[編譯] 敘利亞暴亂仍未停歇

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來源:半島 http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2012/04/20124572353872909.html Fresh clashes in Syria ahead of UN mission 聯合國任務前,敘利亞的鎮壓情形 Fierce clashes have been reported between Syrian government forces and opposition fighters in Douma, near the capital Damascus, and in other parts of the country, amid doubts over the government's declared commitment to meeting an imminent ceasefire deadline. 根據報導,在各方對於敘利亞政府承諾停火死線質疑之下, 該政府與反對派之間,於大馬士革附近的多馬及其他地區, 再度爆發激烈衝突 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Thursday that violence against civilians had not stopped and the year-long conflict was getting worse. 潘基文星期四表示,這場持續一年來,針對平民的暴行並未停止,而且正在惡化 "Despite the Syrian government's acceptance of the joint special envoy's [Kofi Annan's] plan of initial proposals to resolve the crisis, the violence and assaults in civilian areas have not stopped," Ban told the UN General Assembly. 「儘管敘利亞政府接受了安南的計畫,但是對人民的暴行與攻擊並未停止。」 "The situation on the ground continues to deteriorate," he said. 「並且情勢正持續惡化」 The continuing violence comes as a UN monitoring team led by Major General Robert Mood is expected in Damascus on Thursday to review the government's promise of a troop withdrawal to army bases by April 10. 這場持續進行中的暴行,發生於由Robert Mood將軍所帶領的聯合國觀察團星期四 抵達大馬士革之前,觀察團的目的在於監視該政府是否在四月十日前確實撤軍 Major General Mood is a former chief of staff of the Norwegian armed forces and former head of the UN's Jerusalem-based UNTSO Middle East peacekeeping mission. Mood將軍是前任挪威陸軍參謀聯席會主席(?),也是前任聯合國停戰監督組織 耶路撒冷中東維和任務的負責人 The UN Security Council is calling on Syria "to urgently and visibly" fulfill its pledge to halt the use of troops and heavy weapons in cities and towns by 6am Syria time on April 12, giving the government and opposition groups 48 hours to end all hostilities. 聯合國安理會要求敘利亞「立即且清楚地實踐承諾」:給予雙方兩天時間終止所有 敵對行為,也就是於敘利亞時間四月十二日早上六點前停止動武。 The UN is already asking member nations to contribute about 200 to 250 soldiers who would monitor the ceasefire. 聯合國正要求會員國提供200至250名的部隊以監督停火。 Challenge for Annan Annan said the government had told him it had started a "partial withdrawal" from Idlib, Zabadani and Deraa. But he told the UN General Assembly that it had not been confirmed and there were "alarming levels" of deaths still being reported. 安南說,敘利亞政府向他表示,他們正進行「局部撤軍」:包括從伊德里布,薩巴達尼, 以及德拉等城市撤回部隊。但安南對聯合國大會坦承,這項承諾並沒有得到 更進一步的確認,而且根據報導,達到「警戒等級」的死亡人數仍然持續發生。 The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Thursday that Syrian troops backed by tanks stormed Douma at dawn amid heavy gunfire and shelling. 「敘利亞人權觀察」星期四表示,敘利亞部隊在坦克及強大火力的掩護下, 於清晨強攻多馬城 The UK-based activist group said clashes between soldiers and rebel forces were reported in various parts of the city, which is located about 10km northwest of the capital. 這個英國行動團體指出,根據報導鎮壓行為仍在這個距離首都十公里的城市裡 持續進行著 Activists in Douma said snipers on 20 buildings were firing at "anything that moved" and that residents had endured eight hours of shelling. They said soldiers marched into a main square behind detainees used as human shields. 多馬城內的行動團體成員表示,狙擊手埋伏在二十棟建物上, 對「任何移動物」進行射擊,而且該地居民已經承受了八小時的轟炸。 他們指出,軍人利用被居留的囚犯作為人肉盾牌,前往城裡的主廣場。 Plumes of smoke could be seen rising near the city's main mosque as troop reinforcements were sent in, the group said. 該團體表示,在援軍進入之後,羽狀的煙霧在該城主清真寺附近四處竄起。 Two young men were killed early on Thursday in Kfar Sousa, a neighbourhood of Damascus, when security forces opened fire on their car, the Observatory said. 該觀察團體表示: 之前有兩位年輕人在星期四於大馬士革鄰近的喀法蘇沙地區,在車上被軍隊殺害 Activist groups reported at least 33 people, including 14 soldiers, killed on Thursday, 16 of them in the city of Homs and 14 in Idlib province, along with more than 50 dead nationwide on Wednesday. 行動團體報導,至少有三十三人於週四死亡,包括十四名軍人。其中十六名在荷姆斯, 另外十四名在伊德里布省。全國在週三當天有超過五十人死亡。 Violence across the country has left at least 170 people dead so far this week, despite a pledge by President Bashar al-Assad to implement a peace plan brokered by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan. 儘管阿塞德承諾將實踐安南提出的和平計畫, 但這場跨越全國的暴行本週已經造成至少170人死亡 Annan is expected to visit Iran on April 11 to discuss the peace efforts with the nation's leaders, who have been steadfast in their support for the Assad government. 安南預計將於四月十一日前往伊朗,,將與這個堅定支持阿塞德政府的 國家領袖討論對該地區的和平各種努力和方式。 "The [Syrian government's] track record is that it responds gingerly and slowly to regional and international pressure - then gives in just enough to gain more time," Rami Khouri of the Issam Fares Institute told Al Jazeera. Issam Fares 研究組織成員Rami Khouri向半島電視台表示:「過去(敘利亞政府)的 紀錄表示,他們一向謹慎且緩慢地回應各界壓力,藉此取得更多的時間」 "The likelihood is that they will continue to give in to some of the demands of the Annan plan. But the context is different now, with the Chinese and Russians pushing for the plan to go ahead." 「現在可能的情形是,他們將會繼續要求安南計畫上討價還價。 但是現在情形不同的是,中國和俄國都希望推動這項計畫」 Fighting continues Meanwhile, five soldiers were killed in two separate attacks in the northern province of Aleppo and in southern Deraa, the cradle of the revolt that broke out last March against Assad's government. Clashes were also reported in several towns in Aleppo province. 同時,五名軍人在北方的Aleppo,以及南方Deraa這兩個省被殺害,後者是 這場三月敘利亞革命的搖籃。同時根據報導,鎮壓活動也在Aleppo省部份城鎮進行。 "The Syrian army is bombing all around the governates of Idlib and Aleppo," Al Jazeera's Anita McNaught said, reporting from the Turkish-Syrian border. "Families able to are fleeing to Turkey for safety." 「敘利亞政府軍正在轟炸伊德里步與阿勒波省,有能力的家庭都為了安全逃往土耳其」 半島電視台記者Anita MacNaught於土敘邊界報導。 Our correspondent also said, "The way the Syrian army has positioned itself now is to cut off escape routes," and that there are no signs fighting has halted. 他表示,「敘利亞軍隊計畫切斷逃亡路線」而且目前並沒有任何顯示戰鬥停止的訊息。 McNaught also added that shabiha thugs are likely to remain as undeclared pro-government forces even when the visible army units pull out. 他還說,Shabiha thugs組織依然未公然宣布支持政府,這支顯然支持政府的 軍隊正在撤軍(不確定) The US on Wednesday criticised the "intensification" of violence against opponents of the regime, despite Assad's pledge to implement Annan's six-point peace plan by April 10. 儘管阿塞德宣示將於四月十日前實踐安南的六點和平計畫, 美國仍於週三批評這場持續加劇的暴行 "We've yet to be convinced that they have any intention of complying with the April 10 deadline," US State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters. 美國國務院發言人表示:「我們不相信敘利亞政府有任何遵守該停火期限的企圖。」 The unrest in Syria has left more than 9,000 people dead since last year, according to UN figures, raising fears that the unrest could spill into outright civil war. 根據聯合國的數據,去年起這場敘利亞的暴亂已經導致超過九千人死亡,引發可能 擴散為內戰的恐懼 The UN also says one million Syrians are in need of humanitarian assistance and that tens of thousands are seeking refuge in neighouring countries. 聯合國也表示數以百萬計的敘利亞人急需人道救援,另外還有數萬人在鄰國尋求難民協助 Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, said on Wednesday that under-equipped rebels would never be able to defeat Syria's military, and warned of interminable bloodshed if the violence continued. 俄羅斯外長Lavrov於週三表示,裝備不足的反抗軍不可能打敗敘利亞軍隊,而且 他警告,如果暴亂持續進行,永無止盡的流血事件將不斷發生 "It is clear as day that even if the Syrian opposition is armed to the teeth, it will not be able to defeat the government's army," the Interfax news agency quoted Lavrov as saying while on a visit to Azerbaijan. 「即使敘利亞反抗軍有充足的武力,他們也無法打敗政府軍。」 俄羅斯國際文傳通訊社引用Lavrov在前往亞賽拜然中表示 "Instead, there will be carnage that lasts many, many years - mutual destruction." 「而這樣會導致延續數年的大屠殺,以及雙方相互的毀滅。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: voglish:轉錄至看板 DIP_Academic 04/06 17:08
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