Re: [問題] 我的ebay不能下標 救我啊

看板IntlShopping作者 (鬧劇就快結束了~~~)時間17年前 (2007/10/11 22:58), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串16/16 (看更多)
※ 引述《babygansta (胖俠嘴砲連連發)》之銘言: : 我有在英國的EBAY論壇發問了 : 下午也有一點回應,都是0%feedback的會員回覆的 : : 我的信箱有的寄件者回應說我收到我的請求信了 : : 怎麼會這樣....我的信寄到香港去摟 : : 那不是問題又要回到香港這邊去等待解決 : : 我的天呀~~ : : 真是漫長的等待 今天接到美國EBAY的回覆了 信中除了貼給我EBAY上面可以找到的"買家活動限制"相關文章 You can read more about eBay's buying limits at: 另外還提到了這一些話 Further, I reviewed your account and found that you need to leave feedback for 7 items. As part of our effort to promote a safe and successful trading environment, we limit the number of purchases that members can make at any one time. This limit is not a reflection of your status as a member of the eBay Community. The limit will rise as you build a record of successfully completed purchases. We encourage you to leave feedback and complete the purchases in which you are currently involved and return to buy and sell more items in the future. 意思是我有7個評價沒有回覆吧!?我除了一個還沒有收到的東西,其他都回覆了 我也沒有任何還沒有付款或未完成訂購的物品 到現在為止,還是不能進行下標 EBAY好像離我越來越遠了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/12 00:26, , 1F
10/12 00:26, 1F

10/12 00:46, , 2F
10/12 00:46, 2F

10/12 00:59, , 3F
10/12 00:59, 3F
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