[新聞] G20財長會議著重經濟復甦所面臨的挑戰

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標題:G20 nations stress economic recovery challenges G20財長會議著重經濟復甦所面臨的挑戰 新聞來源: (須有正確連結) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/10245212.stm G20 finance ministers have said the recovery from the global economic crisis has been faster than expected, but significant challenges remain. Meeting in South Korea, the ministers and central bankers from the world's leading economies said excessive budget deficits should be tackled immediately. They did not come to any agreement on a global bank tax. The meeting sets the agenda for a summit of G20 leaders in Toronto on 26-27 June. "The recent volatility in financial markets reminds us that significant challenges remain and underscores the importance of international co-operation," the final statement from finance ministers said. Recent events "highlight the importance of sustainable public finances", it added. The statement also said the financial sector should make a "fair and substantial contribution" to future rescue deals - but did not refer to any bank tax. A global bank tax is supported by the US and Europe, but opposed by some developing nations, as well as Canada and Australia. The final statement did signal tougher guidelines for banks on how much capital they should hold in reserve. The ministers also called for more transparency, regulation and supervision for hedge funds, credit rating agencies, compensation practices and over-the-counter derivatives. 註:Financial Times的報導也相當不錯 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/786776b4-708f-11df-96ab-00144feabdc0.html ------------- 個人評論: G20財長會議正在韓國釜山進行,各國財長與央行代表都出席這場會議,延續金融海 嘯以來的討論重點,包括經濟復甦、金融改革等相關議題。對於各國來說,這場會議同時 也決定六月底G20元首高峰會的議程,其政治經濟的重要性非同小可。由於涉及各國利益, 會議中的歧見也相當多,約有以下三項。 1.是否徵收「銀行稅」? 美國與歐洲國家贊成未來由一個國際機構向世界各國央行徵稅,作為管理央行的手段,以 及協助全球經濟恢復,然而這個提議被加拿大、澳洲及開發中國家所反對,故胎死腹中。 2.公共投資是否對世界經濟有益? 根據上次G20公報的內容,各國承諾強化公共投資直到世界經濟復甦,目前雖然復甦的成 果超過預期,但南歐金融危機卻使各國對此議題改弦易轍,認為良好的財政比公共投資更 重要,如果大舉國債來刺激國內經濟,反而會造成效率低落,甚而癱瘓財政,間接傷害世 界經濟,但如何監督各國維持良好財政,仍是一個問題。 3.如何建立國際規範? 雖然前次G20會議已提議建立國際金融監管制度、以及設定規則杜絕金融衍生性商品、強 化信評機構的能力,但至今仍是各國各自為政,沒有一套完整與透明的規範,而這次的財 長會議很有可能著重於此議題的討論。 以上三大爭議,或許未來也會放到G20首長高峰會的議程,我們仍需繼續觀察。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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