[外絮] LIN:I still believe I'll be an ALL-STAR

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感謝推文中各位版友的指正,也謝謝forttryon & mamimi大寫信來將未善的地方訂正過。 現在更完整了…謝謝! --- 推 iswearxxx:百度的翻譯 http://tinyurl.com/b2cxlon <<這裡也有~ --- LIN:I still believe I'll be an ALL-STAR 林:我仍然相信我能成為全明星 Understand this about the plummeting field goal percentages, the decisive airball against the Miami Heat, the unflattering statistical comparisons to Raymond Felton: None of it has stopped Jeremy Lin from believing he can honor his own prediction and become an NBA All-Star. 比較起肥頓,坦率地說,林目前命中率暴跌。熱火那一戰決定性的麵包球,並沒有使林喪 失自我,對此,林書豪更相信他能實現自己的夢想,並成為NBA全明星。 Jeremy Lin has struggled at times with the Houston Rockets this season -- but he still believes his best is yet to come. 林書豪與火箭隊本賽季一直在努力克服難關,但他仍然相信最美好的事情還沒到來。 And yet Lin hasn't let that transaction temper his belief he'll someday stand among the NBA's best point guards. Asked in a phone interview Tuesday night if he still believes he will become an All-Star, Lin told ESPNNewYork.com, "At some point, for sure. Right now I have a ways to go, but at some point, yes. I try to get better every year, and if I do that and work on the things that are problems for me right now, I definitely think I'll have that chance." 關於交易的事件並沒有影響林書豪的心情,他相信有那麼一天,他也能躋身NBA最好的控 球後衛。週二晚上接受ESPN NEWYork.com電話採訪時,他仍然相信他會成為一名全明星。 林說:「現在,我有很長的路要走。我會嘗試一年一年持續進步,如果我改進我現有的缺 點,未來終有一天,我認為我肯定還是有機會的。」 He first delivered the forecast to a few confidants after going undrafted out of Harvard, after starting one of the more improbable journeys pro basketball has ever seen. Lin ultimately hit Madison Square Garden the way the Beatles once hit Shea, suddenly making the world's most famous arena home to the world's most likable team before the New York Knicks let him sign with a franchise that had already dumped him, the Houston Rockets. 在離開哈佛後NBA落選時,在一段最驚奇的籃球之旅啟航之時,林書豪初次對幾位知己 透露了這個壯志。終於,就像披頭四震驚Shea Stadium一樣,他在MSG掀起了滔天狂潮 ,讓這座世界知名體育館的主場球隊尼克隊成為全球人的最愛,無奈最後尼克還是放他 與曾拋棄他的老東家火箭隊簽約。 Friday night in Houston, Lin will have a chance to shake off his early season struggles and remind the Knicks of what they had together across last year's magical mid-winter run. Not that the Rockets' 24-year-old playmaker sees Mike Woodson's 8-1 team as one in need of another dose of Linsanity. 週五晚上在休士頓,林書豪將有機會擺脫賽季初的艱難,使尼克想起去年在冬季中旬魔法 般的短暫時光。這並不是說,火箭隊的24歲組織者認為武僧八勝一敗的團隊需要另一劑 Linsanity。 "I think they're definitely a championship-contending team," Lin said. "They have the defense, Coach Woodson's specialty. They're really deep, they have a lot of explosive players, and right now they're trusting each other and trusting the system." 「我認為他們絕對是擁有競爭總冠軍實力的球隊。」林說。「他們的防守,主教練伍德森 的專業,他們是非常有深度,他們有很多有爆發力的球員,他們彼此相信彼此,也相信體 系。」 Lin said he's been too busy learning on the fly in Houston, learning how to play with James Harden and the rest, to watch very much of the Knicks. The good friends he left behind, Steve Novak and Iman Shumpert, keep him updated with their texts. They've likely avoided texting or talking too much about Felton, the guy who took Lin's job, the guy who's outplayed Lin over the first three weeks of the season. 林說,在休士頓,他真的過於忙碌在學習,學習如何與哈登及其他隊友搭配,而沒有時間 關注尼克。他在紐約的好朋友,Novak和香波,林和他們保持聯繫,知道他們的近況。但 他們避免談起太多肥頓的事-取代林位置的那個人,擊敗了林本季的前三個星期。 Lin was asked if he checks Felton's numbers first when he scans the Internet for his late-night NBA box scores. "Not really," he said. "I look at them all. I think the key thing for me is, it's not about me versus him. It's not about us versus (the Knicks). We're in different places. I think (Felton) is more of a veteran on a veteran team, and I'm a young player on a very young team. 林被問到是否有在深夜上網查看BOX比較肥頓與自己的比分,「不全然是如此,」他說, 「我全部都看。對我來說,最關鍵的事情,並不是我與他的對決,也不是關於我們與尼克 的。我們在不同的地方,我認為他是資深的球員並在經驗豐富的團隊,而我是一個年輕的 球員,並身在一個非常年輕的球隊。」 "At the end of the day, I don't really compare the two of us. I have no idea what his numbers are. Literally, I have no idea. I've got to keep getting better, and focus on the standards I have for myself. If I get distracted it takes me out of character." 林說,「重要的是,我並沒有比較我們兩個之間。我不知道他的數據是什麼。我不誇張, 我真的不知道。我只能讓自己持續越來越好,並把注意力集中在我的標準。如果我為此感 到心煩意亂,便不是我的性格。」 After flipping the NBA on its ear, after dropping 38 on the Lakers and all but making New Yorkers forget their Giants had just won another Super Bowl, Lin was set to become a Knick for life. Everyone assured him it would happen, the Knicks included. He was supposed to mend the left knee injury that kept him out of the Miami playoff series, and he was supposed to sign a multiyear deal and eventually grow old with Shumpert in the backcourt. 紐約客忘了他們的巨人隊剛贏得超級盃,在震撼NBA之後,在狂掃湖人隊38分之後,林被 人認為會繼續為尼克效力。每個人都向他保證這件事情一定會發生,包括紐約尼克隊在內 。因著治療膝傷無法參與季後賽,不然應該要簽下多年合約,在後場與香波一同老去。 Woodson took the restricted free agent to dinner with Carmelo Anthony and Tyson Chandler. Even after word leaked that the Rockets and Lin had verbally agreed to a four-year, $28.8 million deal, including a $9.3 million team option in Year 4, Woodson told reporters the Knicks would "absolutely" match Houston's offer and that Lin would start ahead of the newly acquired yoda, Jason Kidd. 武僧和甜瓜、拳王,一起吃晚飯。即使洩露火箭和林口頭同意一個為期四年,兩千八百八 十萬美元的交易,包括一個第四年九百三十萬美元球隊選項,武僧告訴記者,尼克將「絕 對」無條件跟進休士敦火箭隊的報價,和林將與新來的Kidd一同開始。 Woodson's quotes would lead directly to the Knicks-Lin divorce. Knowing they had to enhance their offer to stand any shot of landing Lin, the Rockets came in at $25.1 million guaranteed over three years, including a $15 million poison pill wage in Year 3. 武僧說的話毀了尼克與林之間的關係。火箭知道必須提高報價,才能簽到林。 "I got out of a workout and my agent called me and said, 'There's a new offer,'" Lin recalled. "I said, 'What happened to the old one?' I was told it wasn't on the table anymore, that they scratched it and made a new one." 「我剛結束訓練,我的經紀人打電話給我說,”目前有一個新的報價“,」林回憶著。 他告訴我原本的合約已經取消了,我說,「舊的(合約)怎麼了?」總之,他們給了一份新 的合約。 One thing Lin isn't doing? Studying the stats of his Knicks replacement, Raymond Felton. 有一件事林沒做嗎?研究肥頓。 Jim Dolan, Knicks owner, was furious over Houston's new-and-improved offer and Lin's decision to accept it despite the massive luxury-tax hit it would impose on the very team that gave this thrice-released D-Leaguer a stage. Soon enough Felton was acquired and Knicks GM Glen Grunwald was dialing up Lin on his cell phone, calling to tell the point guard he'd been fired. 尼可一確定簽下Felton後,GM Grunwald 立刻撥林的手機..... "I had seen it coming when they signed Felton, but I wasn't for sure for sure until I got that call," Lin said. "Glen was very classy and polite and just told me, 'Unfortunately we won't be able to match, but we want to wish you the best of luck in the future and we'll be rooting from New York.' 「當他們簽署了費爾頓,我已經預見這件事會發生,但我不能肯定是絕對的。直到我接到 了電話。」林說。 「格倫非常禮貌,只是告訴我說,很抱歉,我們不能夠匹配,但我們 都會在紐約為你加油。」 "Now I've got to change my mindset. It was like, 'Wow, I'm not going back there.' The phone call only took about a minute ... and I have no problem with their business plan and their strategy. They had to do what was best for them, and I had to do what was best for me. There's no telling what would've happened had everything been different." 「當時想,哇…我不能回去了。這一來,我必須改變心態了。」電話溝通只用了大約一 分鐘。其實對於他們的計劃和戰略,我沒有疑問。他們知道必須怎麼做才是最好的。沒有 人知道如果當初一切不同,會是什麼樣的結果。 Despite sources claiming otherwise, Lin still doesn't believe Dolan made the decision a personal one. "Allan Houston was the one who called me afterward," Lin said of the Knicks' former star and current executive, "and he was like, 'Man, best of luck, keep in touch, and if there's anything you need I've got you.' That was more like a friends' phone call than a player-to-assistant-GM phone call. I honestly don't think (Dolan) was mad at me. It just came down to the numbers and the luxury tax." 儘管消息來源指出Dolan是基於個人情緒,林仍然不認為如此。 「事後,Allan Houston一個人打電話給我。」尼克的前明星,球隊副總。 他說:「老兄,祝你好運,保持聯繫,如果有什麼能幫忙你的。」「比起副總,這更像是 一個朋友的電話。老實說,我不認為杜蘭生我的氣,只是那些豪華稅。“」 "I didn't know how it was said or the context, so I didn't read too much into that and that's the truth," Lin said. "I'm OK with it. When I was there he was really nice to me. I'm not really bothered by it, to be honest. There were a lot of other things to be bothered by." 林說:「我不知道這是什麼背景下說的,所以我沒有閱讀太多的關於他(Melo)說的,這是 事實。我只是確定當我在隊裡時,他真的對我很好。這件事真的不會太困擾我,說真的 ,我要煩惱的事還多著。」 Like the assumption that Lin was something of a fluke, a limited guard who was temporarily exposed last February by the swarming Heat and who would surely prove the Rockets' investment in him was, well, ridiculous. The NBA hadn't seen an Asian-American player do the things Lin was doing, and he believes his race inspired doubts about his athleticism and staying power. 假設林來瘋是僥倖,讓林發光發熱,即使證明火箭隊的投資很荒謬好了。在NBA裡,也沒 有看過一個亞裔美國人做林書豪做的事,他清楚他的種族問題會帶來對他運動能力及續航 力的質疑。 "It definitely had a part in it," Lin said. "I don't know how big, and that's something we'll never know. But being Asian-American definitely had a part, and I can say that with confidence. (談到亞裔的身分帶來質疑,亞裔的確佔了一部分因素) 「這肯定有它的一部分是可以的,」林說,「我不知道有多少是我們永遠不會知道的東西 。但是,身為亞裔美國人肯定有一部分,我可以說,我很有信心。」 "There's also the flip side, which is that I am young and inexperienced ... and I did struggle last year before I got hurt." 「還有另一面,就是我還年輕,也缺乏經驗。在去年我受傷之前,我的確打的很掙扎。」 The meniscus tear is healed up now, but Lin pauses when asked if his left knee is 100 percent. He caused a stir during last season's Miami series when he said he was 85 percent of the way back to full strength, a quote he swore was taken out of context as the calls for him to rub some dirt on it and play intensified. 雖然半月板現在已經痊癒了,但當林被問到左膝是否已經完全痊癒時,他稍微停頓了一 下。在上季對熱火的季後賽中,因受訪時說的話被斷章取義報導,為自己只康復了85%而拒 絕上場打球,當時引起了軒然大波。但林發誓這段話被斷章取義,以攻擊他不願帶傷上陣 ,特意躲避高強度賽事為題。 "Is it 100 percent healthy?" Lin said before pausing again. "It's fine I guess. There's a little bit more I can still get back as far as jumping and explosiveness ... But I'm closer than I've ever been and I'm really excited." 「這是100%的嗎?」再次停頓前林說。 「我想應該是好了。再需要再回復一點彈性和 爆發力…我現在更接近之前的狀態了,我真的很興奮。」 Lin has had his moments with Houston, including a 21-point, 10-rebound, seven-assist performance against Atlanta. Only there is that embarrassing airball against Miami that keeps finding the highlights, and that alarming field-goal percentage of .342. Lin is averaging a respectable 10.5 points with a 6.6 to 2.6 assist-to-turnover ratio, but Felton has similar assist and turnover numbers while averaging 15.4 points and shooting .434 from the field. 林在火箭隊曾打出過亮眼成績,對老鷹隊包括21分,10個籃板,7助攻,但是也投出對熱火 尷尬的那一球,雖然命中率不太理想,一樣也有不斷出現的亮點。林的平均10.5分與6.6至 2.6的助攻失誤比,但肥頓的數字也差不多,而場均15.4分,外線投籃命中率.434。 If point guards are to be judged like quarterbacks, it's worth nothing Felton is also running an 8-1 team while Lin out of the wild-card picture at 4-7. But then again, Lin is four years younger than Felton and tantamount to a rookie quarterback. 如果要以四分衛的標準來評價控衛,那更不用說費爾頓的隊伍獲得八勝一敗, 而林的隊伍是連外卡都搶不到的四勝七敗。但話又說回來,林比肥頓年輕了四歲, 無異於一個四分衛的新秀。 "I've started (36) games now, and that's not even half a season," Lin said. "I think that's something I need to remember ... I have to be patient with myself, and understand there's been a lot of change in my life and with this Houston team. We can't expect it all to fall into place. It's going to take some time." 「我已經開始第三十六場比賽,而且還沒有到半個賽季,」林說。「我認為這是我需要記 住的東西,我必須對自己要有耐心,並了解我的生活,在休士頓的團隊裡有很多的變化, 我們並不期望這一切立刻水到渠成,勢必要花一些時間才能成熟。」 Through his foundation Tuesday afternoon, Lin distributed turkeys and groceries to 100 families in need, an experience he said eased the pain of three straight losses on the road. He said the Houston community has embraced him the same way New York did when he came off the bench and off his brother's couch. 週二下午林書豪的基金會,他發了火雞和一些日常用品給100個弱勢的家庭,他笑說緩解 了一些三連敗的壓力與疼痛。他說休士頓社區敞開懷擁抱他,就像在當初從哥哥的沙發起 身,離開了板凳,紐約擁抱我一樣。 As Lin spoke he was focusing on Wednesday's home game with Chicago, and only addressing the Knicks because of their place in his stunning narrative. Mike D'Antoni, now the Lakers' coach, spoke recently of his troubles at the Garden and of doubting his own ability to lead a team before "Jeremy put everything back in order." It only lasted a New York minute. The Knicks never made Lin a formal offer to stay. 林談到,他目前的重點是週三與芝加哥的主場比賽。現在湖人隊的教練丹東尼, 談到曾經在花園懷疑自己的能力能否帶領一個團隊,直到「Jeremy 整頓了一切。」 在紐約的時刻,尼克從來沒有給林一個正式的報價。 "I didn't have a decision," Lin said. "But I have a lot of peace about everything just because I know God doesn't make mistakes. This isn't the first time in my life that things have gone differently from what I anticipated." So Lin will line up Friday night across from the Knicks, something nobody believed would happen last spring. 「我沒有決定權,」林說。「但我心平氣和的看待這一切,因為我知道上帝不會錯的。 在我的生活中,這並不是第一次,事情不在我的期望中。」 林將於周五在主場對陣尼克,這是在今年春天想都沒想到的情況。 "I'm not sure how I'm going to feel," he said of the game and of next month's rematch in the Garden. "I'm not going to over-think it. I'm going to let it happen. This is a game, that's all it is, and I want to have fun with some of my former teammates by joking around with them and then getting after it and really competing. 「我不知道我將如何感受,」他說:「這場比賽,還有下個月的比賽也在花園。我並不想 要想的太多,只要讓它順勢而生。這只是一個比賽,我只想和我的前隊友開開玩笑,然後 進入比賽,享受其中的樂趣。」 "I had the time of my life in New York, but now it's a new chapter." It's been a hell of a book so far, and Jeremy Lin still believes in his happy ending. 「紐約曾帶給我美好的回憶,現在,是一個新的篇章!」 目前像地獄的試煉,但林書豪仍然正面地相信,會有快樂的結局。 ESPN http://ppt.cc/fvra <報告完畢> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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Lin最關心的是如何讓自己更好吧 超越自己 期待他的成長
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11/21 22:01, , 8F
At the end of the day 有點近似 all things considered
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11/21 22:04, , 13F
推 感謝翻譯 真的不用太擔心他 他會好好成長的:D
11/21 22:04, 13F

11/21 22:05, , 14F
那段沒翻的 後面 林的話被斷章取義(指85%)而叫它上場
11/21 22:05, 14F

11/21 22:05, , 15F
謝謝翻譯 不過週五是主場還沒要逛花園喔XD
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11/21 22:07, , 20F
感謝翻譯~ 另,workout翻訓練好像比較適合?
11/21 22:07, 20F

11/21 22:07, , 21F
打球的聲浪越演越烈 抹上泥土那句 類似指受傷後咬緊
11/21 22:07, 21F

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11/21 22:08, 22F
謝謝patrickleeee lsforever PTT0000 大大,已修正!

11/21 22:08, , 23F
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牙 繼續打
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11/21 22:13, , 26F
翻譯推 抱持著這種心態打球很好 不然被訪問要說我最弱嗎
11/21 22:13, 26F

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11/21 22:14, , 28F
推感謝翻譯! 繼續加油、持續關注!
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11/21 22:18, , 30F
so positive!!!!
11/21 22:18, 30F

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11/21 22:24, , 32F
和Novak、 Shumpert有聯絡...(淚)
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11/21 22:35, , 35F
rooting 是哩語, 就是聲援的意思
11/21 22:35, 35F

11/21 22:36, , 36F
所以rooting from New York, 是說會在紐約支持林
11/21 22:36, 36F

11/21 22:37, , 37F
GM是總經理, 所以assistant GM就是副總
11/21 22:37, 37F

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11/21 22:45, , 39F
對林來說 他真的要超越的 只是他自己
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11/21 22:46, 40F

11/21 22:47, , 41F
另外意外他有跟香坡聯絡喔XD 同是受傷人 互相打氣加油!!
11/21 22:47, 41F

11/21 22:49, , 42F
翻譯辛苦了~第22段我會翻成: 雖然半月板現在已經痊癒了,但當
11/21 22:49, 42F

11/21 22:50, , 43F
11/21 22:50, 43F

11/21 22:51, , 44F
11/21 22:51, 44F

11/21 22:51, , 45F
11/21 22:51, 45F

11/21 22:51, , 46F
11/21 22:51, 46F

11/21 22:53, , 47F
打到這個層度了 自信心是很重要的 lin不比他們差
11/21 22:53, 47F

11/21 22:53, , 48F
11/21 22:53, 48F

11/21 23:05, , 49F
大隻雞慢啼!!! LIN 加油!!!
11/21 23:05, 49F

11/21 23:26, , 50F
I'm not really bothered by it應翻成"我真的沒被這件事困擾"
11/21 23:26, 50F

11/21 23:36, , 51F
辛苦啦~不過too busy...to watch very much of the
11/21 23:36, 51F

11/21 23:37, , 52F
11/21 23:37, 52F

11/21 23:43, , 53F
11/21 23:43, 53F

11/22 00:22, , 54F
work out應該是訓練,運動,不是鍛鍊,old one指的是火箭
11/22 00:22, 54F

11/22 00:23, , 55F
11/22 00:23, 55F

11/22 00:37, , 56F
11/22 00:37, 56F

11/22 01:59, , 57F
11/22 01:59, 57F

11/22 02:00, , 58F
11/22 02:00, 58F

11/22 02:01, , 59F
11/22 02:01, 59F

11/22 02:02, , 60F
11/22 02:02, 60F

11/22 02:02, , 61F
11/22 02:02, 61F
謝謝mamimi silviasun大大,已修正!

11/22 02:12, , 62F
我也相信Lin的實力是沒問題的. 現在的表現跟火箭團隊
11/22 02:12, 62F

11/22 02:13, , 63F
太年輕相當關聯. 在尼克時Lin並不是以單打能力見長
11/22 02:13, 63F

11/22 02:14, , 64F
Lin不持球與對位守方對峙 而是不斷運球走位等對友卡位
11/22 02:14, 64F

11/22 02:15, , 65F
11/22 02:15, 65F

11/22 02:16, , 66F
在籃網成名戰過DWill那記切入. 正是DWill守拳王而橫移
11/22 02:16, 66F

11/22 02:17, , 67F
因為拳王配合檔拆威脅性很強. Lin才有機會漂亮切入
11/22 02:17, 67F

11/22 02:18, , 68F
11/22 02:18, 68F

11/22 02:18, , 69F
在火箭. 大家還需要一點時間. 隊友的素質都夠的
11/22 02:18, 69F

11/22 02:19, , 70F
11/22 02:19, 70F

11/22 07:47, , 71F
11/22 07:47, 71F

11/22 11:04, , 72F
11/22 11:04, 72F
※ 編輯: rutenac 來自: (11/23 09:38)

12/09 11:46, , 73F
感謝翻譯~ https://muxiv.com
12/09 11:46, 73F
文章代碼(AID): #1GhDkOlU (Jeremy_Lin)