[情報] 2017笑臉人農場短評

看板Indians作者 (水桶工程師)時間6年前 (2017/12/06 15:08), 6年前編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 6人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
A Minor Review of 2017: Cleveland Indians by Marc Hulet - December 4, 2017 文章來源:https://goo.gl/XeM9Bu The Indians system boasts some top-level talent that includes Triston McKenzie, Nolan Jones and Triston McKenzie – plus some fun sleepers. 笑臉人農場目前擁有一些讓他們引以為傲的優秀選手,例如Triston McKenzie、 Nolan Jones與Ttiston McKenzie以及一些令人出乎意料的冷門選手。 (不確定這裡是不是作者的typo,連續兩次提到McKenzie) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Graduate: Bradley Zimmer, OF: Zimmer has above-average tools across the board with the exception of hit tool — and that was on full display during his MLB debut. He hit just .241 in 332 plate appearances thanks in part to a strikeout rate hovering around 30%. As he matures, though, he should post double-digit walk rates to go along with 20-20 (HR-SB) potential. In the field, he’s a plus fielder with a strong arm. Even if he hits .240-.250, he could be an all-star… but an increased contact rate would help further the case. 畢業生:Bradley Zimmer,外野手。 Zimmer 擁有高於平均水平的資質,除了他的打擊。 這可從他在大聯盟菜鳥年的表現看出:在332個打席中,他的打擊率僅為兩成四一,而且被 三振率卻始終在三成左右徘徊。 然而當他完全成長後,他應具有繳出10%以上的保送率附帶20轟20盜的潛力。 守備方面,他優秀的臂力使他成為一個傑出的外野手。 目前看來,即使他的打擊率只有兩成四到兩成五,他仍有機會成為一個明星級的球員, 前提是他必須增強他的擊球率。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Stud: Triston McKenzie, RHP: Catcher Francisco Mejia gets a lot of press for being the Indians’ top prospect but, for me, it’s McKenzie. The gangly right-hander, who stands 6-5, is just 20 years old but flashes three above-average pitches — including a heater that can tickle the mid-90s. His best offering is probably his curveball with the changeup making big strides. He struck out 186 batters in just 143 innings in 2017. He also showed above-average control with 45 walks. McKenzie could benefit from getting more downward plane on his offerings and generating a few more ground balls. He has potential to be a top arm in Cleveland’s rotation. 農場台柱:Triston McKenzie,右投手。 雖然捕手Mejia被認為是許多媒體認位是笑臉人農場的頭號新秀,但對我來說,McKenzie 才是。這位六呎五吋、年僅二十歲、身材瘦長的右投手,卻擁有三種平均以上的球路,如 95mph左右的快速直球,而他最拿手的球路應該會是那顆擁有大幅變化的曲球。 在2017年143局的投球中就送出186次三振,卻只有45次保送,展現極佳的控球能力。 McKenzie的優勢在於能夠利用快速下墜的球路製造許多滾地球。他的潛力應該能在 笑臉人的先發輪值中位居前段。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Draft Pick: Johnathan Rodriguez, OF: The Indians had a lackluster draft in 2017 due to the absence of a first round selection but Rodriguez may have been a great value in the third round. Just recently turned 18, he’s already a big kid at 6-3 and could fill out to be a monster at the plate. He didn’t go deep in his pro debut but should be good for 20+ homers down the road. Known as more of a raw project, he showed signs of a good eye at the plate with 21 walks and 23 strikeouts in 31 games. Defensively, he has a strong arm and projects as a right-fielder. 農場新生:Johnathan Rodriguez,外野手。 由於失去了首輪選秀權(簽了EE),笑臉人在2017年的選秀顯得失色不少,但第三輪選進的 Rodriguez卻相當有價值。才剛滿十八歲的Rodriguez卻已經有著六呎三吋的高大身材,讓 他在打擊區看起來像個怪獸。雖然他的職業生涯才剛起步,卻已經被認為應該具有二十轟 以上的實力。他在31場比賽中獲得21次保送與23次三振,顯示出他的選球功力還算不差。 防守方面,他擁有強壯的臂力,預計應該會以右外野手的身分出賽。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Riser: Willi Castro, SS: If he can remain at shortstop, Castro has a chance to develop into a middle infielder capable of hitting 15-20 home runs and stealing as many, or more, bases. He started his breakout in 2017 with a .290 average and a career high 11 home runs to go with 19 steals. And all of this was done at the age of 20 in high-A ball. The down side to Castro’s game is that he’s too aggressive at the plate, leading to not enough walks and a few too many strikeouts. His erratic play in the field could lead to a move from shortstop to second base or perhaps even center field. He’ll open 2018 in double-A despite not turning 21 until late April. 明日之星:Will Castro,游擊手。 若能持續擔任游擊守備,那Castro將有機會發展成一位具有15到20轟、能夠在壘間展現強 大破壞力的中線內野手。他在2017年繳出打擊率兩成九、生涯新高的十一轟外加十一次盜 壘成功的成績,而且他還只是個剛滿二十歲的高階一A球員。不過他目前的缺點在於他在 打擊區上過於積極的攻擊欲望,導致他的保送率偏低且三振數偏高,同時不穩定的守備可 能會讓球團將他的守備位置從游擊移往二壘,甚或是中外野。在2018年四月底,他將會以 未滿二十一歲的年紀迎接他的2A球季。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sleeper: Nolan Jones, 3B: You haven’t reach much about Jones yet but that might chance in 2018 when he moves up to full-season ball for the first time. The 19-year-old third baseman produced a .430 on-base percentage in 2017 in short-season ball thanks to a 16% walk rate and .317 batting average. The average is due for some regression thanks to his .417 BABIP and 22% strikeout rate but he has the frame (6-4, 190 pounds) and the line-drive pop (22 LD%) to grow into some serious power. Jones looks like a future stud at the hot corner and he has the defensive tools to stick there. 黑馬選手:Nolan Jones,三壘手。 目前為止,你對於Jones的接觸可能不算太多,但到了2018年球季,他將有機會迎接他第 一次的完整球季。這位十九歲的三壘手在2017年短暫的球季中藉由高達16%的保送率以及 0.317的打擊率讓他的上壘率達到0.43。雖然這數據部分是因為他高達0.417的場內安打率 ,同時他的三振率也有22%。但目前的他擁有很好的身材(六呎四吋、190磅)以及很高的平 飛球比率(22%),能讓他長成具有長打威力的打者。Jones目前看起來會成為未來熱區的台 柱而且他的防守能力絕對能讓他站穩三壘。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Indians/M.1512544117.A.A34.html ※ 編輯: kobec (, 12/06/2017 15:10:55

12/06 18:35, 6年前 , 1F
12/06 18:35, 1F
謝謝大大 已經改過來了~ ※ 編輯: kobec (, 12/06/2017 19:54:12

12/07 00:52, 6年前 , 2F
12/07 00:52, 2F

12/07 01:28, 6年前 , 3F
12/07 01:28, 3F

12/07 12:26, 6年前 , 4F
當然沒問題 都可以轉~
12/07 12:26, 4F

12/13 15:46, 6年前 , 5F
12/13 15:46, 5F

12/16 08:21, 6年前 , 6F
12/16 08:21, 6F

12/16 08:43, 6年前 , 7F
12/16 08:43, 7F

12/16 16:01, 6年前 , 8F
12/16 16:01, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1Q9vTreq (Indians)