[新聞] 左翼?你可能在警察的極端主義名單上

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標題: Left wing? You may be on police extremism list Shock as leaked document targets everyone from anti-fascists to peaceniks 左翼?你可能在警察的極端主義名單上 從反法西斯到和平主義者,所有人都被洩露的文件震驚了 新聞來源: Morning Star 《晨星報》 https://tinyurl.com/sftgoak 譯文:察網 http://www.cwzg.cn/theory/202002/54861.html THE Home Office has lumped together left-wing groups and green campaigners with neo-nazis and white supremacists in literature and posters supposedly designed to educate officers about extremism. 英國內政部在他們的宣傳海報上將左翼團體、環保組織與新納粹以及白人至上主義者劃為 一類,據說這些海報是為了給官員傳授有關極端主義的知識。 The Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP) document has categories including white supremacist and nationalist groups, left-wing and “associated single issue groups,” animal rights groups, and environmental campaigns. 一份來自英國反恐警務處(Counter Terrorism Policing)的文件包含了白人至上主義組 織、民族主義團體、左翼團體“及其相關組織”以及動物保護團體和環保組織。 The left-wing and environmental groups listed include the Communist Party of Britain (CPB), Stop the War, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Greenpeace. 被列入文件的左翼團體和環保組織包括英國共產黨(Communist Party of Britain,CPB )、“停止戰爭”組織(Stop the War)、巴勒斯坦團結運動(Palestine Solidarity Campaign)、反對軍火貿易運動(Campaign Against Arms Trade,CAAT)、核裁軍運動 (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,CND)、“反抗滅絕”組織(Extinction Rebellion,XR)和“綠色和平”組織(Greenpeace)。 CPB general secretary Rob Griffiths told the Star that it is “not surprising ” that the party is included on the extremism watch list. 英國共產黨總書記羅伯·格里菲斯(Rob Griffiths)告訴《晨星報》,他們對英國共產 黨被列入極端組織觀察名單這一事件“並不意外”。 He said: “The primary function of Britain’s intelligence services is to protect the capitalist status quo and the ruling class, so it is no surprise that CPB should be listed as it is an organisation which wants to replace capitalism with socialism. “The biggest threat to democratic rights in Britain has always come from the capitalist state — and this confirms that any turn towards authoritarianism must be opposed by the widest range of democratic organisation. “We have one of the most secretive secret services in the world and this document also urgently confirms that we need to try and bring our intelligence services under some form of genuine democratic scrutiny.” 他說: 【“英國情報部門的最基本職責,正是維持目前資本主義統治的現狀和保護當前的統治階 級,所以英國共產黨作為一個試圖以社會主義取代資本主義的組織,被列入其中並不令人 意外。” “在英國,民主權利面對的最大威脅總是來自資本主義制度——這證實了任何向威權主義 的轉變都必將遭到最廣泛的民主組織的反對。” “英國擁有全世界最隱秘的特勤部門之一,這份文件同時也指明了我們迫切需要努力將情 報機構置於某種形式的真正的民主審查之下。”】 Mr Griffiths also referred to the infiltration of “perfectly legal and legitimate campaigning organisations” by undercover police officers for decades — which is currently subject to the Pitchford inquiry. 格里菲斯還提到了幾十年來臥底警察對“完全合法的活動組織”的滲透——比如被監視的 皮奇福德(Pitchford。譯者註:是一位英國的左翼作家,他發現自己被當局臥底警察秘 密監視)。 CND general secretary Kate Hudson questioned why the organisation was on the counter-terror list, noting that it has a history of more than 60 years of peaceful protest and an “open, democratic structure and policy process.” 核裁軍運動的總書記凱特·哈德森(Kate Hudson)質疑其組織為什麼會出現在反恐名單 上。她指出,核裁軍運動有60多年的和平抗議歷史和“開放、民主的結構和政策流程”。 She continued: “We have no secrets and act in the public interest. It is nuclear bombs that terrorise people, not our campaign, which works to eradicate weapons of mass destruction. “This is massive state overreach and threatens our right to political engagement and peaceful protest.” 她繼續提到: 【“我們沒有秘密,並且我們的行動符合公眾利益。恐嚇人民的是核彈,而不是我們致力 於消除大規模殺傷性武器的運動。” “這是政府的大規模越權行為,對我們參與政治活動以及和平抗議的權利造成了威脅。” 】 Andrew Smith of CAAT said that the “appalling” document sends the message that people who “care about social justice or oppose war, arms sales, discrimination or conflict then you can be included alongside white nationalists and neo-nazi hate groups.” 反對軍火貿易運動的安德魯·史密斯(Andrew Smith)說,這份“令人震驚”的文件傳達 出一個信息,即如果你是“關心社會正義或反對戰爭、武器銷售、歧視或衝突的人,那麼 你可能會‘被’與白人民族主義者和新納粹主義仇恨團體歸為一類。” “It is yet another shameful attempt to repress dissent. This further discredits the fundamentally flawed Prevent scheme. It is long past time for police and government to stop criminalising democratic protest,” he added. Extinction Rebellion called the literature and posters “crude, divisive and dangerous.” 他補充道, 【“這又是一次可恥的鎮壓異己的企圖,進一步敗壞了從根本上就有缺陷的反恐方案的信 譽。警方和政府早就應該停止將民主抗議定為刑事犯罪了。” “反抗滅絕”組織稱這些文字和海報是“粗糙、製造分裂和危險的”。】 It added: “The guidance document makes it clear that not all the signs and symbols are of counterterrorism interest. However, if that’s the case, why include them in a counter-terrorism document? “The chilling effect is to leave people feeling under scrutiny, watched and pressurised, feeling ‘othered’, ashamed or afraid to be open about the things they care about such as the environment and the world around us.” 他們補充說: 【“既然這份指導文件清楚地表明,(文件裡)並不是所有的標誌和符號都與反恐有關。 如果當真如此,那為什麼要把這些標誌放在反恐文件裡呢?” “這種做法帶來的寒蟬效應會讓公眾感覺受到審查、監視和壓力,感覺‘被排斥’,讓他 們羞於或害怕公開發表他們關心的事情,比如我們周圍的環境和世界。”】 Clare Collier of human-rights organisation Liberty said the counter-terror agenda is “one of the greatest threats to free speech in the UK.” 人權組織“自由”(Liberty)的克萊爾·科利爾(Clare Collier)表示,反恐議程是“ 英國言論自由面臨的最大威脅之一”。 The latest leak comes after more than 100 academics, campaigners, and community organisers signed a joint statement released by human rights charity Cage calling for the abolition of the Home Office’s Prevent anti-extremism strategy, which primarily targets Muslims. 在最近的洩密事件發生之前,100多名學者、活動家和團體組織者簽署了一份由人權慈善 機構Cage(伊斯蘭人權組織)發佈的聯合聲明,呼籲廢除內政部的反極端主義預防政策( 該政策主要針對穆斯林)。 Cage research director Dr Asim Qureshi said: “Ongoing calls for ‘more security and surveillance’ only lead to circular discussions, and policies that exacerbate fracture and distrust. We must break this impasse.” Cage研究主任阿斯姆·庫瑞西(Asim Qureshi)博士說: 【“持續呼籲‘加強安全和監視’只會導致陷入循環討論以及產生加劇分裂和不信任的政 策。我們必須打破這一僵局。”】 Police have said the document clearly states that “not all of the signs and symbols noted within this document are of counter terrorism interest.” 警方表示,這份文件明確指出“文件裡並不是所有的標誌和符號都與反恐有關。” ※每日每人發文、上限量為十篇,超過會劣文請注意 ⊕標題選用"新聞",請確切在標題與新聞來源處填入,否則可無條件移除(本行可移除) -- 論述謬誤:1 轉移議題 change of subject、2 偷換概念 concept swap、3 虛假目標 strawman argument、4 人身攻擊 ad hominem、5 感性辯護 appeal to emotion、 6 關聯替代因果 correlation as causation、7 不當類比 false analogy、8 不當引申 slippery slope、9 同義反覆 circular reasoning、10 無知辯護 argument from ignorance、11 引用權威 appeal to authority、12 黨同伐異 appeal to faction -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IA/M.1581194945.A.040.html

02/09 10:24, 4年前 , 1F
02/09 10:24, 1F

02/09 10:24, 4年前 , 2F
02/09 10:24, 2F

02/10 16:21, 4年前 , 3F
02/10 16:21, 3F

02/10 18:17, 4年前 , 4F
哎呦 這不是自以為很有水準的中國人嗎XDD
02/10 18:17, 4F

02/10 18:17, 4年前 , 5F
敢問你的邏輯老師是火旺嗎? 中國邏輯果然名不虛傳呢
02/10 18:17, 5F

02/10 18:20, 4年前 , 6F
讓我們溫習一下 啥叫有水準的中國人
02/10 18:20, 6F

02/10 18:21, 4年前 , 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1UFnx110 (IA)