[新聞] 歐巴馬與俄國簽署裁核條約

看板IA作者 (逆天而行的黑奴)時間14年前 (2010/04/08 19:36), 編輯推噓1(101)
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標題:Barack Obama to sign nuclear treaty with Russia 歐巴馬與俄國簽署裁核條約 新聞來源: (須有正確連結) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/apr/08/barack-obama-nuclear-treaty-russia "Barack Obama to sign nuclear treaty with Russia" ‧ US and Russian presidents arrive in Prague for signing ‧ Arms treaty will slash two countries' nuclear arsenals by a third The US president, Barack Obama, has arrived in Prague in the Czech Republic to sign an arms treaty with Russia that will slash their respective nuclear arsenals by a third. The new treaty, to be signed in mid-morning by Obama and the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, will cut their strategic nuclear warheads to 1,550 over seven years, about a third less than the 2,200 currently allowed. Obama is returning to Prague one year after he outlined his vision before an enthusiastic crowd for a world without nuclear weapons. The speech helped him win the Nobel peace prize, but Obama has acknowledged that eliminating nuclear weapons is unlikely to be achieved during his lifetime. The agreement to reduce nuclear warheads by a third succeeds the 1991 strategic arms reduction treaty (Start), which expired in December. It will have to be ratified by the US Senate – where conservative Republicans can be expected to give it a rough ride – and the Russian parliament. In addition to the warhead limit, the US and Russia must cut their total land, sea and air-based launchers to 800 each, and no more than 700 actually deployed within seven years. While that will leave plenty of nuclear weapons to destroy the world several times over, it marks a big drop from the total of 19,000 strategic warheads both sides deployed during the cold war. Obama wants to move for even deeper cuts but faces Russian reluctance because of American plans to build a missile defence system in Europe to counter a possible Iranian threat. Russia argues that antiballistic missile systems could neutralise its smaller arsenal. Even as Obama pushes for deep cuts in nuclear weapons, the Washington Post reported that the Pentagon is developing a weapon to plug the gap left by nuclear warheads: missiles armed with conventional warheads that could strike anywhere in the world in less than an hour. US military officials say the intercontinental ballistic missiles, known as prompt global strike weapons, are a necessary new form of deterrence against terrorist networks. Obama will have to balance his desire for deep cuts against the more immediate goal of keeping Russia on side to ratchet up the pressure on Iran and its suspected nuclear weapons programme. The US is seeking another round of sanctions against Tehran and Obama is also courting support from China, which recently signalled its willingness to adopt a tougher line towards Iran. Obama's trip to Prague is part of an intensive round of nuclear diplomacy. On Tuesday, the US released the results of a comprehensive nuclear strategy review in which the US committed itself for the first time not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states provided that they are party to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and in compliance with their nuclear non-proliferation obligations – a caveat that leaves North Korea and Iran. Next week, Obama welcomes to Washington the leaders of 46 countries, including the Chinese president, Hu Jintao, for a summit meeting on nuclear security. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 個人評論: 美俄雙方簽署戰略核武裁減條約,將在7年內共同削減近1600顆核彈頭。此條約被 簡稱為START,這次是歷史上的第三次美俄裁減。近期內歐巴馬更會與胡錦濤商議雙方 核武問題。個人認為,核武在冷戰末期已成為一種政治性威嚇,如今則成為政治工具。 美國4/6才剛宣佈新的核武政策,4/8號就跟俄羅斯達成新的協議,可見這是一連串的政 治動作。歐巴馬或許想藉由削減核武塑造和平形象,並藉此聯合中俄兩大核武國,目的 可能是針對目前正在發展核武的伊朗,希望藉由中美俄三方施壓,停止伊朗的核武企圖。 中俄可在施壓伊朗的過程中獲得美國對其國內政策議題的支持,美國則在核武議題上得 到中俄背書。同時,塑造核子和平形象也有助於國際民意上的支持。這種軟硬兼施的「巧 實力」國際策略,或許比過去美國單方的武力嚇阻更有作用。 -- \\//\\ / 議端》 國際新聞評論(臉書小社團) @ \@ 台灣需要國際化的公民 http://tinyurl.com/ybawgsl / //﹀\\ / ╰═╯ ◤ 歡迎您自由加入批判指教 _ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/08 23:46, , 1F
果然 歐巴馬舞劍 意在伊朗
04/08 23:46, 1F

04/09 11:28, , 2F
04/09 11:28, 2F
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