[外絮] The Jeremy Lin Situation

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (mygiita)時間11年前 (2012/12/15 02:47), 編輯推噓22(2208)
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http://goo.gl/fhBME By RAHAT HUQ | DECEMBER 13, 2012 at 5:34 PM Monday night's loss at the hands of the San Antonio Spurs bore the most significant results of the season. The team didn't earn a victory, but observers came away with proof of something far more valuable. 星期一晚上在馬刺隊手中吃下的敗仗,捎來火箭本季最重要的訊息。球隊沒有獲勝,卻向 觀眾證明了一件更有價值的事。 In scoring 38 points in his first outing without James Harden, Lin put to rest any doubts regarding his overall ability. It just simply is not possible that that performance (against the league's best team) and last year's Linsanity stretch were flukes. It just cannot be. One cannot achieve such heights in such a manner, in that many instances, by mere luck or random chance. These games are indisputably probative of actual ability. Jeremy Lin is not elite, but he can be a very good, game-changing player in this league. 林在James Harden缺席下取得38分,一舉破除世人對他總體能力的疑慮。這樣的表現(對 抗聯盟最佳球隊)和去年的林來瘋連勝,絕不可能是僥倖。絕不可能。一個人不可能單靠 運氣或機運,在連續幾場比賽中,以如此的方式達到如此的高度。這些比賽無疑證明了球 員的實力。林書豪不是精英,但他可以成為聯盟裡足以扭轉局勢的優秀球員。 The focus now turns to circumstance and identifying, if not a lack of ability, what it is that's kept Lin saddled all year with pedestrian numbers. With Harden back in the lineup last night, Lin scored just ten points, while shooting 4/8, going back to his passive ways. 如果不是缺乏能力,那此刻的重點就是釐清林的平均得分為何如此低迷不振。哈登昨晚回 到陣中,林只拿下10分,8投4中,又還原成被動的老樣子。 Each star's drop in statistical production with the other on the court has been well-documented, most notably by ESPN's John Hollinger. Through the eye test, alongside Harden, Lin has barely been involved, almost playing the '08 Rafer Alston role in bringing the ball up, handing it off to his partner, and then waiting for spot-up 3′s. Spot-up shooting is not Lin's strength. 每位先發與其他上場隊友之間所導致的統計數字下降,都有完整的紀錄,ESPN的John Hollinger將之發揚光大。目測實戰表現,林在哈登身邊,鮮少參與攻擊,幾乎扮演起08 年Rafer Alston的角色,把球帶過半場,再交給其他夥伴,然後等著投定點三分。定點投 射不是林的強項。 What is the solution? For one, the coaching staff could stagger the pair's minutes, maximizing time for each with the other on the bench. But there's only so much of that that can be done. 有何解決之道?有個辦法是由教練團錯開兩人的輪替,盡量延長兩人分別上場的時間。但 能錯開的時間並不多。 Management could also look to trade Lin, an unlikely scenario, but one which our staff will explore next Monday. Even if that avenue makes the most basketball sense, it's not probable that ownership would allow such a course of action. 管理階層也可以考慮交易林,雖然不太可能,但制服組能在下星期一開始探探這條路。雖 然此舉很符合籃球常識,老闆卻不可能容許他們這麼幹。 In my opinion, the solution is simply handing the team over to Lin. In a recent game, for whatever cause, with Lin actually allowed to attack, and Harden operating as a conventional 2, the offense looked its smoothest and most potent. This is for the simple reason that Harden can do what Lin can't which is be productive without a live dribble. 在我看來,解決辦法很簡單,就是讓林來掌控球隊。在最近一場比賽中,不知為何,林有 了開火權,而哈登擔任起傳統的二號球員,攻勢顯得極為流暢而有效。原因很簡單,哈登 能做到林做不到的事:不用長時間持球也能取分。 There is now enough proof that Lin thrives off adrenaline. He's at his best when emotions fuel his actions, when he doesn't have to think about deferring and can simply just play. Harden is the far better player, but to maximize the abilities of both, barring a trade, Lin must be allowed to play his natural point role. Harden must take a step back from the all-everything position he is currently playing. 事實已證明林不能沒有激情。只有情緒上來了,不需要考慮服從領導,只管盡全力打,這 才是林最棒的時候。哈登是能力更強大的球員,但為了充分發揮兩人的長才,除非進行交 易,否則就得讓林扮演他最適合的控衛角色。哈登必須退一步,別再打目前這個無所不包 的位置。 Of most importance, though, should be a commitment to sorting this out. On recent nights, an ineffective Lin was benched in favor of Toney Douglas to close out the game. I had no qualms at the time because it still wasn't clear if Lin was even capable. But now, after Monday's performance, because of the circumstances under which it was delivered, those doubts go out the window. Lin must never again be benched down the stretch. He and the team must be given a chance to figure this out, in a year where the results don't really matter. 然而,最重要的還是要有克服難關的決心。最近幾場比賽,不起作用的林罰坐冷板凳,改 派Toney Douglas上場壓軸。當時我不怎麼在意,因為我還不清楚林究竟有沒有這個能耐 。但現在,目睹星期一的表現,考慮到當天的交戰情況,那些疑慮早已煙消雲散。決勝時 刻,絕不能再讓林坐板凳。給他和球隊一個機會,讓他們在這個無成績壓力的賽季裡想出 解決之道。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mygiita 來自: (12/15 02:52)

12/15 02:52, , 1F
12/15 02:52, 1F

12/15 02:52, , 2F
12/15 02:52, 2F

12/15 02:53, , 3F
12/15 02:53, 3F

12/15 03:17, , 4F
教練:很難 制服組:休假到下禮拜一 老闆:想都別想
12/15 03:17, 4F

12/15 03:35, , 5F
12/15 03:35, 5F

12/15 03:48, , 6F
先發大家的fg% 其實根本都差不多
12/15 03:48, 6F

12/15 03:49, , 7F
強調要harden 進攻只是因為他薪水多而已
12/15 03:49, 7F

12/15 04:22, , 8F
12/15 04:22, 8F

12/15 05:14, , 9F
12/15 05:14, 9F

12/15 07:30, , 10F
12/15 07:30, 10F

12/15 07:36, , 11F
12/15 07:36, 11F

12/15 07:40, , 12F
教練表示:我知道阿~但"球給哈登"~~~ (歐
12/15 07:40, 12F

12/15 07:41, , 13F
教練不是說他知道Lin擅長什麼可以打什麼 BUT!
12/15 07:41, 13F

12/15 07:43, , 14F
12/15 07:43, 14F

12/15 07:44, , 15F
12/15 07:44, 15F

12/15 07:45, , 16F
真的!而且是對上馬刺爆氣 不然真的太委屈了 \ /
12/15 07:45, 16F

12/15 07:48, , 17F
12/15 07:48, 17F

12/15 08:08, , 18F
12/15 08:08, 18F

12/15 08:22, , 19F
推!!! 馬刺之戰的爆發真的太重要了 QQ 雖然還是不太指望
12/15 08:22, 19F

12/15 08:22, , 20F
12/15 08:22, 20F

12/15 08:29, , 21F
教練不會覺悟的 慢慢等吧
12/15 08:29, 21F

12/15 08:30, , 22F
就是教練親手故意讓林跑去當射手的 你說教練要覺誤@@
12/15 08:30, 22F

12/15 08:37, , 23F
推翻譯。 火箭又不需要PG,誰都可以控啊~ 科科~
12/15 08:37, 23F

12/15 08:42, , 24F
12/15 08:42, 24F

12/15 09:04, , 25F
推!各司其職會很難嗎 但教練說:我愛哈登~~~
12/15 09:04, 25F

12/15 09:39, , 26F
12/15 09:39, 26F

12/15 10:19, , 27F
實在不覺得很難 看看火力更強大熱火big3都可以找到平衡點了
12/15 10:19, 27F

12/15 10:20, , 28F
12/15 10:20, 28F

12/15 10:27, , 29F
12/15 10:27, 29F

12/15 10:57, , 30F
Good article
12/15 10:57, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #1GotH7ej (Jeremy_Lin)