[心得] 崎嶇之路 托福到雅思

看板IELTS作者 (凍)時間9年前 (2014/09/05 00:32), 編輯推噓4(400)
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終於脫離考英文這個階段,然而下個考驗才正要開始。 因為考完太開心睡不著,在這邊分享一些準備心得。 砲灰戰績 R L S W 2011 03 26 14 14 15 11 54 剛退伍準備了一陣子去考 2012 工作太忙無法兼顧但是還是跑去考了建築師, 在登峰捕了一年 2013 01 26 19 21 15 14 69 這連公費留學的標準還不到阿,在送佛補衝班 2013 04 14 15 21 17 21 74 我每次總分都只進步 5分 2013 05 11 20 22 17 21 80 2013 06 在 SK2補 2013 08 24 21 19 19 21 80 放棄考試,開始認真做作品集 2013 12 07 22 23 18 22 85 這就是一次進步五分的魔咒 2013 12 22 開始到澳洲打工旅遊(半放棄狀態), 一邊修作品集 2014 03 01 16 21 18 22 77 發現沒事在澳洲用不太到英文 2014 03 22 22 23 19 21 84 中間回台灣考了一次還是失望(學校申請截止 2014 04 ETS被英國拒絕 2014 05 07 接到英國學校conditional offer 來信 2014 06 12 奉命和父母在澳洲玩,不能回台灣考試, 直到6/12回到台灣 2014 06 19 6.0 6.5 5.5 6.5 6.0 在只念了9天之下去考試 2014 07 19 6.5 6.5 5.5 5.5 6.0 無法進步只好請家教 2014 08 02 6.5 7.0 6.5 5.5 6.5 進入發瘋階段 (requirement overall 6.5 each 6.0) 2014 08 09 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 6.0 作文大卡關 2014 08 16 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 作戰終於成功 2014 08 21 7.5 6.5 6.0 6.5 6.5 新成績!!! 在這邊也不是說去那一家名師的補習班特別重要,成敗是在個人。 別以為最後一位醫生就是好醫生,並不是最後一位老師才是你要感謝的老師。 總歸一句學習英文並沒有真正的捷徑,但是每次都挫敗對於心理都是一種挑戰。 在"村上春樹~關於跑步我說的其實是"一位著名的馬拉松選手說 "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional." 換句話說,痛苦是一定會有的,但是能不能堅持下去就看你做出甚麼樣的選擇。 你選擇放棄,痛苦就停止了。當然這比較像在跑馬拉松的狀況啦! 但是這種信仰對於我來說是堅信不疑的 托福經驗 相信大家都在各家補習班學到各種技巧,但是我感覺到是考題所傳達給我的attitude and tones (SK2 Rosa)。在做完TPO30回三遍之後在reading部分是沒有太多生字了,就算有生 字也不太影響答題了。這部分的功力延續到後來雅思的考題上並未形成阻礙。如果把各種 生字分成兩類的話,可以知道哪些字是支持的哪些是反駁的,間接知道作者的態度。 在listening 部分語調( intonation) 或是情緒的表達占很重要的部分,也是拿分的關鍵 。做筆記只做keyword,聽甚麼超甚麼只會聽不到重點。 Speaking, 像聽歌一樣聽音檔(David),背誦語調,把不正確的斷句糾正過來。參加讀書會 ,聽聽別人的答案,怎麼組織,word bank分享,互相糾錯。 Writing, 這部分Rosa幫了我很大的忙,光是英文邏輯就糾正了我快兩個月。文章的用字不 用太難,但是要寫出論點。在托福作文裡面我就題目給的正反來論證。在用例子和細節來 補充。如果寫了一些太過個人的經驗那也是沒啥用處。 托福和雅思的比較 這樣說可能對某些人來說不恰當,但是對我來說雅思似乎容易一些(基於念了一年多的托福 的想法) Reading,找出題目的關鍵字,用平行閱讀法作答,練習久了讀起來非常流暢。 向較於托福,雅思的陷阱題顯而易見。選段落大意的時候,不像6選3大部分選項中的關鍵 字文章都有提到。 Listening,和托福完全不一樣,注意力很集中,在放音檔前快速尋找關鍵字位置,以便判 斷位置和抄寫,拼字一開始不用拼對,到時候10分鐘填答案在糾正過來就好。 Writing,除了task1不太一樣之外我覺得差別不大。先寫task2在保留20分鐘寫task1會比較 輕鬆。唯一要注意的是每種題型都要練習到,中間三次考到的youth crime, dangerous sp orts, public diet簡直就是太要命了,不好好準備不行。如果你和我一樣是看慎小疑十天 突破雅思作文的話,個人覺得6.5到7分不太值得看,考官寫的和9分作文才有代表性。書中 舉的範例多是大量的使用詞彙來充實文章長度,對於正反兩方的辯論並沒有明顯的論述。 不過有一些詞彙是寫作必要的可以背一背。 Speaking,使用I think the interesting is that or Oh, I never thought that before 來爭取一些時間把自己的想法講出來,避免重複辭彙出現過頻繁,注意時態。雅思口說不 用考聽力還有彈性的時間這點實在太輕鬆了。 #注意 如果你一直會被時間限制卡住的人,如果無法克服的話就考雅思吧 下面分享一些非正統的學習方法或是說偷懶的學習方法 1.看美劇查單字,請挑選一些話很多的連續劇 Big bang theory, how I met your mother, 2 broke girls, newsroom, masterchef邊看邊查,沒字幕的話就問siri怎麼拼 2.放NPR or BBC一整天當音樂聽,NPR 裡面的 all things consider有時候會有訪問的 節目或是脫口秀,語調很誇張很適合拿來學習。BBC聽久了之後會覺得他們語調比較平穩, 所以只適合拿來練accent。 3 和外國人碰面的activities 有兩個網站,一個叫couchsurfing另一個叫meetup,他們有舉辦language exchange的活動 參加的外國人有些是在台灣工作,有些是來台灣學中文,各國人都有。不妨鼓起勇氣,主 動和外國人攀談,實際練習一下英文。練題目練久了感覺很像機器,給一個題目吐一個答 案,但是如果透過和阿丟仔聊天,學習發音、邏輯、道地的辭彙都是很不錯的機會。 就像在電影中一樣,開頭會先說 how are you? How do you do? 若是上次就認識的 就可以說how was you this week?在自我介紹之後,有些人沒興趣就會走開,如果聊得來 或是初來乍到的就會一直問一些問題。最重要的是每一次都要喝酒,my friend said beer is a social lubricant.喝了酒之後講話會比較順也比較敢講。 也有人說考口說之前應該要喝個兩口whisky,但是我從沒膽嘗試 這些活動都只要付一瓶啤酒的錢或是飲料錢,當然你要喝掛也攔不住你(100~150) 星期四晚上 The little London 8:30 國父紀念館捷運站旁 星期六晚上 夢見哈比屯 8:30 中山南京路口附近 星期日晚上 Royal cafe 6:30 六張犁捷運站附近 範例文章 IELTS 08/16考題 This map shows the escapepaing path for students who live on second floor when there is a fire. Path 1, starts at the centre of the corridor and provides people who live in bedroom 1 to 3 an escape. The meeting point is on the left side of the building. Path 2, collects people from lift, the space behind lift, and bedroom 4 to 7.People collect at meeting point 2 on the north side of the building. The major difference between them is the stairs. Path 1 has a smaller stairs, because it only provides escape for people from corridor and bedroom 1 to 3. However, path 2 is different. The stairs are bigger, and can accommodate more people to escape. Both these two escape plans direct people escaping from indoors to outdoors, and collect people at the meeting point. Recently, some governments have encouraged industries and businesses to move out of the city. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Tast2 The location of industries and business has been a heated debate for years in several countries. However, I believe that the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages. For supporters, there are some advantages. For one thing, shifting industries and businesses from city to suburb or countryside can provide more space for citizens in the city because of the-population-growth and this is very serious issue in urban area. For another thing, relocation also can help developing public facilities for local area, such as some roads and infrastructures. For opponents, there are some shortcomings to relocation of industries. Firstly , the migrating company might change the local economic structure. For example, when a big car-making factory moves into a farming town, people might be attracted by its high salaries and give up their family businesses. Besides that, goods' import and export and commuters might cause serious transportation problems, such as traffic jam. From my point of view, the advantages of relocating industries still outweigh the disadvantages. Since city area is overcrowded today, the place vacated by the company can provide more public space for citizens and residents. Although there are some drawbacks ofrelocation, all the government need to do is make specific plan to support moving companies and help local residents to adapt. In conclusion, I believe that moving industries and businesses is worthwhile to do because both people from city and countryside can get benefit from it, as long as the government has specific organization and plan for it. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1409848329.A.633.html

09/05 09:45, , 1F
09/05 09:45, 1F

09/05 10:16, , 2F
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09/05 12:49, 3F

09/06 10:30, , 4F
同樣是6.5 內容物差很多...
09/06 10:30, 4F
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