[外絮] 交易剖析:火箭如何獲得Jeremy Lin

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (影)時間12年前 (2012/07/23 17:53), 編輯推噓37(37051)
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若有錯誤懇請指正。 http://blog.chron.com/ultimaterockets/2012/07/anatomy-of-a-deal-how- the-rockets-landed-jeremy-lin/ Anatomy of a deal: How the Rockets landed Jeremy Lin by Jonathan Feigen 交易剖析:火箭如何獲得林書豪 The meeting was no different from so many others, but it would change everything. Playoff hopes that had swelled with a four-game sweep of a road trip a week before had crashed. Another offseason was certain to come early. 那場會議跟其他會議沒什麼不同,卻改變了一切。 一波客場四連勝帶來衝進季後賽的希望,在一星期之後宣告破滅。另一個休賽季 再度確實提前到來。 The Rockets’ front office — including general manager Daryl Morey, vice president for player personnel Gersson Rosas and vice president for basketball operations Sam Hinkie — gathered in the conference room on Toyota Center’s second floor April 17 to begin mapping out the team’s free-agent strategy. 4月17日,火箭隊管理階層——包括GM Daryl Morey、球員人事副總裁 Gersson Rosas、籃球營運副總裁Sam Hinkie──聚集在Toyota中心二樓會議室 內,為招募自由球員制定計畫。 Talks continued over the coming months, but one decision never changed. The Rockets had decided they would pursue guard Jeremy Lin as a restricted free agent. They would not ignore the likelihood that the Knicks would match any offer he received but would instead try to come up with a way to get him back. 討論一直延續到往後數月,但有一個決定從未改變。火箭決定追求受限制自由球 員Jeremy Lin。雖然無法忽略尼克跟進任何報價的可能性,他們仍要找出一個方 法爭取他重返火箭。 “We planned the free-agent targets we were going to go after at that meeting,” Morey said. “He was high on the list. We thought that strategically moving (Kyle) Lowry might be the right choice because we thought we could get the most for him. We thought turning him into a lottery pick would be the right thing. We did anticipate we might lose Goran (Dragic) because we knew he was going to be pursued by multiple teams and if it was a deal we were not comfortable with, we knew we’d have to walk away. We were going after Jeremy no matter what.” 「我們開會時列出了欲招攬的自由球員目標,」Morey說道。「他在名單上名列 前茅。在戰略上交易Lowry或許是個正確選擇,能夠從中獲得最大回報換來一張 樂透籤。我們還預測到可能會失去Dragic,因為將有多支球隊競相爭取他,開 價若超出預期只能選擇放手。無論情況如何,我們都會追逐Lin。」 早在這名6呎3吋的哈佛後衛打出統治常春藤聯盟的表現起,火箭隊便開始關注 他。2010年拉斯維加斯夏季聯賽上,火箭隊在場目睹為達拉斯小牛出賽的Lin表 現壓倒巫師隊的John Wall,試過想簽下他。 “He was great,” Morey said. “We were pretty solid at that position. We do have to prioritize what we’re looking at. We talked to them about potentially doing a deal. Golden State outbid us — a larger guarantee. They beat every team in the league to get him and did a great job signing him. I still think to this day they deserve the most credit of quote-unquote finding Jeremy Lin. They were the highest on him early.” 「他十分出色。」Morey說道。「但我們的控衛陣容充實,必須優先補強球隊缺 乏的人手。我們討論過簽約的潛在可能性。金州勇士出價高過我們──給了他更 大的保障。勇士擊敗其他所有球隊漂亮地簽下了他。我至今依然認為勇士發掘Lin 的眼光值得讚賞,在Lin生涯初期給予他最高的評價。」 Acting fast 迅速行動 When the Warriors waived Lin before last season to free salary-cap room to sign DeAndre Jordan to an offer sheet, the Rockets “immediately put in a claim” and brought him to camp. They cut him after 12 days. 勇士上季為騰出薪資帽空間簽下DeAndre Jordan裁掉Lin之後,火箭「立刻索賠」 找他加入訓練營,但隨即在12天後裁掉他。 With no idea of how Lin’s career would take off, Morey said there were thoughts that he would not be difficult to bring back as a free agent. 鑒於無從得知Lin的職業生涯即將起飛,Morey以為等他成為自由球員再重簽回 來不會有多困難。 “When I talk about us making a mistake, it wasn’t a mistake about him being good,” Morey said. “We thought he could be an NBA player. The mistake was we didn’t anticipate how good. Even though our analysis indicated he could be great, probably not this great, we did not anticipate he could be as good as he was in that stretch. That was the mistake.” 「我們所犯的錯並非沒料到他表現優秀。」Morey說。「我們認為他將成為稱職 的NBA球員。我們錯在沒料到他究竟能好到什麼程度。即使分析師表示他會打得 很不錯,但無人料到他竟能表現得像那段熱潮期間一樣傑出。那是我們的錯。」 Talks of trading Lowry picked up in the days before the draft, but a deal was not completed and the Raptors focused their attention on signing Steve Nash. Morey had decided that if not for that deal he happily would bring back Lowry as the starter despite Lowry’s stated issues with coach Kevin McHale. Lowry的交易協商自選秀前即展開,但條件尚未談妥,暴龍隊的注意力放在簽下 Steve Nash上。如果那筆交易沒有談成,Morey很樂意讓Lowry繼續擔任先發控衛 ,儘管他和總教練Kevin McHale之間明顯有些問題。 When free agency began, Morey met with Bulls restricted free agent Omer Asik in Los Angeles. The next morning, he began talks with Lin’s agents — Roger Montgomery and Jim Tanner — about bringing Lin back. 自由市場開市之後,Morey到洛杉磯與公牛隊的受限自由球員Omer Asik會面。 隔天早晨,他接觸Lin的經紀人──Roger Montgomery與Jim Tanner──商議如 何帶他回歸火箭。 “We said, ‘Hey, we can see how this might go where we might have a need at point guard,” Morey said. “I walked them through how we might have a big enough need. We thought he was worth that money, but to have it, we probably needed other things to happen.” 「我們聊到:『嘿,依情勢發展,我們可能需要控球後衛』,」Morey說。「我 向他們解釋火箭為什麼可能有需求補進控衛,我們認為Lin值得那筆薪資,但還 需要其他狀況推動才有機會得到他。」 Morey and McHale met with guard Eric Gordon the next day and a day later met with Dragic. Talks ended with the Rockets unwilling to give Dragic a player option for the fourth season of his contract, virtually assuring he would move on. Morey和McHale隔天先與後衛Eric Gordon碰面,一天後和Dragic會談。由於火箭 不願意給Dragic合約第四年的球員選項,他的離去已成定局。 A meeting with Lin was set up for July 4. McHale had a previous commitment but spoke with him that day by phone, telling him again how impressed he had been with him, how he enjoyed his success in New York and how he would be used if he returned. 火箭與Lin的會面安排在7月4日。McHale當天打電話給他,再次聲明先前承諾過的 ,表示他對Lin印象深刻也很欣賞Lin在紐約創造的成功,Lin若重返火箭後將怎樣 為他安排戰術。 While they talked, Nash agreed to go to the Lakers in a stunning sign-and-trade deal with the Suns. Morey knew then the Raptors would renew talks to land Lowry, but he insists he would have continued the pursuit of Lin even if Nash had gone to Toronto and Lowry remained a Rocket. 雙方談話期間傳出驚人消息,Nash同意先簽後換加盟湖人。Morey知道暴龍將重新 啟動Lowry交易協商,但他堅持即使Nash去了暴龍,Lowry留在火箭也會繼續追求 Lin。 “I’d have loved having Kyle back,” Morey said. “If we could get something fantastic for Kyle, we had to do it. I’m all about positioning ourselves to contend for a title. That’s not BS. Kyle I think is a fantastic player. We were going to trade him if we could get something great, but having him back as the starting point guard I was perfectly fine with.” 「我會很高興看到Kyle歸隊。」Morey說道。「如果能夠讓Kyle獲得更好的發展, 我們應該去做。我的目標在於打造一隻總冠軍競爭者,不是隨便說說而已。我認 為Kyle是很出色的球員。若能從中獲益,我們會交易他,但讓他歸隊擔任先發也 毫不成問題。」 That night, Morey, Hinkie, Rosas and assistant coach Brett Gunning met Lin, Tanner and Montgomery in a private room at Fleming’s Steakhouse and began the pitch to bring him back. “The presentation was easy,” Morey said. “Great franchise. Multiple titles. Top five winning percentage. No income tax.” 當天晚上,Morey、Hinkie、Rosas及助教Brett Gunning在Fleming's牛排館包廂 與Lin及他的兩名經紀人會晤,招攬他重返火箭。 「我們對球隊的介紹很簡單。」Morey說。「一隻好球隊、得過幾座冠軍、勝率居 前五名。德州不收州所得稅。」 After dinner, Morey and the agents met at the Four Seasons and agreed to an offer sheet worth $29.8 million over four seasons, with the fourth partially guaranteed. As they met, Dragic finalized his agreement with the Suns. 晚餐過後,Morey和經紀人在四季酒店敲定四年2980萬的報價單,第四年部分保 障。雙方協商期間, Dragic也跟太陽隊達成協議。 The Rockets knew that with Toronto unable to land Nash, the Lowry trade probably would go through. The Rockets finalized the agreement to send Lowry to Toronto the next day, July 5, leaving the Rockets with no experienced point guard and increased urgency to sign Lin. But it seemed certain the Knicks would match any offer he would get. 火箭知道暴龍得不到Nash,Lowry的交易應可過關。 7月5日,火箭隊達成協議將Lowry送到暴龍,隊上有經驗的控衛全部離開,促使火 箭隊更迫切需要簽下Lin。但尼克隊看來會跟進任何他收到的報價。 Alexander weighs in 老闆出手 “After we came to a rough agreement on that deal (with Lin), Goran (leaving) became certain,” Morey said. “We were all concerned about not having a point guard. It was Mr. (Leslie) Alexander’s idea to get more aggressive.” 「我們和Lin達成大致協議之後,Goran確定轉隊。」Morey說。「我們都很擔心隊 上沒有控球後衛的情形。採取更具侵略性的行動,是Alexander先生的意思。」 In the next few days, the Rockets reworked the offer to $25.1 million over three years, all guaranteed. Heavily back-loaded, it would force the Knicks to pay $14.9 million in the third season of the contract, the first season of the more punitive luxury tax. For the Rockets, each season will count roughly $8.4 million toward the salary cap and luxury tax. 接下來幾天,火箭重新開出一份為期三年總價2510萬的全額保障合約。沉重的背厚 式結構將迫使尼克隊在第三年,即更具懲罰性的豪華稅制度實施後首年支付Lin 1490萬。對於火箭來說,每季算入工資帽和豪華稅的薪資約為840萬。 “We talked about it internally for a while,” Morey said. “We brought it up to his agents, asking if they would be OK with more money, and shockingly, they were open to it.” 「經過一段時間的內部討論,」Morey說道。「我們聯絡他的經紀人,詢問他們是 否接受合約加碼。令人驚訝的是,他們對此保持開放態度。」 More than a week later, on July 13, Lin flew to Las Vegas to meet with Morey and McHale for four hours in a suite at the Golden Nugget and sign the offer sheet. 一個多星期後,Lin於7月13日飛往拉斯維加斯,到Golden Nugget飯店與Morey及 McHale會面了四小時並簽署報價單。 Within hours, it became clear that delivering the offer sheet to Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald would be a challenge. Grunwald refused to answer the door to his room at the Mandarin Oriental or come to the front desk to accept the offer sheet. The Rockets sent representatives to Knicks practice and later to their game, but Grunwald did not attend and would not set up a time to meet. 幾小時後,火箭發現要將報價單送達尼克GM Glen Grunwald手中是個艱鉅挑戰。 Grunwald躲在他於文華東方酒店下榻的房間內拒絕應門,也不肯走到櫃台簽收報 價單。火箭隊派代表前往尼克隊的訓練地點及比賽賽場,但Grunwald沒有出現也 不願意約時間碰面。 Having just completed the sign-and-trade that sent Marcus Camby to New York, the Rockets had the contract information ready for the Knicks’ attorneys and emailed Lin the offer sheet, also sending it through overnight delivery to the Knicks’ offices in New York. Still, they tried to get a ruling from the NBA about when the offer sheet would be considered to have been received, starting the three-day period for the Knicks to match. 火箭剛與尼克完成先簽後換送Marcus Camby前往紐約,已備妥合約資訊交予尼克 的律師。報價單透過電子郵件傳送給Lin,並利用隔夜交貨快遞送往尼克位於紐約 的辦公室。同時,火箭試圖請聯盟裁定何時為正式收到報價單的時刻,好讓三天 倒數計時啟動。 “We asked the league for help,” Morey said. “They gave us advice. We did what they suggested. They say they consider it a team-to-team issue.” 「我們尋求聯盟協助,」Morey說。「他們提供了一些建議,我們照辦。他們說, 那是球隊之間的問題。」 The Rockets took the position the sheet was received at 11:59 p.m. EDT. The Knicks did not dispute it, but at the time they were completing talks to acquire Raymond Felton, indicating they would not match the offer sheet. 火箭設定報價單送達時刻為美東時間下午11:59,尼克沒有異議。當時他們已談妥 換來Raymond Felton的交易,說明他們不會跟進報價。 But Morey was skeptical. “I knew about that two nights before,” Morey said, “but I absolutely thought they would match the whole way.” Reports surfaced that Madison Square Garden chairman James Dolan had signed off on letting Lin walk. Morey did not believe it. That night, before the deadline, a Knicks spokesman sent text messages to media confirming the decision. Morey still was not sure. Grunwald called Lin, 23, and told him, in a conversation that lasted less than a minute. Tanner texted Morey with the news. “I had seen the reports,” Morey said, “but the only thing I thought was concrete was when Glen told Jeremy. I knew then they wouldn’t tell Jeremy unless it was done. That was the first time I really thought it. We got him.” 但Morey抱持懷疑態度。 「我兩天前聽說了消息,但在倒數過程中一直認定他們會跟進報價。」 新聞報導MSG主席James Dolan決定放Lin離開,Morey簡直不敢相信。 當晚,尼克的發言人在截止時限前傳簡訊給媒體證實這個決定。Morey依然不敢確 定。Grunwald打電話通知Lin球隊放棄了他,通話時間短短不到一分鐘。接著 Tanner傳簡訊告訴Morey這則消息。 「我看過那些報導,」Morey說道。「但我一直到Glen通知Jeremy時才敢確信。我 知道事情必定已成定局,他們才會告訴Jeremy。那時第一次我真正覺得,我們得到 了他。」 -- 這是火箭隨隊記者的報導,看看火箭方對交易過程的觀點。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: shadowydark 來自: (07/23 17:54)

07/23 17:59, , 1F
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※ 編輯: shadowydark 來自: (07/23 18:13)

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07/23 19:06, , 9F
老闆說要加薪有人會拒絕嗎zzz 請經紀人來就是希望經紀人
07/23 19:06, 9F

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07/23 19:43, , 16F
本來就想拿掉TO 提到加碼很少會拒絕吧 重點:德州不收稅
07/23 19:43, 16F

07/23 19:44, , 17F
不過原來是亞歷山大想要加強毒性耶 看來真的很後悔XDD
07/23 19:44, 17F

07/23 19:46, , 18F
只是不收州稅而已 美國的所得稅還是要繳
07/23 19:46, 18F

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07/23 19:57, , 20F
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07/23 19:58, , 21F
何況從開市前就一直謠傳暴龍會開毒藥合約 老尼真的那麼
07/23 19:58, 21F

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07/23 20:01, , 25F
說他背叛最好笑的理由之一是說林不該偷偷和火箭簽約 科
07/23 20:01, 25F

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07/23 20:21, , 32F
難不成火箭提加碼時 林還要打電話先跟尼克報備喔??
07/23 20:21, 32F

07/23 20:22, , 33F
那樣不是擺明要錶火箭= = 以後誰還敢跟林報價
07/23 20:22, 33F

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07/23 20:26, , 35F
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07/23 20:27, , 36F
知NYK根本對Lin愛理不理的... 所以才會同意火箭加價
07/23 20:27, 36F

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07/23 20:58, , 46F
對呀 所以其實有和暴龍說好吧XD 送你們羅莉別來跟搶XD
07/23 20:58, 46F

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07/23 21:34, , 54F
小AB也是CAA的? 怎麼真的到處都是CAA~XD
07/23 21:34, 54F

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07/23 22:49, , 59F
最近天天跌阿...之前是大盤漲MSG跌 這幾天是大盤&MSG都跌
07/23 22:49, 59F

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07/23 22:58, , 63F
從7/1-7/23也才跌10% 不多阿 真的還不算多 XD
07/23 22:58, 63F

07/23 22:59, , 64F
這樣是有100M了嗎? 對數據毫無概念的人T.T
07/23 22:59, 64F

07/23 23:06, , 65F
我也很好奇有100M這麼多喔.....原來小AB是CAA的喔 ㄎㄎ
07/23 23:06, 65F

07/23 23:07, , 66F
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07/23 23:08, , 67F
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07/23 23:08, , 68F
我非常壞心的希望他跌回原本的股價^^ 籃網衝啊!!!!!!
07/23 23:08, 68F

07/23 23:09, , 69F
07/23 23:09, 69F

07/23 23:10, , 70F
如果ctrlC 上季...應該有望跌回去XDDDD
07/23 23:10, 70F

07/23 23:17, , 71F
看新聞35.5時就破百鎂了耶~ 繼續持續探底下去吧XDD
07/23 23:17, 71F

07/23 23:18, , 72F
我覺得情況真的蠻可能發生的啊其實 由其是笑笑湯又陰魂不
07/23 23:18, 72F

07/23 23:19, , 73F
散^^ 感謝笑笑湯加持 林要飛天了LOL
07/23 23:19, 73F

07/24 10:06, , 74F
感謝翻譯^^ 這還真是曲折緊張的交易經過!火箭老闆真霸氣^^
07/24 10:06, 74F

07/24 10:09, , 75F
懶的理杜蘭生氣 自己被催眠不留人 啥都可牽拖 =.=
07/24 10:09, 75F

07/24 12:13, , 76F
07/24 12:13, 76F

07/24 12:14, , 77F
07/24 12:14, 77F

07/24 12:17, , 78F
07/24 12:17, 78F

07/24 12:20, , 79F
07/24 12:20, 79F

07/24 12:22, , 80F
07/24 12:22, 80F

07/24 12:22, , 81F
07/24 12:22, 81F

07/24 15:57, , 82F
尼克自以為聰明 機關算盡 殊不知比他們聰明的更多
07/24 15:57, 82F

07/24 16:36, , 83F
根本就蠢啊....球員不是經營者也就算了 經營者居然不知道
07/24 16:36, 83F

07/24 16:36, , 84F
自己的員工/商品值多少錢 結果就是股價狂跌
07/24 16:36, 84F

07/24 18:19, , 85F
他們還認為MSG股價跌 不代表是林離開的關係喔 說是正常
07/24 18:19, 85F

07/24 23:28, , 86F
07/24 23:28, 86F

07/24 23:36, , 87F
07/24 23:36, 87F

07/25 17:41, , 88F
07/25 17:41, 88F
文章代碼(AID): #1G3Hy4n0 (Jeremy_Lin)