[編譯] 剛果的聯合國工作員撤離管道遭到阻塞

看板IA作者 (社會新手)時間15年前 (2008/10/29 12:53), 編輯推噓2(202)
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U.N. Blocked From Pulling Workers Out of Congo With rebels closing in and artillery shells raining down, the United Nations said it decided on Tuesday to extract its aid workers who were holed up in the eastern Congolese village of Rutshuru. 伴隨著叛軍接近和砲殼飛舞,聯合國決定撤出他們藏在Rutshuru,一個剛果東方的村落 ,裡的援助工作員。 But the attempt to evacuate roughly 50 aid workers trapped in the battle zone deep in the forest was halted after furious villagers attacked the armed convoy and blocked the road, United Nations officials said. In the melee, even Congolese government forces fired on the convoy, the officials said. 憤怒的村民攻擊武裝維和部隊,並阻斷道路,但約五十名嘗試脫困 的工作員被困於戰區的森林裡。聯合國官員說, 混戰中甚至能看到剛果政府軍對武裝護送部隊開火。 “The situation was very chaotic,” said Ivo Brandau, a United Nations spokesman in Kinshasa, Congo’s capital. “The convoy had to turn back.” 「情況非常混亂,」聯合國駐剛果首都金夏沙的發言人Ivo Brandau說 「部隊只得回頭。」 United Nations troops deployed helicopters and established infantry lines to try to prevent the rebels from overrunning Rutshuru and from reaching Goma, the provincial capital, said Alan Doss, the top United Nations official in the country. The rebels were breaking up into small groups to try to get around the United Nations forces, he said, but the peacekeepers were determined to try to repulse any attack on Goma, if it came. 聯合國部隊藉直昇機及步兵部隊試圖阻止暴民從Rutshuru往南向省會Goma移動, 聯合國駐剛果最高長官Alan Doss朵斯表示,暴民以小團體行動,試圖要包圍聯合國軍隊, 但維和部隊會擊退任何想攻擊Goma的勢力。 The situation has deteriorated over the past three days in eastern Congo. Mr. Doss said the peacekeeping troops were overstretched in trying to protect the civilian population, which is caught in the middle of vicious fighting between a rebel group and the Congolese Army. In many areas, aid operations have ground to a halt. Hundreds of thousands of people are trying to flee, but it seems to be getting harder and harder to reach them. 在三天前東剛果的情況惡化。朵斯承認維和部隊從暴民集團與剛果陸軍的攻擊中, 保護平民便已捉襟見肘。許多地區的援助工作也已陷入困境。 成千上萬的平民想脫逃,但救助他們卻日益困難。 “We have about 15 trucks loaded with food, and they can’t move,” said Marcus Prior, a spokesman for the United Nations World Food Program in Nairobi. 「我們有15輛卡車可載送物資,但它們不能動。」聯合國世界糧食署發言人Marcus Prior 在奈洛比接受採訪 Mobs of civilians stoned the bases of United Nations forces in both Goma and Rutshuru. One civilian was killed Monday by a stray bullet when United Nations soldiers fired over the heads of the protesters trying to overrun the Goma base, Mr. Doss said from Kinshasa. 朵斯在金夏沙表示,聯合國軍隊在Goma和Rutshuru主要是由非戰鬥人員組成。 聯合國士兵攻擊要佔領Goma基地的暴民首領時,一位平民死於其流彈下。 Mr. Doss, the representative of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Congo, said he understood the civilian frustration, and he urged diplomatic efforts to get all groups together for talks. 朵斯是聯合國秘書長潘基文在剛果的代表,他說他能感受平民挫折,並呼籲 所有能發揮外交影響力的勢力能一起坐下來會談。 “We cannot have a soldier behind every tree, in every field, on every road and in every market; it is impossible,” he said, adding that United Nations forces had been trying to explain to the civilians that by besieging the bases they were slowing efforts to attack the hostile forces. 「我們不能在每顆樹後,每個區域和每個市場都設一個士兵,那不可能。」 是他對要聯合國派兵增援的理由,並且嘗試解釋平民圍繞在基地旁會延緩對敵方勢力的 攻擊反應。 In New York on Tuesday, the United Nations Security Council strongly condemned the offensive and called for a cease-fire. Mr. Doss appeared before the Security Council this month, pleading for an increase in the 17,000 troops he has spread out all over the country, with about 6,000 in the area around Goma. 星期二,紐約的聯合國安理會強烈譴責攻擊並呼籲停火。 朵斯本月稍早曾出席安理會,替他要增兵16000員的計畫進行要求,其中包含6000名 將派往Goma。 The fighting near Goma had made it too dangerous to distribute food in the rural areas, said Mr. Prior, the food program spokesman. In Goma, operations had been suspended because of the level of hostility against the United Nations. 戰爭越接近Goma使得在鄉間分配糧食越來越危險,糧食署發言人Prior說,因為交戰 使得在Goma的行動必須中止。 Eastern Congo has been plagued by violence and insecurity for years and is home to the largest United Nations peacekeeping mission in the world. But the peacekeepers have seemed unable to stop one man, Laurent Nkunda, a renegade Congolese general, who is leading the rebel charge on Goma. 東剛果的暴力問題是聯合國維和部隊全球最大型的任務。但看來他們阻止不了叛亂的剛果 將軍Laurent Nkunda,他率領大批判兵集結在Goma。 For the past several weeks, Mr. Nkunda’s troops have been gobbling up territory and forcing the Congolese government’s forces to retreat. They are now within 10 miles of Goma, and they are employing new hit-and-run tactics that seem to be frustrating the United Nations peacekeepers who are working with the Congolese military to beat back the rebels. 過去數週,Nkunda的兵力急速擴張勢力範圍並壓制政府軍。而且他們顧用暴民進行打帶跑 術,使維和部隊疲於奔命。 The fighting has driven villagers to look for a safe place to hide. Mr. Doss estimated that 100,000 had been displaced in the past few days, although estimates of new displacements were difficult amid people who had moved two and three times. 戰爭使民眾想尋找安全的地方。朵斯估計有十萬民眾在這幾天已經撤離, 但已經流離兩三次的民眾難以估計。 Juliette Prodhan, the country director for Oxfam’s aid programs in Congo, said the volume of people on the road had increased from a few hundred trudging toward Goma to more than 20,000. “There is widespread fear and panic,” she said. 牛津饑荒救助委員會在剛果的主管Juliette Prodhan說,往Goma路上的難民從幾百人增加 至兩萬人以上,她說「那邊充滿了驚慌及恐懼。」 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/29/world/africa/29congo.html?em 紐時 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 身為台灣人,不可不知天下事 立足台灣,放眼世界 國際事務版 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 PoliticMan 研究 Σ政黨/政治人物研究院 IA 政治 ◎IA國際事務版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: amkust 來自: (10/29 12:54)

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我傾向用物資來翻看起來大量的food 不過是載滿沒錯@@
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