[編譯] 美處理宏國政變如履薄冰

看板IA作者 (宇崎)時間15年前 (2009/07/01 04:06), 編輯推噓1(102)
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引自洛杉磯時報,網址: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/    la-fg-honduras-obama30-2009jun30,0,756706.story U.S. treads carefully with Honduras crisis Obama administration officials seek a political solution and make no threats of sanctions. 美處理宏國危機如履薄冰 --華府官員尋求政治解決而非國際制裁 By Paul Richter June 30, 2009 Reporting from Washington — After failing to stave off a military coup in Honduras, the Obama administration moved gingerly Monday to try to undo it, leaving key levers of U.S. influence untouched as it urged Hondurans and other countries in the region to seek a settlement.   企圖趕走宏都拉斯軍事政變的努力失敗後,歐巴馬政府週一開始對宏國 政變小心謹慎,並未運用美國的關鍵影響力催促宏都拉斯與該區域其他國家 尋求解決。 The administration's approach appeared designed to avoid damaging Washington's ties either to U.S.-allied backers of the coup that forcibly removed President Manuel Zelaya or the regional powers that have universally condemned it.   華府選擇的方式是,一方面避免傷害美國與當地支持政變人士的連結, 另一方面同時避免傷害美國與其他發表譴責的區域國家雙邊關係。 President Obama expressed "great concerns" about the strife, and U.S. officials planned on attending a session of the Organization of American States in Washington today to address the situation.   歐巴馬對宏國動亂表示「極度關切」,美國官員也預計將出席今天在 華盛頓召開的美洲國家組織會議,對該局勢發表聲明。 "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the president of Honduras, the democratically elected president there," Obama said after a meeting with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. "In that we have joined all the countries in the region, including Colombia, and the Organization of American States." 歐巴馬表示:「軍事政變不合法,Zelaya 仍是民主選出的宏都拉斯總統。」 But while condemning the overthrow, U.S. officials did not demand the reinstatement of Zelaya. The administration left its ambassador to Honduras in place, while several governments in the region recalled theirs.   但是譴責政變的同時,美國官員並未要求 Zelaya 返國復職。當部分的 區域國家召回大使時,美國仍未召回駐宏都拉斯大使。 And despite control over millions of dollars in aid and massive economic clout, the administration did not threaten sanctions or penalties against Honduras for the formation of a new government the day after Zelaya was dragged from his bed and removed from the country Sunday.   儘管美國控制了數百萬美元金援,以及巨大的經濟影響力,華府並未 向宏都拉斯新政府威脅進行制裁或懲罰。 Before Sunday, Obama administration officials were aware of the deepening crisis and said they spoke to Honduran officials in the hope of resolving the dispute and averting a forced transfer of power.   週日之前,華府官員警覺危機正在深化並表示他們已與宏都拉斯官員對話, 期盼宏都拉斯解決爭議,避免政權經過武力而轉移。 However, senior administration officials said the Honduran military ended those discussions Sunday and refused to take further calls.   然而,華府高層官員表示,週日的官方對話被宏都拉斯軍方片面中斷, 宏國軍方隨後拒絕再次對話。 Now, as U.S. officials assessed the fallout from the first military overthrow in Central America in 16 years, they made it clear Monday that they were looking for a compromise that could restore democracy without risking further upheaval or destroying Honduras' fragile economy.   美國官員現正評估這個 16 年來中美洲首見的軍事政變的餘波。美國官員 週一表示,他們刻正尋求折衷方案,期能在恢復民主的同時,避免進一步動亂、 並且不危及宏國脆弱的經濟。 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the political crisis "has evolved into a coup." But U.S. officials had not made a legal determination that the action actually constituted a coup, a finding that would trigger cutoffs of U.S. aid.   美國務卿柯林頓表示這場政治危機「已成為一場政變」。但美國官員迄未 將這場危機解釋為法律上的「政變」意義,倘若如此,美國將可能中斷金援。 Clinton said the United States joined regional powers in condemning the move, and was working with other Latin American countries to find a way to restore "full democratic and constitutional order in the country."   柯林頓表示美國與區域國家同聲譴責這個行動,並與拉丁美洲國家攜手 找尋恢復宏都拉斯「完全民主與憲政秩序」的方法。 U.S. officials are "considering the implications" of the takeover.   美國官員表示,現正「實際考慮」接手此事。 "This has been a fast-moving set of circumstances over the last several days," Clinton said. "If we were able to get a . . . status quo that returned to the rule of law and constitutional order within a relatively short period of time, I think that would be a good outcome."   柯林頓說:「過去幾天情勢轉變快速,如果能在相當短暫的期間內 恢復法律與憲政秩序,我認為這會是好的結果。」 Zelaya has tried to nudge his country leftward in recent years, forging closer ties with such stridently anti-U.S. regional leaders as Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Cuba's Castro brothers. When Zelaya in recent weeks began to push to amend the constitution to end term limits, angering his country's military and political establishment, U.S. officials expressed worry.   Zelaya 近幾年企圖將宏都拉斯帶向左翼發展,與區域中的反美領袖建立 緊密連結,如委內瑞拉的查維茲與古巴的卡斯楚。Zelaya 過去幾週企圖修憲 取消總統任期制,此舉激怒該國軍方與政治體制。美國官員對此表達憂慮。 Successive U.S. administrations have had close political, military and economic ties to Honduras. In the 1980s, Honduran officials aided U.S. efforts against the leftist government of Nicaragua and insurgents in El Salvador.   美國政府與宏都拉斯的政治、軍事與經濟關係向來緊密。在1980年代, 宏都拉斯官員協助美國對抗尼加拉瓜左翼政府與薩爾瓦多叛亂。 Remittances from Honduran immigrants to the U.S. account for about one-quarter of the country's gross domestic product, and 70% of Honduras' exports go to the U.S.   宏都拉斯裔移民從美國匯回宏都拉斯的金額總數高達宏都拉斯 GDP 的四分之一, 宏國出口有百分之七十銷往美國。 U.S. officials have strong ties to the political and business elites who have opposed Zelaya's conduct, including his push to lift constitutional limits on his presidential term.   反對 Zelaya 延任行為的宏都拉斯政治商業菁英,與美國的關係緊密。 And the U.S. military has strong ties to the Honduran military, which sent troops to Iraq in a sign of support for the U.S. effort there. About 600 U.S. military personnel are stationed at the Soto Cano Air Base, about 60 miles northwest of the capital city, Tegucigalpa.   美國軍方與宏國軍方的關係亦同,為了宣示支持美國,宏國軍方派遣軍隊 前往伊拉克。美軍亦在距離宏國首都西北方約60哩的空軍基地駐守600名軍力。 But administration officials did not explain why talks to avert the coup broke down, and Venezuela's Chavez led Washington's critics in charging that the U.S. had a hand in the overthrow, an allegation the administration dismissed.   但華府不願解釋為何華府與宏國軍方的對話中斷。委內瑞拉總統查維茲 把批評指向華府,控訴美國是政變的幕後推手。華府對此予以否任。 Nonetheless, Obama offered a frank appraisal of U.S. history in the region, referring to Washington's involvement in many of the region's coups over the last century.   但是歐巴馬卻坦言,歷史上,美國曾染指上個世紀中南美洲發生的多次政變。 "The United States has not always stood as it should with some of these fledgling democracies," he said at the White House.   他在白宮說:「美國並沒有一直與新創的民主政府站在一起。」 "But over the last several years I think both Republicans and Democrats in the United States have recognized that we always want to stand with democracy, even if the results don't always mean that the leaders of those countries are favorable towards the United States."   歐巴馬說:「但過去幾年,我想無論是美國的共和黨或民主黨,都確信 我們永遠希望與民主站在一起,即使這些經由民主選出的領袖並非永遠都對 美國友善。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Uzaki 來自: (07/01 04:07)

07/01 19:14, , 1F
移民那段 應該是 美國的宏都拉斯僑民匯回的金額
07/01 19:14, 1F

07/01 19:14, , 2F
07/01 19:14, 2F

07/01 19:14, , 3F
不是匯往美國 是從美國匯回宏都拉斯
07/01 19:14, 3F
感謝指正,已修改。 ※ 編輯: Uzaki 來自: (07/01 19:29)
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