited for this coming season and hoping you can give us a little insight into JLin's summer work. Also, for those if you who may not know, Doc Scheppler has won 5 State HS Championships in the State of California. No small feat, and one off the all time California record. He has also sent a plethora of kids to play college ball. Incredible for a tiny Division 5 school on the Peninsula. (略) (大家都很熟的師公再度接受JeremyLin.Net.站長訪問XD) JeremyLin.Net: How does Jeremy look physically compared to the previous summers working with him? J.N.: 和去年夏天訓練比較,啾咪身體狀態看來如何? Doc: He is 100% healthy and had a consistent summer of skill and strength development. We only worked 2x a week. Doc: 百分百健康,夏天技術和體能持續進步。我們每周只練兩次。 JeremyLin.Net: What's been your major focus this summer with Jeremy? J.N.: 今年夏天和啾咪的練習重點是什麼? Doc: We worked to smooth out his rhythm and to really concentrate on catch and shoot situations... specifically the corner 3. We continued to work on different shooting situations to keep them tuned, and, they look perfect. He's able to shoot just as well in those situations. I'd like to see him bring those out of his bag a bit more...(Triple Threat, off-dribble,specifically). He has those shots in game situations. Doc:練習讓他的節奏更流暢,並專注在接球即投情境訓練…尤其是底角三分。持續訓練在 不同情境中投籃也可以協調一致,訓練時看來很棒。在這些情境中他都可以投得很好。我 很期望看到他可以更多地實際運用出來…(三重威脅,尤其是運球後投籃) 比賽時可以投進 這些球。 JeremyLin.Net: Many people think you can change a shooter over night. Can you remind everyone what Jeremy's shot looked like just a few years ago? 很多人認為你可以一夜之間就使射手脫胎換骨。可以告訴我們啾咪幾年前投籃如何嗎? Doc: He had a very rhythmical shot as junior high player, and, was a great shooter. He changed his shot to a higher release and an explosive jump upon entering high school. This is a common fault with younger players when they want to shoot a "Jump shot". So many problems arise from this transition. Their mindset is a jump shot is" jump as high as I can and start my release at the peak." His became an upper body throw that was inconsistent and an angry ball when hitting the rim. He gradually smoothed out his rhythm, but, never found the consistency necessary to be a great shooter. We refined his release, rhythm, and balance. Now, after 2 years he continues to feel more comfortable in his shooting form. My wish for him is to trust his form and let it fly. Be aware of form, but don't obsess. Doc: 中學時他的投籃非常有節奏,是很優秀的射手。剛進高中時他改變投籃方式,使用 比較高的出手點和爆發力跳躍。這是年輕球員常會犯的錯誤,認為跳投就是要”跳高”。 這個轉變也衍生很多問題。他們以為跳投就是”盡可能跳高,並在最高點出手” 他變成 是用上半身拋球,導致投籃不穩定,而球碰框時就成了憤怒球(亂彈跳嗎?)。 他逐漸修正 讓節奏更流暢,可是卻缺少優秀射手所需的穩定性。 我們精修他的出手點.節奏和平衡。 兩年了,現在他逐漸覺得投籃姿勢更舒服了。我希望他可以相信自己的姿勢,自然投射出 球。注意投籃姿勢,但不要過度擔心。 JeremyLin.Net: How long does it usually take to really be able to change your form to the extent that he has had to? J.N.: 通常要多久投籃姿勢才能修正到需要的程度? Doc: That I don't know. I do know that the better your form and the more you practice...the better shooter will develop. Shooters have those 2 things in common... Their form is solid.... and they shoot every day. Doc: 這就不確定了 能確定的是姿勢越好練習越多…就能成為更好的射手。射手通常需要 做到兩件事:姿勢動作扎實和每天練習。 JeremyLin.Net: What type of percentages are you expecting from Jeremy this season? J.N.:您預期啾咪本季命中率? Doc: I hope he gets off to a great start with his 3 point shooting. He should get a lot of good, clean catch and shoot looks with the addition of Howard as a presence inside. There's no reason why he can't start to shrink the difference in his drill percentages to a game shooting percentage. He's a consistent mid 70's in drills, which should correspond to a higher game percentage. I'm thinking low 40's(3pt%). His free throw percentage should be in the mid 80's. Doc:希望他三分投籃可以有很好的開始。內線加入魔獸後他能得到很多絕佳接球即投的機 會。沒有理由他無法縮減練習時和比賽時命中率的差距。練習時他很穩定保持在七成五, 應該能反映在比賽時提高命中率。我想四成初吧(三分命中率) 罰球應該可以達到八成五 。 JeremyLin.Net: Anything else you'd like to share with us about working with JLin this summer? J.N.:夏天和啾咪練習還有其他可以和我們分享的事嗎? Doc: I know he's ready to roll and excited for the season Doc:他已經準備好也很興奮迎接這個球季! JeremyLin.Net: Thanks for all of your work with these kids on the Peninsula and for all you do with Jeremy. J.N.: 謝謝您為Peninsula小朋友和啾咪做的一切努力。 Doc: Thank you. I expect big things from him this year. Doc: 謝謝!我期待啾咪今年會有很棒的表現。 (師公預測好樂觀LOL 也期待啾咪可以有更多機會好好表現!>.<) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/02 16:21, , 1F
10/02 16:21, 1F

10/02 16:38, , 2F
10/02 16:38, 2F

10/02 17:18, , 3F
10/02 17:18, 3F

10/02 17:31, , 4F
10/02 17:31, 4F

10/02 19:39, , 5F
我覺得三成五就及格了 三成八就很優秀了ˊ_>ˋ
10/02 19:39, 5F

10/02 19:51, , 6F
感謝翻譯!! 這季唯一值得期待的只剩Lin的三分了。
10/02 19:51, 6F

10/02 20:55, , 7F
10/02 20:55, 7F

10/02 21:16, , 8F
10/02 21:16, 8F

10/02 21:17, , 9F
10/02 21:17, 9F

10/02 22:19, , 10F
謝謝kero大翻譯:D 希望Lin健康打到季後賽,命中率穩定
10/02 22:19, 10F

10/02 22:19, , 11F
10/02 22:19, 11F

10/02 22:21, , 12F
10/02 22:21, 12F

10/02 22:22, , 13F
我也只求他健康順利打完新球季 外加"先發" 穩定出賽 GO~
10/02 22:22, 13F

10/02 23:49, , 14F
謝謝翻譯!期待LIN健康開心的打完新球季 穩定先發+1
10/02 23:49, 14F

10/03 03:55, , 15F
10/03 03:55, 15F

10/03 09:22, , 16F
10/03 09:22, 16F

10/03 14:51, , 17F
10/03 14:51, 17F

10/03 16:56, , 18F
angry ball? 是憤怒鳥吧XDDDDDDDDDD
10/03 16:56, 18F

10/03 17:01, , 19F
今年我不只期待穩定出場了 希望成績能有所進步
10/03 17:01, 19F

10/03 17:25, , 20F
得分跟助攻不太可能進步... 命中率跟效率應該可以變好
10/03 17:25, 20F

10/03 17:38, , 21F
冰箱讓我只希望他穩定出場 不要亂被冰 有展現練習成果的
10/03 17:38, 21F

10/03 17:38, , 22F
10/03 17:38, 22F

10/04 12:03, , 23F
只希望合理使用!不要雙十時延長賽整個冰板凳之類的= =
10/04 12:03, 23F

10/04 12:57, , 24F
10/04 12:57, 24F

10/04 12:58, , 25F
10/04 12:58, 25F

10/04 13:05, , 26F
討厭臭冰箱 >_<
10/04 13:05, 26F

10/04 21:37, , 27F
又開始冰了 而且這對抗賽 林要變成第六人了嗎
10/04 21:37, 27F

10/05 16:04, , 28F
10/05 16:04, 28F

10/05 16:12, , 29F
10/05 16:12, 29F

10/06 20:00, , 30F
10/06 20:00, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #1IIyow8v (Jeremy_Lin)