[外電] 2017年笑臉人Top25優秀球員- 06~10名

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No.10: Bryan Shaw ( https://goo.gl/AuMXPU ) No.09: Cody Allen ( https://goo.gl/GRfZMB ) No.08: Trevor Bauer ( https://goo.gl/yQTXmx ) No.07: Edwin Encarnacion ( https://goo.gl/GFtnfT ) No.06: Andrew Miller ( https://goo.gl/29zEas ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No10: No more Bryan Shaw hate in 2018 Bryan Shaw had another solid season for the Cleveland Indians in 2017 and even those who hated him may start to miss him in 2018. Cleveland Indians fans were lucky to have a player like Bryan Shaw on the team from 2013-2017. For some, that statement is a flaming hot take because Shaw is the worst pitcher of all time. But to most others, Shaw was seen as a reliable piece in the bullpen and fans are still waiting to see if his absence can be replaced. Shaw routinely appeared in nearly half the team’s games during his tenure, and fans may not realize just how important that is. Having a reliable arm to come into nearly any game and provide solid work is invaluable. Andrew Miller and Cody Allen are ready to finish games off, but Shaw was always there to hand the ball over to either of the two. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This formula obviously changed in the postseason when Terry Francona took on the traditional idea of bullpen roles, but the Shaw-Miller-Allen trio was a rather consistent formula last year during the regular season. The problem with Shaw was that he had his collapses, but that is going to happen when making so many appearances. In fact, Shaw only had three outings last year in which he allowed at least three earned runs. That’s great considering he made 79 appearances. But people love narratives, I suppose. The reliable right-hander also appeared in three postseason games last year, logging six innings and allowing one earned run in that span. As we all know, Shaw is now with the Colorado Rockies after signing a three-year, $27 million deal. Fans came to the conclusion that he would automatically be gone, but that deal seems like it could have been matched by the Indians after the team didn ’t re-sign Carlos Santana, Joe Smith, Jay Bruce or Austin Jackson. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shaw’s presence in the bullpen won’t be the ultimate difference between winning or losing the World Series. However, this bullpen may not be as elite as it has been the past two years, barring any other moves yet to be made. The front office seems to be content with the group in town, but fans may be in for a bit of frustration now that Shaw isn’t available on a daily basis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No10: 不再討厭Shaw的2018 Shaw又再度於笑臉人完成一個完整球季,那些過去厭惡他的球迷或許在2018年會有一點想 念他 笑臉人球迷在13-17年非常幸運能擁有Shaw這位球員。但對某些球迷來說,這句話無疑是 火上加油,他們深信Shaw是這世上最糟糕的投手。然而在其他大部分球迷的心目中,Shaw 是牛棚中值得信賴的的一員,球迷也等著看當Shaw離隊後,有誰能填補他的位置。 Shaw過去在笑臉人幾乎每季出賽數都達到球隊整季賽事的一半,球迷或許無法理解對球隊 來說這貢獻有多麼重要:幾乎每場比賽都能擁有一隻如此可靠的手臂吃下穩定的局數,這 種貢獻對球隊來說是無價的。在球隊定位來說,雙A毫無疑問地會在牛棚準備替這場比賽 收尾,但Shaw卻是隨時都在場上掌控場面,並將比賽順利交接給雙A的其中一位。雖然這 調度公式在季後賽因為嚼嚼採用比較傳統的想法來調度而明顯地改變,不過 Shaw-Miller-Allen的連線在例行賽登場的次數相當頻繁。 Shaw為人詬病的問題在於他會在投手丘上崩盤,但老實說,像他這種出賽頻率極高的選手 想要完全沒有砸鍋紀錄是不太可能的。事實上,Shaw在去年只有三場比賽掉了超過三分自 責分,以他79場的出賽來說,這比例算是相當優秀,但我認為人們還是喜歡憑著印象說 Shaw就等於砸鍋。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 這位令人信賴的右投在去年季後賽同樣登場三次,投了六局失了一分。 如我們所知,Shaw已經與洛磯隊簽下三年兩千七百萬美金的合約,球迷或許會覺得球季結 束後,Shaw就會因為想追逐一張大約而自動離開球隊,但從結果來看,這張合約的價碼其 實當球隊確定不與Santana、Joe Smith、Jay Bruce、Austin Jackson等人續約後,笑臉 人是有能力負擔的。 Shaw在牛棚出賽與否並不會改變世界大賽的結果,但他的離隊會讓笑臉人牛棚不再如過往 兩年般優秀,除非有新的選手加入。季後種種跡象都顯示球團高層對目前陣容相當滿意, 不過球迷或許會開始對失去Shaw這位每天都能在場上做出貢獻的牛棚選手感到沮喪。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No.09: Cody Allen potentially in his final year with the team Cleveland Indians fans saw Cody Allen dominate once again in 2017, and another great year for the reliever may make him too expensive to keep in 2018. The Cleveland Indians are poised to have another great season in 2018 as much of the core is returning. That may change in 2019. It is way too early to be thinking about next year, as this year has only just begun. But the fact both Andrew Miller and Cody Allen are free agents after the season will not be forgotten throughout the year. Allen is returning for his seventh season with the Indians, and his fifth as the closer, or whatever Terry Francona is calling the role now. He will be making $10.575 million, $1.575 more than Miller, and that price tag will only go up if he has another solid year. The same is true for Miller. But like I said, it is too early to think about such doom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allen returns this year after appearing in 69 games a season ago, logging 67.1 innings and recording 30 saves. His ERA of 2.94 was not the best or worst of his career, but it didn’t deviate too much from his career ERA of 2.67. His 21 walks allowed is a new career-best when you take out his shortened first season with the Indians in 2012, and his mark of 92 strikeouts was just behind his career-best of 99 in 2015. There isn’t much to talk about with Allen because he has consistently done his job well and his name only comes up if he makes a mistake, which isn’t too often, although he was on the hook for seven losses in 2017. Losses will happen for closers, even though seven isn’t too ideal. Yet along with Miller, Allen returns to form arguably the most dominant bullpen duo in all of baseball. The fact both can leave after the season may lead to some extra pressure for both pitchers, and could lead to some trade rumors depending on how the team is performing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ But given the way the two have been so good for so long, I doubt anything will be much different in 2018. The Indians would also have to be horrible for trade rumors surrounding Allen to pop up, and that would lead to a whole other slew of problems that we don’t need to get into in January. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No09: 明年或許是Cody Allen留在克里夫蘭的最後一年 球迷在去年看著Cody再度於投手丘上主宰比賽,但不斷繳出優秀表現意味球隊需要花更多 錢來留住他 隨著所有主力慢慢回歸後,笑臉人已做好在2018年球季再度衝擊總冠軍的準備。不過到了 2019年球季,所有事情都將出現變數。或許在年初就開始思考明年季末是有些早,但雙A 在球季結束後將成為自由球員這件事我相信在整個2018球季會不斷地被提起。 Cody正準備迎接他生涯第七個穿著笑臉人球衣的球季,同時也是擔任終結者(或是其他嚼 嚼現在用來形容這個角色的名詞)的第五年。他現在的年薪是一千零五十七萬五千美金, 比Miller還多一百五十七萬五千美金。如果明年他能完整投完整個球季的話,這價格只會 繼續增加。當然,這句話也同樣適用於Miller身上。 但我還是要重申,現在就開始思考他們離隊後克城的末日還太早。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cody上季出賽69場,吃下67.1局並獲得30次救援成功,2.94的防禦率以他生涯來說不是最 好也不是最糟,這數字與他生涯平均的2.67防禦率相比差異也不大。但他上季21次的保送 確實是他生涯新低-如果你不把他2012年菜鳥球季的短暫出賽列入計算的話;92次的奪三 振數也是生涯次佳的表現(僅次於2015年的95次奪三振)。我們不需再多花篇幅敘述Cody的 表現,因為他一直都是如此穩定,我們只會在他偶爾失常時才會提到他的名字。不過他在 上季還是有七場比賽在場上陷入困境並吞下敗投。對終結者這種角色來說,吞敗在所難免 ,但整季擁有七場敗投就不太理想了。 Cody與Miller被認為是大聯盟最具主宰力的牛棚雙星,當明年季末這兩位選手離隊後,對 球隊投手部門無疑是種壓力,這讓球團高層可能會依屆時球隊的表現而做出一些交易。 鑒於這兩位投手在過往都擁有如此優秀的表現,我認為或許在明年,球隊牛棚會出現一些 重大改變,高層也許會對不斷出現交易Cody的傳聞感到厭煩,這或許也將會引發一些新的 問題,但我們不需在一月就來面對它。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No08: Trevor Bauer looking to be even better in 2018 Cleveland Indians fans saw a breakout season from Trevor Bauer in 2017 and are hoping for even greater things from the outspoken starter in 2018. Trevor Bauer is still a polarizing figure among Cleveland Indians fans mainly because some can’t let go of a certain accident sustained back in 2016. But after his 2017 season, no one should be holding a grudge against the young pitcher. Bauer finished the year with a record of 17-9, logging 176.1 innings and striking out 196 batters. He did not reach a new career-high in innings pitched, but Bauer shattered his previous high in strikeouts of 170 back in 2015. The most notable part of Bauer’s 2017 season may have been when he was the starter in Game 1 of the ALDS, but he answered by throwing 6.2 shutout innings in the 4-0 victory. The problems came in his Game 4 start, on short rest, when he only lasted 1.2 innings. The blame for that may fall elsewhere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bauer cemented himself as the dominant third option in the rotation last year, and that should only continue in 2018. He wasn’t overworked last year and was able to counter a BB/9 of 3.1 with a K/9 of 10. Both were new career-bests. The young pitcher is outspoken but he has really not done anything that should have fans hating him in 2018. Fans should want players who play well, and that is what Bauer does. Chalk up the injury during the 2016 postseason to being young. The Arizona Diamondbacks gave up on Bauer back in 2012 and that has been great news for the Indians. Bauer has essentially grown up in front of our eyes and that sometimes means some rough patches along the way. How can you not want to see more from a guy who can do this: ( https://twitter.com/KentMurphy/status/956533657635905536 ) Insane. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bauer has embraced the scientific approach to pitching and it is paying off. The only thing fans can hope for now is that his arbitration process can go smoothly to help avoid any unnecessary distractions. Bauer has shown progression in so many statistical categories during his time in Cleveland, so it is an easy expectation to say he will only get better in 2018. Because…science! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No08: 尋求更上層樓的Trevor Bauer 笑臉人球迷見識到Trevor在2017年的大幅進步後,開始期盼能在2018年看到他在先發位置 上有更顯著的突破 當評價Trevor時,笑臉人球迷就會分成兩派,主要是有些球迷還是無法忘記他在2016年所 製造的那個意外,但當他順利完成2017球季後,應該不再會有人討厭這位年輕的投手了。 Trevor去年球季留下17勝9負,共176.1局的投球,送出196次三振。雖然投球局數無法締 造生涯新高,但三振數已超過2015年的170次,成為目前生涯的最高紀錄。他在2017球季 最令人注目的比賽就是美聯分區系列賽的第一戰,他擔任該場比賽的先發並完成6.2局的 任務,最終球隊也以4-0獲得勝利。但到了第四戰,他只撐了1.2局,也讓批評與責難從四 面八方排山倒海而來。 Trevor在上個球季一直都是球隊固定的第三號先發,若無意外,明年應該也是繼續負責這 個任務。去年他的投球局數被妥善控制,並未被過度使用,BB9與K9值分別為3.1與10.0, 創下生涯新高。 這位年輕投手勇於表達自己的想法,但他並沒有做出甚麼會讓球迷討厭他的事情。大家會 專注於球員在場中的表現,Trevor在這點做得相當出色。2016年的那個意外受傷你可以說 是那時的他太過年輕不夠成熟。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2012年響尾蛇隊決定讓Trevor離隊的消息對笑臉人來說是件天大的好事,Trevor也在我們 眼前一步步地成長,不過換句話說,這也表示他還是個璞玉,還能期待他在某些地方能夠 進步。你說會有哪一位球迷不想要看到這種的球員有更多好表現? (影片: https://twitter.com/KentMurphy/status/956533657635905536,是Trevor使用3oz的球 投出117mph) 超狂。 Trevor是科學訓練的忠實信徒,他會試圖嘗試使用各種科學方法來改善他的投球。 身為球迷,我們希望能看到他在仲裁時一切順利,不會發生一些不必要的事讓他分心。在 笑臉人時期Travor已在許多統計數字中展現實力,我認為他明年的發展只會變得更好。 原因? 因為科學。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No07:Cleveland Indians fans saw great things from Edwin Encarnacion in 2017 Cleveland Indians fans saw Edwin Encarnacion get off to a slow start last year, but he quickly turned things around to finish with some great numbers. Edwin Encarnacion joined the Cleveland Indians with impossible expectations. Signing a deal that pays $20 million annually meant that some fans expected the slugger to put up record numbers starting with his first at-bat in an Indians uniform. And while Encarnacion got off to a bit of a slow start, he finished with some amazing numbers. After the hot takes subsided, Encarnacion finished the year with 38 home runs, 107 RBI, 104 walks and a slash line of .258/.377/.504. His OBP was the highest on the team among qualified hitters, so his 133 strikeouts don’t look nearly as bad. He finished 20th in the AL MVP voting, marking the fifth time he has finished in the top 20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Encarnacion was rather absent from the headlines in the postseason after an ankle injury that had some cursing the baseball gods, but it doesn’t take away from the great season he had. And to be fair, most of the team disappeared in the postseason. Baseball Reference is projecting similar numbers for Encarnacion in 2018, with a slight decrease in home runs (35) and RBI (99). Even these numbers would be great considering he is entering his age-35 season. I’m hesitant to say that a key to success for Encarnacion is to avoid a slow start, because he had one in 2017 and still bounced back to have a great offensive season. A .200 batting average with four home runs last April was not what fans had in mind. But if you look at his numbers for the entire season and remember that the Indians led the AL Central after April, those numbers don’t look as bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The real key for Encarnacion, as for every player on the roster, is to just stay healthy. He played in 157 games in 2017, which was the second-best mark for his career after playing in 160 games in 2016. The ankle injury in the ALDS was a fluke thing, but it wouldn’t hurt to give Encarnacion some rest throughout the year. This may lead some fans to complain because he is “only ” a DH, but that is just a lazy narrative. I don’t see any reason to expect any regression from Encarnacion in 2018, and he remains part of the core returning this year that will help alleviate the negative effects of Carlos Santana leaving for the louder pastures of Philadelphia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No07:笑臉人球迷在2017年一同欣賞了來自EE的精彩表現 雖然開季時慢熱,但EE很快就將狀態調整回軌道,整季也以出色的成績坐收。 EE在出乎所有人意料之外的情況下來到克里夫蘭。擁有兩千萬年薪的合約,笑臉人球迷自 然希望這位強打者能在他披上笑臉人球衣的新球季就能繳出極佳的成績,雖然開季時有些 慢熱,但當球季結束後通算整季表現時,他留下一張驚人的成績單,他共轟出38發全壘打 ,攻下107分打點,獲得104次保送,打擊三圍是.258/.377/.504。在所有符合打數的選手 中,EE的上壘率是全隊最高,這貢獻讓他133次的被三振數相較之下也不算太差。EE在美 聯MVP票選排名20,也是他生涯第五次在MVP票選中獲得前20名的肯定。 EE或許情願在季後賽缺席,這樣他就不需帶著腳踝的傷勢在場中硬撐並繳出那難看的數字 。雖然季後賽的表現不盡理想,卻不能因此抹煞他在例行賽繳出的好成績。老實說,他也 不是唯一一位在季後賽令人失望的球員。 Baseball Reference預測EE在明年的表現跟上個球季差不多,只是全壘打數與打點會稍微 降低到35轟和99分打點,這些數字對一位即將邁入35歲的打者來說還是相當出色。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 我有點猶豫要不要說EE明年球季的關鍵在於開季時如何避免慢熱的情況再度發生,因為他 雖然在去年開季調整較慢,不過當球季結束後他的成績還是如此耀眼。去年四月EE的打擊 率只有兩成,伴隨四發全壘打的表現無法讓球迷留下太深刻的印象。但如果你去看他整季 的表現,並且留意去年四月後笑臉人就一直穩居美聯中區龍頭的話,這些數字看起來也不 是太糟。對明年的EE來說,最重要的關鍵跟其他笑臉人球員一樣,就是好好保持健康。他 上季共出賽157場,也是生涯僅次於2016年160場出賽數的紀錄。美聯分區系列賽的腳傷只 是運氣不好,而且受傷對EE來說也不見得是件壞事,他正好藉由這個傷勢獲得一些休息的 機會。一定會有球迷不認同這種想法,因為他們會覺得EE就只是個DH,負擔本來就不大。 我想不到任何因素能讓我預期EE在明年會退化,他明年依然會是球隊的打擊重心,同時也 能補足Santana離隊前往費城後對球隊造成的負面影響。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No06: Expecting greatness in Andrew Miller’s contract year Cleveland Indians fans are expecting more great things from Andrew Miller in 2018 and are hoping it isn’t his final season in an Indians uniform. Trading for Andrew Miller may have gone down as one of the greatest deals in Cleveland Indians history if the team had finished off the Chicago Cubs in the 2016 World Series. We all know how that went, but Miller still has the chance to help this team win a title in 2018. It is no secret that both Miller and Cody Allen are in their final year of their respective contracts. It doesn’t seem like the team will be able to keep both players, but perhaps the money can be pooled together to keep one. That is a problem for later as the Indians still have the 2018 season to focus on. Miller returns after his first full year in Cleveland in which he made 57 appearances, logging 62.2 innings with a 1.44 ERA. He did deal with some minor injuries, but was able to return and appear in four of the five ALDS games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unfortunately, he was charged with a loss in Game 3 after allowing a home run to Greg Bird. To be fair, the Indians lost 1-0 as the offense began its hibernation. Miller remains the fireman of the bullpen and Terry Francona has utilized him perfectly the last two seasons. Last season gave fans a glimpse of how Miller can be used in a full season, and if anything he may have been overworked at times. There isn’t too much to say about the left-hander in terms of predictions because he has set himself apart as one of the elite relievers in all of baseball. Only paying him $9 million this year is a steal for the Indians, but that price tag may double once he hits the open market. Unless the team signs him to an extension during the season, although I doubt that will happen. Bryan Shaw isn’t here to set up Miller and Allen, but that shouldn’t result in a role change for Miller. He may appear earlier in some games as he has done in the past, proving why he is one of the best in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There will be plenty of doom surrounding Miller’s contract situation, but all of that can become obsolete if the Indians finally win it all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No06:期待Andrew Miller在合約年會有卓越的表現 笑臉人球迷期待A米在2018年會有更佳的表現,同時也希望明年不會是他最後一年穿笑臉 人球衣比賽。 如果2016年的世界大賽能擊敗小熊,那A米交易案一定會是笑臉人隊史中最棒的交易。雖 然我們都知道故事最後的結局,不過A米還是有機會幫助球隊在2018年贏得世界大賽。 A米與Cody Allen的合約在明年球季就將結束,目前看來球隊似乎沒有能力同時將這兩位 球員留在球隊,但如果將兩位球員合約到期後空出的薪資額度加在一起,或許有機會能留 住其中一位。不過這問題還不急著討論,畢竟球隊在2018還有更重要的目標要完成。 2017是A米在笑臉人第一個完整球季,共出賽57場,62.2局,防禦率只有1.44。身為笑臉 人的一員,A米上季無可避免地還是有些小傷勢,不過還是來得及趕上季後賽。美聯分區 系列賽的五場比賽中,A米就出賽四場。不幸的是,他在第三戰被Greg Bird敲出一發全壘 打,也失掉全場唯一一分,並因此承擔敗投。平心而論,這場比賽之所以會輸球是因為打 線冬眠,與他關係不大。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 過去兩季,A米是牛棚中最稱職的救火隊長,嚼嚼也能在完美地時機派他上場。上個球季 球迷見識到當A米擁有完整球季時表現會是怎樣,如果當他被過度使用時,會出現哪些狀 況。我們不需要對這位傑出的左投做過多的預測,因為他早已證明自己是全世界最佳的的 中繼投手。只付九百萬的年薪就能擁有這位頂尖左投對笑臉人來說絕對是超值的投資,不 過一旦A米投入自由球員市場後,他的價碼至少會是現在的兩倍,除非球隊能在季中設法 讓他簽下延長合約,但我認為這選項成立的機會很低。 Shaw的離隊讓球隊缺少一位好的set-up man將比賽交給雙A關門,即便如此,我不認為這 會改變A米在球隊中的任務,他也許會在某些比賽如過往般提早上班,並掌控整個局面。 對球隊來說,A米的合約狀況並不樂觀,但只要球隊在明年順利拿下總冠軍,我相信所有 問題都不再會是問題。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Indians/M.1519268170.A.60A.html ※ 編輯: kobec (, 02/22/2018 10:57:20

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