[社群][ GOT7 ] 160408-160410 IG/推特/Fan's/FB

看板JYPnation作者時間8年前 (2016/04/10 20:44), 8年前編輯推噓5(502)
留言7則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
=Instagram= Jackson 0409 SNL?今天做什麼? 如果沒事一定要看唷!!! kk SNL?今天晚上幹嘛?有時間不如看一下? 哈哈 SNL? What's your schedule tonight? Why not take a look if you have time. Haha #jacksonwang #傑森 #王嘉爾 #snl #tonight #SNLKorea http://i.imgur.com/LOyaqj2.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/BD-Dmr5ndXP/ 0410 3m 真的真的很感謝!!! 總是為我應援,真的很感謝!!! Jackson會更更加用心的做滴!! 今天也辛苦囉!!! 3m! 謝謝你們一直那麼支持我!我王嘉爾會更加努力的!還有今天辛苦了!快休息吧! 3m !! Thanks for showing love and support !!!! Jackson is going to work harder and harder !!! #jacksonwang #傑森 #王嘉爾 #3m #instagram #thankyou #今晚睡不著 (影片)https://goo.gl/0TMe5X https://www.instagram.com/p/BEA2co-ndT9/ Youngjae 0410 仁川~~~~~嗚啊啊啊昂 http://i.imgur.com/1rC3bWt.png
https://www.instagram.com/p/BEA9ntzRT3V/ BamBam 0409 歐嗚!!!!!我們爸爸 kkkkk 果然是朴軫泳PD!還活著呢~(心) My Father Killing It man~ He still alive!!(心) @asiansoul_jyp http://i.imgur.com/K2IsOKj.png
https://www.instagram.com/p/BD-PbHugHOf/ =Twiiter= Mark 0409 Go check it out! 還活著呢!!! kkkkkk https://twitter.com/mtuan93/status/718711987513925633 BamBam 轉推 NEWSFACT 0408 [第一則] GOT7, BamBam, 想擁有的男人第一順位! http://www.newsfact.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=10338 #MusicBank #musicbank #音銀 #GOT7(韓) #GOT7 #Fly #BamBam https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CffNp3SXEAIz3KX.jpg
https://twitter.com/newsfactv/status/718268786277748736 [第二則] GOT7, 往"別館"上班,真好! http://www.newsfact.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=10336 #MusicBank #musicbank #音銀 #GOT7(韓) #got7 #GOT7Fly4thWin #Fly https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CffNOk1XIAEkdUS.jpg
https://twitter.com/newsfactv/status/718268317442707458 轉推 STARJN 0408 [STAR PHOTO up] GOT7 BamBam "吸引鳥寶寶的雕刻般側顏" http://starjn.com/sub_read.html?uid=72870 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CffxQ5jWcAAfLsS.jpg
https://twitter.com/starjn_news/status/718307939921043457 GOT7官方推特 0408 #GOT7 1ST CONCERT #FLY IN SINGAPORE Ticket open!! 2016.04.16(SAT) 12:00(SGT) @ APACTix http://www.apactix.com https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cffeh4UW8AUnjkP.jpg
https://twitter.com/GOT7Official/status/718287351089348609 =Fan's= 為了鳥寶寶的告示板 25. 160408 音樂銀行 鳥寶寶 愛心滿滿~謝謝! http://goo.gl/1NCi1i 26. 160409 音樂中心 有療癒功能的鳥寶寶的愛(心) 我們就這樣啾啾的走囉(心) http://goo.gl/vjoNXL =Facebook= JCast 0408 紅色歐巴 vs 黃色歐巴 vs 藍色歐巴 這之中各位的理想型是? https://www.facebook.com/jcast.tv/videos/1711487485802892/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JYPnation/M.1460292283.A.546.html ※ 編輯: Hakkaclaire (, 04/10/2016 20:50:19

04/10 20:49, , 1F
推整理,紅黃藍都好啊XD 紅:高冷 黃:可愛 藍:好爸爸XD
04/10 20:49, 1F

04/10 20:49, , 2F
04/10 20:49, 2F

04/10 20:53, , 3F
04/10 20:53, 3F

04/10 21:21, , 4F
好幸福的煩惱喔 紅色偶吧好了 不 珍榮偶吧好了>//////<
04/10 21:21, 4F

04/10 21:31, , 5F
04/10 21:31, 5F

04/10 22:41, , 6F
04/10 22:41, 6F

04/10 23:33, , 7F
粉紫色那張好美! Jackson越來越帥了
04/10 23:33, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1N2agxL6 (JYPnation)