[外絮] 快艇VS火箭 賽後訪談

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (YOYO)時間11年前 (2013/01/16 15:51), 編輯推噓32(32054)
留言86則, 26人參與, 最新討論串1/1
節錄自 http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/clipped-again 感謝plzsmile大提供 QUOTE [我有話要說] KEVIN MCHALE 麥帥 (On the Clippers’ third quarter run) We didn’t play well. They came out with much higher energy than we did. They got the ball inside to Griffin and he went to work … Then we stood around offensively and didn’t move the ball. (針對快艇第三節的攻勢) 我們沒打好,他們比我們有活力,"球給BG"戰術非常成功,而我們只是站在那不動 (on Crawford’s shooting) He’s a tough shot maker. At that point, you’ve got to try to get him out of his comfort zone. He made some tough shots but he’s a tough shot maker. (針對尻佛的投射) 他總是能完成高難度的跳投,你必須讓他遠離他的投籃甜蜜點 他的確是投進了一些高難度跳投,但他就是這樣的球員 (on the offense) We played one side of the court on the offensive end in the third quarter and took too many long shots without moving the ball. We allowed them to just come out and show high on a lot of our screening action and never slipped behind them – that’s something that we worked on yesterday which is frustrating. Teams do that to us and we don’t make them pay enough. We just gave in I thought in the third quarter. We didn’t have what we need to have to keep that game within closing distance. (針對攻擊) 在第三節的進攻端,我們投了太多的遠距離投籃,而沒有做到球的流動 我們透過卡位把對手拉出來到高位,卻沒有人切進去 我們昨天明明練習過的,這真令人沮喪 我們沒有針對對手的防守做出回應,反而退讓了 沒做到我們應該做的,所以無法讓比賽差距維持住 (On Omer Asik’s free throw shooting affecting his play) “I don't think so. Omer will shoot free throws good again. I'm positive. He went through a good stretch and he'll get another one.” (針對阿西的囧罰球是否影響到他的表現) 我不這麼覺得,他可以把罰球投好的,對此我保持肯定的態度 JAMES HARDEN 哈登 We were up one and then they had a hot third quarter. We did a poor job of coming out with energy and execution. 我們第一節表現得不錯,然後第三節就像大家看到的那樣 不管是活力或是執行力,我們都鳥掉了 We can’t do that, especially coming off a three-game losing streak. We have to be better, especially on the defensive end. We can score the ball, but defensively we have to guard in order to win games. It’s simple. We’re not guarding anyone. 特別是球隊正處於連敗時期,我們不應該這樣 我們在防守端應該要做得更好,我們可以得分,但防守才能讓我們贏球 這是顯而易見的,但我們卻沒有守住任何人 CHANDLER PARSONS 高先生 We didn’t play much defense. Blake was doing whatever he wanted to do. Crawford ended up heating up and I thought individually our defense just wasn’ t real good. The first half we turned the ball over too many times; we were getting face cut, just simple things that added up to us getting down. 首先,我好累(誤) 我們這場就像沒有防守,給力芬可以做任何他想做的事 尻佛火力全開,我個人認為,我們的防守有鳥到,而且上半場我們失誤太多 我們被迎頭痛擊,這些顯而易見的事累積起來,使我們陷入困境 We felt stagnant sometimes. I thought sometimes we settled for jumpers, that’s why at the beginning of the third quarter I wanted to drive to the basket and wanted to get fouled. We didn’t get many transition buckets which is our bread and butter. 我們有時候打得太笨拙了,有時我們的攻擊都是勉強的出手投籃 這就是為何我第三節一開始想要切入或要犯規 我們沒有機會取得太多攻守轉換,而那是我們的強項 (what do you need to do to get better?) Taking better care of the ball and individually playing better defense. Obviously help-side needs to be there but there’s no excuse for guys getting blown by or just dominated like we got. We’ve got to man up and get better. We know the scouting reports. Like Jamal Crawford scores on everybody. But at some point, who’s going to shut his water off? How are you going to let Blake Griffin scores four or five possessions in a row? They’re obviously really good players, I’m not taking anything away from them, but it’s just that when guys get going like that, we’ve got to put out their fire quickly. (問:你們該如何做得更好?) 防守必須更給力,協防應該更到位,對於第三節大崩盤,我們不該有任何藉口 我們有做情蒐,知道尻佛可以在任何人面前得分,但應該有誰要跳出來阻止他 我們也不能就這樣讓給力芬連續四五波進攻都得手, 他們都是很好的球員,當他們打開了,我們必須要牽制他們的火力 CARLOS DELFINO 屌飛龍 (On what the difference of the game was) “I think it is about intensity and knowing your strengths in the game. They had a great stretch with Jamal (Crawford) hitting shots and playing one on one. But when you look at a guy like him, when he's getting hot, it’s tough to come back and cool him down. As a team, we have to learn to play together and overcome the tough situations we're having right now for the last four games. It has been tough for us to come back , stick together and work hard, try to watch a little video and come back to do what we do best, which is win. First of all, playing hard defense and then run the court and make open shots and then just run the court.” (針對比賽中兩隊的差異) 我認為是強度以及知道你的優勢在哪 當對方有一個打瘋了的尻佛,你想阻止他根本超難 但我們是一個團隊,我們必須想辦法一起克服這些困難 過去四場比賽,我們最難做到的就是逆轉 我們得再努力一點,做我們最需要的事,贏球 首先就從防守跟跑動起來開始吧... (On the game plan against the Dallas Mavericks tomorrow) “Intensity, we gotta work on our intensity, especially in the first and third quarter. There were little points where we were having bad starts in the game. Right now we have slow starts but in the third quarter, it’s always slow. We always run and pass all the time and today was kind of slow. It’s tough especially against these kinds of teams so Dallas is a team with a lot of experience and they're playing good so we gotta work it. We have to try to and come with a different energy in the first and the third and try to do better (first and third quarter).” (對於明天對上小牛) 保持強度!!!!!! 尤其是上下半場的開局 還要保持速度,今天的比賽我們打得慢透了 對上小牛這種有經驗的老球隊,我們要找回五連勝時候的速度才是王道 JEREMY LIN 啾咪林 (On what happened in the third quarter that changed the game) “We just came out flat and didn't have the energy we needed and then they (Clippers) got it going on offense and pushed us around in the post and then the guards didn't help and didn't stop the cutters and so they got a lot of points in the paint.” (針對第三節大崩盤) 我們失去了活力,而且一洩千里,他們不斷的進攻、切入 在我們的禁區得分像喝水一樣... (On what went wrong offensively for the Rockets) “Honestly, I think we just couldn't get a rhythm. They (Clippers) were getting everything but we were not getting any stops. I think we just lacked the ball movement and the energy and the thrust and pace that we played with in the first half.” (針對火箭的進攻出了什麼問題) 老實說,我們找不到節奏,全都掌握在快艇身上,而我們卻阻止不了他們 我們只是缺少了上半場那樣球的流動還有精力跟幹勁(也就是說下半場烙賽大了) 我翻到脫窗.....也太多話了吧 大家 XDDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (01/16 15:54)

01/16 15:53, , 1F
01/16 15:53, 1F

01/16 15:55, , 2F
01/16 15:55, 2F

01/16 15:55, , 3F
01/16 15:55, 3F

01/16 15:56, , 4F
01/16 15:56, 4F

01/16 15:58, , 5F
01/16 15:58, 5F

01/16 15:58, , 6F
01/16 15:58, 6F

01/16 15:59, , 7F
01/16 15:59, 7F

01/16 15:59, , 8F
01/16 15:59, 8F

01/16 16:00, , 9F
01/16 16:00, 9F

01/16 16:01, , 10F
聽起來大家對sol'n是一半懵懵懂懂 Orz
01/16 16:01, 10F

01/16 16:01, , 11F
01/16 16:01, 11F

01/16 16:01, , 12F
01/16 16:01, 12F

01/16 16:02, , 13F
3rd QTR 持球時間最多的應該是Harden 但他真的沒太多攻擊
01/16 16:02, 13F

01/16 16:02, , 14F
籃框的動作~其實不只他 很多球都變成long shot 或是三分
01/16 16:02, 14F

01/16 16:03, , 15F
01/16 16:03, 15F

01/16 16:03, , 16F
也沒有人搶攻版 命中率不高 一下子就被拉開了~
01/16 16:03, 16F

01/16 16:03, , 17F
他其實是說沒有人溜進去 不管是誰都沒有 XDDDD
01/16 16:03, 17F

01/16 16:03, , 18F
01/16 16:03, 18F

01/16 16:03, , 19F
01/16 16:03, 19F

01/16 16:04, , 20F
會切的就這三個人Lin 鬍子 小帥哥 所以...? lol
01/16 16:04, 20F

01/16 16:05, , 21F
看一下play-by-play Lin踩線失誤 上籃沒進 就被換下了
01/16 16:05, 21F

01/16 16:05, , 22F
PPT & MM 的底線拉開單打 屌飛龍也會切
01/16 16:05, 22F

01/16 16:06, , 23F
感謝翻譯^^ 要後衛切入卻沒有紮實的擋人只是要球員送死
01/16 16:06, 23F

01/16 16:06, , 24F
罷了.....= =
01/16 16:06, 24F

01/16 16:07, , 25F
但老麥沒提到新的內線戰術吧 就是說沒人去切(溜)進而已
01/16 16:07, 25F

01/16 16:07, , 26F
settled for jump shot是說勉強就跳投了 不是設定要跳投
01/16 16:07, 26F

01/16 16:08, , 27F
他應該是指哈登吧然後沒指名 其實這場CP 還切蠻多的說~
01/16 16:08, 27F

01/16 16:08, , 28F
和下位的話對應 就沒有努力傳導到好的位置 或努力切入
01/16 16:08, 28F

01/16 16:09, , 29F
Delfino主要任務還是冷箭射手 切入不應該是他的工作
01/16 16:09, 29F

01/16 16:09, , 30F
感謝for大指正 我修改一下
01/16 16:09, 30F

01/16 16:09, , 31F
沒有特定指誰 就WE 全隊
01/16 16:09, 31F

01/16 16:11, , 32F
另外也有可能是說 空手切? 的確下半場就開始懶洋洋模式~
01/16 16:11, 32F

01/16 16:11, , 33F
01/16 16:11, 33F

01/16 16:12, , 34F
01/16 16:12, 34F

01/16 16:12, , 35F
Lin第四節幾個切入分球 其實有一波小高潮 但是被尻佛射爆~
01/16 16:12, 35F

01/16 16:12, , 36F
01/16 16:12, 36F

01/16 16:15, , 37F
01/16 16:15, 37F
※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (01/16 16:16)

01/16 16:15, , 38F
01/16 16:15, 38F

01/16 16:16, , 39F
感謝翻譯 林說的Q3 "the guards didn't help"是指...?
01/16 16:16, 39F

01/16 16:17, , 40F
依照教練的話應該是說 昨天練習有搭配戰術(檔拆?)配合的
01/16 16:17, 40F

01/16 16:17, , 41F
01/16 16:17, 41F

01/16 16:17, , 42F
切入 但是今天並沒有成功施行這個戰術出來~
01/16 16:17, 42F

01/16 16:17, , 43F
給N大 :)
01/16 16:17, 43F

01/16 16:19, , 44F
01/16 16:19, 44F

01/16 16:21, , 45F
謝謝p大 所以高景炎說Q3 Harden很少機會碰球是錯誤的訊息?
01/16 16:21, 45F

01/16 16:21, , 46F
晚上再找時間看一下第三節重播好了 XD
01/16 16:21, 46F

01/16 16:22, , 47F
我有個疑問,Crawford為什麼是Lin去守? 他是PG嗎?
01/16 16:22, 47F

01/16 16:23, , 48F
尻佛是SG 所以錯位可能會對上
01/16 16:23, 48F

01/16 16:23, , 49F
他會不會是說被打一波攻擊那段? 那一段的確Harden比較少~
01/16 16:23, 49F

01/16 16:23, , 50F
01/16 16:23, 50F

01/16 16:24, , 51F
不過後來Lin下去 換Delfino上來 其實是哈登/Delfino輪控~
01/16 16:24, 51F

01/16 16:28, , 52F
01/16 16:28, 52F

01/16 16:30, , 53F
尻佛第四節初爆發那段時間是Lin守的 只能說尻佛太準~
01/16 16:30, 53F

01/16 16:32, , 54F
所以是教練讓Lin去守? Lin何時變成火箭的"鎖"了 ...
01/16 16:32, 54F

01/16 16:33, , 55F
01/16 16:33, 55F

01/16 16:33, , 56F
道哥太矮 鬍子...你知道的 所以後場就給Lin鎖了..
01/16 16:33, 56F

01/16 16:35, , 57F
雖然不知情的___以為是Lin被吃 但是籃球防守本來就沒法完全
01/16 16:35, 57F

01/16 16:35, , 58F
封鎖對面這回事 除非對方的等級跟你差太多
01/16 16:35, 58F

01/16 16:35, , 59F
01/16 16:35, 59F

01/16 16:36, , 60F
真懷念Shump... Lin自立自強吧!! (拭淚)
01/16 16:36, 60F

01/16 16:36, , 61F
尻佛也有被哈登守到 哈登都一直漏外線 就協防太多移位太慢
01/16 16:36, 61F

01/16 16:37, , 62F
Lin第四節初守的時候都有對位到 只是尻佛太準了~~~
01/16 16:37, 62F

01/16 16:38, , 63F
但Lin今天真的被Bledsoe切爽爽 主撥有說依Bledsoe的速度
01/16 16:38, 63F

01/16 16:39, , 64F
NBA大部分的PG也都是被他切爽爽 Lin真的腳步跟不上~
01/16 16:39, 64F

01/16 16:39, , 65F
01/16 16:39, 65F

01/16 16:40, , 66F
01/16 16:40, 66F

01/16 16:42, , 67F
感謝m大補充 其實這場除了防守出問題 罰球也....
01/16 16:42, 67F

01/16 16:43, , 68F
01/16 16:43, 68F

01/16 16:50, , 69F
快艇板凳上光一個尻佛就夠可怕了 XDDD
01/16 16:50, 69F

01/16 16:50, , 70F
01/16 16:50, 70F

01/16 17:17, , 71F
誰都知道火箭只有lin算鎖 會露是因為協防
01/16 17:17, 71F

01/16 17:23, , 72F
01/16 17:23, 72F

01/16 18:21, , 73F
01/16 18:21, 73F

01/16 19:12, , 74F
身為NBA球員 幾乎每個都有辦法1 v 1單吃對面 不是說守就守
01/16 19:12, 74F

01/16 19:12, , 75F
得住這麼膚淺 當一人外線準時 你騎在他身上一樣守不住
01/16 19:12, 75F

01/16 20:20, , 76F
01/16 20:20, 76F

01/16 22:14, , 77F
騎在他身上會被and 1 冏
01/16 22:14, 77F

01/16 22:49, , 78F
01/16 22:49, 78F

01/16 22:51, , 79F
T大快點再去看現場 我要看照片 XD
01/16 22:51, 79F

01/16 22:53, , 80F
湖人 湖人 湖人 (敲碗)
01/16 22:53, 80F

01/16 23:50, , 81F
01/16 23:50, 81F

01/16 23:52, , 82F
我只夠錢看 裕隆對達欣 <-好看
01/16 23:52, 82F

01/16 23:57, , 83F
我只能看Live 文
01/16 23:57, 83F

01/17 00:01, , 84F
我只能看重播 T______T
01/17 00:01, 84F

01/17 00:01, , 85F
可惡 沒看到 ->文
01/17 00:01, 85F

01/17 00:05, , 86F
01/17 00:05, 86F
文章代碼(AID): #1GzbmJ6k (Jeremy_Lin)