[情報] iherb國際運費特價只要美金四元

看板IntlShopping作者 (咪路)時間15年前 (2009/06/27 18:01), 編輯推噓0(000)
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之前在版上看到有人分享到iherb購買維他命的經驗 比價過後發現iherb的運費真的便宜很多很多 原本想在其他網站購買(vitaminlife等) 最後都投往iherb的懷抱摟~~~ 今天收到iherb的信通知國際運費再度調降 使用美國郵政 運費單一價 只要美金4元 (重量限制不可以超過3磅或80美金) 消費金額超過60元的話還有5% off唷 之前訂過兩次都是使用這種international airmail 雖然沒有tracking number但是都有順利收到 建議大家使用這個 因為購買金額/數量超過限制..會被海關抽稅的 如果是首次購物 歡迎大家使用JAX521這個referral code就可以有美金五元折扣唷 我可以有4%的回饋 之後你也會有自己的referral code可以推薦給別人 附上原文和網站網址: https://www.iherb.com/ Dear iHerb International Customer, We are happy to announce the availability of a flat $4.00 charge for International Airmail. This means that if you order up to 3 pounds of products with a maximum value of $80.00, you will pay a flat shipping charge of $4.00, regardless of your location. Note that orders valued from $60.00 to $80.00 will receive an additional 5% discount, which means your actual shipping charge could be less than one dollar! This discount may not be combined with any other iHerb online discount. Also, please note: This service takes from 6 business days to 3 weeks for delivery, and has no tracking information. We have also reduced our minimum charge for DHL to $12.00, and have increased our discount for this shipping method to up to 94% off published rates! 推薦給想直接從國外網站買維他命的人 :) (NOW food系列比台灣便宜很多很多呢) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: milujemta 來自: (06/27 18:05)
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