[外電] Iverson's Hammy and the MRI

看板IVERSON作者 (巴拉圭)時間14年前 (2009/10/10 17:45), 編輯推噓8(802)
留言10則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Source: http://0rz.tw/lCaMq ********************************************************************* Iverson's Hammy and the MRI Written by Chip Crain / Tuesday, 06 October 2009 11:42 ********************************************************************* By now most everyone should know that Allen Iverson is being held out of tonight's game against Washington with a hamstring injury. Before everyone starts screaming about the Grizzlies luck and how this is going to wreck the season let me explain what is going on here. 目前大家都知道AI有傷。但在有些人又要開始談論灰熊"真倒楣"之前, 我要先向大家解釋一下到底是怎麼一回事。 We at 3 Shades of Blue have received a ton of emails asking to explain why Allen Iverson's hurt hamstring needs an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and could this mean the end of the season for AI. Well I tried to contact AI but apparently that private cell phone number he gave me is having some connection problems (probably all the rain in the area) so I did the next best thing and contacted a friend of mine who a respected local orthopedic surgeon to explain this. 我們目前收到了許多粉絲的Email問起為什麼AI拉傷左腳要接受MRI等問題, 也被問說AI會不會因為這樣而整季報銷。收到這一些mail後我也試著想跟 AI本人聯絡,但可能是因為手機訊號問題因而聯繫不上。所以我選擇了另一 個方法就是請我一位在這一方面(運動醫療)非常專業的朋友來為我們解釋 AI的傷勢到底嚴重不嚴重。 The hamstrings consists of a big group of muscles and tendons in the back of the thight. Injuries are very common, especially for athletes, in this area. 我們人的腿筋內有大小組的肌肉和腱。我們人體這算是容易受傷的部位, 更何況是AI這一種籃球運動員。 Injuries in this area generally heal on their own but they are very painful. The treatment needs to be geared toward the correct area in the hamstring region to guarantee a fully functional return. The doctor informed me that an MRI can help determine the severity of the injury and the best course of action to treat the injury. He explained that these injuries rarely require surgery also. The MRI just helps dictate the direction of the rehabilitation. 這一部份的傷勢通常會自己癒合,但過程是非常疼痛的。醫生在治療時必需 不能有任何疏失,才能確保保住它的功能性不喪失,方能完好如初。 但醫生也有跟我說,MRI不一定代表說你需要手術。醫生跟我說MRI可幫助確 定傷害的嚴重性。醫師也向我解釋這些傷害也很少需要手術。MRI可讓 醫師瞭解傷害的所在,才能正確幫助傷者復原。 That's good news for Grizzlies fans. If AI actually does have a hamstring injury then, while it is painful, the injury should heal with non-surgical procedures and the MRI will help determine the exact area of the injury to help speed the rehabilitation of the muscle. 這對灰熊球迷可是好消息。因為如果AI只是純粹拉傷,雖然過程很痛苦,但 我們也都知道他的傷勢不需要手術(開刀)是可以慢慢復原的,況且MRI也能幫助 醫生確切掌握受到傷害的部位,可幫助AI更早復原。 So Grizz fans can climb off the edge of the building and relax. AI will most likely be ready for Opening Night. This is just pre-season. Basically it's a practice game and we all know how AI feels about practice anyway. 所以灰熊迷大可不必太過於緊張啦! AI季賽第一場可以上場的機率還是很高, 現在也只是季前賽阿,季前賽認真說也就像練球一樣,而且最重要的是我們大 家都知道AI對於"練球"的看法嚕XD。 ********************************************************************* 看到最後一句我超想笑( ̄□ ̄|||)a...... -- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/10 19:27, , 1F
we all know how AI feels about practice anyway. XDDD
10/10 19:27, 1F

10/10 20:36, , 2F
10/10 20:36, 2F
※ 編輯: Paraguay 來自: (10/10 21:23)

10/10 23:28, , 3F
10/10 23:28, 3F

10/11 00:06, , 4F
AI:我在坐梗 大家都不知道嗎 反正肛暴活塞吧 看MC囧樣
10/11 00:06, 4F

10/11 00:09, , 5F
MC不是被炒很久了嗎? = =
10/11 00:09, 5F

10/11 00:20, , 6F
MCIAFI...... 是掰很久了.... 科科XD
10/11 00:20, 6F

10/11 00:49, , 7F
對耶 我想起來了 老實說後來小艾沒打 就只看金塊了 唉
10/11 00:49, 7F

10/11 11:28, , 8F
10/11 11:28, 8F

10/11 23:08, , 9F
10/11 23:08, 9F

10/15 05:01, , 10F
10/15 05:01, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1Aq5Uam2 (IVERSON)