Fw: [外電] Recap: Daryl Morey's Reddit AMARecap: Daryl Morey's

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (難得糊塗)時間11年前 (2013/04/20 11:46), 編輯推噓30(30063)
留言93則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 Rockets 看板 #1HSWjRZg ] 作者: KenRock (BasketBall Thug) 看板: Rockets 標題: [外電] Recap: Daryl Morey's Reddit AMARecap: Daryl Morey's Redd 時間: Sat Apr 20 11:28:20 2013 Recap: Daryl Morey's Reddit AMARecap: Daryl Morey's Reddit AMA By Max Croes http://0rz.tw/CjmNw ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMA Recap: Next time you're enjoying the Mexican inspired ambiance of one of Houston's 55 Taco Bell restaurants keep your taco neck adjusted eyeballs on the door for Rockets GM Daryl Morey. The man known as "Dork Elvis" took to Reddit today for an Ask Me Anything (AMA) where he answered questions about the Rockets, the playoffs and gushed about his willingness to "pay almost anything" for a Doritos-Locos taco. The Dream Shake has pulled the key parts of the AMA and dropped them right here in a recap. If your office blocks Reddit or the phrase "subreddit" scares you, this recap has you covered (there's some scary-as-hell subreddits). Morey declined to discuss the upcoming series with the Thunder in any detail. The conversation more generally covered his body of work as Rockets GM. 前言: Morey A.k.a "Dork Elvis",今天在Reddit網站舉辦了AMA活動( = Q&A), 當他被問到關於季後賽的問題時,Morey答非所問: 「我願意為Doritos-Locos taco餅乾作任何事情...。」 而Dream Shake網站為各位擷取AMA活動最重要的對話。 (*註:Morey對於季後賽面對OKC的問題隻字未提,對答大部分都跟GM工作有關。) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morey's Rockets Observations: 莫雷觀點集: ◎Historically, the 2012 - 2013 Rockets are the least experienced team in NBA history & have experienced most turnover in NBA history. Morey is proud of both. 12-13的火箭隊,是NBA聯盟歷史經驗最淺也發生最多失誤的球隊。 莫雷對這兩者都表示驕傲。 ◎Harden can be the best player on a championship team. Parsons, Asik and Lin are all members of a championship team. 莫雷:「HARDEN可以成為一個冠軍隊伍中的最佳球員(領袖), 而CP,ASIK,LIN則都是這個冠軍隊伍的成員。」 (*註:建隊核心確立?) ◎Morey believes acquiring an All Star is more likely to occur through free agency than a trade. 莫雷表示關於再增加一名全明星球員的來源:「傾向往自由市場大於交易。」 ◎The Rockets lack of mid-range shots are a result of the offense, not orders from the coaches or the front office. 莫雷:「火箭隊缺乏中距離投射是比賽攻擊端的一種結果, 而非制服組或者教練的因果。」 ◎Morey admits his worst trade as GM was Terrence Williams for this year's 1st round draft pick. 莫雷承認拿Terrence Williams去交易今年的首輪簽:「身為GM作過最爛的交易。」 ◎Morey named-dropped Turkish pro Furkan Aldemir as a developing player. His rights are owned by the Rockets after being a part of a four-team trade that freed Lamar Odom from the Mavericks. Aldemir was selected 53rd in the 2012 NBA Draft by the Clippers. 莫雷表示正在培養土耳籍前鋒Furkan Aldemir,而他的鳥權在火箭隊手上。 而Furkan Aldemir是在2012年被LAC在第二輪選中。 (*註:在Lamar Odom交易至小牛的四隊交易中,火箭隊得到Furkan Aldemir的鳥權。) http://0rz.tw/gHnkP ◎The most important move for the Rockets was trading Rafer Alston for Kyle Lowry for the Raptors first round pick. This set up the Harden trade. 莫雷表示最重要(得意)的一步棋:「交易走Lowry換到=>首輪簽=>換到HARDEN。」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Quotes: 莫雷最佳對白集: ◎"it is pretty hard to take a bad three." 莫雷表示:「投三分一點都不難,投麵包比較難。」 (LIN: ...。) ◎"I am not a big beer guy." 莫雷表示:「我一點都不愛喝啤酒。」 (肚子表示:...。) ◎"The Doritos-Locos tacos are the only inelastic food item I know. I would pay almost anything for them" 莫雷表示:「我願意為Doritos-Locos taco餅乾作任何事情...,絕不妥協。」 ◎"McGrady is still a quality player" 莫雷表示:「T-MAC依然是一個夠格的球員。」 (13秒表示:嘻嘻。) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodged Questions: 莫雷答非所問集: (*註:以下問題,莫雷不是不答就是答非所問。) ◎What's the most surprising thing he learned from camera tracking technology? ◎What do the Rockets need to do to beat the Thunder? His answer "variance." 被問到火箭隊如何打敗雷霆隊,莫雷:「想辦法。」 ◎Pre-season win loss expectations -- Morey quotes the Vegas over/under for wins as an "objective" pre-season mark. 季前對於戰績的預測: 不被看好而奪勝是季前設定的目標。(這句亂翻的..) ◎Royce White -- Morey is pleased Royce went to play for the Vipers, but made no mention about his future with the Rockets. 對於R.WHITE,莫雷表示很樂意看到他在毒蛇隊打球, 但對於R.WHITE在火箭隊的未來沒有表示任何看法。 ◎Morey declined comment on how NBA offenses will evolve when defenses start shutting down current efficient offense practices (corner threes & shots at the rim). 莫雷拒絕回答 - 當現有有效的進攻模式(底角三分+禁區得分)因被對方防守失靈時, 該如何應變。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lastly, Morey admitted to reading The Dream Shake and the online Rockets community: "(I) May learn something." So keep commenting, readers. You never know when "Dork Elvis" might be lurking a TDS comment thread, Doritos-Loco taco in hand. 最後,莫雷會上這個"The Dream Shake"網站,觀看讀者留言與建議。 請大家多多討論。 補充: 1.所有對話連結: http://0rz.tw/OXBe7 2.莫雷季前Q&A連結: http://0rz.tw/ZnhkJ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我擷取一段對話: Q:Many Houston fans are worried by the prevalence of ISO plays late in the 4th quarter of close games. How are you reacting to the usage of Lin and Harden in these closeout games? What's your opinion on how well the coaching staff is meshing two great ball dominant guards? What steps are the Rockets taking to further this melding into a cohesive unit? Q: 1.眾多火箭迷對於火箭隊第四節關鍵時刻,常常用ISO戰術,而感到憂心。 2.你如何看待關鍵時刻,LIN & HARDEN的使用率。 3.你對於教練團在契合-LIN & HARDEN這兩名都需要球權的後衛的方面,做得如何? 4.火箭隊如何在未來讓這個組合更強大有力? A:Pretty much every NBA team increases their use of isolation late&close. Some of this is supported by the data - e.g. to control the clock to minimize the time to score for the other team or to potentially exploit a certain match-up when the opposing team switches all perimeter screens as is often done late&close.Some of this is not supported by the data. I think the coaches have done a fabulous job meshing our roster which had the most turnover in NBA history this season and is also the least experienced team in NBA history. A: 1.非常多NBA球隊在最後決勝期增加(使用)ISO戰術。 2.有些資料是可以用數據看得出來的(支撐論點), 如:[1]能控制(縮短)對方進攻的時間。(*註:可能指領先時) [2]使用在"三分線和罰球線之間的位置"作掩護,而導致錯位與空檔, 來完成一個成功的PLAY,是很常見的。(*註可能指進攻時。) 還有些資料是數據看不出來的。 3.我覺得教練團對於"陣容"磨合作得很好。 本季火箭隊擁有NBA歷史上最多的失誤與最菜的隊伍。 (*註:答非所問,有點酸酸。) -- J.LIN#7 @ RedNation Go Go ROCKETS!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: iswearxxx 來自: (04/20 11:46)

04/20 11:50, , 1F
04/20 11:50, 1F

04/20 12:01, , 2F
04/20 12:01, 2F

04/20 12:04, , 3F
04/20 12:04, 3F

04/20 12:07, , 4F
Asik和Lin...兩個都不知道凍成什麼樣了 ( ′-`)y-~
04/20 12:07, 4F

04/20 12:08, , 5F
04/20 12:08, 5F

04/20 12:09, , 6F
04/20 12:09, 6F

04/20 12:09, , 7F
04/20 12:09, 7F

04/20 12:11, , 8F
04/20 12:11, 8F

04/20 12:12, , 9F
... 點進去看土耳其朋友的照片~莫雷真的很顏控無誤!
04/20 12:12, 9F

04/20 12:17, , 10F
Younger、Faster and Cuter. Go Rockets!
04/20 12:17, 10F

04/20 12:47, , 11F
04/20 12:47, 11F

04/20 12:47, , 12F
Taking the 6th youngest and least experienced team
04/20 12:47, 12F

04/20 12:48, , 13F
ever to the playoffs in the tough western conferenc
04/20 12:48, 13F

04/20 12:48, , 14F
莫雷說火箭缺乏中距離那句 不太懂? 不是戰術原因嗎?
04/20 12:48, 14F

04/20 12:48, , 15F
e when we were picked by multiple publications to
04/20 12:48, 15F

04/20 12:49, , 16F
finish last? I would say Coach McHale has done a
04/20 12:49, 16F

04/20 12:49, , 17F
great job.
04/20 12:49, 17F

04/20 12:49, , 18F
莫雷認為教練把火箭這群菜鳥 帶進了競爭激烈的西區季後賽
04/20 12:49, 18F

04/20 12:50, , 19F
04/20 12:50, 19F

04/20 12:50, , 20F
其實以一個GM的角度來這樣說 倒是很合理
04/20 12:50, 20F

04/20 12:52, , 21F
看來莫雷很認同關鍵時刻ISO戰術和教練團耶... 能信嗎?XD
04/20 12:52, 21F

04/20 12:56, , 22F
莫雷講得很合理啊 進季後教練還是有功勞的 即使有時候
04/20 12:56, 22F

04/20 12:57, , 23F
04/20 12:57, 23F

04/20 13:02, , 24F
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04/20 13:50, , 32F
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04/20 13:50, , 33F
能設計的甚至能思考的空間都不大 = 只好這樣打 = 即使很爛
04/20 13:50, 33F

04/20 13:51, , 34F
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04/20 13:57, , 39F
04/20 13:57, 39F

04/20 13:57, , 40F
04/20 13:57, 40F

04/20 14:03, , 41F
Let's See
04/20 14:03, 41F

04/20 14:04, , 42F
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04/20 14:08, , 43F
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04/20 14:11, , 45F
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04/20 14:12, , 46F
04/20 14:12, 46F

04/20 14:13, , 47F
莫雷的話聽聽就好 有些事他是避重就輕
04/20 14:13, 47F

04/20 14:14, , 48F
對OKC 需要Lin? 可能要先問冰箱放不放人
04/20 14:14, 48F

04/20 14:15, , 49F
04/20 14:15, 49F

04/20 14:15, , 50F
04/20 14:15, 50F

04/20 14:21, , 51F
04/20 14:21, 51F

04/20 14:30, , 52F
sports 790 talk
04/20 14:30, 52F

04/20 14:31, , 53F
http://ppt.cc/rUCF 這篇底下也有聽到廣播的網友在討論
04/20 14:31, 53F

04/20 14:31, , 54F
找一個叫ABC Baller的網友
04/20 14:31, 54F

04/20 14:41, , 55F
04/20 14:41, 55F

04/20 14:42, , 56F
04/20 14:42, 56F

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04/20 14:42, , 58F
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04/20 14:43, , 59F
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04/20 14:49, , 60F
林在場上的作用和小貝差不多 但林在場外可以吸引台灣廠
04/20 14:49, 60F

04/20 14:50, , 61F
商贊助 在還能賺到這些錢的時候 他當然會把林留著
04/20 14:50, 61F

04/20 14:54, , 62F
04/20 14:54, 62F

04/20 14:59, , 63F
CF上專收廣播的帖有連結 應該是在說對湖人第四節調度
04/20 14:59, 63F

04/20 15:00, , 64F
也對啦 反正PG的功能是球給鬍子或CP 誰上影響都不大LOL
04/20 15:00, 64F

04/20 15:12, , 65F
04/20 15:12, 65F

04/20 15:18, , 66F
04/20 15:18, 66F

04/20 15:19, , 67F
04/20 15:19, 67F

04/20 15:20, , 68F
If you are in Houston right now Morey is on 790am rig
04/20 15:20, 68F

04/20 15:20, , 69F
right now. (18 April 2013 - 01:06 PM)
04/20 15:20, 69F

04/20 15:20, , 70F
然後我去找 SPROTS(AM) 790 網站
04/20 15:20, 70F

04/20 15:21, , 71F
這個時間點MATT THOMAS (中午~ PM 3:00)
04/20 15:21, 71F

04/20 15:21, , 72F
04/20 15:21, 72F

04/20 15:21, , 73F
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04/20 15:21, , 74F
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04/20 15:22, , 75F
04/20 15:22, 75F

04/20 15:22, , 76F
依照時間點看 應該是 PART I
04/20 15:22, 76F

04/20 15:23, , 77F
但,第一段內容是:Matt Thomas opens up the show visitin
04/20 15:23, 77F

04/20 15:23, , 78F
visiting with Chandler Parsons of the Rockets and talk
04/20 15:23, 78F

04/20 15:24, , 79F
to NFL FB Moran Norris about his foundation and the N
04/20 15:24, 79F

04/20 15:24, , 80F
我還沒聽完,非常長呀 冏
04/20 15:24, 80F

04/20 15:30, , 81F
CP的整段訪問只提到 1.LA追平球 2.整隊的成長 3.HARDEN
04/20 15:30, 81F

04/20 15:30, , 82F
04/20 15:30, 82F

04/20 15:44, , 83F
04/20 15:44, 83F

04/20 16:10, , 84F
04/20 16:10, 84F

04/20 18:24, , 85F
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04/20 18:26, , 86F
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04/20 18:28, , 87F
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04/20 18:30, , 88F
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04/20 18:31, , 89F
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04/20 18:33, , 90F
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04/20 18:36, , 91F
04/20 18:36, 91F

04/20 22:21, , 92F
假使是這樣..下一季沒啥調整 我會更失望 :(
04/20 22:21, 92F

04/20 23:04, , 93F
04/20 23:04, 93F
文章代碼(AID): #1HSW-8TG (Jeremy_Lin)