[編譯] 赤柬監獄指揮官坦承施行人體實驗

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原文引自曼谷郵報 http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/asia/146188/ krouge-jail-chief-tells-of-experiments-blood-draining 前赤柬監獄指揮官坦承進行人體實驗與放血   前赤柬監獄指揮官週一在聯合國支持的柬埔寨戰爭罪特別法庭應訊時表示, 赤柬曾對某些囚犯放血至死,或進行人體醫學實驗。   Kaing Guek Eav 以化名 Duch 聞名於世,他在赤柬時期主掌曾拷打並處決 達 1 萬 5 千人的 Toul Sleng 監獄。Duch 在庭上坦承,囚犯首先被當做外科 手術研究與訓練時的施作對象,之後他們就被放血。   Duch 曾申明對囚犯被放血而死的事情一無所知,然證據使他坦承犯下罪行。   Duch 在這個引人注目的早晨接受反人道罪審判,當他提及囚犯在獄中被 凌遲的情況時,明顯變得極為焦躁,法官最後給他一些時間休息,以恢復平靜。   Duch 也告訴法官,赤柬領導人 Pol Pot 仍認為這些施加拷打迫出的供詞是 假的。Duch 說:「Pol Pot 一時之間甚至不相信這些供詞內容是真的資訊。」 Duch 進一步表示,他自己也不相信大多數的供詞,並告訴法官他如何被國防部長 Son Sen 召見,詢問 Duch 為何下屬一直問不出任何有關 CIA 的資訊。   Duch 說:「我被要求找出 CIA 臥底...最後有好幾個人承認。我的結論是, 沒有任何一個真的是臥底。」他並表示,有一次甚至因為某人聲稱是蘇聯間諜 的事件而與長官發生衝突。此後,許多囚犯也向他的下屬供稱為蘇聯的 KGB 工作。 然而, Duch 仍宣稱他對某些在監獄裡被處決的囚犯表達同情之意。   Duch 在法庭上陳述,他從未批准使用電擊生殖器的方式刑求人犯。當他 得知男訊問者性虐待女囚犯一事時,甚至非常憤怒。第二領導人 Nuon Chea 命令他毒死某些囚犯,他也沒有照辦,而是用一些頭痛藥充數。 Duch說: 「如果我把那些毒藥餵給他們,他們就會死掉,我沒有給他們,就是我努力不要 涉及直接殺人。」   在先前進行的戰爭罪與違反人道罪審訊裡,Duch 承認他必須為 1975 年 至 1979 年共產黨暴政負責,並乞求共黨暴政受害者的原諒。然而對檢察官 指控他扮演赤柬核心角色,他一貫否認,並在先前的審問裡堅持他只有親自 刑求兩個人、也從未親手處決任何人。   這位現年 66 歲的前數學教師,在 1999 年就已被柬埔寨當局逮捕。 週一的法庭上,法官裁定他之前是在「接受治療」,法官這麼裁決事出有因, 在開庭之前受到長期拘禁是不合法的。這個裁定對 Duch 而言顯然是個小勝利, Duch 的律師今年 4 月聲稱 Duch 受到非法拘禁,並要求法官除了要在刑期裡 扣除這 10 年外,還要減輕量刑。   Pol Pot 死於 1998 年,許多人相信這次審判是替赤柬暴政受害者找回公理 的最後機會,赤柬專政期間屠殺了將近 200 萬人。   由於聯合國與柬埔寨政府之間長達 10 年的爭執,聯合國支持的柬埔寨法院 戰爭罪特別法庭終於在 2006 年設立。除了 Duch 外,預計明年將開始對其餘 4 名拘押中的前赤柬領導人進行審判。 以下為原文 -------------------------- KRouge jail chief tells of experiments, blood draining By: AFP Published: 16/06/2009 at 07:58 PM The former Khmer Rouge prison chief told Cambodia's UN-backed war crimes court Monday that some inmates had blood completely drained from their bodies or were used for medical experiments. Kaing Guek Eav, better known by his nom de guerre Duch, was answering judges' questions about conditions at Tuol Sleng prison, where he supervised the torture and extermination of up to 15,000 people. "First, live prisoners were used for surgical study and training, second blood drawing was also done," Duch told the court. The testimony represented a new admission of guilt for Duch, who previously stated he knew nothing of prisoners being drained of blood. In the morning of one of the most dramatic days so far in his crimes against humanity trial, Duch at one point became visibly distraught while talking about which prisoners were tortured and judges gave him some time to compose himself. Duch also also told the court that Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot knew prisoners' confessions, usually extracted through torture, were false. "Pol Pot, at one point, did not even believe the confessions were of true information," Duch said. Duch added he also did not believe most confessions and told the court how he was summoned by his superior, defence minister Son Sen, and asked why his staff had not found any information about the CIA's agenda. "It was required for us to seek out CIA agents... As a result, there were many CIA agents in the confessions," Duch said. "All the prisoners, from what I could conclude... who claimed they were CIA agents, no they were not," he said, adding that he ran into further problems with his superiors when one man confessed to being a Soviet agent. Thereafter, he said, his staff also obtained confessions from many prisoners saying they were working for the KGB, the Soviet Union's spy agency. However, Duch also sought to demonstrate he showed compassion for some of the doomed inmates at Tuol Sleng. He told the court he had not approved torture through electrocution of genitals and became "very angry" when he learned a male interrogator had sexual abused a female inmate. He also said he disobeyed an order by "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea to poison several inmates, filling capsules with headache medicine instead. "If they died then they would have died under my own act, giving them the poison. That's why I tried not to be involved in the killing of those people directly," Duch said. Earlier in his trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity, Duch accepted responsibility for his role in the 1975 to 1979 communist regime and begged forgiveness from its victims. He has, however, consistently denied prosecutors' claims that he played a central role in the Khmer Rouge's iron-fisted rule and maintains he tortured only two people himself and never personally executed anyone. The 66-year-old former maths teacher was arrested by Cambodian authorities in 1999 and judges on Monday ruled he was "entitled to a remedy" because it was "unlawful" he had spent so long in detention before the case came to court. The ruling appeared to be a small victory for Duch, whose lawyers in April argued he had been held illegally and urged the judges to compensate by subtracting time from his final sentence and softening their eventual verdict. Pol Pot died in 1998, and many believe the tribunal is the last chance to find justice for victims of the regime, which killed up to two million people. The court was formed in 2006 after nearly a decade of wrangling between the United Nations and the Cambodian government, and is expected next year to begin the trial of four other senior Khmer Rouge leaders also in detention. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Uzaki 來自: (06/17 11:07) ※ 編輯: Uzaki 來自: (06/17 11:08)
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