Fw: [外電] 為何簽下拳王對尼克來說變得如此重要

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (武林盟主)時間12年前 (2012/04/08 19:01), 編輯推噓18(1809)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Knicks 看板 #1FWMrG4J ] 作者: brightred (我想加入mixi.jp) 看板: Knicks 標題: [外電] 為何簽下拳王對尼克來說變得如此重要 時間: Sun Apr 8 18:49:45 2012 第一次翻譯,請大家多多指教… 來源http://ppt.cc/-KEb Why Signing Chandler Has Been So Important to the Knicks By KEITH SCHLOSSER When the Knicks chose to sign Tyson Chandler in the off-season, they made two crucial decisions. 當尼克在例行賽前決定要簽下拳王時,他們做了兩個重要的決定。 One, which seemed to haunt the team until the emergence of Jeremy Lin, was to waive starting point guard Chauncey Billups to make room for Chandler. With Mike D'Antoni's offense dependent on a floor general, the decision to let Billups go was cause for concern. 一個是為了清出薪資空間爭取拳王加入尼克隊而放棄了先發控衛Billups, 這個決定一直到林來瘋現象出現之前一直困擾著球隊, 因為丹東尼的進攻系統取決於控衛, 而billups的離開絕對是造成困擾的原因。 The other decision, however, was a commitment to changing the defensive culture in New York. 而另一個決定則是,將寄託致力於改變紐約的防守文化 The Knicks have struggled throughout the season to find a consistent offensive rhythm, but that is exactly why their elevated defensive performance has been so important along the way. Chandler, the new defensive anchor, has emerged as a leader, as the team has allowed only 94.7 points per game. 尼克隊整個球季一直為了找尋持續的進攻節奏在苦苦掙扎, 而這也正是他們一路以來日漸提高的防守表現更顯重要的原因。 拳王這位新防守精神領袖的挺身而出,讓球隊每場球賽僅僅繳出94.7的失分 Chandler leads by example, most recently seen in his effort on Dwight Howard. Chandler has shut down the all-star as the Knicks have won two out of three games against the Magic this season. Howard was limited to an average of only 9.3 points during those games. What's more, Chandler also pestered Howard into committing 5.7 turnovers per game. 舉例來說,最近拳王在Howard身上所做的努力就得以看見拳王所領軍的表現。 在本季尼克對上魔術的三戰兩勝當中,拳王擊潰了全明星級的Howard。 Howard在這些比賽中僅僅繳出了平圴9.3分的成績, 而且拳王還不斷干擾Howard迫使其承擔每場5.7次的失誤 Of course, the Magic are plagued by off-the-court distractions, but that in no way discounts Chandler's impact. Coming off a season in which he won an N.B.A. championship and finished second in Defensive Player of the Year voting, Chandler has picked up where he left off, averaging 9.8 rebounds and 1.5 blocks heading into Thursday's game. 當然,魔術隊本身也為了一些場外的紛擾而分心著, 但這一點也不減損拳王所造成的影響力。 離開了冠軍球季及入選年度最佳防守第二隊的殊榮後, 拳王再度以平均9.8個籃板及1.5次阻攻的成績於星期四的球賽中重返榮耀。 Chandler not only uses his lengthy frame to alter the play of some of the league's stronger post players, but also effectively makes use of his fouls by committing them when he is clearly beat. When he's not able to stop opposing players simply by skill, Chandler makes sure he gives them a challenge, forcing them to make free-throws. 拳王利用他的身高優勢讓一些聯盟中更強壯的禁區球員的必須改變他們的打法, 而且有效地製造對方犯規,當他無法直接以球技克制對手時, 他確保施加足夠壓力並防止對方球員得以恣意出手。 His statistics are not breathtaking, but Chandler makes up for what he lacks on the stat sheet by ensuring that his presence is felt on the court. His importance to the Knicks' defense is worth noting because of where the team has been and where they now expect to go. Chandler's defensive intensity was enough to help propel the Mavericks' to an N.B.A. title last season and with the Knicks currently facing an array of injuries, they hope that same intensity may be enough to a help the team inch into the playoffs. 拳王的統計數字並不令人驚豔, 但他以不容忽視的場上表現彌補了帳面統計數字上的不足, 他在尼克隊中的防守重要性如此值得被注意 是因為尼克隊過去的戰況表現及他們未來期望努力的方向。 拳王的防守張力曾在上一季有力地幫助小牛隊推進NBA總冠軍, 而在尼克隊最近所面對的傷兵問題情況下, 尼克隊同樣希望這樣的防守張力也能足夠幫助他們逐步邁進季後賽。 Because Chandler is essential to his team's defensive prowess (not to mention its playoff chances), the case can be made that he is most valuable defensive player in the entire league. Last season, he was an N.B.A. champion. This season, his prize may just be Defensive Player of the Year. 由於拳王乃是尼克隊能夠擁有高超防守能力的主要功臣, 故他是全聯盟最有價值的防守球員這個論點亦可得證, 上一季中,他曾手持冠軍戒指,而這一季,也許他的成就則僅能是年度最佳防守球員了。 結論:我愛拳王!!!! ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Winsanity (, 時間: 04/08/2012 19:01:32 第一次轉跟林較無關的新聞 但基於小弟對拳王和林的喜愛無分軒輊 且拳王對尼克及林書豪的重要性實在不言可喻 故還是轉過來跟大家分享一下XD ※ 編輯: Winsanity 來自: (04/08 19:06)

04/08 19:16, , 1F
推一下 拳王!! >////<
04/08 19:16, 1F

04/08 19:16, , 2F
04/08 19:16, 2F

04/08 19:18, , 3F
04/08 19:18, 3F

04/08 19:36, , 4F
04/08 19:36, 4F

04/08 19:52, , 5F
04/08 19:52, 5F

04/08 20:00, , 6F
04/08 20:00, 6F

04/08 20:02, , 7F
i love ty , tooooooo
04/08 20:02, 7F

04/08 20:07, , 8F
04/08 20:07, 8F

04/08 20:07, , 9F
04/08 20:07, 9F

04/08 20:09, , 10F
04/08 20:09, 10F
小弟覺得 其實林來瘋的後期 大家已經開始察覺 這股風潮及連勝 並非只因林書豪個人本身的能力特別突出所致 林來瘋(或七連勝)之所以會興起 是因為林的積極拼勁與無私感染全隊 讓尼克真的變成一個團隊 進攻者樂於分享 一切只為了讓球隊更好(不流於自幹) 而防守者也因進攻者的好表現 而更積極表現 (有打過籃球的都知道 奮力守下一球 帶過半場到敵陣後 進攻者若濫投導致球權轉換 那對防守者的士氣打擊有多大 故一旦因濫擲使得進攻不順 常隨之而來的就是防守崩潰) 故在林來瘋中 拳王的確是功臣 但也是林讓他有機會 全力展現他的防守長才 JJ也是...XD 希望這段話 不算過於造神...^^"

04/08 20:22, , 11F
04/08 20:22, 11F

04/08 20:23, , 12F
04/08 20:23, 12F
※ 編輯: Winsanity 來自: (04/08 20:24)

04/08 20:36, , 13F
04/08 20:36, 13F

04/08 20:37, , 14F
Tyson 的高位 PnR 搭配起來真的很好看
04/08 20:37, 14F

04/08 20:38, , 15F
btw, forcing them to make free-throws=>強迫站上罰球線
04/08 20:38, 15F

04/08 20:39, , 16F
贊同作者補充的那段話,我覺得 J.Lin 讓大家發現合作的
04/08 20:39, 16F

04/08 20:40, , 17F
04/08 20:40, 17F
"我覺得" 之後的這段話講得真好 真的是水幫魚魚幫水

04/08 20:40, , 18F
像 JR 後來幾場好像玩助攻玩上癮那種就覺得很可愛 XD
04/08 20:40, 18F

04/08 20:41, , 19F
雖然上次害 J.Lin 差點坐飛機
04/08 20:41, 19F
其實我覺得妙傳助攻的快感真的不下於自己得分 但妙傳後(通常在籃下) 隊友如果還失手 有時候真的會有種落寞感XD ※ 編輯: Winsanity 來自: (04/08 20:56)

04/08 21:07, , 20F
啾咪打成J.Lin 看起來有點像 Jolin (艸)
04/08 21:07, 20F

04/08 21:57, , 21F
04/08 21:57, 21F

04/08 22:03, , 22F
04/08 22:03, 22F

04/08 22:06, , 23F
04/08 22:06, 23F

04/08 22:26, , 24F
04/08 22:26, 24F

04/08 22:59, , 25F
04/08 22:59, 25F

04/08 23:32, , 26F
拳王都被低估 小牛有司機 尼克有瓜罵 很難被注意
04/08 23:32, 26F

04/08 23:40, , 27F
04/08 23:40, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #1FWN0DjW (Jeremy_Lin)