[編譯] 回來吧,塔克辛

看板IA作者 (炮聲連放貳拾壹響)時間15年前 (2008/12/19 02:16), 編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Dec 18, 2008 Come home Thaksin 回來吧,塔克辛 BANGKOK - THAILAND'S new prime minister called on Thursday for fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra to return home to face justice and bring closure to months of political turmoil that has revolved around him. 泰國新任總理呼籲流亡海外的前總理Thaksin返國面對司法審判,並且讓泰國 數月來圍繞著Thaksin而產生的政治動盪終結。 Mr Abhisit Vejjajiva made the comments a day after being sworn in as Thailand's third prime minister in four months. 在Abhisit宣誓成為泰國四個月來第三任總理的一天後,他做了如上宣示。 Mr Abhisit, a 44-year-old graduate of Oxford, is the first opponent of Thaksin to lead a civilian government in the past seven years. 現年44歲,畢業於牛津大學的Abhisit,是過去七年來第一個執政的Thaksin反對者。 Thaksin, who took power in 2001, was ousted by a coup in 2006 but has nevertheless loomed over Thai politics since then. 而2001年奪下政權的Thaksin,則是在2006年被政變所驅逐,但泰國政治仍隱約有 Thaksin的影子。 A Thai court in October convicted Thaksin in absentia of violating a conflict of interest law while in office and sentenced him to two years in prison. There are several pending corruption cases against Thaksin, a former telecommunications tycoon. 泰國法院10月時在Thaksin缺席的情況下判決Thaksin執政時違反利益法, 並判決 2 年徒刑。執政前是電信鉅子的Thaksin現在仍有數個懸而未決的貪污訴訟。 'I want to see him back,' Mr Abhisit told Channel 7 news. 'If he comes back and fights in court and shows that all Thai people are equal, there will be a closure. 泰國總理告訴Channel 7 新聞說:「我希望看到他回來,如果他能回到法庭辯論, 向大眾宣示泰國人民都是平等的,政治動亂才會終止。」 'Thai society is merciful and forgiving, but first he has to show acceptance in the judicial process,' said Mr Abhisit, who was scrambling to assemble a Cabinet capable of tackling the country's economic and social problems. 刻正籌組內閣,以緊急應付泰國經濟與社會問題的總理Abhisit說:「泰國社會 是寬容大度的,但Thaksin首先要接受司法審判程序。」 Thaksin has lived in self-imposed exile ever since his ouster, surfacing in Britain, Hong Kong, China, Dubai and most recently Bali. Thaksin自從被驅逐下台後,已展開自我流亡的生活,歷來居住在英國、香港、 中國、杜拜與最近的峇里島。 Six months of political tumult have centered on Thaksin, with protesters taking to the streets to demand the government be purged of his allies. The unrest came to a head with an eight-day siege of Bangkok's airports that ended earlier this month. 近6個月以來,泰國政治騷動都因Thaksin而起,示威者走上街頭要求政府清除 尚在政府任職的Thaksin同夥。政治動盪則以被佔領八天的曼谷機場最為嚴重。 Critics had accused Thaksin of operating behind the scenes to assure his allies stayed in power long enough to clear him of corruption charges and help get his remaining riches out of the country. 批評人士指控Thaksin背後導演一場戲,確保他的同夥能持續掌權,幫助他清除 貪污罪名並讓Thaksin仍能在國外維持財富。 The airport siege ended only after a court dissolved the former ruling party, which was packed with Thaksin's allies. The People's Power Party and two members of the ruling coalition were found guilty of committing electoral fraud in the December 2007 elections. 在泰國法院宣布解散以Thaksin同夥為主的前執政黨之後,曼谷機場佔領事件 才終於結束。人民力量黨與執政聯盟的另兩個同盟被判在2007年12月的選舉中 進行電子舞弊。 In his inaugural address on Wednesday evening, Mr Abhisit vowed to reunite the deeply divided nation and to restore Thailand's tourist-friendly image. The airport shutdown battered the country's essential tourism industry and stranded more than 300,000 travelers. Abhisit在週三晚間的就職演說中,誓言讓嚴重分裂的國家重新團結,並恢復 泰國給予外界的旅遊友善國家印象。機場關閉事件重創泰國重要的觀光業, 並困住了超過30萬旅客。 Mr Abhisit said his first priority would be to revive Thailand's economy, which economists say is on the verge of recession. Abhisit表示,上任後將優先復甦泰國經濟,經濟學者認為泰國正處於經濟衰退邊緣。 The previous government forecast a contraction of up to 1 per cent in the first quarter of 2009 and zero growth in the second quarter. 先前的政府展望認為未來將發生通貨緊縮,2009年第一季經濟成長僅1%, 第二季更是零成長。 He also made overtures to the impoverished rural masses who were the foundation of Thaksin's support. 'Today, our country must be united,' he said. 'I am well aware that the political situation is abnormal,' Mr Abhisit said. 'My first job is to end a failed political system.' Abhisit也向支持Thaksin的貧窮鄉村群眾提議:「今天,我們國家必須團結。」 「我清楚認知到政治情勢異於尋常,我的首要任務是終止一個失靈的政治體系。」 His Democrat Party had been in opposition since 2001. Abhisit的民主黨從2001年後就是反對黨。 原文引自新加坡海峽時報: http://www.straitstimes.com/print/Breaking%2BNews/ SE%2BAsia/Story/STIStory_315873.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: abysm 來自: (12/19 02:16)

12/19 02:28, , 1F
沒有塔克辛 或堅持要塔克辛受審 能夠救經濟? 等100年吧!!
12/19 02:28, 1F

12/19 04:20, , 2F
12/19 04:20, 2F

12/19 04:22, , 3F
上半句 和解共生 下半句 回來受死 XD
12/19 04:22, 3F

12/19 14:32, , 4F
一個看起來就很假的政客 頂著高學歷光環 泰國人民真悲哀
12/19 14:32, 4F

12/19 23:23, , 5F
泰國真扯 不滿選舉結果可以一直政變...
12/19 23:23, 5F

12/20 01:03, , 6F
12/20 01:03, 6F

12/20 04:41, , 7F
泰王是重要關鍵 沒他默許搞的成嗎?
12/20 04:41, 7F

12/20 04:42, , 8F
12/20 04:42, 8F
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