[外絮] Linsanity周年

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (木。無華)時間11年前 (2013/02/05 11:36), 編輯推噓45(4505)
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Linsanity Began One Year Ago Today 林來瘋開始於一年前的今天 By Will Leitch 來源:http://tinyurl.com/akoxa74 NYmag 照片:http://tinyurl.com/aaztyrc (一年過去得很快) One year ago today, February 4, 2012, the New York Giants were nestled soundly in their Indianapolis hotel beds, waiting to play in Super Bowl XLI against the New England Patriots. Mitt Romney was just about to win Nevada days after his big victory in Florida. 2012年2月4日,一年前的今天,... (嗯,介紹一下那時候的狀況,不重要,我們快轉到下一段) And the New York Knicks limped into Madison Square Garden at 8-15, having lost eleven of their last fourteen games and completely falling apart. The decision to forgo the point guard position in favor of hoping Carmelo Anthony and Amar'e Stoudemire could figure out a way to play together was proving a disaster; Toney Douglas was setting the position back years. The Knicks' big experiment looked doomed. The lockout-shortened season was going to be over before it even started. When they fell behind 30-20 at the end of the first quarter to the lowly New Jersey Nets, all seemed lost. And then coach Mike D'Antoni got desperate and, for the first time all year, called for his third-string point guard in the first half. He had no choice. There was nobody left, and nothing was working. And just like that: Linsanity had begun. 而紐約尼克隊在麥迪遜花園裡面對8勝15敗的蹣跚慘況,輸了一堆比賽,而且完全 分崩離析。為了讓甜瓜和阿罵可以想出辦法一起打球,而決定放棄讓控衛控球的決定 已經被證明是一場大災難。道哥在控衛的位置已久。尼克的偉大實驗看來已被宣告死 刑。縮水賽季在它開始之前就已經快結束。當他們在對陣紐澤西籃網時,第一節結束 前就以30比20分落後,他們看來完全地迷失了。總教練冷笑話絕望地在這一整年中第 一次在上半場就把他的第三控衛叫上來。他沒有選擇的餘地!他手上已經沒有人了, 也完全無法可想。而就在這時候:Linsanity開始了! If you want to relive the experience, here's the video; it only takes eight minutes. You're hungover anyway. 假如你想重溫這段回憶,這裡有影片;只需要八分鐘。你將再次沉醉。 影片:http://tinyurl.com/7azl7lo You can sort of see the whole Lin narrative, the whole story, in those eight minutes. At the beginning of the clip, Mike Breen is pretty much openly mocking Lin, pointing out how terrible he is on defense and how much better Douglas is than him. By the end, he's doing backflips, and Clyde is saying Lin's "smiling and profiling." And lord the Knicks, bench. Before the Carmelo dramas, before the "80 percent healthy" cracks, before everything inevitably turned sour ... you had the purity of this game, this comeback, this explosion. 你可以在這八分鐘看看整個對於Lin的介紹,以及這整個故事。在影片一開始,Mike Breen幾乎是公然嘲笑Lin,指出他的防守有多糟,而道哥又比他好多少。到最後,他 反轉了他的說法,而另一名球評則開始說起Lin的微笑和生平。在甜瓜人生之前,在 那些"80%健康"的紛擾(其實是85%啦!)之前,在一切不可避免地變酸變臭之前... 你仍擁有這場比賽、這次回顧、這次爆發的純淨回憶。 It's worth remembering how important that game was: The Knicks truly did look like they were toast. The lack of a point guard was their fatal flaw until Lin was just dropped from the heavens. The best part was that he did it again and again and again; that Nets win was the first of seven in a row. It remains one of the great sporting experiences of our lifetime. 我們必須記住這場比賽的重要性:尼克隊真的看起來他們已經完蛋了!直到Lin從天而 降之前,沒有一個能控球的控衛是他們的致命傷。最棒的是Lin做了一次一次又一次。 從籃網開始,他們開啟了七連勝!這是我們一生中經歷過偉大的體育經驗之一。 Obviously, everything would implode, and there would be anger and frustration on both sides. The irony of that, of course, is that it turned out well for everyone. The Knicks are 30-15 and look like the formidable Eastern Conference opponents to the defending champion Heat. Lin, who has had some struggles this year but hasn't fallen off a cliff, is the point guard for one of the youngest, most exciting teams in the NBA. (They're at 84.3 percent playoff odds this morning.) Everyone is walking away from this in a better place. That night, one year ago tonight, changed the course of Knicks history, of even recent NBA history. Look how much better this team today is than it was that night, and that's minus Lin. Mike D'Antoni is gone, Carmelo and Amar'e are finally playing well together and nobody laughs when Lin comes in the game anymore. Fans thought they were watching a lousy Knicks team play a lousy Nets team. They ended up with one of sports' most amazing evenings. 顯然地,所有事向內炸裂,雙方也可能都覺得憤怒與受傷。(註:這應該是指尼克不匹 配合約的事)當然,諷刺的是,結果對每個人都是好的。尼克現在30勝15負,看來 是東區裡對冠軍隊熱火最強有力的競爭對手。而Lin本身,雖然今年有些掙扎,但也沒有 墜入懸崖,更是NBA聯盟中最年輕、最刺激的一支球隊中的控衛。(直到今天早上,他們 仍有84.3%的機率可以進入季後賽。)每個人都已經從分離的傷害中走出,來到更好的位 置。那一夜,一年前的今晚,改變了尼克隊隊史上的記錄,甚至是NBA近年的歷史。在少 了Lin之後,看看尼克隊現在比去年這一夜好了多少。冷笑話走了,甜瓜和阿罵終於可以 好好地一起打球,再也沒有人在Lin進場比賽時恥笑他。球迷原本以為他們是在看爛透的 尼克打爛透的籃網,結果卻是體育史上最令人驚奇的一夜之一。 Sports is fun for a million reasons, but among the top of that list is its true, almost random unpredictability. You never know when something miraculous is going to show up out of nowhere. One of those miracles happened a year ago today. Whatever happened after that was epilogue. The experience itself was all that mattered. We're never going to forget it. Today is a day to remember it. And then to move on, and watch the Knicks win tonight in an entirely different, just as satisfying way. 運動可能有一百萬種有趣的理由,但最有趣的是它的真實,幾乎完全無法預測。你永遠 無法知道何時何地又會發生什麼神奇的事。一年前的今天,最神奇的事情發生了。不管 最後是如何收場,這次經驗本身才是最重要的。我們永遠不會忘記它。 (後面...省略 XDDDDD) 影片:http://tinyurl.com/bfphh4z -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: akthebest 來自: (02/05 11:38)

02/05 11:39, , 1F
我們永遠不會忘記他 Linsanity 生日快樂!!!!!!!!!!
02/05 11:39, 1F

02/05 11:44, , 2F
媽咪~~~~~~~~~~~不知道為什麼 我哭了 >"<
02/05 11:44, 2F

02/05 11:46, , 3F
02/05 11:46, 3F

02/05 11:50, , 4F
Oh~~一年了嗎? 呼~~~~(心中非常激動)
02/05 11:50, 4F

02/05 11:53, , 5F
感謝翻譯! 看所附對籃網之戰的視頻 眼眶濕了QQ 感慨啊...
02/05 11:53, 5F

02/05 11:55, , 6F
感謝翻譯~ Linsanity Forever!!!!!
02/05 11:55, 6F

02/05 11:56, , 7F
02/05 11:56, 7F

02/05 11:57, , 8F
02/05 11:57, 8F

02/05 12:01, , 9F
02/05 12:01, 9F

02/05 12:05, , 10F
真的是很特別的時刻 他的空間感和切傳的判斷都很好
02/05 12:05, 10F

02/05 12:06, , 11F
02/05 12:06, 11F

02/05 12:07, , 12F
02/05 12:07, 12F

02/05 12:13, , 13F
02/05 12:13, 13F

02/05 12:15, , 14F
02/05 12:15, 14F

02/05 12:24, , 15F
希望林以後有機會能重拾擋切 現在的打法也沒比較養生
02/05 12:24, 15F

02/05 12:26, , 16F
02/05 12:26, 16F

02/05 12:33, , 17F
02/05 12:33, 17F

02/05 12:45, , 18F
拳王大牌歸大牌 Lin一call就上來檔 真的是鳩甘心
02/05 12:45, 18F

02/05 12:46, , 19F
02/05 12:46, 19F

02/05 13:10, , 20F
推推 一年之間真的發生好多事情,終究是甜美的!
02/05 13:10, 20F

02/05 13:16, , 21F
02/05 13:16, 21F

02/05 13:20, , 22F
02/05 13:20, 22F

02/05 13:37, , 23F
02/05 13:37, 23F

02/05 13:38, , 24F
02/05 13:38, 24F

02/05 13:53, , 25F
生日快樂 真的一年了!!!!!!
02/05 13:53, 25F

02/05 14:06, , 26F
哇 一年了耶!!!
02/05 14:06, 26F

02/05 14:07, , 27F
02/05 14:07, 27F

02/05 14:26, , 28F
感謝神 把這一切都安排得如此美好
02/05 14:26, 28F

02/05 14:53, , 29F
02/05 14:53, 29F

02/05 15:07, , 30F
推 一年了 真的好快
02/05 15:07, 30F

02/05 15:41, , 31F
推翻譯 Linsanity 生日快樂!永遠記得當初帶給我們的
02/05 15:41, 31F

02/05 15:41, , 32F
02/05 15:41, 32F

02/05 16:02, , 33F
CSN: A look back at Linsanity http://0rz.tw/qIFYe
02/05 16:02, 33F

02/05 17:46, , 34F
跪謝翻譯 怒噓超嗆洋蔥
02/05 17:46, 34F

02/05 19:31, , 35F
Linsanity 生日快樂~~永遠不會忘記這份感動和熱情!!!!!!
02/05 19:31, 35F

02/05 20:12, , 36F
Linsanity 生日快樂!相信他會一天比一天更好!
02/05 20:12, 36F

02/05 20:15, , 37F
8分鐘影片看了真的很爽XDD 現場超high!火箭主場爭氣一點!
02/05 20:15, 37F

02/05 20:51, , 38F
Happy Linsanity Day!!! 一年了!!!QQ
02/05 20:51, 38F

02/05 20:57, , 39F
02/05 20:57, 39F

02/05 21:19, , 40F
Linsantiy 生日快樂! 一年真的過的好快,願Lin越來越好!
02/05 21:19, 40F

02/05 21:35, , 41F
生日快樂!! 終於從一日球迷晉升為一年球迷啦!!!
02/05 21:35, 41F

02/05 22:07, , 42F
Linsantiy 生日快樂! 謝謝你的誕生!!!
02/05 22:07, 42F

02/05 22:34, , 43F
02/05 22:34, 43F

02/05 22:37, , 44F
真的好快 對籃網那場還歷歷在目 Clyde&Breen的話也言猶在耳
02/05 22:37, 44F

02/05 22:37, , 45F
Linsanity週年快樂! 相信Jeremy Lin會越來越好! ^_^
02/05 22:37, 45F

02/05 23:32, , 46F
Linsantiy 生日快樂!升級為一年球迷~
02/05 23:32, 46F

02/06 00:04, , 47F
Linsanity生日快樂 謝謝Lin帶來好多快樂好多感動~^ ^~
02/06 00:04, 47F

02/06 01:00, , 48F
02/06 01:00, 48F

02/06 01:05, , 49F
02/06 01:05, 49F

02/06 01:28, , 50F
02/06 01:28, 50F
※ 編輯: akthebest 來自: (02/17 09:08) ※ 編輯: akthebest 來自: (02/17 09:11) ※ 編輯: akthebest 來自: (02/17 09:55)
文章代碼(AID): #1H47ucuf (Jeremy_Lin)