[外絮] Linsanity: Jeremy Lin's rise to stardom (上)

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (123 ~恋がはじまる~)時間11年前 (2013/04/08 09:22), 編輯推噓46(4606)
留言52則, 43人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(不接受轉錄,謝謝) 原文: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-57578300/linsanity-jeremy-lins-rise- to-stardom/ 縮網址: http://0rz.tw/AwgUE 完整影片: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN1mKoU8ZGA
Linsanity: Jeremy Lin's rise to stardom Linsanity:Jeremy Lin 邁向明星的經歷 The following is a script from "Linsanity" which aired on April 7, 2013. Charlie Rose is the correspondent. Pete Radovich, producer. 以下是 2013 年 4 月 7 日,在「六十分鐘」節目上的單元 Linsanity 的逐字稿。 Charlie Rose 是訪問他的記者,Pete Radovich 則是製作人。 There aren't many basketball stars who step off the bench and directly into the dictionary, but that's what happened last season when a third-string guard for the New York Knicks named Jeremy Lin spawned something so new, so crazy, so outside the realm of rational explanation that it demanded its own word: Linsanity. 沒有幾位籃球明星,曾經從板凳上一躍成為字典裡的詞彙,但這就是 Jeremy Lin 的故事 :上一季從紐約尼克隊的三號控衛,以新穎、瘋狂、超乎一般人想像的方式打出自己的比 賽,讓它有了自己的詞彙:Linsanity。 For a few weeks, the entire professional basketball world was in the throes of this Harvard educated Asian-American who battled his way through racial stereotypes to become a shooting star. 數週內,整個職業籃球世界都難以想像:這位哈佛畢業的亞裔美國人,如何一路突破種族 刻板印象,成為躍升的明星。 Charlie Rose: As one New Yorker, let me tell you what you did for the city. It was a magical time. You know? And Madison Square Garden, at that moment, was what it was intended to be. Charlie Rose(以下以 R 代替):身為紐約人,讓我告訴你,你作為尼克隊的球員, 為紐約市帶來了什麼。你知道嗎?當時的麥迪遜花園廣場,才是它應該有的(有娛樂價 值的)模樣。 Jeremy Lin: Well, I appreciate that. Jeremy Lin(以下以 L 代替): 謝謝,我很感激。 [Sports announcer: Look who's coming in.] [現場播報員:你看那是誰啊?] Jeremy Lin was the twelfth man on a slumping, injury-riddled 12-man team, last season when the New York Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni put him into the game, and into basketball history. Jeremy Lin 是上季戰績不佳、也飽受傷病困擾的尼克隊中,板凳十二人名單的最後一個 。總教練 Mike D'Antoni 讓他上場、也讓他因此在籃球歷史上留名。 [Sports announcer: Lin to the basket, reverse lay up, he puts it in. What a play for Jeremy Lin. Gets to the rim, puts it in, and a foul. Wow.] [現場播報員:Lin 進攻籃框、反勾上籃進了,漂亮的進攻;又攻擊籃框,進算加一,哇 !] Charlie Rose: 25 points, 7 assists, and a Knick victory. Then, he did it again in the next game: 28 points, 8 assists. And then again. R:二十五分、七助攻、尼克獲得勝利;下一場比賽,Lin 又以二十八分八助攻協助球隊 取勝;然後又是下一場... Jeremy Lin: That stretch, that was the most fun that I've ever had in my life. L:那段連勝期,是我這輩子最有趣的經歷。 Charlie Rose: That's what athletes want, one to one with the fans, playing at their best, in a place that is a cathedral. R:那就是每個運動員想要的:在籃球聖殿上,打出自己最好的比賽,為球迷取得一次又 一次的勝利。 Jeremy Lin: I agree. L:沒錯。 [Reporter: Can you believe this is happening to you? [記者:你能相信,這些經歷居然發生在你身上嗎?] Jeremy Lin: No. L:不,無法相信。 And New Yorkers were swept into an epidemic of Linsanity. His name was unavoidable in the papers, magazine covers and in the stands. 然後,紐約人似乎都被 Linsanity 傳染了,他的名字無可避免地出現在報紙、雜誌 頭版、及球迷席的自製看板上。 [Jeremy Lin: I didn't know you could turn Lin into so many things.] [L:我真不知道,你們怎麼能用 Lin 這個字,造出這麼多新的字。] League officials like Commissioner David Stern knew a good thing when they saw it, even if they had trouble understanding just what it was. NBA 執行長 David Stern 與聯盟人員,雖然知道這個風潮對聯盟是件好事,但他們也弄 不太清楚這(Linsanity)到底是什麼。 David Stern: We couldn't even figure it out. We couldn't get enough Jeremy Lin material in the NBA store fast enough. And when we did, it was just gone in minutes. David Stern(以下以 S 代替):我們根本找不出原因。我們來不及為 NBA Store 裡的 Jeremy Lin 商品補貨;即使進貨了,幾分鐘之內就會賣完。 Charlie Rose: You've never seen anything like it? R:你之前沒見過這樣的事嗎? David Stern: No, but we enjoyed it. S:沒有,不過我們很高興有這樣的狀況。(譯:賺錢能不高興嗎? =_=) On the February night Lin came off the bench, jerseys with his name and number 17 did not even exist. Now, they were the hottest-selling items in all sports. 在去年二月,Lin 還埋在板凳深處的時候,繡著他的名字與十七號的球衣根本還不存在; 現在,變成了所有運動中最暢銷的商品。 About the only person who seemed unaware of the frenzy was the Los Angeles Lakers' star, Kobe Bryant. 看起來,唯一不為這股風潮所動的,是洛杉磯湖人隊的明星:Kobe Bryant。 [Sports announcer: Jeremy Lin, are you following that story at all? [記者:你最近有看過關於 Jeremy Lin 的新聞嗎?] Kobe Bryant: No idea. I know who he is, but I don't really know what's going on too much with that. I don't even know what he's done. I've got no idea what you guys are talking about.] Kobe:完全沒有。我知道他是誰啦,但我不太清楚到底發生了什麼事,我也根本不知道他 做了些什麼,所以我不知道你們在說啥。 But Bryant's feigned detachment ended before a national television audience. Just a few games removed from being a basketball nonentity, Lin rang up 38 points embarrassing Kobe and the Lakers. 但 Kobe 假裝的不在意,很快就在全國轉播的觀眾面前結束了:前幾場比賽還是無名小卒 ,Lin 這次在 Kobe 跟湖人面前拿下三十八分。 [Sports announcer: Lin likes the open floor, spinning, puts it up and banks it in, sensational play for Jeremy Lin.] [現場播報員:Lin 喜歡清開空間打球、三百六十度轉身,擦版投進,那是 Jeremy Lin 超漂亮的 play。] (譯註:應該是指老魚那個。) Jeremy Lin: When I shot that three pointer from the corner... L:當我在底線投那記三分時... (譯註:應該是進攻籃板後,JJ 給 Lin 補刀那球) [Sports announcer: Lin from deep.] [現場播報員:Lin 投三分球] Jeremy Lin: That was the loudest I've ever heard an arena. And, I literally felt like I was hovering, because of how crazy the place was. L:那是我在球場中,聽過最大的歡呼聲;我好像整個人浮了起來,因為那裡太瘋狂了。 [Sports announcer: A new star is born in the NBA.] [現場播報員:一位新星在 NBA 誕生了] Through his first five starts, the undrafted Ivy League point guard, scored 136 points more than any other player in league history. Not bad for a guy who had been spending his nights crashing on his brothers' and teammates' couches, uncertain of his future with the team. But then, just as quickly as Linsanity arrived in New York, it evaporated. First came an injury, and then he was on his way out of town bound for the Houston Rockets, and a three-year, $25 million contract. His days on the couch were over. But so was his career with the Knicks, who passed up the chance to re-sign him. 這位落選的長春藤聯盟出身控衛,在生涯的前五場先發中,拿下了一百三十六分,比歷史 上任何球員都多。對一個晚上必須借哥哥、或隊友的沙發睡覺,不確定會不會被球隊裁掉 的球員來說,這個表現還不賴。然而,與 Linsanity 席捲紐約的速度相同,它也快速消 失了。一開始是受了傷,然後他踏上前往休士頓火箭隊的道路,簽下了三年兩千五百萬美 元的合約。他不再需要再睡沙發上,但因為尼克放棄續簽,他的尼克生涯也結束了,。 Charlie Rose: What happened? Do you believe they didn't want you? R:到底發生了什麼事?你認為是尼克不想要你嗎? Jeremy Lin: No, I think they wanted to bring me back. I think they wanted to bring me back at a certain price range. And I think the offer that Houston gave was not in that price range. L:不,我認為他們想要我歸隊;我認為:他們想要以預設的合約價讓我歸隊,但休士頓 給的價碼高於尼克的預算。 Charlie Rose: Can you possibly look back and say, Maybe I didn't do enough to stay in New York. That maybe if I had said to them, "I want to be here. I want to be a Knick. This is home." R:有沒有這種可能:你回頭想想後,覺得或許沒有努力讓自己留在紐約?或許應該對他 們說:「我想留下,我想成為尼克的一員,這是我的家」? Jeremy Lin: You know, I think everything happened the way it was supposed to. L:我覺得,之後發生的每件事情都很合理。 Charlie Rose: You really believe that? R:你真的這麼想? Jeremy Lin: I really do. L:真的。 Charlie Rose: Turned out the way it was supposed to? R:每件事情都很合理嗎?(譯註:大合約、尼克不跟進、加入火箭這些事) Jeremy Lin: Yeah. L:沒錯。 If New York wasn't in his future, Asia certainly was. 如果紐約不在他的未來規劃內的話,亞洲肯定是的。 Charlie Rose: Tell me about going to China. I mean, after everything that had happened-- the explosion of Linsanity. R:談談你去年夏天去中國的事情。呃,你引發了 Linsanity 的風潮,之後去中國... Jeremy Lin: In my mind I figured, I'm going to show up to some events and there's going to be a lot of fans there-- L:我腦中想的是:我覺得應該在那(中國)出現,畢竟那裏有很多球迷。 Charlie Rose: Yeah, right. R:沒錯啦。 Jeremy Lin: --and they're going to want to take pictures. L:他們會想要跟我合照/照相。 Charlie Rose: Yeah, and then-- R:沒錯,但是... Jeremy Lin: And that's it but-- L:差不多就是這樣吧,不過.... Charlie Rose: And then they'll let me go home and I'll be fine back at the hotel. R:(譯註:主持人把話塞進 Lin 嘴裡)「(照完像)他們會讓我回家,然後我就可以 安心地待在旅館裡了。」 Jeremy Lin: Yeah, but like, I knew it was going to be, like, intense. But it was probably like five times crazier than I thought it was going to be. L:沒錯,不過雖然我知道球迷會很瘋狂,最後大概比我預期的要瘋狂五倍吧。 When Jeremy Lin arrived for a series of appearances in China and Taiwan last summer, he was greeted as if he were all four Beatles on a reunion tour. 當 Jeremy Lin 去年夏天在中國與台灣的數個場合現身的時候,他被歡迎的程度,好像四 位批頭四成員,舉行重聚巡迴演唱一樣。(譯亂註:但不可能,John Lennon 跟 George Harrison 已過世,原文是比喻性的說法;假使有 Beatles reunion tour 的話,我大概 也會暴動。XD) (待續) -- 心にある花をいつまでも咲かせよう たとえ水が盡きても たとえ闇が覆っても 終わりという始まり 始まりという名の終わり 僕達はまだ步いてく 僕達がまだ步いてく 心の花を咲かせよう / いきものがかり -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/08 09:32, , 1F
首推? 謝P版主.
04/08 09:32, 1F

04/08 09:34, , 2F
04/08 09:34, 2F

04/08 09:34, , 3F
04/08 09:34, 3F

04/08 09:35, , 4F
04/08 09:35, 4F

04/08 09:39, , 5F
推 ~~~~~
04/08 09:39, 5F

04/08 09:39, , 6F
認真看完推 謝謝板主 辛苦了!
04/08 09:39, 6F

04/08 09:44, , 7F
謝版主翻譯~Charlie Rose的提問真犀利 不過Lin答得很好
04/08 09:44, 7F

04/08 09:47, , 8F
感覺主持人一直想要lin說一些有爆點的 but...XDD
04/08 09:47, 8F

04/08 09:48, , 9F
對 結果Lin也都回答得很好,巧妙簡潔............XDDDD
04/08 09:48, 9F

04/08 09:48, , 10F
04/08 09:48, 10F

04/08 09:50, , 11F
04/08 09:50, 11F

04/08 09:53, , 12F
04/08 09:53, 12F

04/08 10:04, , 13F
04/08 10:04, 13F

04/08 10:05, , 14F
04/08 10:05, 14F

04/08 10:26, , 15F
感謝翻譯! 尼克不跟進 加入火箭這事 記者感覺硬要問出個什
04/08 10:26, 15F

04/08 10:27, , 16F
麼 但Lin回答很得體很正面XD
04/08 10:27, 16F

04/08 10:31, , 17F
lin如果順著主持人回答 休士頓球迷應該會震怒!!
04/08 10:31, 17F

04/08 10:33, , 18F
04/08 10:33, 18F

04/08 10:33, , 19F
04/08 10:33, 19F

04/08 10:33, , 20F
04/08 10:33, 20F

04/08 11:02, , 21F
04/08 11:02, 21F

04/08 11:19, , 22F
04/08 11:19, 22F

04/08 11:23, , 23F
04/08 11:23, 23F

04/08 12:25, , 24F
回家再看 真是太感謝 佛心來著
04/08 12:25, 24F

04/08 12:30, , 25F
林回答得很得體 不過看得出來他內心是有另一種答案的....
04/08 12:30, 25F

04/08 12:31, , 26F
感謝板主翻譯! Lin真的很會說話
04/08 12:31, 26F

04/08 12:34, , 27F
要看Lin失言幾乎是不可能的 想當牧師的人都會學怎麼對談
04/08 12:34, 27F

04/08 12:43, , 28F
04/08 12:43, 28F
※ 編輯: puppetsgame 來自: (04/08 12:59)

04/08 13:01, , 29F
04/08 13:01, 29F

04/08 13:15, , 30F
04/08 13:15, 30F

04/08 13:37, , 31F
04/08 13:37, 31F

04/08 13:52, , 32F
04/08 13:52, 32F

04/08 13:55, , 33F
影片中的小小Jeremy,邊餵弟弟喝奶邊說turn it off, daddy
04/08 13:55, 33F

04/08 13:56, , 34F
真的把我萌暈了 @_@
04/08 13:56, 34F

04/08 13:57, , 35F
04/08 13:57, 35F

04/08 14:10, , 36F
04/08 14:10, 36F

04/08 14:18, , 37F
04/08 14:18, 37F

04/08 14:37, , 38F
04/08 14:37, 38F

04/08 14:47, , 39F
04/08 14:47, 39F

04/08 15:18, , 40F
04/08 15:18, 40F

04/08 15:51, , 41F
04/08 15:51, 41F

04/08 16:28, , 42F
04/08 16:28, 42F

04/08 18:21, , 43F
04/08 18:21, 43F

04/08 21:02, , 44F
04/08 21:02, 44F

04/08 21:31, , 45F
三兄弟小時候 長得好像 不同長度 同一個模子
04/08 21:31, 45F

04/08 22:27, , 46F
04/08 22:27, 46F

04/08 23:03, , 47F
04/08 23:03, 47F

04/08 23:05, , 48F
好想幫主持人把扣子扣好(重點誤) 小啾咪太萌了吧!!
04/08 23:05, 48F

04/09 00:23, , 49F
04/09 00:23, 49F

04/09 21:40, , 50F
超棒的 感謝翻譯 小時候超古椎啦
04/09 21:40, 50F

04/10 00:45, , 51F
turn it off, daddy..是請林把 把攝影機關掉嗎? 還是
04/10 00:45, 51F

04/10 00:58, , 52F
我猜應該是~ Lin好溫柔>////<
04/10 00:58, 52F
文章代碼(AID): #1HOXlJ1p (Jeremy_Lin)