[編譯] 美國官員承認突擊敘利亞

看板IA作者 (社會新手)時間15年前 (2008/10/28 12:01), 編輯推噓1(101)
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Officials Say U.S. Killed an Iraqi in Raid in Syria A raid into Syria on Sunday was carried out by American Special Operations forces who killed an Iraqi militant responsible for running weapons, money and foreign fighters across the border into Iraq, American officials said Monday. 星期一美國官方宣稱,一場週日的敘利亞突擊行動,美國特戰隊殺死了一個伊 拉克好戰份子,據信他偷渡包括武器、金錢、以及外國戰士到伊拉克, The helicopter-borne attack into Syria was by far the boldest by American commandos in the five years since the United States invaded Iraq and began to condemn Syria’s role in stoking the Iraqi insurgency. 直昇機載著美國特戰隊員進行突擊任務是首次行動,從五年前攻擊伊拉克並譴責資助 伊拉克境內暴動的敘利亞。 The timing was startling, not least because American officials praised Syria in recent months for its efforts to halt traffic across the border. 此次突擊令人驚訝,至少近來美國官方曾稱讚他們在邊界工作的努力。 But in justifying the attack, American officials said the Bush administration was determined to operate under an expansive definition of self-defense that provided a rationale for strikes on militant targets in sovereign nations without those countries’ consent. 但此次攻擊行動被認為是合法的,美國官員稱布希政府的政策能擴展自衛的權限, 可以在另個主權國家打擊好戰組織,而不須該國的允許。 Together with a similar American commando raid into Pakistan more than seven weeks ago, the operation on Sunday appeared to reflect an intensifying effort by the Bush administration to find a way during its waning months to attack militants even beyond the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan, where the United States is at war. 早在七週前,美國特戰隊就曾突擊巴基斯坦。展現布希政權就算在待接位期間, 依然能在美國發動戰爭的伊拉克及阿富汗境外發動攻擊。 Administration officials declined to say whether the emerging application of self-defense could lead to strikes against camps inside Iran that have been used to train Shiite “special groups” that have fought with the American military and Iraqi security forces. 官員拒絕表示此一自衛權力的擴張是否能付在伊朗境內用來訓練對抗美軍及 伊拉克軍方的「特殊集團」。 American officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the secrecy of the raid said the mission had been mounted rapidly over the weekend on orders from the Central Intelligence Agency when the location of the man suspected of leading an insurgent cell, an Iraqi known as Abu Ghadiya, was confirmed. About two dozen American commandos in specially equipped Black Hawk helicopters swooped into the village of Sukkariyah, near the Iraqi border, just before 5 p.m., and fought a brief gun battle with several militants, including Abu Ghadiya, the officials said. 一位匿名官員表示,此次行動始於週末來自中情局的情報,證實謀叛份子為 伊拉克的Abu Ghadiya。 24名特戰隊員搭乘黑鷹直昇機對位於伊拉克邊界的Sukkariyah村落展開突擊, 官員表示,大概在下午五點左右,與包括了Abu Ghadiya等數名好戰份子有短時間 的槍戰。 It was unclear whether Abu Ghadiya died near his tent on the battlefield or after he was taken into American custody, one senior American official said. 一位高級官員表示,還不知道Abu Ghadiya是否死於槍戰或被美軍保管。 One United States official described Abu Ghadiya as Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia’ s “most prominent” smuggler of foreign operatives crossing the Syrian border into Iraq, and in February the Treasury Department named him as one of four major figures in that group living in Syria. 官員指稱Abu Ghadiya對在美索不達米雅的基地組織來說, 作為在伊敘邊界偷渡外國物資是「特別顯眼」的存在。 而在二月任命他為在敘利亞中的四名主要幹部之一。 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/28/world/middleeast /28syria.html?_r=1&ref=world&oref=slogin http://0rz.tw/3b4XP 紐時 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 身為台灣人,不可不知天下事 立足台灣,放眼世界 國際事務版 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 PoliticMan 研究 Σ政黨/政治人物研究院 IA 政治 ◎IA國際事務版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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