[社群][ DAY6 ] 150905 Jae Twi+Ins更新6+2則

看板JYPnation作者 (曼曼)時間9年前 (2015/09/05 10:45), 9年前編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
150905 Jae Twitter更新 @Jae_Day6 1. So our set today's at 12.... but our voices dont get warmed up and beautiful t ill like 5.... #Dilemma https://twitter.com/Jae_Day6/status/639941734735020032 2. Would a Glow in the dark Tattoo kill me and if so, how bad? #SlowlyTenderizedA ndEattenByAKrakenBad #Or #QuicklyHeadShottedBySupermanBad https://twitter.com/Jae_Day6/status/639955702249721856 3. So now that were about to debut I can't be doing no more of this lollygagging and tomfoolery. Gotta start posting proper. #Sike #ItStartsNow https://twitter.com/Jae_Day6/status/640035367068917760 4. I said sike [˙o˙] https://twitter.com/Jae_Day6/status/640042257555419136 5. @junhyeokk93 junhyuks landed. [拳頭] https://twitter.com/Jae_Day6/status/640061084401971200 6. JH Project #Leggo @junhyeokk93 https://twitter.com/Jae_Day6/status/640066197619249152 Jae Instagram更新 @jaeparklb 1 . Sleepy #OstrichLegs #IRunHellaFast #IVeBeenToldKindaSprintLikeALizard #ImNotSu reHowToFeelAboutThat https://instagram.com/p/7PIvyBSuF5/ http://i.imgur.com/q9IlSmg.jpg
2. After the show #IMayLookLostInDeepContemplation #IWasDebatingThePossibilityOfH avingChickenOverPizza #BigBoyProblems #Photocreds @summer95sugki https://instagram.com/p/7QOIFiSuIu/ http://i.imgur.com/towyYmT.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JYPnation/M.1441421126.A.24D.html a963852741l: 標題應該是Day6不是GOT7?! 09/05 11:06 謝謝提醒>< 因為我的暫存檔都是GOT7 XD ※ 編輯: m860528 (, 09/05/2015 11:59:16 新增Instagram一則+Twitter2則

09/05 14:10, , 1F
09/05 14:10, 1F

09/05 16:13, , 2F
09/05 16:13, 2F

09/05 16:21, , 3F
09/05 16:21, 3F

09/05 16:25, , 4F
剛剛才Google了sike的意思XD 原來XDD
09/05 16:25, 4F
新增一則 ※ 編輯: m860528 (, 09/05/2015 23:47:45
文章代碼(AID): #1LwbT69D (JYPnation)