[編譯] 武器貿易公約

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算是延續前幾個星期的討論 這篇文章當下應該是還沒開始 因為發生了些插曲 阿聯提案讓巴勒斯坦以完整會員國身分與會 然後美國和一些國家就走人了 3 Things You Need to Know About the Arms Trade Treaty 來源:UN Dispatch http://tinyurl.com/84xsg9t 其他可參考來源: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_Trade_Treaty 2. http://www.un.org/disarmament/ATT/ 1) Domestic pressure groups here in the United States have spent years trying to cast this treaty as something it is not. They have insinuated that somehow this is a UN attempt to trample on Americans’ constitutionally protected right to bear arms . The treaty, though, would do nothing of the sort. Rather, it would only apply to the international transfer of the titles of weapons. There will be no prohibition on domestic weapons sales; there won’t even be prohibitions on bringing your gun on a hunting trip abroad. The treaty emphatically only covers the international sale or transfer of title of arms. 美國國內壓力團體花了數年心力,嘗試讓這個條約偏離他原本的樣貌。他們暗指這是聯合 國意圖踐踏美國憲法所保護,人民能擁有武力的權利。然而事實上,這個條約跟這完全沒 有關係,而僅僅適用於國際所有稱為武器的交易行為。這完全不影響到國內的武器交易, 也不會禁止你把你的槍帶出國。再次強調,這個條約僅僅涵蓋國際銷售或交易。 2) The end goal of these talks is to have a text for a legally binding treaty that would prevent the sale or transfer of arms to groups likely to use the weapons to commit human rights abuses. (Think: keeping AK-47s out of the hands of child soldiers.) To that end, the key issue of these negotiations is whether or not to explicitly prohibit (rather than merely discourage) arms transfers to a group deemed to be human rights abusers. In treaty language, this means whether or not the phrase ”you shall not transfer if…” will survive or be replaced with something less absolute (like: ”you should take into consideration…,” or, take all appropriate measures to prevent…” 會談最後目標在於:擬出一份具有法律拘束力的文件,以預防任何可能造成人權侵犯的武 力轉移行為(想想那些小朋友手上的AK47)。其中關鍵的議題在於:能否達成明確禁 止(而非只是不鼓勵discourage)對於可能進行人權侵犯行為的團體的武器轉移。以條約的 語言來說,這代表到底是「你不應該(shall not)...」、「你得想想要不要.(take into consideration)..」或是「採取任何合適措施來預防...」 3) For this treaty to make the leap from being a nice piece of paper to having some real world consequences requires that the worlds two largest arms traders, the USA and Russia, abide by its strictures. The negotiations will follow regular UN procedures of consensus. Sentences and phrases will only be included in the final treaty when every country agrees. When there are disagreements, they are put to a vote; but for political reasons, these votes are rare. (The more widely accepted the treaty, the better). Russia and the USA will hold the most sway during these disagreements, because members that want a good faith Arms Trade Treaty know that they need the support of Russia and the USA to make a dent on the ground. 對於一個從紙上談兵到付諸實現的過程,這個條約需要當今兩大軍火(之王)交易(走私) 國的支持。談判過程將依循聯合國模式, 所有具體的字句與詞彙只有當最後條約獲得所有國家同意時才會出現。 如果有任何對條約異議者,就會對其進行投票,然而在政治因素之下,很 少進行表決(因為在產生決議與共識的過程中,都會希望愈多國家同意愈好)。 對於那些希望出現一個友善的武器交易條約的會員國而言, 他們瞭解:當異議出現,俄國和美國即是兩個最有支配力的國家, 他們的支持就是最大的進展。 Chances are the US Senate will not ratify this treaty anytime soon, but that doesn’t meant that it won’t necessarily be followed in practice. Most provisions of the Law of the Sea, for example, are already followed by the US government and military. 至於其他變數,得考量到美國參議院近期不可能同意該條約,但這並不代表一切無望。最 近的海洋法為例,就成功得到了美國政府與軍方的採納。 ----------------------- 附上一篇跟台灣有關的文章 http://newtalk.tw/news_read.php?oid=25962 新頭殼 newtalk - 專家:UN武器交易條約不利美對台軍售 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: voglish 來自: (07/03 19:43)
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