[外絮] Jeremy Lin exclusive (專訪)(上)

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (vivi)時間12年前 (2012/07/24 11:24), 編輯推噓38(38023)
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新聞出處:Mercury News http://0rz.tw/8o9TT 因為太長所以還沒翻譯完,等下要準備工作的東西,所以後面的晚點再弄了,當然 也歡迎其他人接手來翻譯完,以下我貼了差不多一半,想看全文的人可以去上面的 網址裡看 Jeremy Lin exclusive: I will always have haters As he looks back on the craziest year he could imagine, Bay Area native Jeremy Lin had no choice but to concede to the truth of hindsight. He did let Linsanity go to his head. 當他回頭檢視這瘋狂的一年,Lin不得不承認,他的確有讓Linsanity這樣的效應 影響到(他的確曾經被這樣的事衝昏頭)。 "If I'm being honest, in some ways, yes," Lin told this newspaper in an exclusive interview. "I fought it every day. But I think subconsciously, it had its effect, everyone catering to you. People were saying only good things for so long that when people said negative stuff, it was like, 'Whoa, what's going on?' " "如果要我很誠實的講,某些方面,是的。"Lin在這個報紙專訪裡說到:"我每天都在 跟它對抗,但是我想潛意識裡,Linsanity在我身上有它的影響,每個人對我很好, 大家一直都跟我講我很好,所以當有人開始批評我時,就變成:哇,這是怎麼回事。" After Lin signed a three-year, $25 million contract with Houston, a lot of negative stuff was said. He's selfish. He's all about the money. His ego is out of control. And, to top it off, many deemed him a basketball fluke who already has maxed out on the court. 在Lin簽了這個3年2500百萬美金的合約後,很多批評都出來了,說他自私,說他只在乎 錢,說他太自負。而且,很多人說他只是運氣好,說這將會是他拿到最好的一次約, 以後沒有了。 And he doesn't seem too concerned with repairing his image or proving himself right. He said too much going well to be worried about the negative. 而他看起來並不在乎去修正人們的想法或去證實他才是對的。他說有太多好的事 情在發生,他並不擔心這些負面的評論。 "It's not about who's right or who's wrong. I'm going to respond with love," Lin said. "That's why I'm in this position, to show love and become a better person. I'm trying to focus on the right things. I'm thankful for everything that's happened. The Lord has blessed me so much." 重點不是在誰對誰錯。不過怎樣,我的回應都會是"愛"。這是為什麼我現在在這裡, 就是要去告訴大家"愛"的重要,以及成為一個更好的人。我試著想要專注在對的事。 對於至今發生的事我充滿感激。上帝對我是如此的好。 A year ago, Lin was in the Bay Area working out as hard as ever, trying to make the NBA his home. Since then, it has been quite the roller coaster. He has experienced the lowest low -- being waived twice and wondering if he would make it in the NBA. He has experienced the highest high – orchestrating one of the most dominant stretches in basketball memory, posting 20 points and seven assists in seven straight games (all wins) and becoming a global star. 一年前,Lin在灣區勤奮地健身,想要永久在NBA立身。從那時起,就開始了他雲霄飛車的 旅程。他已經經歷過他人生的最低點:被揮棄了兩次以及擔心他是否仍能待在NBA。他也 經歷了最高點:在NBA主導了有史以來最讓人印象深刻的一連串比賽的其中之一,在七連 勝中,他平均得分20,貢獻7次助功,而且變成一個全世界的明星。 An injury reeled him back into the stratosphere as April 2 surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his left knee knocked him out for the rest of the season. But the real humbling came after he signed the offer sheet from Houston. That's when the tide turned. 受傷讓他得要在4/2暫停下來並接受手術修復他左膝的半月板,而且之後那季的球賽都 無法出場。但真正讓他受挫的事是在他跟休士頓火箭簽下這紙合約後。這是一次大轉折。 "It did kind of hurt," Lin said. "I had to remind myself who I'm living for. Do I fear God or do I fear man? I know my actions and I know I would change nothing if I could go back." "這的確讓我有點被傷到了",Lin說。"我必須提醒自己我是為了什麼而生存在這世界上。 我是害怕上帝,或者是我是害怕人們?我知道我在做的事,而且我也知道就算我能將時光 倒流,我也無法改變任何事。" Lin said he expected to -- wanted to -- re-sign with the Knicks. But the Rockets, who reportedly pegged him as a primary target, came after him hard. First, they agreed to a four-year, $28 million offer sheet, paying him about $9 million in each of the final two years. But by the time Lin arrived in Houston to sign the offer sheet, the Rockets -- after reports the Knicks would match -- had pulled the first offer and changed the deal. The new offer sheet was for three years, with a third-year salary of $14.8 million. 他說他之前期待,也想要,和尼克簽約並留下來。但火箭隊,傳言之前就將他當做要簽 下的目標之一,非常熱切的想要他到火箭隊。一開始他們同意一份4年2800萬的合約, 在最後兩年一年是900萬左右。但在Lin到達休士頓正式簽約前,因為有報導尼克將會跟 進後,火箭修改了他們的合約。新的合約是3年,第3年1仟4佰8拾萬。 "I didn't go back to them and ask for more money," Lin said. "It wasn't like they gave me the choice to sign one of the two and I chose the one that would hurt the Knicks. I had one contract offer. That was it." "我並沒有回頭去要求他們給我更多的錢",Lin說。"並不是他們給我兩份合約去選擇然 後我選擇去簽那份尼克無法跟進的。從頭到尾我就只有一份合約可以簽。就是這樣。" With no other offer on the table, Lin signed. The controversy began. 沒有其他合約給他,Lin簽了眼前這份合約。然後紛爭就開始了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/24 11:30, , 1F
愛!! Love: What`s up?
07/24 11:30, 1F

07/24 11:35, , 2F
07/24 11:35, 2F

07/24 11:38, , 3F
後半段更感人QQ 期待有大大繼續翻譯
07/24 11:38, 3F

07/24 11:38, , 4F
謝謝翻譯~m大 後面我可以接著翻^^
07/24 11:38, 4F

07/24 11:45, , 5F
07/24 11:45, 5F

07/24 11:45, , 6F
07/24 11:45, 6F

07/24 11:46, , 7F
07/24 11:46, 7F

07/24 11:46, , 8F
愛 真的 除了這個 無法在多說什麼 Lin 真的是 辛苦了otz
07/24 11:46, 8F

07/24 11:46, , 9F
07/24 11:46, 9F

07/24 11:51, , 10F
紐媒中大概除了紐時以外其他幾乎都直指他愛錢...= =
07/24 11:51, 10F

07/24 11:51, , 11F
然後不提尼克跟本沒有給他選擇的空間...= =
07/24 11:51, 11F

07/24 11:52, , 12F
感謝翻譯~這篇真的很讚! 還有ESPN有幫忙洗刷一下冤屈XD
07/24 11:52, 12F

07/24 11:53, , 13F
Lin~~~~~~ 其實我覺得一直要他講合約的事情很煩
07/24 11:53, 13F

07/24 11:53, , 14F
07/24 11:53, 14F

07/24 11:54, , 15F
07/24 11:54, 15F

07/24 11:55, , 16F
07/24 11:55, 16F

07/24 11:55, , 17F
這篇是自家人灣區媒體 對自己人比較能吐露心聲 對於外
07/24 11:55, 17F

07/24 11:56, , 18F
07/24 11:56, 18F

07/24 11:56, , 19F
07/24 11:56, 19F

07/24 11:56, , 20F
界一直批評他貪錢背叛的指責 感覺他還是蠻介意的...
07/24 11:56, 20F

07/24 11:57, , 21F
別太快愛上他 還有下篇XD
07/24 11:57, 21F

07/24 11:58, , 22F
07/24 11:58, 22F

07/24 11:59, , 23F
07/24 11:59, 23F

07/24 11:59, , 24F
07/24 11:59, 24F

07/24 11:59, , 25F
07/24 11:59, 25F

07/24 12:26, , 26F
恩恩 我也覺得他很介意 期待下篇
07/24 12:26, 26F

07/24 12:34, , 27F
07/24 12:34, 27F

07/24 12:43, , 28F
07/24 12:43, 28F

07/24 12:43, , 29F
等他吧 ^ ^
07/24 12:43, 29F
※ 編輯: mfsivw87 來自: (07/24 12:48)

07/24 12:53, , 30F
07/24 12:53, 30F

07/24 13:15, , 31F
好難過 紐約媒體這樣寫豪哥
07/24 13:15, 31F

07/24 13:19, , 32F
07/24 13:19, 32F

07/24 14:32, , 33F
07/24 14:32, 33F

07/24 15:49, , 34F
07/24 15:49, 34F

07/24 15:53, , 35F
07/24 15:53, 35F

07/24 15:54, , 36F
感謝翻譯! 不明事理的人還真的是全世界都一樣= =
07/24 15:54, 36F

07/24 15:59, , 37F
07/24 15:59, 37F

07/24 16:06, , 38F
07/24 16:06, 38F

07/24 16:29, , 39F
07/24 16:29, 39F

07/24 17:03, , 40F
07/24 17:03, 40F

07/24 17:07, , 41F
07/24 17:07, 41F

07/24 18:05, , 42F
謝謝翻譯!! 因為聖經說:你若事奉瑪門(錢)就不能事奉神
07/24 18:05, 42F

07/24 18:05, , 43F
07/24 18:05, 43F

07/24 19:16, , 44F
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07/24 19:20, , 45F
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07/24 19:20, , 46F

07/24 19:32, , 47F
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07/24 19:36, , 48F
07/24 19:36, 48F

07/24 19:41, , 49F
虎撲的太扯了.光看這句"when people said negative stuff
07/24 19:41, 49F

07/24 19:42, , 50F
07/24 19:42, 50F

07/24 20:18, , 51F
07/24 20:18, 51F

07/24 20:22, , 52F
07/24 20:22, 52F

07/24 20:53, , 53F
那有人想把這篇轉去總版嗎? 總版貼的也是虎撲的
07/24 20:53, 53F

07/24 20:57, , 54F
07/24 20:57, 54F

07/24 20:59, , 55F
推翻譯 翻的真好
07/24 20:59, 55F

07/24 21:37, , 56F
07/24 21:37, 56F

07/25 00:16, , 57F
07/25 00:16, 57F

07/25 17:45, , 58F
07/25 17:45, 58F

07/25 20:14, , 59F
07/25 20:14, 59F

07/25 21:14, , 60F
07/25 21:14, 60F

07/26 00:50, , 61F
推 感謝翻譯
07/26 00:50, 61F
文章代碼(AID): #1G3XLtn0 (Jeremy_Lin)