[外電] Will He Ever Be Back in the NBA?

看板IVERSON作者 (Drake)時間13年前 (2011/05/14 14:28), 編輯推噓8(801)
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[板友]SWEETSMOKE When you look across the league, you still see cornrows, tattoos, arm sleeves, headbands and hip-hop culture and then you will realize there is someone missing. 放眼整個聯盟,你依舊可以看到許多辮子頭啦..刺青..袖套..頭帶,以及hiphop文化, 突然的你發現什麼東西不對了,少了什麼東西。 The king of all that, the player who revolutionized the league his way, whether you liked it or not, the dude who broke ankles for 13 straight years and played every game as if it was his last is not there. 這一切的源頭,用他的方式帶起聯盟革命性改變的一個球員,不管你愛不愛,這個連 續13年虐待對手腳踝,把每一場球當作最後一場來打的老兄都已經不再了。 He is no where to be found and his story is quite tragic; in a way, he is the forgotten one, the league is missing the one and only Allen Iverson 就某個層面來說,其實他的故事是場悲劇,他是被遺忘的那一個,聯盟遺忘了唯一的 也是獨一無二的Allen Iverson. In the 2007-08 season Iverson played on a 50 win Denver Nuggets squad and averaged 26.4 ppg and 7.2 apg. 再07-08年賽季,AI再金塊隊打出了50勝且場均26.4分 7.2次助功。 At the start of the 2009 season he was shipped to Detroit and everything went downhill. 09年賽季AI被送到了底特律,然後一切都開始走下坡了。 Iverson was put into what he described as "the worst situation of his career" and his reputation was unfairly tarnished by that season. AI處在了一個所謂"生涯最糟糕的處境",他的聲譽也在這個賽季不公義的被抹黑了。 He went into free agency and signed with Memphis Grizzlies; it only lasted three games and it looked like the end for Iverson. AI加入自由球員市場並與灰熊隊簽約;不過三場球之後,看起來就像是AI職業生涯 的終點了。 A month later though things were looking good as Iverson came back to the Philadelphia 76ers. 雖然在一個月之後,事情感覺有了好轉,AI回到了費城。 He was happy and it was a good situation; he was playing a very team-oriented game shooting only 11 shots per game and running a Princeton Offense. 他很快樂,且況狀也好了很多;他打的非常團隊,場均只有11次出手,配合團隊打著 普林斯頓戰術。 This all stopped when his daughter came down with an illness and he left the team for the season. 但是一切都在他女兒病倒之後停下了,隨後他也為此結束了球季。 Iverson decided that he was done with the Sixers and both sides agreed to a buy out, however that same day his wife divorced him. AI認為他跟七六人之間已經結束了,而雙方也同意了買斷合約,無論如何..他老婆 也在同一天跟提出了離婚。 Reports surfaced that Iverson had a drinking and gambling problem and that he was broke. 更有報導指出,AI有酗酒且賭博的問題..更報導他已經破產了。 After receiving no offers from NBA teams, Iverson signed with Besiktas Cola of the Turkish Basketball League. 在沒有任何球隊對AI有興趣的狀況下,IVERSON跟一之名為Besiktas Cola的土而其職業 聯盟球隊簽約。 He played just 10 games in Turkey before a lesion was discovered in his right calf, and right when he was starting to adjust to the European style of play, he was forced to come back to the United States for treatment. 在經過十場比賽之後,他的右小腿出毛病了,不過就在AI剛剛適應了歐洲籃球打法之後, 他就被迫必須回國接受小腿的治療。 Iverson averaged 14.3 PPG and five apg in 31 MPG playing in Turkey, shooting 44.2 percent from the field and was a hero to the Turkish fans. IVERSON在31分鐘裡平均14.3分5次助攻,命中率44.2%,他更是土而其球迷的英雄。 Last week ESPN reported that Iverson has recovered from his injury and is expected to return to his Turkish squad shortly. 據ESPN上週的報導AI正從傷病中逐漸康復,且在過不久就會再度回到賽場上。 Who knows what will happened when he goes back to Turkey, he probably won't be playing 30 mpg until the playoffs and his 35-year-old body will definitely take time to adjust back to basketball pace. 天知道有什麼事情會發生要是他真的又回到賽場上,說不定在季後賽前他一場球不會上 到三十分鐘,且AI已經35歲了,是需要花點時間適應比賽節奏的。 But one thing that has to be asked: will Allen Iverson ever be back in the NBA? 但是人們心中還有一項共同的疑問: AI還會再度回到NBA嗎? Some say Iverson was blackballed from the league—was he too hip-hop for the league? 有人認為AI被聯盟打壓了,因為他對NBA來講太"HIPHOP"了。 Did David Stern decide that he has had enough of the Iverson entourage and the Iverson defiance? 是不是STERN覺得他受夠IVEROSN了呢? If this is the case, then it is very sad and says a lot about the league. Stern controls the media and the media not only hates Iverson but respects Stern, so we wouldn't ever know for sure 如果這是真的,那真的是太鳥了。STERN掌控了媒體,而媒體討厭IVERSON尊重STERN 所以我們當然永遠都不會知道真相。 But say there is nothing going on behind closed doors; can Iverson play out the season in Turkey and show that he still has it, then return to the league in the off-season? 但不管檯面下有什麼事情發生拉。AI真的能完成在海外的這個賽季並且證明他還是有料, 然後在下個賽季回到NBA嗎? Iverson's had a lot of time off from basketball now and his body could healed up enough to play 30 mpg on an NBA team next season. 現在AI得到了很多的休息時間,他的身體也可以有適度的復原來適應說不定下個賽季在 NBA的30分鐘上場時間。 The league needs Iverson; they should not let AI go out like this, someone has to make the call. NBA需要IVERSON;他們不該讓AI的故事就這麼結束,該有個人為AI打通電話。 If guys like Shaq, Tracy McGrady and Vince Carter can still start, Iverson should be given that chance as well. 假如那些傢伙..像是SHAQ,Mcgrady Vince還是能在NBA先發,那AI也值得同等的機會 Some say he went to Turkey for the money; Iverson didn't really make a push to sign with an NBA team this past off-season, all signs point toward him having financial problems and it's not surprising, as Iverson basically lived in casinos when he was in the league. 有些人說AI到海外打球不過是為了錢,但是AI其實並沒有很努力的嘗試跟NBA球隊簽下 合約,許多象徵都指向了AI目前有金錢上的危機,報導指出AI根本就把賭場當家了。 But could he have really have blown over $200 million dollars? 但是他真的有可能把兩百萬美金通通揮霍掉嗎? His Denver home was recently foreclosed and he has a store on eBay where he sells some of his old products. 他在丹佛的房子目前目前是拿去抵押了,他也有個帳號在EBAY專門拿來賣他以前的一些 商品。 No matter what is said, one thing is certain: Allen Iverson certainly doesn't want to go out like this. 不管事實到底是什麼,有一件事是確定的,AI不想就這樣結束。 He came to the league in 1996, intimidating everyone in his path; the conservatives were afraid of him, defenders were afraid of him but the fans loved him. 在96年他加入NBA以來,他的行事風格驚世駭俗,大家都怕他,但是他的球迷愛他。 He was misunderstood and it followed him his entire career and is probably the main reason he is out of the league now. 在他的球員生涯裡面他總是被誤解,或許這也是他目前不能在NBA裡繼續打球的原因 His whole career he did it his way and stayed real; he made his style mainstream and set trends like no athlete ever has. He was the Tupac Shakur of basketball. 在他的職業生涯裡,他走自己的路,並始終保持真誠,他創造了自己的風格創造了 不同於任何運動員的風格,他就像是籃球界的饒舌傳奇2PAC一樣。 If Iverson is to call it a career after he finishes up in Turkey, then he will still go down as one of the most exciting scorers ever. 就算AI決定在海外的生涯結束後就退休,他依舊會是史上最好最令人興奮的得分手之一。 He is a legendary athlete and is a bona fide first ballot Hall of Famer and I can promise you he will have one of the most interesting Hall of Fame speeches in history. 他會是史上最傳奇最真誠的名人堂成員,我還可以向你保證,他一定會有一場史上最有趣 的名人堂演說。 Iverson's impact will be felt in the league for a very long time; the sleeves, cornrows, tattoos, the hip-hop culture are always going to be in the league and this is all because of Allen Iverson. IVERSON效應還是會一直在聯盟裡發酵,不論是袖套..辮子頭刺青 HIPHOP文化,這些東西會 一直存在在聯盟裡面,而一切都是因為------Allen Iverson. 原文 : http://tinyurl.com/3mn6c4x -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sweetsmoke 來自: (05/14 14:34)

05/14 14:33, , 1F
推翻譯 部過顏色不太舒服 可以請原po改一般嗎? 感恩~~
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※ 編輯: sweetsmoke 來自: (05/14 14:38)

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沒關係 辛苦了XD
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文章代碼(AID): #1DpY4fJN (IVERSON)