[外電] No One Generates Love/Hate Like AI

看板IVERSON作者 (摸摸魚)時間14年前 (2009/11/24 16:45), 編輯推噓22(2207)
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Source:http://tinyurl.com/yjxrcd4 Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Posted By Bethlehem Shoals 1:32 PM ************************************** This is a column on Allen Iverson. It will contain several references to some form of "polarization" or "controversial," nod to the sheer fantasy of Iverson's best games and invoke the pound-for-pound metric. It will also generate more comments than anything else posted here all month, most of them made by readers who made up their minds beforehand. The same is probably true for its author, who didn't even bother to make notes for this one. 這是篇關於AI的文章。 其中包含了某種程度的 "兩極化" 或 "爭議性" 的資料,我們將使用像拳擊賽的分級制度 ,回首戰神過去的那些輝煌戰績。 ******* Allen Iverson has cut ties with the Memphis Grizzles. As with everything else in Iverson's career, some of us will put it all on the veteran guard, others, the second party involved. As usual, it is the kind of situation that seemed doomed from the outset. Should the Grizzlies have realized that Iverson wouldn't come off the bench, and really didn't need him making a claim on the starting slots of their young guards? Or is this the time that AI should have either swallowed his pride and, as a Hall of Famer on a subpar team, either become a quasi-assistant or pay his dues in the rotation to prove his humility? AI 與灰熊終止了合約。如同所有在 AI 職業生涯中發生過的事,我們總是先把責任推到 他身上,其他的才由別人 (球隊) 來承擔。跟過去一樣,這種情況似乎一開始就註定了。 灰熊是否早該意識到 AI 根本不願坐板凳,而且球隊也不需要他來到這裡來搶年輕人的 飯碗?還是這個時候,這個名人堂的球員,得在這個年輕球隊裡吞下他的驕傲,甘願地做 一個輪替名單中拿 3.5M 的人該做的事,來證明他自己的謙虛? Of course, Allen Iverson didn't out and out retire. Then we would at least be able to pronounce his career, and thus this final chapter, finished. But for all we know, this might turn out to be a false start to this pivotal season (as if anything ever really changes for, or around, AI). He could very easily resurface in a matter of months, or weeks, on a playoff team that can approach him with more leverage, or is in more desperate straits. He might end up a box office bonanza for an otherwise moribund Knicks team, stolen by the Nets and Jay-Z to prove a point, or give, say, Boston or Houston a bolt of offense they can make use of on its own terms—within their framework. AI 當然還沒完全的退休。然後我們至少可以"代言"他的職業生涯,也因此,他的最後一章 就這樣結束了。但我們都知道,這決定性的一季根本就是錯誤的開始 (假使 AI從來不曾改 變過)。AI可以輕易地在數周或數月內加入那些更有競爭力、更吸引他、更需要他的隊伍。 他可能在一蹶不振的尼克成為票房保證,可能被籃網偷過去,或可能加入超塞火箭, 融入他們的攻守兩端。 Or maybe that last option is just the same old dilemma. Allen Iverson won't ever change, and teams won't ever figure out how to make him the focal point. Maybe he's defying basketball by thinking his game has real superstar functionality; maybe basketball is foolish for, aside from one year of Larry Brown, having never made the most of Iverson's potential to anchor some kind of team formation. Half-empty, half-full—that Iverson is long gone, and yet what's left is hardly an ineffective slouch. 或者,最後的選擇只是個同樣的老難題。戰神是永遠不會改變的,球隊也總是無法把他放 在正確的位置。或許他在挑戰籃球,認為他有主宰球賽的能力;或許除了 Larry Brown, 籃球從來都沒辦法在團隊中把 AI 的潛力發揮到極致。或許讓人又愛又恨的 AI 早就不在 了,剩下的恐怕只是空有影響力的累贅而以。 I used to think Kobe Bryant was the player who most split fans into love/hate camps. And it's true, given his current prominence, and over-exposure, Bryant is subject to the most mass-ambivalence. But with Iverson, it still runs deeper. At this point, few can deny that Bryant is one of, if not the, premier players of his generation, a complete player and tireless student of the game whose basketball IQ trumps your GRE scores. Facial tics, other mannerisms, and other superficialities ... these are still grounds for quibbling. For the most part, though, Bryant's become a beaming constant, if one that can work the nerves of some fans. Even in his darkest days, the "great but flawed" tag attached to Kobe had nothing on the conflicting views of Iverson. 我過去常以為 KB 是那個可以把球迷分成愛他不然就恨他的人。而這也是真的,正因為 KB 目前傑出的表現,以及媒體的曝光度,使他可以變成這樣的人。然而對於 AI,這情況卻 更為嚴重。現在很少人可以否認 KB 是當今聯盟第一人,是如此完美的球員,具備比你GRE 成績還高分的籃球智商,卻孜孜不倦地學習如何比賽的好學生。臉部抽蓄、作風習慣,以 及其他表面的東西等等,這些都只是吹毛求疵而已。如果有個可以挑動球迷神經的球員, KB肯定是其中的常客。就算在他最黑暗的日子,KB 身上那張 "偉大卻有缺陷" 的標籤,對 於AI 矛盾的形象並沒有任何影響。 Allen Iverson was, and still is, heaven or the great below. He shakes basketball to its very foundations or, according to some, is foolish enough to think he can. He changed the game, though not necessarily for the better. We have been forced to take him at face value, and in the process awaken all sorts of even more inspirational, or degrading, feelings about race, culture, and the structure of American society. "Ambivalence" doesn't even fit. That was Kobe; Iverson is a player who exists in two different worlds. AI 曾是,現在仍然是,一神之下萬人之上的球員。他把籃球運得出神入化,有 些人卻愚蠢的以為他沒辦法。他改變了比賽,雖然這可能不是必要之好。然後我們不得不 去面對,在這過程中喚醒那些關於種族、文化以及美國社會結構的感覺。"矛盾" 甚至不是 個最好的說法。對於KB 或許是的;但 AI,他是個處於兩個不同世界的球員。 Someday, Iverson will hang it all up, the war will end, and we'll all breathe a sign of relief. There will be a column for that. It could denounce his career, or all the right rhetorical notes to let you know that, really, you never really understood Allen Iverson. Regardless, the tone will be triumphal. Maybe he will have a ring by then; that's either vindication or proof of what he should've been all along. You can see his fingerprints all over the league, albeit it in more subtle ways; that plays into the hands of both sides, but either way, it's proof that Iverson contributed something to the development of today's NBA. 有天 AI 會停止這一切,戰爭也會結束,我們也將獲得舒緩。那時也會有文章出現,可能 會是譴責他的職業生涯,或者所有浮誇的正義都指出,你從未真正地了解 AI。無論如何, 那都會是充滿勝利的語調。然後 AI 或許又會出面澄清他從來都是個怎樣的人。 你將會在聯盟裡各個角落發現 AI 的足跡,即使是以較隱蔽的方式存在著,(那些雙方過去 角力的結果) 但無論如何,它證明了,AI 對於現今 NBA 的發展,貢獻了某些東西。 When Allen Iverson does really call it quits, and you get that column, it will also mark the beginning of the healing process. Iverson zealots will have no battle left to fight. They know what they know and can harbor it for generations. Those in search of a villain can move on to someone more timely. That's the closure. The lines will remain drawn, but postures will soften. We'll come to agree that Iverson was a rare gift who just didn't, or wouldn't get it. 當 AI 真的宣布退休了,而且你也得到了一篇專欄,表示著治癒的過程才正要開始。AI 的 擁護者將沒有戰爭可以打了。他們了解他們所了解的,並可以世世代代的保有著。那些尋 找新"戰"神 的人可以將目標轉移到時下的某個人。這意味著結束了。界線或許仍然很明顯 ,但態度會軟化的。我們終將意識到,AI 是個如此特別的天才,但人們卻不願去承認。 Whether he was given the opportunity, or should have made it for himself, will have become like arguing over the bench of the 2002-03 Nuggets: pure trivia. We'll watch those MVP year games with Philly, all shake our heads in disbelief, and finally be free to say: Whatever Allen Iverson was, he was that like no one before or since. Given the awe his best play generates, especially when win/loss records and coaching beefs fall away, that's about the highest honor we can all agree to pay the man. "他是否有機會"或"他應當為自己掙得機會"的這種爭論,會像是在 02-03 年板凳上的爭 論一樣是個微不足道的事情。我們會想著在費城的 MVP 年,那場場讓我們不可置信地搖 著我們雙手吶喊的比賽。然後說: 不論 AI 是怎麼樣的一個人,他是那個前無古人後無來者的人。當那些輸贏的記錄、與教 練的抱怨這些繁瑣事情逐漸遠走,給予 AI 該有的敬畏,那將是我們能夠給予這男人的, 最高的榮耀。 ************************************** 這篇堆積了實在有點久...今天一口氣把它翻完了.. 翻到最後其實自己感覺是 就這樣了吧 沒什麼好吵的了 AI 會是 NBA 眾多洪流中的其中一支 AI 會是個名人堂的偉大球員 這些事情早就註定了 當他拖著這樣的身軀、背景以及意志力走向 NBA 時就已註定了 至少他曾經是個靠著自己一個人殺番全聯盟的戰神 絕對沒有否定隊友們的意思 Allen Iverson 與其拿低薪靠擁冠軍隊而做不了你自己 身為球迷的我們其實為著現在的你而深深的自豪著。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: momofishj 來自: (11/24 16:52)

11/24 17:24, , 1F
推 我哭了!
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感恩 淚推T__T
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用力推~~ 前無古人後無來者的唯一的AI
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11/25 01:37, , 24F
推 唉唉...
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11/25 08:59, , 25F
終將意識到,AI 是個如此特別的天才,但人們卻不願承認
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文章代碼(AID): #1B2vqKpl (IVERSON)