[專欄] 紐約時報談林書家族背景

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (奇蹟的楊)時間12年前 (2012/02/29 11:37), 編輯推噓11(11010)
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台灣好像沒有媒體提這篇。 http://tinyurl.com/6uprfl6 文長節錄如下: (由南方論壇深藍網友翻譯) From Taiwan to Virginia Gie-Ming’s immigration to the United States arose from a fortunate connection. Ping Tcheng, a professor at Old Dominion University, graduated from National Taiwan University in 1961, he said, and about 15 years later sent a letter back to his alma mater seeking an engineering student who might be interested in working as his research assistant. In 1977, Gie-Ming arrived on campus in Norfolk, Va. 林繼明移民美國是從 Ping Tcheng,一位Old Dominion 大學的教授,在 1961 年從國立台灣大學畢業,他說,並且大約在 15年後寫信回母校,請求一位有興 趣到美國擔任研究助理的工程科系學生。在 1977 年,林繼明就到維吉尼亞州 的諾福克。 Gie-Ming, now 59, came from an educated family. His father, Lin Xinken, was part of the seventh generation of a family that crossed the Taiwan Strait in 1707 from Fujian province in mainland China, according to a short family history provided by a relative. Lin Xinken survived the massacre of thousands of Taiwanese by Chiang Kai-shek’s mainland Chinese troops in the spring of 1947. The purge was aimed at eliminating possible Communist sympathizers and advocates of Taiwanese independence, and fed decades of antipathy between longtime Taiwanese and new arrivals from the mainland. 現在 59歲的林繼明,是來自一個知識份子家庭。根據由一個親戚提供簡短的家 族史,他的父親,林新懇,是在 1707年從中國大陸福建省渡過台灣海峽第七代 移民。林新懇在1947年春季由蔣介石中國大陸軍隊的大屠殺中生還。這場大屠 殺是針對被懷疑的共產黨同情者和台灣獨立的擁護者而來,而且造成台灣人與從 中國來的新移民之間幾十年來的對立。 Although living in a developing country rife with turmoil and internal feuding, Lin Xinken was more educated than most; he earned a business degree, was a skilled linguist and once worked as an interpreter in Indonesia, translating Japanese, Bahasa and English at a ham factory. 雖然生活在一個充斥著動盪和內部爭鬥發展中國家,林新墾的教育程度比其他大 多數人要高;他取得商業學位,並且是一個熟練的語言學家,曾在印尼擔任翻譯, 在一家火腿工廠翻譯日語,印尼語和英語。 Lin Xinken died in his ancestral village, Beidou in south-central Taiwan, when Gie-Ming was about 5. After moving to Taipei with his widowed mother and four siblings, Gie-Ming followed in his father’s strong academic tradition. Gie-Ming attended National Taiwan University, the country’s most prestigious institution. After moving to Virginia, Gie-Ming studied electrical and mechanical engineering and worked on instruments related to Tcheng’s research for NASA Langley. 林新墾在北斗祖宅過世,北斗在台灣的中南部,當時林繼明大約是五歲。在孀居 的母親帶著四個手足搬到台北之後,林繼明繼承他父親優良的學業傳統,進入國 立台灣大學,這個國家最好的高等學府,就讀學位。再搬到維吉尼亞之後,林繼 明進修電機和機械工程並且在 Tcheng 在維吉尼亞蘭格利的國家太空總署工 作。 Tcheng recalled Gie-Ming as quiet and reserved — perhaps even slightly overwhelmed. “He made the same trip that I did,” Tcheng said. “Virginia is a long way from Taiwan. It must have felt like such a strange place.” Tcheng 回憶起林繼明是一個沉默而含蓄 – 也許有一點不知所措。”他走過以前 我走過的路” Tcheng 說道 “從台灣到維吉尼亞是一段很遠的路程,一定讓人覺 得這是一個很陌生的地方。” In Taiwan, Gie-Ming battled a language barrier in elementary school because his family spoke Minnanese, a dialect from Fujian province that is different from the Mandarin Chinese that Chiang mandated. In Virginia, he struggled with his English, but Tcheng said that in spite of his reticence, Gie-Ming still displayed an understated tenderness. 在台灣,林繼明小學時跟語言障礙搏鬥,因為他在家裡說的是閩南語,一個和北 京官話不同的福建方言。在維吉尼亞,他碰到的是英文,但 Tcheng 說,除了 沉默寡言,林繼明能表現出低調的溫和。 Tcheng was (and is) an avid book collector, he said in an interview last week, and he remembered once browsing through his shelves when he came upon a collection of Chinese stories. The book seemed unfamiliar to him, so he opened it. He smiled when he saw Gie-Ming’s name written on the inside cover. “I don’t think he told me he had left it,” Tcheng said. “He just gave it as a gift. I still have it.” Tcheng 是醉心於書本收藏,在上周的訪問中他說,他還記得有一次瀏覽 他的書架時,他看到一部中文故事書。他似乎不熟悉這本書,所以他打開 這本書。當他看到林繼明的名子在封面內時,他微笑了起來。 “我不認為他在告訴我他把書遺留在這裡” Tcheng 說” 他只是把這本書當禮物送給我 ,我還一直保留著。” Tcheng added, “Some of the details are hazy, but I know he was an excellent student.” Tcheng補充說 “一些細節已經記不清楚了,但我知道他是一個優秀的學生。 In addition to earning his master’s degree in engineering, Gie Ming also met his future wife at Old Dominion. Wu Xinxin — who changed her name to Shirley Wu after arriving in Virginia — was studying computer science, and after finishing their studies at O.D.U., the couple went together to Lafayette, Ind., to pursue additional degrees at Purdue. 除了取得工程碩士學位外,Tcheng也在 Old Dominion 遇到他將來的太太。吳 信信 --- 到維吉尼亞後後來改名為 Shirley吳 --- 在學校學習電腦工程,並且在 ODU 畢業後,夫妻倆一起到印地安納州拉法葉市的普渡大學進修另一個學位。 There, they lived in a tiny student apartment that rented for “no more than $120 a month,” according to Steve Tolopka, who also studied computer science at Purdue. “I’m not sure you would call these places furnished,” Tolopka said. “Maybe ‘barely furnished’? They had a bed, I think.” 在那裏,他們住在月租不超過120美元狹窄的學生宿舍。根據也在普渡學習電 腦工程的 Steve Tolopka 說。”我不確定你會說他們有家具” Tolopka 說 “也許 可以說是很少的家具,他們有一張床,我想。” At Purdue, Gie-Ming enhanced his reputation as a brilliant mind behind a silent face. His major professor, Philip Swain, said that he did not recall much about working with Gie-Ming on his doctoral thesis — it dealt with parallel processing and evaluating data from satellites — but did remember Gie-Ming’s needing few words during his thesis defense. 在普渡,安靜的表情隱藏著聰明的思維,林繼明提升他的名聲。他的主修教授, Philip Swain 說,他對繼明的博士論文的記憶不多 --- 論文跟水平處理和評估從 衛星來的資料有關,但他卻記得在他的論文口試中幾個需要的回答。 “His slides were very, very convincing,” Swain said. “At that time, it was a very important area of research.” “他的簡報非常、非常有說服力” Swain 說 “在那時候,論文題目是研究中 一個非常重要的領域。 According to property records, the Lins then moved several times in the 1980s as their careers developed, with stops in South Florida as well as Northern and Southern California. They bought a house in Ranchos Palos Verdes, a suburb of Los Angeles, in 1985, and Jeremy Lin’s older brother, Josh, was born in 1987. Jeremy was born a year and a half later. 根據房地產紀錄,林家在 80 年代因為換工作搬過幾個地方。幾次在南佛羅里 達、北加州和南加州。他們1985年在 Ranchos Palos Verdes,洛杉磯市郊, 林書豪的哥哥,Josh,在 1987 年出生,林書豪在一年半後出生。 For the first four years of Jeremy’s life, his parents worked continually — Gie-Ming as an electronics engineer and Shirley as an engineer for airports, specializing in ticket dispensers — and Gie-Ming’s mother, Lin Chu A Muen, spent 11 months a year in the United States to help raise the children. 在林書豪四歲之前,他的父母仍持續工作。林繼明是電子工程師, 他的母親在機場擔任售票機工程師, 林繼明的母親林朱阿麵每年在美國十一個月幫忙帶小孩。 “Jeremy’s mother would go on business trips for a whole week, and I would cook Taiwanese dishes for him the whole time,” Jeremy’s grandmother recalled during a recent interview in Taipei. “林書豪的母親會出差一整個星期,那時候我會煮台灣菜給他吃” 林書豪的祖母 在台北的訪問時回憶起當時的情況。 As Jeremy grew older, the visits decreased in length and frequency as the children matured and Shirley was able to spend more time at home. In 1993, the family paid $370,000 for a 1,700-square-foot one-story house, according to records, and put down roots in the place where Jeremy developed into a basketball star while his mother became a perpetual — and often immovable — force in his development. 當林書豪長大後,祖母在美國居住次數和時間在小孩長大後減少,林書豪的媽媽 留在家中的時間也更久。根據記錄,在 1993 年,家族付了 37 萬美元買下 1700 平方英尺的房屋定居在林書豪成為籃球明星的地方,在那裏,他的母親成為他成 長過程中永遠的 --- 經常是堅定的 – 力量。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/29 11:57, , 1F
...google translate? lol
02/29 11:57, 1F

02/29 11:57, , 2F
02/29 11:57, 2F

02/29 13:05, , 3F
02/29 13:05, 3F
※ 編輯: tn 來自: (02/29 13:30)

02/29 13:43, , 4F
02/29 13:43, 4F

02/29 14:32, , 5F
02/29 14:32, 5F

02/29 15:47, , 6F
這是介紹林的家族史 這篇沒全翻上篇也沒全翻 反正多多益善
02/29 15:47, 6F

02/29 15:50, , 7F
02/29 15:50, 7F

02/29 15:51, , 8F
沒有林爸爸對籃球的狂熱 也有不會有對他們三兄弟籃球的栽培
02/29 15:51, 8F

02/29 15:52, , 9F
02/29 15:52, 9F

02/29 16:01, , 10F
NBA也許算是一種文化 如果看NBA只管籃球 未免膚淺
02/29 16:01, 10F

02/29 16:59, , 11F
台美都瘋Jeremy Lin~~但美媒和台媒的報導深度由此篇
02/29 16:59, 11F

02/29 17:00, , 12F
02/29 17:00, 12F

02/29 19:00, , 13F
02/29 19:00, 13F

02/29 19:26, , 14F
樓樓上 你只對一半 因為是"紐約時報"寫的= =
02/29 19:26, 14F

02/29 20:25, , 15F
02/29 20:25, 15F

02/29 20:57, , 16F
02/29 20:57, 16F

02/29 21:03, , 17F
02/29 21:03, 17F

02/29 21:06, , 18F
02/29 21:06, 18F

02/29 21:07, , 19F
02/29 21:07, 19F

03/01 00:28, , 20F
03/01 00:28, 20F

03/01 03:13, , 21F
推紐約時報 真正的美國夢故事
03/01 03:13, 21F
pagenotfound:轉錄至看板 PublicIssue 03/01 17:38
文章代碼(AID): #1FJPsEY1 (Jeremy_Lin)