[外絮] Will Aaron Brooks Impact Jeremy Lin's Role with Houston

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (BasketBall Thug)時間11年前 (2013/03/11 01:17), 編輯推噓35(35015)
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Will Aaron Brooks Impact Jeremy Lin's Role with Houston Rockets? - By Marshall Zweig (Featured Columnist) on March 7 原文: http://0rz.tw/whrrJ -----------原文很長,有錯請指正,謝謝----------- Watching Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey recently beating Jeremy Lin in ping-pong, I wonder how many picked up on the delicious symbolism. Lin has to have felt like a ping-pong ball since joining the Rockets. And now, prodigal point guard Aaron Brooks returning to Houston allows me to invoke the table-tennis metaphor once more: Is this another bad bounce for Lin? 小AB的回歸是否會對LIN造成另一個不良的影響? I am of two minds regarding JLin. I can easily see and have compassion for the way Morey and coach Kevin McHale have flipped the script on him. First, Lin lost face. He was replaced as the franchise player when shooting guard James Harden joined the fold. Consequently, Lin lost the ball: McHale immediately granted Harden the bulk of the ball-handling duties. Once that happened, Lin lost his advantage. He thrives on attacking the rim off the dribble. If he's not dribbling, my thinking goes, it's much more difficult for him to attack. Finally, Lin seemed to lose the coaches' faith. Interim coach Kelvin Sampson,and more recently McHale, have sometimes benched Lin at the strangest of times, most glaringly in a number of fourth quarters,often as Lin seemed to have gotten things going in an otherwise tough shooting night. All this in a career still so brief, the young man has just passed a season's worth of starts. #作者以一個感性的角度來看: 至從Harden的加入,瞬間取代LIN成為火箭隊第一人的角色。 也因此,McHale立即授與大量的控球權給Harden。 隨即LIN馬上失去了他在進攻端上的優勢: 優異的運(持)球攻擊籃框能力。 如果他不運球,這會造成他在攻擊上更加的地困難。 也因此最後造成教練團的不信任感,從開季時的代總教練KS到後來回歸的McHale都是如此。 當LIN手感不好的比賽,時常在關鍵的第四節將LIN冰在板凳上。 而他也僅僅是一個在上一季剛證明自己有先發能力的菜鳥而已。 Now let's talk about my other mind. My other mind does not like excuses. When someone flips the script on you, my other mind says turn the new script into an Academy Award-winner. In other words: If the situation dictates a slasher to become a spot-up shooter, then that is what one must do. If the situation requires one to learn how to attack with less space, then that's what must happen. Lin has had spotty results adapting to the new script. #作者以最實際的角度來看: NO EXCUSES 如果現實面,球隊(教練)需要LIN作出改變:變成定點射手或者學會無球打法。 那他就必須去適應,並且作出回應。 而LIN也的確作為了球隊作出了部分地改變與改善。 He has reduced his turnovers. His pick-and-roll duet with Harden can often be a thing of beauty. He is ninth in the league in steals per 48 minutes. He always plays hard, doesn't complain and looks to give to his teammates and lift his team rather then self-aggrandize. 逐漸改善的優點: 1. LIN減少了失誤次數。 2. LIN和Harden的PICK&ROLL時常達到很棒的效果。 3. LIN的抄截數/48分鐘值在聯盟暫列第九。 4. LIN總是努力向上,不抱怨,幫助隊友以及球隊。而不是自我吹捧。 But on the negative side of the balance sheet, Lin's jump shot is still inconsistent, and I expect it to remain so until and unless he continues to work on it in the offseason. Further, despite his penchant for steals, Jeremy's defense still leaves a lot to be desired. (That, by the way, is what the coaches attributed Lin's late-game benchings to: Toney Douglas and now Patrick Beverley are superior to Lin defensively.) Perhaps most damning is this statistic: Lin's player efficiency rating among point guards averaging more than 30 minutes a game is third-worst in the NBA. 仍要改善的缺點: 1. 不穩定的跳投能力。不能時好時壞,並在季後賽後持續訓練。 2. 除了抄截癖好外,LIN的防守需要變得更積極。 (作者以McHale時常讓LIN第四節坐板凳的兩位替補作比喻:TDG & MVP) 3. COLD HARD FACTS : LIN的PER值在整個聯盟中,平均出賽>30MINS的後衛中名列第三。 (內文倒數第三,但我查是第五,LIN:14.76;聯盟平均:17.68。) (連結 : http://0rz.tw/pCzQI ) With the exit of Douglas and the Rockets shorthanded, Lin put together one of his signature games for the ages: 29 points, 12-for-22 from the floor and 3-for-5 from three-point range, and most inspiringly, so money in the clutch I would have been tempted to shake him down for engraving plates. Since then,temporary Linsanity has given way to maddening inconsistency once again, and even a worrisome injury. 4. 即使在TDG被交易走的那晚,面對OKC的LIN,猶如LINSANITY的表現。 作者仍希望這不是曇花一現的表現,甚至造成如同上季末的受傷。 Enter Aaron Brooks. 簡單比較LIN和小AB The former Rocket's defense is no better than Lin's, and might even be worse. And compared to Brooks, Lin dishes like Joan Rivers. But Brooks' jump shot is more consistent. His three-point shot is more consistent. It was only a couple of years ago that he scored almost 20 points a game for the Rockets. If the coaching staff was telling the truth about why Lin was benched in the fourth quarters of games, Brooks' arrival shouldn't impact Lin much, if at all. But if they weren't—in other words, if the coaches sat Lin because they didn't have faith in his jumper at crunch time—Brooks might get time at the end of games. Or, for that matter, earlier in games. 1.小AB的防守甚至比LIN遭。 2.但小AB的跳投能力比LIN穩定多,尤其是三分能力。 (曾經在火箭隊保持單季場均20分的能力) 簡單結論: A.如果教練過去的言行屬實,以防守能力來看。 小AB未來會讓LIN在第四節冰在板凳上的機率很低。 B.如果教練過去的言行唬爛,以投射能力來看。 小AB很有可能因在決勝期有更穩定輸出能力讓LIN坐板凳。 又或者得到更早更多的替補上場機會。 What would all that mean for Lin? 承以上的推論對LIN又有什麼其他意義呢? If someone tries to tell you the Rockets have a better chance to win starting Brooks instead of Lin, ask that someone what color the sky is in his world, because I'll guarantee you it's not blue. But I do not begrudge a coach wanting to be able to trust in his point guard's ability to make a shot when one is needed. The simple answer to the question "why does Lin lose time to Patrick Beverley" can be answered with the following numerical combination: 3-4, 3-5, 1-2, 3-4, 0-1. That's Beverley's three-point stat line for the last five games prior to the loss to the Mavericks. Lin's, by comparison, is 0-2, 1-3, 0-2, 2-2, 1-4. So let's say you're the coach, and you need a long-distance shot to fall— let's say your career depends on it. Which of the two do you want taking that shot? You see my point. 1. 作者暗喻有關於顏色的問題。說某人的天空不是藍色的。 (也不可能是黃,難道是...嘿嘿嘿。) 2. 作者將MVP與LIN近五場的3PM-A列出比較: MVP: 3-4, 3-5, 1-2, 3-4, 0-1. LIN: 0-2, 1-3, 0-2, 2-2, 1-4. 3. 反問讀者,如果你是一個喜歡下三分雨的教練,甚至你往後的教練生涯就看這季了。 你會希望誰在第四節替你挺身而出。(絕殺?) 4. 真相大白:不是甚麼防守問題,就是LIN三分太差而已。(信任問題) Brooks has not played much this year, but his jumper is generally considered to be a solid one. If Lin loses some time to Brooks, his next move is simple. Suck it up, get to work and win back your coaches' trust. Lin can do it. He's surpassed expectations before, shocked the world before. He's even done it this season: Every month, for example, his three-point shooting percentage has steadily improved. Thank goodness the comment area on my articles is not reflective of the many people who read without leaving a remark. For some reason, certain of my readers who are Lin fanatics seem to believe they need to interpret every sentence written about Jeremy as a criticism, and defend him via any means necessary, even when no defense is warranted. To those people, I say stop treating Jeremy Lin like he's a six-year-old learning how to ride a bike. It's great to applaud a little child no matter what he does, or how he does it. If you do it to an adult, you're saying the guy has no capability to grow and improve beyond what he's doing. That's an insult to Lin. If the coaches treated him like that, applauding no matter how he performed, Lin would never get better. And he would robbed of the ability to be a truly great player, if he has it in him. It's way too early to say whether he does or doesn't. But games like that OKC masterpiece sure give one hope. 作者期勉LIN,假使因跳投能力被小AB打敗,也要繼續努力。從而贏回教練信任。 他也相信LIN作的到,就像他逐漸進步地三分命中率一樣。 作者希望LIN的FANS,不要盲目擁護LIN,而剝奪LIN成長的權利。 從另個角度看,教練的不信任與嚴厲,或許正是LIN目前最需要的成長動力吧。 而現在也太早去評斷他是否能成為一位偉大的球員。 但至少對OKC的LINSANITY再現,給了我們希望。 Aaron Brooks has experience, more than Lin. Heck, Brooks took Houston to the second round of the playoffs, a feat no one in Rockets red and white can relate to other than Harden. He even dropped 34 on the Los Angeles Lakers in a phenomenal playoff performance. And McHale is not wrong if he wants that experience now that the Rockets are playoff contenders. So far, McHale has said Brooks will be more of a situational player, and I believe him. I believe him because the Rockets are at their best when Lin is at the helm. Beverley has been a more than credible backup, but he might well lose playing time to the similarly quick but more talented Brooks. Lin, however, likely won't. If Lin struggles, though, I believe Brooks will get playing time. And that will not be an incorrect decision. That will be an opportunity for Lin. The best boss I ever had, a relentlessly brilliant writer named Jeff Stocker, gave me some advice early in my career. I had come back from a meeting with my head down, my ideas having just been rejected. "If your stuff gets killed, just smile and say 'no problem,'" Jeff said. "Because inside you know you've got a million more ideas where that came from." In case you couldn't tell, Jeff loves sports. It was also probably the best piece of advice I've ever been given as a writer. It gave me inner resolve on more occasions than you'd believe, occasions where I desperately needed strength from within. The same applies to Lin. If they take the ball away from him, if they take away his minutes, if they bench him, it would greatly behoove him to smile and say "no problem." And inside, tell himself he's got a million more steals to swipe, assists to thread and daggers to stick next time he gets on the court. 1.以過往小AB在火箭的豐功偉業:帶領火箭進入第二輪季後賽,季後對上湖人豪取34分。 這些都是連隊上的第一人Harden目前都不可及的,何況是LIN。 2.以教練的出發點來看,在搶季後賽門票的關鍵時期,需要這麼一名老鳥是很合理的。 而作者仍肯定LIN的領導地位,而MVP是一個可依賴的替補PG。 但是小AB的出現,肯定首當其衝的是MVP而不是LIN。 3.即使未來,假設LIN狀況不佳而小AB適時填補時。對教練團而言,也是不失合理的決策。 但這也是LIN學習成長的機會,作者並用自己的親身小故事來勉勵LIN。 不管遇到任何挫折,繼續努力作好準備,並且告訴自己也告訴教練:「我可以!」 ---------------------THE END-------------------- 心得: 此作者應該也蠻喜歡LIN的,也很怕得罪LIN迷。 但仍中肯的提出他對LIN的看法,不論優缺點。 總而言之,愛之深責之切。 LIN是一個好的球員,但還不夠好,又菜比八。 就像在當兵一樣,合理是磨練,不合理是訓練。 孟子曰:「天將降大任於斯人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨, 餓其體膚,空乏其身,行拂亂其所為,所以動心忍性,增益其所不能。」 最近被McHale神奇的調度,弄到氣急攻心。但冷靜過來,也沒那麼氣。 作為一個名人堂球員,當過GM,當到教練,總有自己一套理論與堅持。 就像各位當過兵,上過班一樣。遇到各種長官,各種老闆,都有自己的個性。 而事實上就是成敗論英雄,日遙之馬力。 不管McHale是否如文中作者的老闆一樣,因愛才惜才而刻意想琢磨他。 或者就是純粹的種族歧視,看不順眼,有偏見。 我相信有實力又有信仰的人,是不會被埋沒的。 最恐怖的不是冰箱有多冷,而是有毅力的人只會越來越強... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/11 01:21, , 1F
03/11 01:21, 1F

03/11 01:21, , 2F
面對OCK的LIN 這裡....變成OCK了XD
03/11 01:21, 2F

03/11 01:22, , 3F
03/11 01:22, 3F

03/11 01:24, , 4F
感謝翻譯。 但是那場OKC過後,McH就出現了29分9TO的說法
03/11 01:24, 4F

03/11 01:25, , 5F
03/11 01:25, 5F
※ 編輯: KenRock 來自: (03/11 01:28)

03/11 01:29, , 6F
03/11 01:29, 6F

03/11 01:31, , 7F
推翻譯 相信Lin會更成長 因為他很堅強、努力
03/11 01:31, 7F

03/11 01:48, , 8F
03/11 01:48, 8F

03/11 01:49, , 9F
03/11 01:49, 9F

03/11 05:46, , 10F
03/11 05:46, 10F

03/11 05:48, , 11F
03/11 05:48, 11F

03/11 06:46, , 12F
03/11 06:46, 12F

03/11 06:46, , 13F
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03/11 06:47, , 14F
03/11 06:47, 14F

03/11 06:47, , 15F
03/11 06:47, 15F

03/11 06:48, , 16F
03/11 06:48, 16F

03/11 06:49, , 17F
03/11 06:49, 17F

03/11 06:51, , 18F
03/11 06:51, 18F

03/11 06:52, , 19F
板在哪裡, 就讓時間來證明吧
03/11 06:52, 19F

03/11 07:19, , 20F
不是天花板高就可以亂養 冰箱很明顯在亂搞
03/11 07:19, 20F

03/11 08:05, , 21F
03/11 08:05, 21F

03/11 08:36, , 22F
03/11 08:36, 22F

03/11 08:41, , 23F
作者也是林迷 大推文章後半段
03/11 08:41, 23F

03/11 09:00, , 24F
03/11 09:00, 24F

03/11 09:15, , 25F
這篇很中肯 重點就是三分命中率而已
03/11 09:15, 25F

03/11 09:33, , 26F
03/11 09:33, 26F

03/11 09:53, , 27F
謝謝翻譯 印象中這作者還蠻認真 下面還會和人互動討論
03/11 09:53, 27F

03/11 10:06, , 28F
03/11 10:06, 28F

03/11 10:11, , 29F
03/11 10:11, 29F

03/11 10:12, , 30F
03/11 10:12, 30F

03/11 10:38, , 31F
Mchale的鳥調度釣出了多少的國外研究討論?! 真神人也~
03/11 10:38, 31F

03/11 10:42, , 32F
因為大家都搞不懂教練的心裡(調度)在想什麼啊? XDD
03/11 10:42, 32F

03/11 11:11, , 33F
03/11 11:11, 33F

03/11 12:01, , 34F
03/11 12:01, 34F

03/11 12:02, , 35F
之前有人酸說 火箭會有這戰績 是因為對手常看不懂 你到底
03/11 12:02, 35F

03/11 12:02, , 36F
03/11 12:02, 36F

03/11 12:08, , 37F
樓上 那不是酸 是事實XDDD 連火箭隊員自己都承認XDD
03/11 12:08, 37F

03/11 12:16, , 38F
03/11 12:16, 38F

03/11 12:16, , 39F
謝謝翻譯~~~如果只要無球三分真的去簽射手吧= =
03/11 12:16, 39F

03/11 12:19, , 40F
03/11 12:19, 40F

03/11 13:07, , 41F
eiw123大~那句話是帥哥講的 他說連火箭隊員自己也不知道
03/11 13:07, 41F

03/11 13:07, , 42F
03/11 13:07, 42F

03/11 13:17, , 43F
不會阿~關鍵時刻全世界都知道火箭的戰術 XDD
03/11 13:17, 43F

03/11 13:45, , 44F
03/11 13:45, 44F

03/11 14:18, , 45F
全~世~界~的~人~都~知~道 無~限~ISO~是~種~煩~腦
03/11 14:18, 45F

03/11 14:39, , 46F
感謝翻譯! 全世界的人都猜不透火箭的教練在想啥米
03/11 14:39, 46F

03/11 21:53, , 47F
03/11 21:53, 47F

03/11 22:00, , 48F
03/11 22:00, 48F

03/11 23:14, , 49F
03/11 23:14, 49F

03/12 00:08, , 50F
推 bluesunflowe:不會阿~關鍵時刻全世界都知道火箭的戰術
03/12 00:08, 50F
文章代碼(AID): #1HFC0wrd (Jeremy_Lin)