[外絮] 加盟記者會的Q and A的全文(翻譯完成)

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (vivi)時間12年前 (2012/07/21 14:55), 編輯推噓55(55030)
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http://blog.chron.com/ultimaterockets/2012/07/a-complete-transcript- of-jeremy-lins-introductory-press-conference/#6408-4 上面這個是這篇的來源,是從Houston Chronicle (休士頓紀事報)來的 A complete transcript of Jeremy Lin’s introductory press conference “An unbelievable ride ….” A transcript of Jeremy Lin’s opening press conference in Houston along with Rockets owner Leslie Alexander and general manager Daryl Morey: Alexander: This is a fabulous reception. As I was telling Jeremy when we had Scottie Pippen coming here, it was the biggest reception we ever had for the press, and it was a tenth of this. Thank you, all. We appreciate it. We think Jeremy is going to be a fabulous addition to the team. We welcome him, and we like him. I guess we are ready for your questions. 火箭老闆告訴Lin: 以前當Pippen來時是歷來最盛大的記者會,但是這次是那時的十倍大 Question: Describe the feeling coming back to the practice gym as a different player and with a bigger salary? Lin: I am just excited to be here, and I think the biggest thing that excites me is the fact that I know what this organization is about and I was in training camp with Coach McHale and I saw how he operates and what he expects from the team and what he is about. To me it is something that I believe as well, and it just made sense. 最讓我興奮的是我知道這個隊伍是怎樣的,我之前有跟教練做過訓練,我有看到他是如何 訓練球員,以及他對球隊的期待。我對他所說的很信服。 Q: Can you briefly explain, this is all almost like a script out of a movie scenario. This time 12 months ago you were preparing to play summer league with us, now you come back as the conquering king. Just explain what that 12-month period has been like to you and your progression as an NBA player? 你的故事就像電影一樣,12個月前你在這準備打夏季聯盟,現在你又回到這裡,就像一個 克服了一切難關的王者一樣,你覺得這12個對你來說是怎樣的? Lin: I don’t really see myself as the conquering king, but it has been an unbelievable ride just a lot of thing that I didn’t expect to happen, in terms of just the way things last season went and, you know, I still have to kind of remind myself that this is all actually happening sometimes. But it’s a huge blessing from God and I can’t believe how it all shaped up for me to be able to be right here right. That’s really exciting and I am thankful. 我沒有覺得自己真的是克服一切難關的王者,但我的確沒有料到會發生這一切, 就像上一季所發現的那些事,我有時仍會提醒自己這一切都是真的,我很感激,也很興奮 Q: I am sure Daryl and the Rockets management showed you a good time when you came to visit here a couple of weeks ago. What did they do to convince you to come back? 火箭是如何邀請及吸引你過來的? Lin: Well we had a great steak dinner and they just showed me around. I knew most of everything, but it was just what they said. Mr. Alexander and his willingness and competiveness. His willingness to win and the direction they want to head in, just understanding that this is a young team and there is a lot of talent and that we want to continue to build and get better. It was very clear that they had plans for me and to use me. They were very apologetic about letting me go. The biggest thing is that I’ve been here and I know what it is about and I’ve seen what Coach McHale is about, too. 我們有很棒的"牛排"晚餐(這是重點(誤)),他們帶我到處看看,讓我了解大部份的事 老闆展現了他想要win的企圖心及他們想要走的方向,讓我了解這是一個年輕的隊伍 以及想要想這個打造得更好,培養出更多有天份的球員。很明顯的,他們對我是有計劃的 他們很誠心的道歉之前對我的錯失,最重要的是我曾待過這裡,知道這裡的一切,而我也 了解教練。 Q: The relationship you have with Yao Ming, have you spoke to him recently? What did he tell you about this franchise? Lin: Well, I just texted back and forth with him a little bit. It was more congratulatory than anything else, but when things settle down I will end up talking to him about different things with regards to the city of Houston. 我跟姚明有傳簡訊。比較多時候是他跟我恭喜,等一切事情都底定後,我會跟他長談。 Q: How do you go from being a young guy just trying to make a dream happen 12 months ago to eventually becoming now a global marketing piece in the NBA and in contract negotiations? Lin: Well, I am just trying to take it just one day at a time. A lot of stuff had come so fast. I am just trying to make that every day I wake up, just focused on what needs to be done that day. I just want to make sure that as a person and as a player that I am consistent in what I believe in and that’s the biggest thing for me, is waking up every day and try to glorify God and give my best effort and get better as a person and as a player. 我只是一次專注在一件事,太多事發生了,我只是試著讓自己每天醒來後,專注在 那天該做的事,我只想確定自己是持之以恆、對於自己相信的沒有動搖,並持續努力 Q: When you began playing for the Knicks, you were relatively unknown and with little expectations. When you play again, we get an idea today of what kind of scrutiny and spotlight you will have. How do you feel about dealing with that, playing under that kind of attention and expectations compare to last time? 以前你默默無聞,但現在不同了,現在大家都睜大眼看你的表現,你怎麼看待? Lin: I just want to make sure that I play for God and I play hard and I can be OK with anything else. I had dinner with Chandler Parsons last night. We kind of talked about the team and the guys that are coming in. They are humble. It doesn’t matter in terms of outside distractions, I think we are all focusing on getting better as a team and moving forward. 我只要確定自己是為上帝打球,以及我夠認真,其他事就不想太多了。 昨天我跟Chandler Parsons(火箭目前隊員)吃晚餐,我們談論這個球隊以及還有那些 未來會同隊的球員。他們都很謙遜。外界的吵雜並不重要,我們都專注在如何能變成 更好的隊 Q: By all accounts you really wanted to stay in New York. Just talk about being here and what happen in New York? 你之前一直很想待在尼克,告訴我們在紐約發生了什麼事? Lin: Coming into free agency, I didn’t expect to be anywhere besides New York. But after I came and visited and talked … I wouldn’t have signed the offer sheet from Houston if I wasn’t excited about the possibility of playing here as well. I am so thankful to New York and the Knicks for this past year — the way the fans rooted for us. I am thankful for what they did for me. Now, I am excited and focused on what I can do for this organization to move forward. 我原來以為我一定會待在紐約,但等我來這裡看過後,若我對有可能成為這裡的球員 覺得沒有可能或沒有期待的話,我是不會去簽那張約的。我很感謝紐約及尼克,以及 尼克的球迷。我很感謝他們為我做的一切。現在我很興奮及專注於我現在能為我的這 個球隊做的事情及幫助他們前進。 Q: What was unique and how did you sell Jeremy on the team, given that you had some of a blind roster — you didn’t know exactly who was going to be here. How did you sell the organization and what did you tell him, without knowing exactly who he might be playing with? To Morey: 你是怎麼告訴Jeremy你的球隊的好,而且你並不確定下一季有誰在隊上? 他並不知道他將會跟誰一起打球? Morey: Well, I sold him on the organization. Obviously, Mr. Alexander and his competiveness. If you go over the 20 years that he’s owned the team, we have one of the top five records … multiple championships. Not many organizations can put an organization like that in front of a player. I am always proud to sell it and also proud to sell our fans and our city. I think it’s still potentially underrated on the national scene, but this organization is one that has consistently won — always has tried to strive for a championship and I think that was the main selling point. 我告訴他有關我們的這個組織,關於我們老闆及他的競爭心。如果你回顧這20年來, 我們有前五的成績,我們拿下幾次的總冠軍,不是有很多的球隊可以像我們這樣的 有這些事績可以告訴球員,所以我們是很有信心的。大家都低估我們了,我們這個 組織是有持續在勝利的,而且我們也有潛力拿下冠軍,這些是我主要告訴他的 Q: What is the mindset you have to balance the things that you are faced with, the adversity? 你是怎樣調適心態的,對於一些不利的情況? Lin: I think the biggest thing is know what I am fighting for, just stay consistent and not change anything. I have always tried to play for God and that is all that I am worry about. In terms of from here on forward, it really is just trying to stay focused. I understand that we have big challenges ahead of us as a team. I need to get better and looking back at last season there are a lot of errors where I can improve as a player. Going into this off-season what I am focusing on is how I can improve, how I can become better and how I can help out this team. 我想最重要的是我知道我是為何而戰,並且如何持之以恆而不改變。我一直都為上帝打球 而那是我最在乎的。我只是想要專注,我知道我們以後會有更多挑戰。我必須變得更好 而且回去檢視以前所犯的錯誤,要如何修正成為更好的籃球員。現在這個季後休息期間, 我專注在如何更進步,要如何更好及幫助這個球隊。 Q: How is your knee, now a couple of month into the off-season? What is your take on the different reports on how the Knicks felt about you not trying to play in the playoffs? How did you come to the decision not to test that knee? 你的膝傷復原情形?你如何看待之前那些報導,關於你不在季後賽出戰的事? 你是如何決定不去試著出賽看看? Lin: My knee is feeling better and I am almost to the point where I have all my speed and explosiveness from before. In terms of addressing, it is similar to what I said in the Sports Illustrated article. I obviously wanted to play. Just having the vets around me kind of walking me through like, ‘OK, how are you feeling? You can’t do this.’ To me mentally I was ready. It is something that I obviously wanted to do, but just wasn’t able to. 我的膝蓋復原情形良好,而且已復原到我幾乎跟之前有一樣的速度及爆發力。 至於之前的事,就像我在SI雜誌裡的訪談說到的一樣。我那時是非常想出賽的, 而隊上的老將卻都將我拉到一邊告訴我:你現在感覺如何?不行,你不能出賽! 雖然我自己覺得我是應該準備好可以出賽的,而且那也是我一直以來想要做的, (應該是指在季後出賽打球這件事),但我當時的身體卻不允許我去做。 Q: When Jeremy took off in New York last year, did you (Alexander) have to resist the temptation of chewing anybody out for making that decision. Jeremy, can you talk about that night in Houston. It was Christmas Eve, if I am not mistaken. Your thoughts, what you did? Just put it in context to what is going on here today. 老闆,當Jeremy上個賽季打得這麼好,你有沒有很想罵那個釋出他的人? Jeremy,你可以談一下之前你在聖誕夜被火箭釋出時的事,把那時的事跟現在比較,你 有什麼心情? Lin: It was an emotional time around Christmas, but at that time I wanted to stay. I was comfortable with the sets and had been through training camp, but everything happens for a reason. I am very excited that they were committed in bringing me back and I am excited to be back. 當時是很難過的,因為那時我想留在火箭。我那時覺得火箭的環境是使我很安心的。 但每件事發生都有它的原因。現在我則是很興奮他們願意帶我回來。 Alexander: It is always difficult when you made an error, and we made an error by letting him go. I think we rectified now. 當你犯錯時是很難過的,我們當時不該放他走。我們現在修正了這個錯誤。 Q: Les, in an interview with Jonathan Feigen, you said you and Daryl were still in pursuit of the big thing. If that doesn’t happen, will you be content with Jeremy, Chandler (Parsons), (Donatas) Motiejunas, the young draft picks, just going forward there and seeing what happens before the trade deadline. 老闆,你之前受訪時談到你們現在還在追求重量級球員。如何追不到,你會不會滿意你 現有的陣容:Jeremy, Chandler, Motejunas, 以及一些選秀權?就先這樣然後看看在 交易期限前還有什麼可以做的? Alexander: I think it is stupid to be content. I don’t think anybody should be content. So we are always trying to do better at all time. If Daryl was the kind of guy who was content, he would not be here. So that is how we always look at things. 我覺得就只滿足現有的是很笨的,我不認為任何人都該對現狀感到就這樣就好。 所以我們一直想變得更好。如果Daryl是那種很容易就滿足的事 ,那他現在就不會在這裡 一直以來,我們都是這樣看待事情的。 Q: This organization has dealt with this (media attention), has been in this situation 10 years ago (with Yao Ming) and for many of the years since. Can you describe what value is in that, what advantages to the organization and to the basketball side can come with this kind of spotlight? 這個組織一直以來就有很多媒體注目須要處理,10年前姚明在時就如此了。 你可以說明一下你們所擁有的優勢嗎?有這樣的注目焦點存在。 Alexander: I think the spotlight is important. I think we are going to be in national TV now because of Jeremy. Free agents want to be in a team that is on the national spotlight. So I think from a basketball stand point, we really improve our negotiations with of many, many free agents. 我覺得大家關注我們這一點是很重要的。我覺得我們將會在全國的電視上出現,因為 我們有了Jeremy。自由球員會想要出現在全國電視。所以我覺得從籃球這點來看,我 們在吸引自由球員上有很大的進展。 Q: How disappointed were you in Carmelo and JR’s comments (calling Lin’s contract “ridiculous”). Do you think it is fair that players around the league talk about other players potential contracts? 你對於甜瓜和JR對你合約的評論有什麼看法?你覺得球員談論其他球員的合約是公平的嗎? Lin: I love Carmelo and JR. I never had any issues with them. I just know my relationship with them and they have been very supporting and they were great teammates last year. 我很愛甜瓜和JR,我從未跟他們有任何不和。我只知道,我和他們的關係是很好的,而 且他們也很支持我,他們是很好的隊友。 Q: The partnership with the Astros and the new Comcast network starting in the fall. How was Jeremy’s marketability able to help the network not just locally, but regionally as well? 你跟Astros和Comcast(電視網路公司)有開始合作關係。你覺得Jeremy的市場性是否 能幫助他們,不止在當地,而且在區域上? Alexander: It probably will help. 應該是會有幫助 Q: Have any of your former teammates talked to you recently? 你最近有跟以前的隊友聯絡嗎? Lin: Yeah, I mean I spoken with almost everybody. Tyson (Chandler), (Steve) Novak and even the guys who are not there anymore, Jared (Jeffries), Landry (Fields) and Baron (Davis). I think we developed a friendship and a relationship on that team this past year and that is going to be a lifelong memory for us. We are all rooting for each other, no matter where we all end up. That’s the biggest thing about basketball, you create a lifelong relationship with your teammates. 有,我跟每個人幾乎都有聯絡。Tyson, Novak和Baron都有。我想我們已發展出了很好 的朋友關係。而且這將會成為我們之間永恆的回憶。我們都在為彼此加油,不論我們 人在哪裡。這是籃球裡最重要的事,你和隊友們可以有一輩子的朋友關係。 Q: Do you find it ironic that a few years ago you were an economic major and now some people refer to you as a one-man stimulus package? 你覺得自己在幾年前是經濟方面的專家,而現在卻被人們說是,一個人就可以創造很多 效益,你有沒有覺得很好笑? Lin: Yes. I am not an expert on economics, I just have a degree in it. I have no work experience in economics. (Much laughter in return). 是的,但我不是經濟專家,我只是有學歷而已啦。我在商業這方面都沒有工作經驗冽 (大家都笑了出來) Q: A couple nights ago one of the Houston sport stars for the Texans tweeted at you that if you didn’t have a place to stay, you could come crash at his couch. Have you found a place to stay yet? 幾天前有一個休士頓的運動明星在推持上說如果你在這裡沒地方住,可以去睡他 的沙發,你有沒有找到落腳的地方了? (註:之前有一個美式足球明星對於Lin要來很高興,還把自己沙發佈置成Jeremy睡 在他家沙發上的樣子,拿毛巾及籃球分別做為Lin的身體及頭,然後架了一個籃球架 ,說你可以練習喔。) Lin: I haven’t, but I looked at a place. Chandler showed me around the city last night and kind of pointed out a couple places to live. I am going to look around and see what is right, but definitely not trying to stay in any couches for the time being. 我還沒找到住的地方,可是我有去看了一個地方,Chandler昨天有帶我到處看看,也告訴 我哪些地方可以處。我會再去看看,但目前當然不會是住在任何人的沙發上。 Q: Have any other athletes in the city reached out to you? 有沒有其他在這個城市的運動員跟你接觸過了? Lin: No not yet, just Chandler. Does that count? Do you mean my teammates, or from other teams. … No, just Chandler. 還沒,只有Chandler,那算嗎?你是指我的同隊隊員,還是指從其他隊? 沒有,只有Chandler。 Q: You’re going to be the team leader, that’s why you got this contract. You were the team leader in high school and college. Is there anything else more daunting about this situation that maybe you confronted in as a young high school player than a college player? 你將成變成這個隊的領導著,而這也是為何你得到這個合約。你以前在高中和大學時 就是領導者,現在有沒有什麼事會讓你覺得怯步的?關於現在的這個情況,你可能 會遇到比以前在高中大學遇到的更棘手? Lin: No. I think it is the same. I am older now, and I am on a different team. I don’t have a lot of experience in terms of the NBA, but I have more than some of my teammates. I am going to continue to learn. I have so much room for improvement, but at the same time I am going to try to share it, the little bit I learned, with my teammates and the rookies. It is going to be a collective thing and we are going to look to Coach McHale a lot to give us a lot of guidance and leadership as well just because he is a proven leader. 不,我覺得是一樣的,我現在已更成熟了,而且我在不同的隊。我在NBA沒有很多經驗,但 我比我的一些隊友有更多的經驗。我會持續學習。我還有很多成長空間。而且同時我也會 試著跟隊友們及剛進NBA的人分享。這將會一個大家一起努力成長的目前,而且我們也會讓 教練幫助我們,給我們更多引導,因為他已經是一個大家承認的領導者。 Q: What can you personally bring to the Houston Rockets and to the city of Houston? 你能為這個城市帶來什麼? Lin: The only thing I can promise is that I am going to give my best effort and try my best to a great play maker, be a great decision maker, I am going to try my best to be a humble leader and to serve my teammates. That’s my goal and I want to get better as a player and this team to get better. We are going to put our best foot forward. 我會盡最大的努力來變為很棒的籃球員、場上決策能更好,我會讓自己成為很謙遜的領 導者來帶領自己的隊友。這是我的目的,而且我想成為更好的籃球員,並讓自己的球隊 更好。 Q: The all-star game will be here in 2013. What would it mean for you to be possibly Houston’s representative? 2013年的全明星會在這裡舉行,你有可能會成為休士頓的代表,這對你有什麼意義? Lin: I just want our team to win and make the playoffs. That is what I care about, what this team cares about and that is what coach McHale cares about, that is what Mr. Alexander and Daryl care about. We just making sure that we are doing everything to win and let everything else take care of itself. 我、我的教練、總管、老闆在意是我們的球隊勝利及進季後賽。我們要確認自己做的 任何一件事都是為了球隊的勝利,其他的事自然會有結果。 Q: What similarities did you see in Coach McHale’s system? 你覺得教練的系統有什麼相似處? Lin: Well I think his system is what I believe in as a basketball player. What that is, is let your defense make stops and get rebounds to field your offense and to play fast, to spread the floor and allow the ball to find the right person for the right shot. That is what I believe in. I think that is what works and that is when you are most lethal as a team, when you are creative and open it up. Just let it happen naturally. 我覺得他的系統是我相信的。就是,讓你的防守阻止對方,並拿到籃板球來製造進攻機會 並且很快進攻。在球場上製造出空間,讓球可以傳到正確的人的手上來投球。這是我所相 信的,我想這是最有效益的,而且也會對別的球隊造成極大的威脅,就是你必須創造機會 並且把進攻路線打開。就讓一切都是自然而然的發生。 Q: Daryl, we got a sense for 10 years of the pressure that Yao was under and faced. If this would be similar to that, and if we are getting a sense of that, what would the organization do to deal with that and how do you feel Jeremy can or needs to do to deal with that? 總管,我們有姚明10年前就面對的壓力,現在這跟當時會很像。你們要如何對抗這壓力 你又覺得Jeremy可以做到什麼? Morey: Well, I wasn’t here for the start of that, but I was here for the middle of it. I honestly think there is pressure every year. Every year we want to be become the best team we can be. We are not satisfied where we have been recently, we feel that with Jeremy as one of our team leaders along with the rest of the young group we have (and Chandler is here today), we can continue to improve. All we can do is work hard every day to become better players and myself try to make acquisitions that hopefully get us to the next level. 之前那時一開始我還沒來到這裡,但在一半時我參與了。我覺得每一年都有自己的壓力。 我們每一年都要變得更好,我們並不滿足現狀。我們覺得Jeremy做為我們球隊的一員, 和及其他我們所擁有的年輕隊員(Chandler在現場),我們會持續這步。我們能做的就是 努力去變得更好。而我的工作就是去找到幫助球隊進步到更好的階段的球員。 Q: Jeremy, can you talk about your time here in December. How that helped you grow as a player, an individual and an adult? 談談你去年12月在這裡發生的事,那有沒有幫助到你? Lin: One of the tough things was uncertainty of how long I would be around here the first time. Just learning to fight and battle and persevere through adversity and uncertainty. I think that helped me with everything in life. 那時最難的就是不確定自己能在NBA多久。我不斷的學習及反抗、不讓不確定的情況及 逆境中打倒我。我想那幫助我很多。 Q: How has your family helped you out, while you weighed out your options this summer? 你的家人對於你今夏的選擇有沒有給你什麼意見? Lin: My family is obviously my support system. They just want to support me with whatever happens and support any of the decisions I make. It is always nice to have family around and I am very close with my family, so to have that love and support is huge. 我的家人支持我。不論什麼事發生及我下了任何決定他們都支持我。我跟我的家人很親近 能有他們的愛及支持對我而言是非常重要的。 Q: Can you talk about your plans from now to October. 說說你之後到10月時的計劃 Lin: Yes. I am just going to be working out and then go to Asia, train there and do some of the obligations I have to do over there, then come back and get ready for training camp. 我將會繼續鍛練身體,而且我會到亞洲去,在那裡訓練及有些必須要做的事要完成。 回來後並準備開始這裡的訓練。 Q: You have a lot of fans in Taiwan and China. They love you and that is the reason they loved the Knicks. Right now you are with the Rockets and they love the Rockets right now. How do you feel about it? 你在台灣和中國有很多的球迷,他們很愛你,也是為何他們喜歡尼克。現在你成為火箭隊 的一員,而他們現在支持火箭隊。你有什麼感覺? Lin: I am just humbled, with the support I gotten from Asian fans. Whether it is in the U.S. or overseas, it has been off the charts. To be able to have them all supporting me is just awesome. I can’t wait to just start playing basketball and to get the season going. 我對於能得到亞洲球迷的支持感到感謝而惶恐。我得到了非常多的來自美國或海外球迷 的支持,這些都是非常棒的。我等不及要開始打球了。 Q: Do you feel like you have downgraded coming from New York, where they had two stars to where now you will be the star of the team? 你覺得自己從一個有兩個籃球明星的球隊到這裡以你為球星的球隊,有感覺是降級了嗎? Lin: I am excited to be. If I didn’t believe in this organization I wouldn’t be here. I think we are going to build this team and we are going to compete and we are going to win games, that’s my goal. That is how I envisioned it. I want to be able to help this team in any way I can. 我很興奮能來到這裡,如果我不相信這裡團隊我不會來到這裡。我們會建造這個球隊 而且我們會奮戰,我們會勝利,這是我的目標。也是我怎麼看待未來,我要幫助這個球 隊,在任何方面。 Q: You say you need to improve. Can you get inside of what you want to work on? 你想要進步,你覺得有哪些是需要進步的? Lin: I want to be able to get my muscles and legs to be able to withstand the whole season. I want to be completely healthy and not to lose any speed or any explosiveness, not to let fatigue affect my play. I want to get much better, everything, with my left hand. Whether it is passing, finishing, driving left, making decisions while going left. I think there are a lot of things if look into my stats of how played last year. I think there are a lot of different ways of how I can improve, and those are some. 我要讓自己的股肉及腿能夠維持整季的強度。我要完全的健康,而且能夠不失掉任何一點 自己的速度及爆發力。不讓疲勞影嚮我的表現。我要能更好的操控左手:不管是傳球、 上籃、向左帶球、往左邊傳球時做下的決定。如果看看我之前的數據,我想有很多事我要 改善的。我想有很多不同的事是我可以做得更好,剛我講的是其中一些。 Q: When you hear criticism, what do you take from that and what do you think of those? 當你聽到批評時,你是怎樣看待? Lin: I know what I need to get better at as a player and I spend a lot of time breaking down film from last year. They are right, I haven’t done this for a long time, I still have a lot to prove, I still have a lot to do to become establish and I’ll be the first to admit it. In times of criticism, I try to focused on what I feel I need to get better at and what my coaches want me to get better at. 我知道我必須變得更好,而且花很多時間去看我以前比賽的影片。他們是對的,我並 沒有打很久,我仍然有很多需要證明,我仍有有很多事要做好來變得更有能力,我不 怕成為第一個人來去承認這些缺點。對於批評,我試著專注在我需要變更好的部份及 教練要我在哪方面能夠進步。 Q: Daryl, was the inexperience less than a factor here since you already knew what he could do? 總管,對於他的經驗不足,是不是並不構成你擔心的理由,因為你已經知道他的能力? Morey: The big thing for us is that he had proven at the college level that he was a high potential prospect and we obviously tracked him pretty closely. What he showed in New York is what he can do. I think it is unreasonable to expect a player to play at that level of what ever that player’s name is. We consider him a very high quality guard to our team, because of what you just heard today we think he will continue to improve because he knows where he needs to improve and he is going to work hard at it. His work ethic was a big part of why we were very excited to have Jeremy. Plus, he has already showed a level of where very few players have attained in the past. 對我們重要的事是,他已經在大學時就證明了他是一個擁有很多潛力的球員,我們一直 就很關注他。他在紐約所發展的就是他可以做到的。我想不管對任何球員來說,那都不 是輕易可以做得到的事。我們認為他是一個非常高水準的後衛。今天你也聽到他說的了 。我們認為他會繼續進步,因為他知道他有哪些事情是需要成長的,而且他也將會放進 更多的心力去做這件事。他的工作理念是為何我們非常高興能擁有他。而且,他所完成 的一些事,是過去很多其他球員所做不到的。 Q: If Jeremy had done that in college, at an elite program, would that of changed your whole perspective on perhaps drafted him? 如果他大學時在一個很好的球隊,你會在徵選時改變你的決定嗎? Morey: I think what it does, when a player plays at an elite program is that it lowers your risk of when you look at a player. Every player that comes from college or overseas into the NBA, there is a translation risk of how they handle length, athleticism and speed. Obviously the NBA in general, including ourselves, didn’t anticipate how well he would make that transition. He showed last year that he could. He played at as an elite level as any player in college while he was in college. The only question was how would it translate and when he showed last year how well he can play at that h level. We felt like he is a fantastic person to add to our team. Even though people have pointed out that it hasn’t been for much. We feel confident that his work ethic, intelligence, character and under rated athleticism will carry him forward for our team. 我想當一個球員在一個很好的球隊裡打球的話,那會降低你的風險。每一個來到NBA的 球員都有轉換環境的風險。很明顯的,整個NBA及我們都沒有料到他竟能做得那麼好。 上個賽季他就告訴了你他是可以的。他以前在大學的表現就已經是一個優質的籃球員才 能展現的。惟一的疑問就是他如何在轉變環境到NBA後仍能持續好表現,而他做到了。 我們覺得他對我們球隊是很棒的加分。雖然有人說目前為止還沒有看到太貝,我們有信心 他的工作理念、智慧、人格特質,以及被低估的運動體格將會帶領他更上一層樓。 Q: Daryl, How concerned are the Rockets with that season ending knee injury that Jeremy had going forward? 總管,你對於他的膝傷有沒有擔心? Morey: Obviously, we did our diligence. We went with multiple doctors we consider the best in the world. They are comfortable that his health is something very good going forward.” 我們做了很多事,我們請了很多最棒的醫生來檢查他的膝蓋。他們都說他的健康 情形是非常好的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/21 14:59, , 1F
謝謝! 但不知道哪裡會有全程影音呢?@@ 好想看XD
07/21 14:59, 1F

07/21 15:01, , 2F
上面幾篇好像有喔 可以爬一下文
07/21 15:01, 2F

07/21 15:03, , 3F
07/21 15:03, 3F

07/21 15:03, , 4F
07/21 15:03, 4F

07/21 15:05, , 5F
07/21 15:05, 5F

07/21 15:05, , 6F
他變壯了 前陣子吃太多了吼XDDDDDDD
07/21 15:05, 6F

07/21 15:05, , 7F
火箭官網有全程影音 但收音不好 台媒收音還比較好
07/21 15:05, 7F

07/21 15:10, , 8F
http://ppt.cc/mEvZ 火箭全程影音
07/21 15:10, 8F

07/21 15:10, , 9F
教練那邊 我有告訴他 應該是 他有告訴我才對吧?
07/21 15:10, 9F

07/21 15:11, , 10F
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07/21 15:12, , 11F
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07/21 15:13, , 12F
07/21 15:13, 12F

07/21 15:13, , 13F
07/21 15:13, 13F

07/21 15:25, , 14F
:) 辛苦了
07/21 15:25, 14F

07/21 15:27, , 15F
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07/21 15:27, , 16F
07/21 15:27, 16F

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07/21 15:29, , 19F
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07/21 15:30, , 20F
07/21 15:30, 20F

07/21 15:31, , 21F
= = 這個就要問火箭醫療團隊怎麼幫他了!是不希望他受傷
07/21 15:31, 21F

07/21 15:31, , 22F
變壯體重不一定增加吧 體重增加比較會增加負擔?
07/21 15:31, 22F

07/21 15:33, , 23F
那是肌肉變比較強壯 不是增胖
07/21 15:33, 23F

07/21 15:34, , 24F
那是要增加自已耐基力 如果增加體重 就大事不妙了
07/21 15:34, 24F

07/21 15:34, , 25F
07/21 15:34, 25F

07/21 15:35, , 26F
體重增加 除了原速度會變若還有投球也會有差的
07/21 15:35, 26F

07/21 15:35, , 27F
07/21 15:35, 27F

07/21 15:35, , 28F
07/21 15:35, 28F

07/21 15:36, , 29F
真的 LF的是讓我覺得很怕= =+ 注理教練應該有好好盯著他吧
07/21 15:36, 29F

07/21 15:36, , 30F
07/21 15:36, 30F

07/21 15:36, , 31F
不過阿罵跟LF都是在自己練的情況下 好像不太一樣???
07/21 15:36, 31F

07/21 15:36, , 32F
人家是專業的說 同一批人去年也幫他訓練過 別擔心啦
07/21 15:36, 32F

07/21 15:37, , 33F
07/21 15:37, 33F

07/21 15:37, , 34F
07/21 15:37, 34F

07/21 15:37, , 35F
他是變壯了 可是臉變瘦了呀 所以應該沒增重啦XDDD
07/21 15:37, 35F

07/21 15:38, , 36F
07/21 15:38, 36F

07/21 15:41, , 37F
球迷還是喊喊燒就好 不要太擔心專業問題 XD
07/21 15:41, 37F

07/21 15:45, , 38F
07/21 15:45, 38F

07/21 15:59, , 39F
07/21 15:59, 39F

07/21 15:59, , 40F
辛苦了 感謝!
07/21 15:59, 40F

07/21 16:02, , 41F
翻譯辛苦了 大感謝! 另外維骨力究竟有沒有幫助呢? 真有的話
07/21 16:02, 41F

07/21 16:03, , 42F
07/21 16:03, 42F

07/21 17:05, , 43F
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07/21 17:26, , 48F
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07/21 17:27, , 49F
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07/21 18:09, , 53F
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07/21 18:56, , 54F
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07/21 19:02, , 55F
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07/21 19:03, , 56F
follow lin,真的很愛喔 XD
07/21 19:03, 56F

07/21 19:09, , 57F
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07/21 19:35, , 58F
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07/21 19:38, , 59F
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07/21 19:42, , 60F
07/21 19:42, 60F

07/21 19:48, , 61F
感謝翻譯!! 期待他下季的進步及改變~
07/21 19:48, 61F

07/21 19:49, , 62F
07/21 19:49, 62F
※ 編輯: mfsivw87 來自: (07/21 19:57)

07/21 19:53, , 63F
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07/21 19:57, , 64F
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07/21 20:02, , 65F
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07/21 21:27, , 68F
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07/21 21:39, , 69F
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07/21 21:45, , 70F
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07/21 21:52, , 71F
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07/21 21:57, , 72F
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07/21 22:32, , 73F
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07/21 23:03, , 76F
07/21 23:03, 76F

07/21 23:21, , 77F
謝謝翻譯 期待他的進步 好想快點看他打球喔
07/21 23:21, 77F

07/21 23:44, , 78F
07/21 23:44, 78F

07/21 23:54, , 79F
07/21 23:54, 79F

07/21 23:58, , 80F
Texans指的是Houston Texans NFL的球隊
07/21 23:58, 80F

07/22 08:58, , 81F
07/22 08:58, 81F

07/22 11:53, , 82F
07/22 11:53, 82F

07/22 12:02, , 83F
07/22 12:02, 83F

07/22 15:39, , 84F
07/22 15:39, 84F

07/25 13:22, , 85F
07/25 13:22, 85F
文章代碼(AID): #1G2b9kEj (Jeremy_Lin)