[分享] 戴爾美語 李維老師雅思寫作TASK 1分享

看板IELTS作者 (小英)時間9年前 (2015/09/07 18:05), 編輯推噓2(200)
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雅思寫作描寫趨勢的動詞─下降類 by李維 雅思Task 1是在考驗將視覺化的圖表文字化的語言轉換能力。你會遇到的圖表有chart, graph, table, diagram這四種,但不管哪一種,這些圖表都在呈現趨向、走勢在一段期 間中的變化。因此,能否精確使用上升、下降、波動、穩定類的詞語就成了能否獲得評 分員青睞的關鍵。底下針對下降類的動詞做一個分類整理與用法討論: 1.fall: 下跌,原意為跌倒、跌落。類同go down, decrease,fall是最籠統表下降的動 詞,因此常銜接by+數字來表具體的下降幅度,也需要搭配其他副詞如significantly, sharply, slightly, steadily等來表下降程度。例如:Their profits have fallen by 20%. Retail sales fell sharply in May. 2.drop: 下跌,原意為落下、掉下。類同fall/go down/decrease,drop是一般性表下降 的動詞,常搭配副詞rapidly, sharply, steadily, markedly等。例如:Unemployment rates have dropped from 12 % to 7 %. Prices have dropped steadily over the last three years. 3.sink: 下降,原意為物體下沈、沈入水面下。可搭配副詞dramatically, considerably 或上述副詞。例如:Gold prices have sunk to a five-year low. Crude oil prices have sunk considerably in the past six months. 4.decline: 下滑,原意還有衰退、衰弱之意。可搭配副詞大致同上述副詞。 例如:The sales have declined by 20% as a result of the recession. The number of staff has declined from 500 to 300. 5.slump: 暴跌,有突然減少、猛然跌落的意思,類似語意的還有plunge一詞。因語意特 定,較少與副詞搭配,若仍需搭配則用heavily, rapidly, sharply。 例如:Real estate prices have slumped to a new low. Profits slumped by 40%. 6.plummet: 重挫,原意為突然從高處迅速筆直墜落。plummet算是下降類動詞中的最高級 ,因語意特定而鮮少另搭副詞。例如:His approval ratings have plummeted to an all-time low. We saw the city's population plummet from approximately 36,000 to less than 200,000. 請注意,上述動詞皆當不及物動詞用,因此常與介係詞連用:與by連用表數據的差距, 與to連用表數據的結果。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1441620323.A.48B.html

09/08 08:12, , 1F
09/08 08:12, 1F

09/08 08:43, , 2F
09/08 08:43, 2F
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