[分享] AI給球迷的一封信

看板IVERSON作者 (Wake)時間14年前 (2009/11/26 10:30), 編輯推噓6(606)
留言12則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Iverson addresses retirement in letter to fans By Official statement Posted Nov 25 2009 9:01PM TO ALL OF MY FANS: I would like to announce my plans to retire from the National Basketball Association. I always thought that when I left the game, it would be because I couldn't help my team the way that I was accustomed to. However, that is not the case. I still have tremendous love for the game, the desire to play, and a whole lot left in my tank. I feel strongly that I can still compete at the highest level. Stepping away from the game will allow me to spend quality time with my wife and kids. This is a reward that far exceeds anything that I've ever achieved on the basketball court. I have prayed for this day and I see it as my greatest gift. I want to thank the people of Reebok International Ltd., for always allowing me to be me and for supporting me my whole career through all the ups and downs. I have enjoyed 13 wonderful seasons in the NBA, and I am grateful. I want to first acknowledge my fans everywhere, who have been with me throughout my entire career. Without you, there would be no me. You should all know that I appreciate your support from the bottom of my heart. Thank you! To Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Isiah Thomas, Charles Barkley and Larry Bird, you guys gave me the vision to play the game that will be forever in my heart. To my Mom, who encouraged and inspired me to play every day, and to all of my family and friends who stood by me from the beginning. Thank you! To my high school coach, Michael Bailey, Coach John Thompson at Georgetown University, Coach Larry Brown and to all of my other coaches, teammates, administrators, owners and staff who've been a part of my career, Thank you as well! I'd like to give a special thanks to the people of Memphis. I never played a home game for your beloved Grizzlies, but I want you to know how much I appreciate the opportunity given me by a great owner in Michael Heisley, and the support of the city. I wish the Memphis Grizzlies' organization all of the success that the game has to offer. And finally, to the city of Philadelphia: I have wonderful memories of my days in a Sixers' uniform. To Philly fans, thank you. Your voice will always be music to my ears. God Bless all of you, ALLEN IVERSON -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我從來沒想過這是我在AI板的首po 但是在這如此難過的日子 從nba.com連到這篇文章 看完整個就是超感動 晚一點還要上課 不然我非常想翻譯這篇文章 不過板上熱心版友非常多 如果有人要先拿去翻譯的話就說一聲吧 唉 看到牆上掛著的Iverson費城客場黑色球衣 都不知道能說什麼 sigh, what a terrible day -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/26 10:31, , 1F
你的版面比較清楚 我那篇轉錄的就刪掉了
11/26 10:31, 1F

11/26 10:31, , 2F
po完嚇到 想說OP要自D的說XDDDD
11/26 10:31, 2F

11/26 10:34, , 3F
經紀人 加油 好嗎~~~
11/26 10:34, 3F

11/26 10:36, , 4F
推AI 還有希望大家暫時不要去總板跟狗吵架了 AI加油!!
11/26 10:36, 4F

11/26 10:39, , 5F
11/26 10:39, 5F

11/26 11:26, , 6F
我PO了篇文去罵一些狗 不過我PO完也想射後不理 科科
11/26 11:26, 6F

11/26 11:27, , 7F
不想去跟豬打架 打髒了豬會很開心而我們只會弄髒
11/26 11:27, 7F

11/26 11:29, , 8F
感動+1 沒有AI我不會學打籃球. 謝謝AI
11/26 11:29, 8F

11/26 11:31, , 9F
11/26 11:31, 9F

11/26 11:46, , 10F
11/26 11:46, 10F

11/26 18:10, , 11F
我看完了 真得快哭了 邊快邊頭皮發麻.. 埃...
11/26 18:10, 11F

11/27 07:53, , 12F
幹 快飆淚...
11/27 07:53, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1B3UXGNd (IVERSON)