[編譯] 加薩走廊恐再起戰火

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亞洲 中東 以色列 加薩走廊 For Israel, the Gaza question resurfaces as hostilities resume The truce over, politicians renew the debate over what to do about the Hamas-controlled territory -- this time in the context of approaching elections. 隨著休戰期結束,政治家們重新爭論該如何對處哈瑪斯所控制的區域 此時還要面對即將到來的選舉。 The truce, flawed and half-formed as it was, has ended. The familiar tit-for-tat of Palestinian rocket launches and Israeli airstrikes has already resumed. 伴隨著裂縫及半形成的休戰協定,已告結束。 以往所熟悉的巴基斯坦發射火箭及以色列的空襲,已準備重新發動 Israeli politicians Sunday were once again debating the question: What to do about the Gaza Strip? 以色列政治家們週日將再度討論這個問題:要對加薩走廊採取怎樣的措施? This time the debate is happening in the context of Israeli elections, with all sides striving to look tough enough to lead the Jewish state in its showdown with the militant group Hamas, which controls Gaza. 這次的爭論伴隨著即將展開的以色列選舉,各方將尋求各種方法來領導這個猶太國度 面對控制加薩,已攤牌的哈瑪斯集團。 On Sunday, one of an estimated 19 rockets fired from Gaza struck a home in the southern Israeli city of Sderot, and an Israeli jet attacked what the military said was a rocket-launching site. 週日,加薩所發射的一枚火箭擊中了以色列南方城市Sderot,估計發射了19枚火箭 以色列一架噴射機也攻擊了軍方所稱的火箭發射場。 No serious casualties were reported in either incident, though a militant was reported killed in an Israeli airstrike Saturday. The resumption of active hostilities after the shaky six-month truce ended Friday has increased pressure on the Israeli government to decisively end the stalemate. 兩方都沒有重大傷亡的報告,但有一名武裝份子在週六的以色列空襲中喪生。 在經歷六個月動蕩的休戰期,週五以國政府迫於壓力而採取強硬手法試圖突破僵局 The two front-runners for prime minister, Likud Party chief Benjamin Netanyahu and Kadima party leader Tzipi Livni, both issued strong statements pledging to topple Hamas. The Islamist group won Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006 and took full control of Gaza after a brief unity government with its rival Fatah faction collapsed in 2007. Fatah, seen by the U.S. and Israel as a potential partner in peace, now controls only the West Bank. 兩位率先發難的是總理,Likud Party里庫德黨主席Benjamin Netanyahu 及Kadima party前進黨領導人Tzipi Livni,他們發表強烈的聲明立誓要推翻哈瑪斯 這個伊斯蘭團體在2006一月的大選取得加薩的控制,並與其對手Fatah faction法塔派 在2007組成聯合政府。法塔被視為以國及美國的和平夥伴,現在僅控制約旦河西岸地區 Livni, the current foreign minister, pledged that ending Hamas' reign in Gaza would be her top priority if she is elected. 目前的外交部長Livni,誓言結束哈瑪斯在加薩的統治,這將可能是她在參選的主要政見 "The state of Israel, and a government under me, will make it a strategic objective to topple the Hamas regime in Gaza," Livni told a Kadima gathering, saying that she would use "military, economic and diplomatic" means. Livni在前進黨的聚會上表示:「我若領導以色列這個國家及政府,將會把在加薩推翻 哈瑪斯作為我的戰略性目標,」她宣稱將使用「飛彈、經濟及外交手段」 "Whenever they shoot at Israel, Israel must respond," Livni said 「他們若攻擊以色列,我們也將有所回應」 http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/ la-fg-gaza22-2008dec22,0,3709171.story http://0rz.tw/4d5eu 洛衫磯時報 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 身為台灣人,不可不知天下事 立足台灣,放眼世界 國際事務版 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 PoliticMan 研究 Σ政黨/政治人物研究院 IA 政治 ◎IA國際事務版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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