[分享] 看電影學口語英文-The Intern

看板IELTS作者 (開心的每一天)時間7年前 (2016/07/19 14:25), 7年前編輯推噓16(1601)
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圖文網誌有上粗體版本: http://tacoeasylife.pixnet.net/blog/post/449707709 學英文本是枯燥乏味的事,但透過「看電影」的方式,就變得輕鬆有趣了! 而且從電影的對白當中,我們可以學到許多日常用語, 透過一句句的記憶重現,去習慣英文語句的排列,漸漸屏除中文翻譯的思考模式; 使用很簡單單字的組合,卻能表達意境跟動態感,超酷的阿! 例如,征服情海的女主角說過一句話:「你一進門,我就被你征服了。」 如果我們翻譯,可能會變成:When you walked in, you already conquered me. 但電影裡的女主角是這麼說的:You had me at hello. 如果雅思唸得煩了,不妨放鬆一下, 拿包零食(或數包)窩在床上,或是腳翹在沙發上看部電影吧 :) 然而,心有餘力,可以以「有目的」的心態來「看電影」。 看電影時,選擇顯示英文字幕,並把滑鼠隨侍一旁按下暫停, 確定聽懂,才下一句;不懂的單字即暫停確認單字意思;有趣的句子用法則試著複誦幾次 這樣一來,不但聽力訓練到了,在英文的發音跟語調上,長期下來可是受益無窮! 當然,說了這麼多,我還是要以雅思考生身份提醒大家, 雅思是學術性的考試,在Writing是不允許太過口語的,就連It's或是We're都是不行的! 那就言歸正傳,進入主題吧! 今天要分享的是我個人很愛的「高年級實習生The Intern」 以下我希望至少有100句,所以我會在前面標註數字。 001.我非常想念她:I miss her in every way. 002.無處可去感讓我深受打擊:The nowhere-to-be thing hit me like a ton of bricks. 003.我意識到這一切的關鍵是…:I realized the key to this whole deal was to …. 004.無論雨晴:Come rain or shine. 005.這讓我有存在感:It makes me feel part of something. 006.我要怎麼度過我的餘生:How do I spend the rest of my days? 007.我愛死他們了:I love them to pieces. 008.別誤會:Don't get me wrong. 009.正相反:Quite the contrary. 010.充滿幹勁:roll-up-your-sleeves 011.但我們改天可以嗎:but okay if we take a rain check? 012.這點毋庸置疑:absolutely positive about that. 013.以防萬一:just in case. 014.這件事別顧慮了:You check this one off your list. 015.必須一目了然:Have to read in a glance. 016.主要是被供應商搞砸了:Major screw-up by the vendor. 017.會有幾輪的面試:There's gonna be a couple of interviews. 018.循規蹈矩可不是我們的座右銘:Business as usual is not really our motto. 019.問吧(說吧):Fire away. 020.我負責監管:I was in charge of overseeing. 021.你成功了:You nailed it. 022.這行不通:This is not going to work. 023.當然:You bet. 024.我喜歡你的風格:I like how you roll. 025.催人老:It ages you. 026.讓我給團體其他人作表率:For me to set an example for the rest of the team. 027.我知道:That's what I gather. 028.我能和任何人相處:I can get along with anyone. 029.看樣子你跟定我了:Looks like you're stuck with me. 030.這裡超隨意的:We're super cas here. 031.至少我很顯眼:At least I'll stand out. 032.隨便:Doesn't matter. 033.不是故意的:Nothing on purpose. 034.我給她發了無數次短信:I texted her a billion times. 035.好好先生:Mr.congeniality. 036.他很討喜:He's a very big hit. 037.客服忙不過來:Customer service is slammed. 038.確切地說,會變成我的上司:Technically be my boss. 039.你覺得行得通嗎:Can you see that working? 040.慢慢來:Baby steps. 041.無與倫比:It's unbeatable. 042.我本打算加班:I was gonna stay late. 043.我在午餐室看過你:I spotted you in the lunchroom. 044.不說我也知道:Goes without saying. 045.消息傳得真快:Word travels fast. 046.不見不散:Be there or be square. 047.高興得不得了:I'm beyond happy at you. 048.我睡著了一會兒:I just fell out for a second. 049.我笑到不行:Cracks me up. 050.朱爾斯的司機不見了:Jules' driver is M.I.A. (missing in action) 051.得去做幾件事:Just got to go over a couple things. 052.我注意力剛在這張棉紙上:I was fixated on this tissue paper. 053.我們讓佩吉在學校下車:We're gonna drop Paige at school. 054.馬特看上去是個很不錯的人:Matt seems like a terrific guy. 055.給我們幫了很大的忙:Totally saved our butts. 056.寶貝:Sweet pea. 057.秉持正確理念真累人:Taking the high road is exhausting. 058.剛才全是反問:That was all rhetorical. 059.我希望我們能約在另一個晚上:I'm hoping we can pick another night. 060.她每時每刻都在竭力工作:She works on all cylinders all the time. 061.我有點興奮:I'm a little freaked out. 062.我在說你呢:I'm asking you. 063.習慣了:Force of habit. 064.我需要消遣:I need a diversion. 065.我不是想拍妳馬屁:I'm not trying to brownnose you. 066.瘋子:Maniac. 067.我不會這麼說:Not the word I would use. 068.卡梅隆來了提醒我一下:Ping me when Cameron gets in. 069.我每天十四小時為她累死累活:I bust my ass for her 14 hours a day. 070.你會如釋重負:You're out from under this mountain of worry. 071.讓我們重新開始:Let's clean-slate it. 072.我要幫你一把:I'm gonna save your ass. 073.小伙子:Fella. 074.社交繁忙/花花公子:Busy man about town. 075.這是紳士風度最後遺存之一:One of the last vestiges of the chivalrous gent. 076.大家都很激動:Everyone's flipping out about it. 077.我最好還是觀望:I'm still on the fence at best. 078.真的是一件大事:It's a really big deal. 079.我無意因此而辭退誰:I don't mean to pull anyone off of that. 080.我需要幫忙:I need a favor. 081.我指望你們恩典和智慧:I am counting on your good graces and brilliance. 082.我覺得答案顯而易見(不需要說明):I think that's kind of self-explanatory. 083.你來駕駛:You're behind the wheel. 084.別亂搞:Don't screw around. 085.快一點:Double-time it. 086.我又大舌頭了:I lisp is back. 087.當時我的血壓爆表了:My blood pressure was through the roof. 088.全都搞定了:All taken care of. 089.我見過馬特好多次了:I met Matt a bunch of times. 090.很復古:It's vintage. 091.或許沒被忽視:Maybe not left behind. 092.不可思議:It's uncanny. 093.很開心:Having a ball. 094.我喜歡上一個姑娘:I have a crush on a girl. 095.妳哭什麼呢:What's with the waterworks. 096.她可不好對付:She's a total badass. 097.我只是需要一點休息的時間:I just needed a little downtime. 098.這是很難辦到的一件事:That's a hard thing to pull off. 099.這事我還是很難接受:It's still so hard for me to grasp. 100.他出軌了:He acts out. 101.婚外情:On the affair. 102.他當時前途無量: He was a rising star. 103.他辭職了:He bowed out. 104.她是個很棒的女子:She's a great gal. 105.全新的開始:It's brand-new. 106.我看不出那怎麼說得通:I don't see how that adds up. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1468909528.A.9D6.html

07/19 18:12, , 1F
07/19 18:12, 1F

07/19 19:37, , 2F
推 用心整理
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07/20 09:28, , 6F
感謝分享 超用心的
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07/21 23:13, , 11F
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謝謝大家^^ 下一部想整理「社群網戰」!! ※ 編輯: TACO0526 (, 07/25/2016 13:02:50

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好強 推
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08/10 20:59, , 16F
u are very kind
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