[外電] Allen Iverson: A humbled Star

看板IVERSON作者 (古泉虛)時間13年前 (2010/11/19 05:10), 編輯推噓13(1302)
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本來以為我翻完了..... 竟然還有第二頁 囧.... 這兩天在想辦法找時間翻譯 我只能說版主你太威猛了 能翻這麼多外電 辛苦你了 現在翻是翻完了 不過感覺錯好多 雖然英文上都看的懂 不過要翻成中文就有點難度 中間斷線差點把我嚇死..... 還以為又要重打了..... 最後一句 Not to Allen Iverson 我想不管怎麼翻還是英文這句最適合了 來源 : http://ppt.cc/3d67 Allen Iverson: A Humbled Star Is Turkey where The Answer’s career should have ended? by Jay King / @CelticsTown The man they once called The Answer was the last player announced. The arena lights were turned off, and a spotlight revealed Allen Iverson. 最後進場的是那個被叫作"答案"的男人 整個球場的燈光都被關掉, 聚光燈下的正是 Allen Iverson It was easy to see he really was Allen Iverson. The braided hair, the shooting sleeve, the headband. The swagger. Everything I remembered about Iverson was evident. But yesterday was different than I was used to with Iverson. The crowd treated it like a celebration, but this was sad. Iverson was playing in Turkey,for some team called Besiktas. Things weren’t supposed to turn out this way. 很容易看出他就是 Allen Iverson. 辮子頭, 護手套, 頭帶, 狂傲 我所記得的Iverson的一切都如此明顯 但昨天似乎跟我以前習慣的Iverson不太一樣 群眾對待他像是慶典 卻是很難過的 Iverson在土耳其打球 在一個叫 Besiktas的球隊 事情不應該變成這樣的 This was a former NBA MVP. A 10-time All-Star, 11 if you count last season when the fans voted him in. A four-time scoring champ. This was The Answer. The hero who carried Aaron McKie, Eric Snow, Dikembe Mutombo, George Lynch, Tyrone Hill, Jumaine Jones and Todd MacCulloch to the NBA Finals. Who stepped over Tyron Lue in the midst of a 48-point explosion, in the NBA Finals, against Kobe, Shaq and the Lakers. Who scored at least 40 points 79 times, who scored at least 50 points 11 times, and who is one of only 20 players to score 60 points in a single game. Who helped carry the NBA into the hip hop era, who didn’t care if he was misunderstood. Who played as hard as anyone, who never stopped scrapping. 這可是前NBA MVP,十次明星賽, 十一次 如果你把上個球季的也算入, 四次得分王 這正是"答案" 一位英雄帶領著Aaron McKie, Eric Snow, Dikembe Mutombo, George Lynch, Tyrone Hill, Jumaine Jones and Todd MacCulloch來到NBA決賽,對抗 Kobe, Shaq 以及湖人.他有79場得分至少40分,11場50分,以及他是20位球員中做到 單一場比賽獲得60分的其中一位, 他將hip pop文化帶進NBA, 他不在乎是否被人誤會 他跟別人一樣努力, 他不會停下半步 This was Allen Iverson. The man who didn’t want to talk about practice. Who reminded fans of another gritty Philly overachiever, Rocky. Who was beloved enough to make people buy Reeboks. Who, even at 6-0 tall (in heels, I bet), even at 165 pounds (soaking wet, most likely), managed to physically dominate the world’s best athletes. Who brought the killer crossover to new heights. Who sacrificed his body, game in and game out, to lead his teams to victory. 他就是Allen Iverson. 一個不想談到練習的男人,他令球迷想起另一位活生生的費 城英雄,洛基. 他被愛載到人們會為他去買Reeboks, 他即使只有6'0"高(我賭穿著高跟鞋) 165磅(大概是濕淋淋的),他駕馭著身體上特色成為世界上最傑出的運動員, 他將運球 提升到新的層次,他犧牲自己的身體去帶領球隊取得勝利 Now I am forced to watch Iverson on ATDHE.net, with the live (and probably illegal) video stream temporarily pausing every minute or so due to poor connection. Is this really what it has come to, a Hall of Famer shamed into playing overseas, with no NBA team willing to offer a contract? Is this really what it has come to, Iverson’s struggles forcing us to squint just to remember his transcendent greatness? 現在我被迫在ATDHE.net上觀看Iverson,這個實況(多半是違法的)每分鐘都會因為線路 不好而短暫暫停, 這一切一定得變成這樣, 一個名人堂成員去海外蒙羞,沒有任何NBA 的球隊願意提供一份合約嗎? 這一切一定得變成這樣, Iverson的奮鬥使我們只能瞇 著眼睛去看他的超然偉大嗎? Few legends age gracefully. Few leave on top. I’m not sure why. Maybe most legends understand they aren’t good enough to remain superstars, but can’t bear to give up the game. Maybe most legends have so much pride and confidence they still believe they can rule the game. I don’t know. I was never much of a legend in my playing days. More like a scrub. 很少有傳說球員能優美的凋零, 少數在鼎盛時期離開,我不確定為什麼,也許是因為 這些傳奇球員知道他們無法維持明星狀態,但是卻不願意放棄比賽.也許大部分的傳 奇球員擁有自尊跟信心相信自己還能夠掌控比賽.我不知道. 我從來不是個什麼傳奇 球員,比較像是個替補. But I didn’t have to be a stud myself to see how most NBA legends leave the game — as shells of themselves. Larry Bird hobbled around with a back that wouldn’t cooperate and Magic Johnson was never the same after an HIV-induced semi-retirement. Karl Malone tried to piggyback his way to a title in Los Angeles. Gary Payton hung on a few years too long. Patrick Ewing ended his career playing only 13.9 minutes per game — for the Orlando Magic. Stars rarely, if ever, leave the game on top. (第一句我翻不出來...看不懂在講什麼) Bird因為背傷而腳步蹣跚,Magic Johnson因愛滋病而短暫退休後,也不再是同一個人. Karl Malone去洛杉磯只為了冠軍.Gary Payton拖了太久. Patrick Ewing 在結束生涯 上場時間只有13.9分鐘 - 在奧蘭多魔術隊.明星很少,即使有也不多,在鼎盛時期離開. Michael Jordan was just about the only superstar who did, and then he ruined it when he came out of retirement to play for the Wizards. When Jordan finally left the game for good, he wasn’t the Michael Jordan we’d known for so long. He averaged 20 points per game for a 37-45 team based in Washington. Perhaps David Robinson had it right. He wasn’t an All-Star when he left the NBA, or even close to it, but he retired after his team won an NBA championship. Of course, that was more a testament to Tim Duncan’s ability than Robinson’s perfect timing. Michael Jordan 是唯一一個明星球員這麼做的, 而當他復出又回到巫師隊,這一切都毀了 當Jordan終於離開球場時,他不是那一個我們所熟悉Michael Jordan,場均20分在華盛頓 37-45的隊伍. 或許David Robinson做對了, 他離開NBA時並不是一個明星球員,或是接近 明星,但他在他的隊伍得到總冠軍之後退休,當然,這正好給Tim Duncan更多機會去證明 他的能力的最好時機. Bill Russell was probably the player who left the game as close to the top as anyone before or since. (Forgive me if I’ve missed someone.) Russell left the game a champion, and he left it a starter averaging 19.3 rebounds per game. But he was the exception, not the rule. And even Russell averaged a career-low in points during that final season, pouring in fewer than double digits for the first time in his career. Bill Russell大概是退休時最接近頂端的一位,前無古人後無來者(原諒如果我忘記其 他人) Russell 離開球場時是冠軍,而且他是場均19.3籃板的先發球員.但他是個例外, 不是常態.甚至Russell在最後一季的場均得分是生涯中最低的,在他生涯中第一次得分 不到兩位數. All these stars were severely diminished by the time they left the NBA, yet there was something admirable about the way they aged. There was something about Ewing hanging on until he could barely lace his sneakers anymore. We could see how badly he loved basketball, how much the game meant to him. Same with Bird and his troublesome back. Bird couldn’t even sit on the bench; he had to lie down instead. But he battled through it, doing whatever he could to help his team win ballgames. Bird’s back could sometimes keep him from standing up straight, but it couldn’t hold back his competitive spirit. 這些明星在他們離開球場時都被嚴重的低估,但他們變老仍有一些令人羨慕的,Ewing 能留在場上直到他幾乎不能綁鞋帶.我們可以知道他是多麼喜歡籃球, 球賽對他來說 多麼重要.這跟Bird和他的背傷一樣.Bird甚至不能坐在板凳上;相反地他必須躺在地上 ,但他仍然搏鬥著,盡他所能的幫助他的球隊. Bird的背傷有時候讓他無法站直, 但無法 阻止他的奮鬥精神. And NBA stars have almost always aged in the public eye. We could turn on the TV and watch Michael Jordan in the waning years of his career. He wasn’t always the Jordan we loved and admired, but there were flashes. Every once in a while he’d execute that fadeaway jumper, and all the memories came flooding back into our minds. Or remember the time he pinned Ron Mercer’s shot off the backboard with two hands, then caught the ball right out of Mercer’s hands? NBA明星總是在眾目睽睽之下衰退,我們可以打開電視看著逐漸衰退的Michael Jordan 他不會永遠是我們愛載跟欣賞那個Jordan,但這些都會被沖刷掉.他偶爾一次的後仰跳投 所有的記憶都會充滿著我們的腦袋.或者想起他用雙手釘住Ron Mercer的那一球,把球從 Mercer的手中奪過來. Legends aren’t always the same as they grow older, but once in a while they offer glimpses into the past. It’s almost like the nicotine patch. You don’t normally quit legends cold turkey. You usually get a smaller dose of them each and every year, until finally they’re gone. And when they leave, it’s normally with a retirement ceremony in front of a loving crowd. 這些傳奇球員變老時不可能永遠都像以前一樣,但他們偶爾能提供那過去短暫的感動,這就 像是尼古丁貼片一樣. 你不會瞬間放棄哪個傳奇球員. 你通常會慢慢地,直到球員離開. 當他們離開時,通常會有在球迷前一個退休儀式. But not with Allen Iverson. His demise was quick, his fall furious. We didn’t even get a chance to cherish what we suspect were his last moments in an NBA uniform. One second he was starting for the 76ers, playing 31.9 minutes per game and averaging 13.9 points per game. The next he had quit, noting his daughter’s illness as the reason. Iverson’s final game in the NBA was played on February 20, 2010, against the Chicago Bulls. The lead in the game’s AP recap wasn’t Iverson’s retirement, but Taj Gibson’s double-double. 但Allen Iverson沒有,他的結束是如此迅速,他沒落的這麼猛烈. 我們甚至沒有機會去 懷念他在NBA的最後一刻. 前一秒他還在76人隊先發,場均31.9分鐘以及13.9分. 下一秒 他就得離開,提到的原因是女兒的病情. Iverson的最後一場比賽是在2010年2月20日,對上 芝加哥公牛隊.那場比賽美聯通訊社的重點卻不是Iverson的退休, 而是 Taj Gibson's 的雙十. How could the AP recap possibly discuss Iverson’s retirement? We didn’t know we would probably never get to see Iverson play in the NBA again. 美聯通訊社怎麼會會去討論Iverson的退休?我們並不知道我們可能無法在NBA看到Iverson 的球技.... We had no idea. 我們都不知道 There once was a time that Allen Iverson was the most valuable basketball player in the world. Not the most complete, not the most polished, and maybe not the best, but the most valuable. 曾經有段時間,Allen Iverson是全世界最有價值的籃球員。不是最完全的、不是最完 美的、也許不是最好的,是最有價值的。 Not only that, he was different. 不僅如此,他是不同的。 Say what you want about Iverson’s aversion to practice; his disregard for public image; clashes with coaches and teammates alike; or tendency to hog the ball, but you had to respect his heart. Iverson played with raw emotion, joy and fire, one of the few players who played the game with a passion that couldn’t be put out. Many NBA stars mail in games, or quarters, but Iverson was never the type. He had a seemingly carnal urge to compete, to win, to battle. As OJ Mayo once described Iverson, “Not the biggest guy or the strongest guy,but he seemed like the toughest guy.” 假設你想要關於Iverson的厭惡練習;不理會大眾形象;與教練們以及隊友們的爭執; 或是長時間持球,但你得尊重他的心。Iverson帶著真實的情感在打球,快樂跟熱情, 少數的球員能夠熱情打球而不被撲滅的。許多NBA球員只在比賽、或是一節中穿上它, 但Iverson不是那種類型。他看起來有肉體上的衝動去完成、去贏、去戰鬥,就像OJ Mayo有一次這麼形容Iverson“不是最大隻或是最強壯的傢伙,但他像是最堅強的傢伙 ” Remember that Dwyane Wade commercial — fall seven times, stand up eight? That should be the story of Allen Iverson’s career. You could knock him down, and you would, multiple times every game. But Iverson always stood back up. He was always ready to fight another battle, always willing to throw his skinny, tattooed frame right back into an opposing center’s chest. 記得Dwyane Wade的廣告 — 跌七次、站八次?那應該是Allen Iverson職業生涯的故事 。你可以,也想要,在一場比賽中擊倒他許多次。但Iverson總是會再站起來。他總是準 備去迎接下一場戰鬥,總是願意讓他瘦小、刺青的軀幹正衝向對手中鋒的胸膛。 Iverson was stubborn, too, and while that quality helped him reach the pinnacle of his sport it ultimately led to his downfall. Iverson never learned how to take a backseat to his teammates. In his mind, he was always a superstar, even after his skills had already diminished. During his brief and disastrous time in Memphis, Iverson said, “Look at my résumé, and that’ll show I’m not a sixth man. I don’t think it has anything to do with me being selfish. It’s just who I am.” Iverson也是倔強的,然而當他的特色幫助他去登上他運動的頂峰,最終會導致他的失敗 。Iverson從來沒有學會去坐在隊友的“後座”。在他心中,他永遠都是明星,甚至在他 的技巧已經退步的時候。他在孟菲斯短暫災難般的時間,Iverson說“看我的經歷,這會 顯示說我不是第六人。我不認為這跟我自私有什麼關係。這就是我。” We used to love Iverson’s stubbornness, his refusal to be kept down. Yet when his skills eroded and he needed to become a team player, he couldn’t, or at least was unwilling to. Whether that was due to his competitive nature, oversized ego, the aforementioned stubbornness, or just immense pride, I don’ t know. 我們習慣去愛Iverson的倔強、拒絕去低頭。然而當他的技巧腐蝕時他得去成為團隊球員 的一員,他沒辦法,或是說他不願意。無論這是歸咎於他一心求勝的本性、過大的自負、 前述的倔強、或者只是極大的自尊,我不知道。 Maybe we should have known his NBA career would end badly, if — as we suspect — it has ended. There were problematic signs early on. The clashes with Larry Brown. The obscene number of shot attempts. A game predicated almost solely on quickness, athleticism, and toughness. What would happen when Iverson lost a step? we should have asked ourselves. No team would want Iverson’s shot selection, his attitude, his outspoken disdain for practice, if it didn’t come with his unrivaled scoring talents. If it didn’t come with the ability not only to contribute, but to dominate. When Allen Iverson was no longer The Answer we had come to know, we should have known he would become The Problem. 也許我們應該知道他的NBA生涯會很悽慘的結束,如果 —如同我們的懷疑— 已經結束了 這之前就有危機訊號。跟Larry Brown的爭執。數量驚人的出手數。一場比賽僅建立在速 度、敏捷跟堅強上。缺少一部分Iverson會發生什麼事?我們應該問我們自己。沒有球隊 會要Iverson的出手點、他的態度、他說出對練習的鄙視,如果不是他那過人的得分天賦 。如果不是僅有能力去貢獻、也去支配。當Allen Iverson不再是我們所熟悉的“答案” ,我們應該要知道他變成了“問題”。 But we never thought Iverson would end up like this. In Turkey. Playing alongside Fedor Likholitov, Murat Kutlu and Cevher Ozer, in a gym the size of my high school gym, against players who never should have been worthy of sharing the same court as Allen Iverson. 但我們從沒想過Iverson會像這樣結束,在土耳其、與Fedor Likholitov、Murat Kutlu 跟Cevher Ozer一起打球、在只有我高中體育館大小的球場、對抗那些從沒有資格跟 Allen Iverson共用同一球場。 ***** Iverson scored 15 points yesterday. He shot 4-10 from the field, and 4-6 from the foul line. If you looked closely, there were flashes of what he once was. An and one three-pointer in the final minutes. A quick first step here and there that reminded of how lethal he used to be. Iverson昨役得了15分,他投10中4,在罰球線上投6中4。如果你看仔細一點,應該會有 閃光閃過他以前為何者,在最後一分鐘的四分打射手。快速一腳左一腳右,提醒你他以 前是多麼有殺傷力。 Yet Iverson wasn’t dominant, not even in the Turkish Basketball League. His team lost a 17-point fourth-quarter lead, and Iverson couldn’t stop his opponents’ quick and devastating run. He was helpless. 然而Iverson並不是主角,在土耳其籃球聯盟也不是。他的隊伍失去了17分的領先。 Iverson無法阻止他的對手的快跟驚人的得分。他是無助的。 But you know what? The point isn’t how Iverson plays in Turkey. The point is that he’s there, rather than playing his final years in the NBA. 但你知道嗎?重點不是Iverson在土耳其的表現如何。重點是他在那邊,不是在NBA打他 最後的一年。 Turkey was never supposed to happen. Not to the stubborn 6-footer who once seized my imagination. Not to the MVP who carried Eric Snow and Aaron McKie to the NBA Finals. Not to the combo-guard who was as fierce a competitor as the NBA has ever seen. Not to the pound-for-pound toughest player I’ve ever witnessed. 去土耳其不應該發生的。不該對於曾經支配我想像的倔強6'。不該對於一位MVP帶領Eric Snow跟Aaron McKie進入NBA總決賽。不該對於一位雙能衛在NBA未曾見過如此兇猛的競爭 者。不該對於我目睹過同量級最堅強的球員。 Not to Allen Iverson. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/19 06:35, , 1F
11/19 06:35, 1F

11/19 09:37, , 2F
推推 這一篇真的很棒 翻譯完會再推!!
11/19 09:37, 2F

11/19 10:01, , 3F
我盡量吧 字超多 而且有些文法沒看過...超難翻
11/19 10:01, 3F
※ 編輯: pailiang 來自: (11/19 11:52)

11/19 10:14, , 4F
11/19 10:14, 4F

11/19 10:54, , 5F
11/19 10:54, 5F

11/19 11:27, , 6F
11/19 11:27, 6F

11/19 11:39, , 7F
11/19 11:39, 7F

11/19 11:52, , 8F
好長一段就算了 還有第二頁= =....
11/19 11:52, 8F

11/19 11:54, , 9F
11/19 11:54, 9F

11/19 18:22, , 10F
辛苦了 謝謝
11/19 18:22, 10F

11/19 23:18, , 11F
11/19 23:18, 11F

11/20 01:02, , 12F
推 辛苦了!!
11/20 01:02, 12F

11/20 12:11, , 13F
辛苦了 推一個!!!
11/20 12:11, 13F

11/21 01:05, , 14F
11/21 01:05, 14F

11/21 01:09, , 15F
終於有板友幫我多翻譯了 想想翻譯文章真的不容易
11/21 01:09, 15F
※ 編輯: pailiang 來自: (11/22 06:23)
文章代碼(AID): #1CvPP4R6 (IVERSON)