Fw: [外電] Steve Serby 周日對老基的專訪(上)

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※ [本文轉錄自 Knicks 看板 #1H1zAxRZ ] 作者: mywu (吳嘉) 看板: Knicks 標題: [外電] Steve Serby 周日對老基的專訪(上) 時間: Tue Jan 29 21:46:33 2013 因為看球的年齡短,翻譯老基的文章很多歷史都不太了解,名人也是聽過但不知事績,翻譯 進度比昨天還慢,不過說真的,人老了真的成熟許多,問答簡潔明瞭,跟香波根本相反類型XD Q: What was it like being a New Jersey Net in a Knicks town? Q:當你是紐澤西籃網球員時在尼克的城市打球是什麼樣的感覺? A: It was tough because everybody loves the Knicks. They have such deep history, and for the Nets, we were trying to create our history, make our history at that time. And so, we were kinda second fiddle, but we found a way to win, and we started our history then. A:還挺困難的因為大家都很愛尼克.它有著很深遠的歷史.對籃網來說,我們則是想要創造 歷史,所以我們有點像是半調子,但是我們找到方法來贏球,開啟了我們的歷史. Q: What are thoughts on them moving to Brooklyn? Q:你對他們搬來伯克林有什麼想法? A: I think it’s great. You think about if we were on this side of the river when we were playing with those teams, what would have happened. ... Brooklyn will be great for the Nets, and maybe at some point, a team comes back to Jersey. A:這是件好事.你會想到如果我們當時是在河的那邊打球的話會發生什麼樣的事情.伯克林 對籃網很好,也許有天, 澤西又會擁有另外一支籃球隊. Q: Are the Brooklyn Nets a threat to take over this town? Q: 伯克林籃網球隊這個城市會帶來什麼樣的威脅? A: I don’t know if they’re a threat. You have Giant fans, you have Jet fans. You have Yankee fans, you have Met fans. You’re gonna have the same deal with the Knicks and the Nets. Maybe the younger generation are Net fans, but you have the older generation that are Knick fans. ... I think it’s a great thing. A:我不知道是否能說他們是個威脅.你有美式足球巨人隊球迷,美式足球Jet球迷,洋基棒球 球迷,大都會棒球迷,大家都是來自紐約,所以尼克跟籃網也會有相同的問題要處理.也許年 輕的族群會是籃網迷,但是老一輩的是尼克球迷.我覺得這是一件很棒的事情. Q:W hat have you learned about Knicks coach Mike Woodson? Q:你從武僧那裡學到了什麼? A: He’s great. He really loves to teach, which I think is awesome. He understands the vets will be ready, they’re gonna get their work done. I think he’s a great coach in this league. He won 53 games I think in Atlanta and got fired. When coaches win in this league, it’s rare that they get fired. A:他很棒.他真的很愛教導別人,又教的超棒.他了解老兵球員們已經準備好,會把事情做好 .我覺得他是這聯盟裡的好教練.我記得他掌教老鷹的時候贏了53場比賽然後被辭退.當教 練能在這個聯盟讓球隊贏球時,被炒掉的機會近乎其微阿. Q: Is he a good motivator? Q:他是位很會鼓勵人的人嗎? A: He’s a great motivator. A:他是這樣的人. Q: How does he motivate? Q:他是怎樣做的? A: Defensively, he’s always talking about putting you in the right spots and that’s what wins championships. And then I think his motivation is understanding that this is a long season. ... He came in the other day (chuckle) with his headband sideways and the one glove on his hand ’cause he was playing two-on-two and got the cut over the eye. And he said, “I’ll take anybody on.” And it was just a funny moment because he coulda just left it as, “Hey I got stitches,” but he made fun of it, and ... he’s a fighter. A:拿防守來說好了,他總是跟我們說要把人放在對的地方才能夠贏得冠軍.我想他激勵人的 方式是了解到球季很漫長.有天他走進來(偷笑)把他頭巾(瓜瓜帶的那種)戴斜斜的,然後一 手戴著手套因為他在跟人打2打2的時候眼皮被刮傷了,然後他說” 我要打10個.” 那真是 個好笑的一刻因為他其實可以以”哦,我縫了幾針”帶過,但是他拿這個開玩笑.他真是個 鬥士. Q: What kind of glove? Q:是哪種手套阿? A: It was a boxing glove. A:打拳擊的那種. Q: Into the gym he took it? Q:所以他是帶進去練習場? A: In our meeting room. It was great. A:是在我們的會議室. 它很棒. Q: What have you learned about Carmelo Anthony? Q:你對瓜瓜認識多少? A: Everybody talks about his scoring, but I think his IQ of the game, he understands the game, and he can pass as well as anyone. A:每個人總是談到他的得分能力,但是我認為他對比賽的IQ,他了解比賽而且他像任何人一 樣也會傳球. Q: Tyson Chandler? Q:拳王? A: That’s my [2011 Mavericks] championship teammate. ... He comes every day to work, and nothing’s changed after him winning a championship. A:那是我[2011年小牛]冠軍隊友.他每天都在工作,即使是贏了冠軍後也毫無改變. Q: Iman Shumpert? Q:香波? A: He plays all 94 feet of the court. Will guard everybody. And is not afraid. ... He loves the moment. He wants that moment, and he’s not scared. And for a young player that’s good. A:他全場94尺都能打球,每個人都能防守,而且不懼怕.他享受那一刻,而且不恐懼.對於一 個年輕的球員這很好. Q: Have you always been that way, wanting that moment? Q:你從以前就一直是這樣嗎?享受那一刻? A: I always want to be involved in the moment, because it doesn’t always have to be where you have to score the ball. It’s always getting the ball to your teammate in the right place so he can be successful in that moment. A:我一直都想要參與那一刻因為它並不一定跟得分有關,它總是跟把球在對的地方傳給你 的隊友所以他能夠在那一刻發亮. Q: Raymond Felton? Q:肥頓? A: He wants to be the best, so I think he’s gonna have a great year. A:他想要當最好的,我想今年對他而言會是豐收的一年. Q: How far is this team away from challenging the Heat? Q:這個隊伍對於挑戰熱火這個目標還有多遠? A: We’ll find out soon. I think the biggest thing is we’re not here to challenge the Heat, we’re here to challenge the league. We have to make sure that we take care of ourselves first. A.我們很快就會知道了,我想最大的事是我們並不是來這裡挑戰熱火的,我們是來挑戰整個 聯盟.我們必須確保我們能夠最先照顧好自己. Q: When LeBron James’ contract is up, would you recruit him to the Knicks if you’re still playing? Q:當LBJ的約到期的時候,如果你還在打球,你會邀請他來尼克打球嗎? A: For sure. A:當然. Q: That would be a nice way to go out if that’s your last year? Q:如果那是你最後一年,這會是很棒的結果吧? A: Wouldn’t it (laugh)? I think the Knicks would like that, too. A:聽起來很像是(大笑)呢? 我想尼克也會喜歡這種結果. Q: How would you sum up your New Jersey Nets experience? Q:你會如何總結你在籃網的經歷? A: The prime of my career, probably the best that I was playing. It was a great experience being on the East Coast, just understanding how much they love basketball and understand the game. A:我生涯中的黃金之年,大概是我打的最好的時候.在東岸是個很棒的經驗,知道大家很愛 籃球且了解比賽. Q: What was it like being in the NBA Finals and coming so close to winning a championship? Q:當你到NBA總決賽並離冠軍不遠的時候是什麼樣的感覺? A: To be able to take the team that first year to the Finals, we had surpassed all the goals that we had set. And then getting back there a second [time] where we thought we shoulda won it, had a better chance of winning, we just came up short twice. A:能夠帶領一個隊伍第一次走到總決賽,我們超越了之前所有設定的目標.然後在我們以為 我們不可能贏的時候又第二次回到那裡,而且贏球的機會變好了,我們兩次都差一點點. Q: Lowest NBA moment? Q:NBA的低潮谷底時期? A: I don’t have any really lows. ... Unfortunate? We didn’t win that championship in Jersey. That might be the lowest. A:我並沒有任何的低潮期,不幸的倒是?我們在澤西的時候沒有贏到冠軍,那可能算是低點. Q: Describe what your Mavs experience was like. Q:形容你在小牛的經驗是怎麼樣的. A: It was everything that I thought it was supposed to be the first time around. [Owner Mark] Cuban is the best, if not one of the best owners in this league. I got to play with ... one of the greatest players to play the game in Dirk Nowitzki, and we had a magical run to win a championship. A:這是我第一次覺得所有事情都應該要像這樣被執行.(老闆)庫班最棒了,也許是聯盟裡最 棒的老闆之一.我能夠跟偉大球員之一Dirk Nowitzki一起打球,魔術般的贏得了冠軍. Q: What was it like, the moment when you clinched it? Q當你們險勝的時候,那感覺如何? A: It was surreal, because it’s like ... there is no other team to play, there is no one else to beat. You accomplished climbing that mountain, or running that marathon and coming in first. You train for 17 years for that marathon and you’ve always come up short. Now, you’ve come in first, and so it was surreal. A:非常的不真實,就好像是沒有其他隊伍可打,沒有人可以擊敗.你完成了爬上那座山,或者 是跑馬拉松得到第一.你為了那馬拉松訓練17年,然後總是失之交臂,現在終於完成了,感覺 非常不真實. Q: The first time you played at the Garden? Q:第一次在花園打球? A: I was excited. Because you talk about the mecca, you talk about the greatest place to play. I’ve always felt comfortable there. A:我很興奮因為你會談論籃球麥加聖地,談論打球最棒的地方,我在那裡總是很舒服. Q: How did you do? Q:你打的如何? A: That’s a good question (smile). I have a pretty good record there, especially when I was with the Nets (chuckle). A:那是個好問題(微笑).我的紀錄還漫不錯的,特別是當我在籃網的時候(咯咯笑) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (01/30 00:17)

03/22 01:38, , 1F
03/22 01:38, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1H1_Mksf (JasonKidd)