[外絮] 火箭VS湖人 賽後訪談

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (YOYO)時間11年前 (2013/04/18 23:08), 編輯推噓51(51070)
留言121則, 46人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/hollywood-heartbreak 心得: 終於,翻譯賽後訪談也到例行賽最後一場了,本季我的任務也快要告一段落 接下來就是看林和他的快樂夥伴們,還要給我多少工作量了XD 謝謝大家一路以來的支持 :) QUOTES 我有話要說 KEVIN MCHALE 冰箱 “We didn’t have any ball movement at all, too sticky. We didn’t get the ball going. We couldn’t keep them off the boards. We had plenty of stops, we had chances to run but we just walked it up. Otherwise we made some bad decisions. Had a few turnovers. But mostly, if we don’t play with pace, their two big guys just control the game after a while. Gasol had a triple double and we had a hard time keeping him off the boards. And if we are not attacking and playing before they are back there, we went through some stretches where we struggled offensively. The thing is that we were stopping them, they were just getting second and third shots. They had 24 second chance points that killed us.” 球沒有流動,太黏了,球根本沒有動起來,我們沒有辦法阻止他們搶籃板 我們擋下了對方幾次,曾經有機會跑起來,但我們卻用走的 還有,我們做了些錯誤的決定,有一些些失誤 但最主要的,還是我們沒有打出速度,讓對方的雙塔掌控了比賽 嘎獸拿下了大三元,要不讓他的拿到籃板球還真難 要是我們沒有辦法在他們回防前就發動攻擊,我們的進攻打起來就會很掙扎 即使我們守住他們的第一波攻勢,他們還是有著接二連三的進攻籃板 光靠這樣就拿下了24分,簡直是要了我們的命 “The ball gets sticky. We work on it and we just have to keep on doing it. Like I say, we go through periods where we do it and periods where we don’t do it. We just have to get into those things. We have talked about moving the ball. Trying to get into some more offense where the ball goes from side to side. Attack. Make the extra pass. But again like I said, it has been that off and on all year long. And part of it is that they play those two bigs so you kind of have to stay big, so your spacing gets a little more jammed up then a lot of the times where we will play smaller and spread the court a little bit more.” 球停滯不動的情形又發生了,我們曾經針對這個問題練習過,我們必須一直謹記在心 但我們有時候做得到,有時候又做不到。讓球流動這件事已經說過了 應該要試著在進攻的時候有更多的強弱邊轉移,然後攻擊,也該多做一些傳球 但就像我說的,我們在流動球這方面,整年都親像海上的波浪,有時起~有時落~ 他們把雙塔放上來,迫使我們不得不也把大個子擺上來 但這樣,場上空間就變的非常擁擠,所以我們決定多使用小號陣容,多拉一點空間出來 (why were guys walking the ball up) “We have talked about pushing it all the time, we just have to keep doing it. We just have to play our ball for 48 minutes.” (為啥今天場上球員要把速度打慢?) 我們討論過要把速度打出來,我們必須這麼做,整場都該打出快速球風 答非所問(._.?) (on playing OKC): They’re a good team. We’re going to have to play well. That ’s a tough team. They went to the Finals last year and they’re pretty battle-tested so we’re going to have our hands full. (對決雷霆?) 他們可是去年打進冠軍賽的強隊,我們必須打得更好 他們是支經歷過季後賽激戰的球隊,我們在備戰這部份可有得忙了 JEREMY LIN 揪咪林 (what happened to the offense in that second half?) “We didn’t get much movement and we were left with a lot of isolation plays at the end of the clock. That’s a tough way to produce points consistently. One through five we didn’t do a good job. I didn’t do a good job pushing it, and we didn’t do a good job of spacing. We really didn’t get anything that we really wanted to down the stretch.” (你們下半場的進攻出了什麼狀況?) 我們沒有把傳導打出來,導致出現太多次在讀秒階段只能依賴單打獨鬥的情形 這樣一來就很難順暢的得分,今天我們在每個位置上都沒有打好 我沒有盡到把速度打出來的責任,我們也沒有成功拉開空間 在決勝階段,我們打得有點力不從心 (on if the team can use this as a lesson): “Absolutely, even us having a 10-point lead and seeing it dwindle, and losing in overtime. It’s just the whole process of understanding what we need to do differently, how to change that, and just growing up from failure.” (給你們上了一課?) 那當然,十分的領先,曾~曾經在我眼前~卻又消失不見~然後輸掉延長賽 我們必須從失敗中學到教訓,知道在比賽過程中可以做些什麼不同的事去改變輸贏 (on OT): The overtime started off slow. Both teams weren’t able to get much going and they just kind of out-executed us down the stretch. They got an easy dunk and an easy jumper in the lane and we weren’t able to capitalize on some of the opportunities that we had. (對於延長賽) 一開始兩隊都沒有打得很順,然後他們主宰了我們直到比賽結束 他們有輕鬆的灌籃跟跳投,但我們卻沒有掌握到手的機會 JAMES HARDEN 鬍子 “It was my fault; I couldn’t make a shot. All of my shots felt good, it’s just they were short on the front of the rim. A little bit more touch and this is a different ball game, but I’ll take the blame for that one.” 這都是我的錯,我沒有辦法把球投進,我每次出手都感覺不錯,但好像都短了一點 這是一場不同風格,肢體接觸很多的比賽,但我會承擔敗戰責任 (on playing OKC): To be honest, I’m still focused on this game we just lost and the things I could have done better at. I had way too many turnovers tonight. Tomorrow and Thursday and Friday I’ll start focusing on Oklahoma City but tonight I just can’t get over what happened. (對於與老東家對決) 老實說,我還在思考這場失敗中我有哪裡可以做得更好 我今晚實在失誤太多次了,對雷霆? 接下來我有幾天去思考 但現在我還不能不去思考剛剛那場比賽發生的事 On having the attention on him in the playoffs: “It comes with the package. I have to do a good job of handling it well, and making sure I’m doing the right things. Obviously I’m new to this, so I might make some mistakes, but I just have to continue to work at it.” (在季後賽,他將是對手伺候的重點) 那將關係到很多事情,我必須好好應付,確定我能把該做的事做好 很顯然的,這件事對我來說有點陌生,所以我可能會犯一些錯 但我會持續努力 On what he means by being new to it: “New as a leader, as a head hauncho guy, having all of the attention on you. Like I said it’s new for me, but I’m just going to keep working and do my best to do a good job at it.” (你剛剛說有些陌生是指?) 當球隊的Leader、當球隊的LAODA、被對手重點看管 這些對我來說可都是第一次,但我會一直努力,盡全力把事情做好 (on why the team occasionally gets bogged down in an iso-heavy offense): We get stagnant. We don’t push the ball. There are stretches where we look good and even when teams score on us we get the ball out and score on them quick. There’ s times where we don’t get the ball out quick and we have to play good defensive half-court teams and it was one of those scenarios where we couldn’t get easy points down the stretch when we needed them. (為什麼球隊有時會慢下來,執著於單打獨鬥的進攻?) 我們停滯了,沒有把速度打出來。 速度一直都是我們的優勢,就算對手得分,我們也可以快速的反擊 但有時候當我們遇到善於半場防守的球隊,我們就比較難在需要的時候輕鬆得分 CHANDLER PARSONS 高富帥 on the three he hit at the end of regulation: “It was just kind of a broken play, and obviously we had to get a three. They were switching out on everything so it’s difficult to get a shot off on the first action, so we moved the ball and we tried multiple attempts at the shot. I didn’t even know Jeremy [Lin] was on the floor when I threw him the ball, but he made a great pass and I just knocked down the shot.” (正規時間結束前的Buzzer-Beater) 那是一個不在戰術執行中的PLAY, 那時我們的確需要一個三分球,不過湖人的換防太快了,我們沒有辦法在第一時間出手 所以我們試著傳導,不斷找尋出手機會 當我把球丟到林手上的時候,我其實根本不知道他站在那裡 但他卻做出了一個妙傳,讓我得以完成那球 on the playoff series against the Thunder: “It’s 0-0, so I’m perfectly happy with going in there and confident in playing against the Thunder. I think we’ re better than the eight seed and it was obviously a really tight race so there wasn’t much distance between six and eight. I think we’ll be ready to go, and we’ve beaten them before this year, so that’s a positive sign.” (對於季後賽碰上雷霆) 不管季賽結果如何,現在可是0比0喔,所以我非常開心也很有信心要去OKC面對他們 我們本季的表現絕對不該只有第八種子,但六到八名實在太激烈了,勝場差根本沒多少 開打前我們就會準備好,我們今年也曾打敗過他們,這可以給我們一點正向的力量 (on why the team occasionally gets bogged down in an iso-heavy offense): I’m not really sure. That’s not our game and that’s not what we’re good at. We have to push the ball up and we have to get stops so we can get out in transition but we can’t slow the ball down – that’s not the kind of team we are. We’re much better in the open court and when we run and gun so it’s just something we’ve got to clean up going into the playoffs. (為什麼球隊有時會慢下來,執著於單打獨鬥的進攻?) 我不是很確定耶,這不是我們熟悉的球風,我們也不擅長這樣打 所以我們必須把速度打出來,利用好防守帶出攻防轉換,但絕對不能慢下來 因為我們不會打慢...相較之下,全場跑轟我們就做得好多了 而這就是我們進入季後賽之後很明確的方向 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (04/18 23:09)

04/18 23:10, , 1F
這個翻譯比較好 不是不知道林在場上 翻成不知道他站在哪裡
04/18 23:10, 1F

04/18 23:11, , 2F
希望鬍子說到做到阿 帶著球隊往好的方向走 好嗎
04/18 23:11, 2F

04/18 23:12, , 3F
"我每次出手都感覺不錯,但好像都短了一點" LOL
04/18 23:12, 3F

04/18 23:12, , 4F
我專業翻譯機捏 (誤
04/18 23:12, 4F

04/18 23:12, , 5F
記者要抄也不抄得好一點 Orz
04/18 23:12, 5F

04/18 23:13, , 6F
04/18 23:13, 6F

04/18 23:14, , 7F
04/18 23:14, 7F

04/18 23:15, , 8F
" so I might make some mistakes, but I just have to
04/18 23:15, 8F

04/18 23:15, , 9F
continue to work at it" 這句話太可怕了 = =
04/18 23:15, 9F

04/18 23:16, , 10F
差點以為彼得大氣到不想翻譯了 謝謝彼得大不嫌棄...XDD
04/18 23:16, 10F

04/18 23:16, , 11F
有始有終囉 XDDD
04/18 23:16, 11F

04/18 23:16, , 12F
04/18 23:16, 12F

04/18 23:16, , 13F
04/18 23:16, 13F

04/18 23:17, , 14F
04/18 23:17, 14F

04/18 23:17, , 15F
04/18 23:17, 15F

04/18 23:20, , 16F
不知道有沒記者去訪問冷笑話他今天最想感謝誰 XD
04/18 23:20, 16F

04/18 23:21, , 17F
04/18 23:21, 17F

04/18 23:22, , 18F
每個人都推說不知道為啥慢下來 其實每個人都心知肚明吧XD
04/18 23:22, 18F

04/18 23:22, , 19F
04/18 23:22, 19F

04/18 23:22, , 20F
04/18 23:22, 20F

04/18 23:24, , 21F
這教練真好當 每次賽後輸球都怪球員不傳球就好 都跟他無關
04/18 23:24, 21F

04/18 23:25, , 22F
04/18 23:25, 22F

04/18 23:29, , 23F
04/18 23:29, 23F

04/18 23:30, , 24F
感謝翻譯! 冰箱的敗戰理由依舊好跳針;哈登覺得自己的錯
04/18 23:30, 24F

04/18 23:30, , 25F
冰箱說我們做了些錯誤的決定,這個我們有包括冰箱嗎= =
04/18 23:30, 25F

04/18 23:30, , 26F
04/18 23:30, 26F

04/18 23:31, , 27F
是因手感不好?!(← 這好像不是關鍵點耶XD) 然後 看三位球員
04/18 23:31, 27F

04/18 23:31, , 28F
謝謝翻譯  不在場上會說on the court嗎
04/18 23:31, 28F

04/18 23:32, , 29F
的發言 要將球隊打出速度的責任 好像由Lin擔下了? 這...有
04/18 23:32, 29F

04/18 23:32, , 30F
04/18 23:32, 30F

04/18 23:32, , 31F
04/18 23:32, 31F

04/18 23:32, , 32F
on the floor有在場上的意思沒錯啦....
04/18 23:32, 32F

04/18 23:33, , 33F
04/18 23:33, 33F

04/18 23:33, , 34F
04/18 23:33, 34F

04/18 23:33, , 35F
如果真的手感不好 利用吸怪 分球給隊友打也不錯~
04/18 23:33, 35F

04/18 23:34, , 36F
不要都想投到手感回來-.- 有時候太執著三分的投射~
04/18 23:34, 36F

04/18 23:36, , 37F
看不太出鬍子是有檢討自己黏球和丟炸彈 他擔的是沒投進的部份..
04/18 23:36, 37F

04/18 23:37, , 38F
04/18 23:37, 38F

04/18 23:37, , 39F
04/18 23:37, 39F
還有 42 則推文
04/19 00:03, , 82F

04/19 00:03, , 83F
林版有一個不同風格的翻譯 應該是可以被接受的吧
04/19 00:03, 83F

04/19 00:05, , 84F
04/19 00:05, 84F

04/19 00:08, , 85F
直譯的那版沒錯 但我還是覺得CP講那種話超不合理的orz
04/19 00:08, 85F

04/19 00:10, , 86F
04/19 00:10, 86F

04/19 00:30, , 87F
公關錢一時之間不小心 XDDD
04/19 00:30, 87F

04/19 00:42, , 88F
04/19 00:42, 88F

04/19 01:11, , 89F
曾~曾經在我眼前~卻又消失不見 QAQ
04/19 01:11, 89F

04/19 01:48, , 90F
Parsons 意思就是他以為lin 根本不在場上
04/19 01:48, 90F

04/19 08:46, , 91F
感謝彼得大翻譯,我需要好好沈澱一下才能上來看評論 = =
04/19 08:46, 91F

04/19 08:57, , 92F
04/19 08:57, 92F

04/19 09:58, , 93F
04/19 09:58, 93F

04/19 10:07, , 94F
04/19 10:07, 94F

04/19 10:08, , 95F
04/19 10:08, 95F

04/19 10:22, , 96F
04/19 10:22, 96F

04/19 10:24, , 97F
04/19 10:24, 97F

04/19 10:25, , 98F
04/19 10:25, 98F

04/19 10:25, , 99F
04/19 10:25, 99F

04/19 13:49, , 100F
今天早上把第四節又看了一遍 輸的真可惜啊
04/19 13:49, 100F

04/19 13:50, , 101F
我不曉得是不是真的林被冰到手感冷掉 有一球進了又出來
04/19 13:50, 101F

04/19 13:51, , 102F
我還有看到哈登在叫暫停時給林打氣 (拍林的手臂) 球員之間
04/19 13:51, 102F

04/19 13:52, , 103F
的互動真的還是滿好的 但是大家跟教練講話都不是很客氣XD
04/19 13:52, 103F

04/19 13:53, , 104F
好幾個人都是皺著眉頭在跟冰箱說話的 哈哈><
04/19 13:53, 104F

04/19 13:56, , 105F
鬍子:Come on~ 啾咪~下次我會早1秒傳給你~
04/19 13:56, 105F

04/19 14:19, , 106F
高富帥:咦? 林怎麼可能會在場上 冰箱:e04 忘記冰了
04/19 14:19, 106F

04/19 16:06, , 107F
04/19 16:06, 107F

04/19 19:02, , 108F
I didn't even know Jeremy was on the floor.
04/19 19:02, 108F

04/20 03:32, , 109F
04/20 03:32, 109F

04/20 03:35, , 110F
明明他傳給J. Lin前,是Lin救接到G. Smith的救球後傳給他的
04/20 03:35, 110F

04/20 03:36, , 111F
04/20 03:36, 111F

04/20 03:37, , 112F
04/20 03:37, 112F

04/20 03:44, , 113F
04/20 03:44, 113F

04/20 03:47, , 114F
04/20 03:47, 114F

04/20 09:39, , 115F
04/20 09:39, 115F

04/20 11:16, , 116F
04/20 11:16, 116F

04/20 13:38, , 117F
04/20 13:38, 117F

04/20 16:56, , 118F
04/20 16:56, 118F

04/21 00:01, , 119F
04/21 00:01, 119F

04/21 00:02, , 120F
連那個湖人都超前火箭變成第七種子 誰能給我解釋解釋啊
04/21 00:02, 120F

04/21 00:04, , 121F
而且我看了賽後報導(18日) 本來要贏的比賽...
04/21 00:04, 121F
文章代碼(AID): #1HS0nuaM (Jeremy_Lin)