[新聞] 日本首相鳩山由紀夫因沖繩問題宣佈辭職

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標題:Japanese PM Yukio Hatoyama resigns amid Okinawa row 新聞來源: BBC新聞網 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/asia_pacific/10211314.stm Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has announced his resignation after just eight months in office. He was forced out after breaking an election pledge to move an unpopular US military base away from the southern island of Okinawa. The move comes as his Democratic Party of Japan (DJP) struggles to revive its chances in an election due in July. The centre-left DPJ's election landslide last year ended half a century of conservative rule in Japan. But wrangling over the base distracted attention from their broader aims - pursuing a more equal alliance with the US, a bigger welfare state, and to seize control of policy-making from the bureaucracy, says the BBC's Roland Buerk in Tokyo. Mr Hatoyama, 63, was Japan's fourth prime minister in four years. Broken promise Until Tuesday night, Mr Hatoyama had insisted he would stay on while intermittently holding talks with key members of his Democratic Party of Japan. But he announced his resignation at a special meeting of DJP lawmakers on Wednesday. He said he had asked Ichiro Ozawa, the party's secretary general - known as the "Shadow Shogun" for his power behind the scenes - to go too. Mr Hatoyama had been under pressure to quit since last week when it was confirmed that an unpopular US base would be staying on Okinawa. For months he had searched fruitlessly for an alternative location to fulfil a pledge to move it off the island or even out of Japan altogether, our correspondent says. When he failed his governing coalition split. Members of his party had feared with him at the top they would be trounced in mid-term elections to the upper house of parliament expected next month, our correspondent says. The DPJ's next leader will have to take the party into mid-term elections to the upper house of parliament expected next month. Possible successors include Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Naoto Kan, with Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada and Transport Minister Seiji Maehara also seen as possible contenders. 附註:紐約時報的觀點另有不同 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/world/asia/02japan.html?ref=global-home ------------- 個人評論: 日本首相鳩山由紀夫於今日兩院議員大會上宣佈下台,週二才公開宣佈不會下台的 鳩山,似乎無法繼續承受政策失敗的打擊,經過協商後,民主黨幹事長小澤也宣佈辭職。 若從政策面來看,鳩山政府自去年上任以來有三大方向, 1.日本外交必須自主,因此要求美軍撤出沖繩,也期待跟中國建立緊密關係,更提出「 東亞共同體」的概念。 2.財政與稅賦改革,避免日本經濟繼續泡沫化,中間偏左的民主黨期待與社民黨合作, 希望能在家庭津貼的減免與公共投資增加上達成共識。 3.政治革新,改變日本政府由官僚掌控的局面,修正政治僵化導致無法改革的體制,強 調以專業的「政治人」作為行政核心,內閣必須掌握大權。 但三者皆面臨失敗,最後美國海軍陸戰隊續留普天間基地,外相岡田似也表現平平,沒 有在東亞事務上取得重要功績。財政改革上似乎與社民黨意見不合,造成其離開聯合內 閣。在政治革新上似乎也無法壓抑官僚的勢力,許多政治決策仍照搬傳統模式。這些因 素造成鳩山政府民意支持度大跌,僅剩17%。但目前民主黨仍握有國會優勢,已宣佈週 五將會選出新任黨代表,但不論如何,回顧去年民主黨以壓倒票數擊敗自民黨,今年的 民主黨必須在政策上更加謹慎,大開支票只會讓人民覺得受騙。 -- \\//\\ / 2010 大專青年外交經貿研習營 @ \@ 台灣需要國際化的公民 http://dyat2010.com / //﹀\\ / ╰═╯ ◤ 歡迎您踴躍加入 詢問指教 _ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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