[編譯] 最新發布插圖描繪了9/11後的酷刑技巧已刪文

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Newly released illustrations depict post-9/11 torture techniques 最新發布插圖描繪了9/11後的酷刑技巧 原文:CNN https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/06/politics/torture-techniques-report/index.html Newly released illustrations drawn this year by Guantanamo Bay detainee Abu Zubaydah depict in graphic detail how he was tortured in 2002 at a Central Intelligence Agency detention "black site," according to his civilian lawyer. 關塔那摩灣拘留者阿布·祖拜達(Abu Zubaydah)今年繪製的最新插圖,詳細描繪了他在 2002年如何在CIA拘留所“黑場”遭受酷刑。 The illustrations were released in a report written by Zubaydah's lawyer, Seton Hall University School of Law Professor Mark Denbeaux and some of his students. The New York Times first published the pictures. 插圖由祖拜達的律師,Seton Hall大學法學院教授Mark Denbeaux和他的一些學生撰寫的 報告中發布[註]。 《紐約時報》首先發布了這些圖片。 [註] 報告本文 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3494533 The report, titled "How America Tortures," describes the treatment Zubaydah and others endured. The Bush administration maintained the treatment was not torture, calling it instead "enhanced interrogation techniques." 這份名為“美國如何刑求”的報告描述了祖拜達和其他人所遭受的待遇。小布希政府認為 這種待遇不是酷刑,而是稱其為“增強的訊問手段”。 The program was approved by the Bush Administration in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, as counterterrorism officials tried to obtain information about possible future attacks. 該計劃在911 事件發生後得到了小布希政府的批准,當時反恐官員試圖獲得有關未來可能 發生的襲擊事件的信息。 According to a Senate Intelligence report, Zubaydah was waterboarded at least 83 times. The 2014 report on the CIA's detention and interrogation program said that he at one point became "completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth." 根據參議院情報報告,祖拜達至少被水刑了83次。 2014年CIA拘留和審訊計劃的報告中說 ,他在某一時刻變得“完全無反應,氣泡從他張開的大口中冒出來。” The images included in the newly released report depict Zubaydah, an alleged al Qaeda operative who was captured in 2002 in Pakistan and put into CIA custody, in distress, either naked or lightly clothed, often forced into contorted positions, confined to tight spaces, or with his arms shackled above his head. 新發布的報告中包含祖貝達的描繪圖像(Zubaydah),他被指控是基地組織的一名特工, 於2002年在巴基斯坦被捕。被CIA羈押時,他承受痛苦,被迫衣不避體或完全赤裸,他們 常常被迫扭曲身體,禁閉於狹窄空間,或雙臂上鐐銬高舉過頭。 In a statement, Denbeaux said, "with this report, he is silent no more." Denbeaux在一份聲明中說:“有了這份報告,他不再保持沉默。” One drawing depicts a technique described in the report as "walling." In it, Zubaydah appears to be standing naked and shackled, while another man, whose face is hidden, appears to be holding something around Zubaydah's neck and slamming Zubaydah's head into a wall. 一幅圖描繪了報告中稱為“撞牆”的一種技術。在裡面,祖拜達裸身著腳銬站著,而施刑 者的臉被隱藏起來,一手抓著掛在祖拜達脖子上的東西,另一手推祖拜達的頭撞牆。 The CIA declined to comment on the newly released material. 中情局拒絕對這些新發布的材料發表評論。 That technique is consistent with what ex-CIA psychologist John "Bruce" Jessen admitted to doing to Zubaydah in his 2016 legal response to a criminal complaint by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Jessen said he "placed a rolled up towel behind Zubaydah's neck and 'walled' him three or four times." The ACLU alleged Jessen and another ex-CIA psychologist, James Elmer Mitchell, were behind "an experimental torture program for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency." Both men denied they had committed torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, but admitted they used techniques many consider to be torture. President Obama banned some so-called "extraordinary interrogation techniques" in 2009, such as waterboarding. 該技術與中情局前心理學家約翰·傑森(John“ Bruce” Jessen)在2016年對美國公民 自由聯盟(ACLU)提起的刑事訴訟的法律回應中承認對祖拜達做的行為一致。傑森說,他 “將一條捲起的毛巾放在祖拜達的脖子上,再將他撞牆三四下”。美國公民自由聯盟( ACLU)稱傑森(Jessen)和另一位前中央情報局心理學家詹姆斯·埃爾默·米切爾( James Elmer Mitchell)支持“美國中央情報局的實驗性酷刑計劃”。兩人均否認曾實施 酷刑或殘忍,不人道和有辱人格的待遇,但承認他們使用了許多被視為酷刑的技術。歐巴 馬總統在2009年禁止了某些所謂的“非常規審訊技術”,例如水刑。 Walling involves an individual being "quickly and firmly pushed into the wall," according to CIA documents declassified in 2016. 根據CIA在2016年解密的文件,” 撞牆”刑求 涉及一個人被“迅速而堅定地推向圍牆” 。 The report quotes Zubaydah describing one of his walling sessions: "I fell down on the floor with each banging. I felt for few instants that I was unable to see anything, let alone the short chains that prevented me from standing tall. And every time I fell he would drag me with the towel which caused bleeding on my neck." 報告引用了祖拜達描述他的一次” 撞牆”刑求的內容:“每次撞擊我都倒在地板上。我 頓時感到自己什麼也看不見,任由讓我站不直的短鏈銬著。每次我跌倒了,他會用毛巾拖 曳我,導致我的脖子流血。” There has been a lot of debate about how important a figure Zubaydah was in al Qaeda. Zubaydah, according to government prosecutors. "played a key role in al Qaeda's communications with supporters and operatives abroad and closely interacted with al Qaeda's second in command at the time." The US government has also alleged after the September 11 attacks he played a more active role in attack planning. At a 2016 hearing his military attorney said Zubaydah had no interest in harming the US or any other country. 關於祖拜達在基地組織中的重要性有很多爭論。據政府檢察官說,祖拜達 “在基地組織 與國外支持者和特工的聯絡中發揮了關鍵作用,並與當時基地組織的第二指揮官密切互動 。”美國政府還聲稱,在911襲擊事件發生後,他在襲擊計劃中發揮了更加積極的作用。 在2016年的一次聽證會上,他的軍事律師表示,祖拜達對傷害美國或任何其他國家沒有興 趣。 Other illustrations depict Zubaydah in what the report calls "stress positions," both standing and sitting, allegedly to create "physical pressure." 在報告中,其他一些插圖描繪了祖拜達為站立和坐著的“受迫姿勢”刑求,據稱會造成“ 身體壓力”。 Another drawing depicts what the report refers to as "wall standing," showing Zubaydah with his arms shackled above his head as he stands on his toes, "to induce extreme pain, sleep deprivation, and mental anguish when used to extremes." The report quotes Zubaydah saying he "passed out" in that position, and felt his hands became "paralyzed or severed." 另一幅圖描繪了該報告所稱的“靠牆站立” 刑求,顯示祖拜達被迫用腳趾站立,胳膊銬 在頭上方,“過於激烈時會引起極端的疼痛,睡眠不足和精神痛苦”。報告援引祖拜達的 話說,他在那樣的姿勢下“昏倒了”,並感到他的手變得“癱瘓或被切斷了”。 Several drawings depict Zubaydah confined to cramped boxes of various sizes, which the report quotes him as saying made him "scream unconsciously" from the pain from trying to keep his body contorted to fit in the box. 幾幅圖描繪了祖拜達被局限在各種大小的狹窄箱子中,報告援引他的話說,是讓他因試圖 扭曲身體以適應箱子的痛苦而“不自覺地尖叫”。 One illustration depicts Zubaydah undergoing the infamous water boarding technique, strapped to a table with water pouring on a cloth over his face, in order to simulate drowning, according to the report, which quotes Zubaydah as saying, "I felt I was going to die from drowning." 有一個插圖描繪了祖拜達經歷了臭名昭著的水刑技術,他被綁在桌子上,臉上蓋著布,水 澆在布上,以模擬溺水。報告引用祖拜達的話說”我感覺快被淹死了。” ***** 延伸閱讀:首位遭美反恐刑求被害人 素描揭CIA酷刑樣貌 中央社 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201912050185.aspx (中央社紐約4日綜合外電報導)美國當年為反恐,在海外一些秘密處所對恐攻疑犯酷刑 逼供。當年第一位嘗到水刑等多種酷刑的受害者,今年將親身所受的刑求畫出,收錄於一 本探討美國如何嚴刑拷問的報告內。 現年48歲、被人稱為朱貝達(Abu Zubaydah)的男子在關達那摩灣(Guatanamo Bay)畫 出酷刑素描,供他的律師、同時也是西藤山大學(Seton Hall University)法學院教授 丹博(Mark P.Denbeaux)與部分指導學生合著的「美國如何刑求」(How America Tortures,暫譯)61頁報告收錄。 ●首嘗美酷刑 當事人畫出親身經歷 朱貝達2002年3月在巴基斯坦一場槍戰時被捕,他當時受嚴重槍傷,並被送至美國中央情 報局(CIA)的海外監獄網絡。他是第一個嘗過中情局水刑的人,共遭水刑83次,也是第 一個嘗到被關入小型禁閉箱的人。 但事後情報分析顯示,儘管朱貝達是聖戰士,但911恐攻他事前並不知情,當時也非蓋達 組織(Al Qaeda)成員;他也從未被起訴犯罪,法庭公佈的文件顯示,軍事檢察官根本無 意起訴他。 朱貝達在每幅素描裡,描繪他所謂於2002年8月在泰國一處CIA秘密處所內受到的特殊刑求 伎倆。丹博教授的報告採用第一手描述、政府內部備忘錄、受刑人回憶錄及參議院2014年 分析刑求的專案報告。當初朱貝達被誤成蓋達高幹,刑求計畫起初是為他設立。 ●水刑(waterboarding) 朱貝達在素描裡描繪自己全裸被綁於板上,被人蒙著頭後向他的臉灌水;他的素描還有一 個地方是過去所未揭露-頭躺的地方有個絞鍊能讓犯人頭後仰以便水能傾注。他曾描述說 「他們不斷灌水,全都集中在我的口鼻,直到我覺得快溺斃,我當時因缺氧覺得胸腔都快 爆開了」。 ●受迫姿勢(stress position) 朱貝達畫出,他全身赤裸、手腕高舉過頭銬在監獄柵欄,被迫得踮起腳尖,並形容「我以 這個姿勢站立好幾個小時,獄卒看到我的手變白才會讓我坐到椅子」。 ●屈身上銬(short shackling) 朱貝達畫出自己被套頭、以宛如腹中胎兒的姿勢銬住四肢,然後被鐵鍊綁在牢房柵欄限制 行動。 ●撞牆 (walling) 素描裡,朱貝達畫出獄卒一手以毛巾圍著他的脖子並拉緊,另一手推他的頭撞向水泥牆上 所墊的木牆。 朱貝達形容「他不斷推我的頭撞牆,每次都會有那麼一瞬間眼睛一黑」,當他跌坐地面上 ,獄卒會把他拽起,造成他的脖子流血,然後賞他耳光。 ●大小禁閉箱(confinement box) 素描顯示在大禁閉箱裡,朱貝達被剃光頭、裸身手腳上銬,坐在一個可當馬桶的桶子上, 「置身黑暗裡,只能坐在桶上,空間極為狹窄」。他形容被拘於一個看似木製棺材的一個 大木箱,一個守衛將木箱豎直,並說「從現在起這就是你的家」。 至於小禁閉箱,朱貝達形容猶如狗籠,「當他們把我鎖進去後,我盡我所能想坐起,但一 點辦法都沒有,箱子太短了,我想屈身但也很困難,因為太窄了」。他就這樣被迫以腹中 胎兒的姿勢銬在箱裡,「這太痛苦了,逼得我無意識地尖叫」。 ●剝奪睡眠(sleep deprivation) 朱貝達憶及,中情局幹員將他平躺或平趴地面銬住四肢,用痛苦的姿勢讓他無法睡覺;他 說這種剝奪睡眠一搞就是兩、三週甚至更久,「我感覺彷彿永無止盡,當我覺得快睡著時 ,守衛就用水潑醒我」。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IA/M.1575743991.A.FBC.html

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※ 編輯: kwei ( 美國), 12/08/2019 09:02:23

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麼大到被國際關注。且這id本來就中國來的啊 ia板就看的人
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12/08 14:25, 4年前 , 10F
少 所以幾個中國人聲音好像特別大聲。往好處想,至少他們
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